Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on May 21, 2024 · 43 comments

  1. My next door neighbor texted that she had “some extra shade annual flowers.” Of course I said “yes,” (duh!) and assumed it was just a couple of random plants. Instead it was almost an entire flat of impatiens which are perfect for my deeply shady backyard! I’ll now figure out something nice to do for her, as my yard now looks so cheery for the low low cost of free-ninety nine!

    This also prompted me to shuffle my outdoor furniture and potted plants around for a fresh look. Please note my new curb picked ceramic stool/table that’s enjoying life on the back deck.

  2. My daughter has been fighting a nasty cold, so I threw together a big pot of chicken soup and brought a couple quarts over to her apartment. I also diced up a cantaloupe for her. My poor baby.

  3. I’m about halfway through Jodi Picoult’s The Book of Two Ways through the library’s free Libby app. I haven’t been doing much driving or mindless tasks lately, which minimizes my audiobook listening. However, the book is at a very interesting point, which is prompting me to find just one more mindless task.

    I recommend this Egyptology theme book for anyone who enjoyed Zilpha Keatley Snyder’s The Egypt Game as a kid.

  4. • My elderly cat Zelda has transformed into a picky eater and only wants to dine on paté-style canned cat food, which would be fine except that I previously paid good money for a full case of shreds-style cat food. However, I learned that she’ll eat the shreds if I mix them into the paté. How do you say “no food waste” in feline?
    • I stopped by Safeway this afternoon and grabbed eight red and orange peppers for 25¢ apiece, which was the limit. I’ll slice and freeze them for later use.

  5. I didn’t pay any hush money.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 43 comments… read them below or add one }

Lindsey May 21, 2024 at 9:26 am

1. Took our 2014 truck into the dealership for the free airbag replacement; it is part of the national Takata airbag recall. Safety is frugal. We did not succumb to the salesman’s pitch to buy a new truck since our truck is 10 years old. As we were leaving, the repair guy said that our truck was one of the last models made with metal parts that since have been replaced with flimsier parts so to keep holding on to it because it will outlast newer models. We only use the truck for summer chores like dirt hauling so it will outlive us.
2. We have enough property that I forced my husband to get a riding mower; he is too old to push mow our property. That was 10 years ago and when we took it in for a tune-up this week, the crotchety and usually dour shop owner complimented us on keeping it in such good condition and said the newer models in the last decade are made with cheaper parts so ours will outlast them. Good caretaking of possessions is frugal, but I felt like yelling, “What the hell happened 10 years ago that things like trucks and mowers suddenly went from sturdy to cheaply made!?” (I love this place. It is like some throw-back to the 1920s, with old parts stuck everyplace, tools that are rarely used anymore hanging on the walls, old men sitting around in one corner yapping. Even the girly magazine pictures on the wall are faded ones of movie stars from the 50s in two-piece bathing suits.)
3. Had dinner for free at a sit-down restaurant, courtesy of a mystery shop.
4. Stopped by the grocery store for milk and free chocolates and walked out with discounted burger that was at its sell-by date. Always check the marked down meat area.
5. Another day of transplanting, mostly onions and direct seeding carrots, plus watering transplants put into the beds the last few days. Still too cold for tomato and cuke and eggplant seedlings.


Selena May 21, 2024 at 6:57 pm

“What the hell happened 10 years ago that things like trucks and mowers suddenly went from sturdy to cheaply made!?” – greed on steroids. Bean counters that calculated cheapening X & Y parts – maybe more = bigger profit (read: bonus for the big boys and yes, most are still “boys”). The almighty dollar rules, said to say. Never mind the impact to families or the environment.
We still have a local hardware store – it is truly a throw back (including savvy help). Yeah, sometimes the item has dust on it but what the heck. Competent and courtesy staff can’t be beat.


Sandra May 21, 2024 at 9:30 am

I love your patio stool/table. It is impervious to wind and weather. My table is not. I will watch for one like yours, fingers crossed.

I went to a neighborhood garage sale (the best kind) with my daughter on Friday. We didn’t spend a lot, but were pleased with our purchases. For her it was a brand new pair of Sketchers slip-ons. For me it was a new wallet.

I was given a couple of new plants last week and I got them potted up for the patio. Not as bright and colorful as your impatiens, but a nice addition.

My daughter found corn on the cob for 10 cents an ear and gave me three. I made corn chowder. It’s enough for at least 6 meals. I’ve had three already. That fresh corn is so sweet and crunchy.

Taking two friends to a free band concert tonight. My friend is serving soup and sandwiches before we go….such a nice treat, the concert and the meal.


Edie May 21, 2024 at 10:25 am

Here are my 5 tiny frugal things:

1) Decluttered and sorted out my bathroom cabinets: I have enough bath soaks, body creams, body oil and scrubs to outfit a spa. Most are unopened! No shopping for body products for at least several months, if not a year.
2) Got ChipDrop app and I now have a mountain of wood chips! This would have cost serious money if I had gone through Home Depot or even nursery supplies. Next step, spreading the mulch all over! I may need to FINALLY get a garden cart, which is at affordable prices now.
3) Still making a majority of my meals at home- including green juices and smoothies- and I have somehow misplaced 7 pounds.
4) Connect to that, Parkrose High School has a track that is perfect for getting in 10k steps for a power walking routine!
5 ) I voted!


Christine May 21, 2024 at 1:01 pm

Congrats on the misplaced 7 pounds! Sometimes misplacing things really pays off. Nice to have the walking track so close.


Julia May 21, 2024 at 7:03 pm

Voting! Yea! I love voting! I need to look into chip drop again. And I made a note to check out mystery shopping. I did a few years and years ago when they did them through temp agencies.


Ecoteri May 21, 2024 at 1:41 pm

OOOO I wish we had chip drop here = however the local guys don’t want to drive down into my field to drop. sigh.
@Edie, I strongly recommend you TRY a garden cart fully loaded on rough ground. We have one (left by one of the previous young wannabe farmers) and although I will use it (hauling a bale of peat moss? yup) I really prefer my wheelbarrows. The cart has so much resistance with 4 wheels, and my property is mowed but pretty uneven (along with a rather steep section that we are usually going up and down). The cart also won’t take two flats – it is JUST a bit too small and short, so if I carry flats they are on their edge (and once on top on a bread tray which I don’t advise…. that year we had a lot of unlabeled tomato plants, after I carefully pulled them out from under the spilled bread tray and flat… ARGH…)>
So although they LOOK wonderful, I will take a wheelbarrow over a cart any day of the week.


Ashley Bananas May 22, 2024 at 12:41 pm

I buy personal care items on sale often. Whenever funds are low I skip buying them even if they’re on sale because I just dont need them….it’s a blessing and a hoarding/couponing tendency. At least it works in my favor though.


Ava May 21, 2024 at 11:07 am

Katy, could Zelda be having dental problems?


Silke May 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm

I live in Berlin / Germany and guess what, my library too has the Libby app. I checked out the book immediately.
The App is a wonderful Service. I use it all the time for reading on my way to work – riding the underground is nice and safe here. As well as living downtown.


E May 21, 2024 at 2:51 pm

That was my first thought, as well. One of our feline brood started life as a street cat, which translates to bad teeth owing to malnutrition and fights. We adopted him at 4 (the shelter’s best guess), at which point most of his upper teeth had been surgically removed because of cavities and/or breaks. He still has full teeth on the bottom and his upper back molars. He can eat pate and flaked soft food, but shredded or “grilled” style get stuck to the roof of his mouth and make him gag.


Ruby May 22, 2024 at 9:54 am

Our elderly cat was almost 18 years old when he developed an inflammatory disease of his digestive tract. He could eat only little tubes of pureed food or meat baby food most days because his stomach was so irritated. Once in a while we could get him to eat a little low-sodium canned fish. It was an expensive year trying to save that sweet old boy..


Ashley Bananas May 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm

My two cats who lived to be senior citizens also had food sensitives as they got older. One had kidney disease and loved wet food with ‘gravy’ because he would lap it up so much. My other cat had hyperthyroidism and I ended up buying him high calorie cat food tubes to help him keep on his weight. Would definitely consider why the cat is suddenly sensitive.


Bee May 22, 2024 at 1:53 pm

My 16 year old kitty will not eat canned cat food but she is at the age where she needs something soft. I fix ground chicken for her every day. We are so under her thumb!


Michele May 21, 2024 at 11:51 am

The porch looks so pretty and inviting! I might have a hard time coming up with 5.
1. Shared travel expenses with my MIL when we went to a graduation.
2. Ate very few meals out. Had parties to attend on Sat and Sun and ate there. Took advantage of the free hotel breakfast.
3. Our car gets awesome gas mileage. 33 even with all the mountains in TN!
4. Got a check from submitting a bunch of HSA receipts. Kind of a pain, but nice check to sock away.
5. Meal planning tonight to try to use up everything before we leave on our next trip to see oldest son and DIL in WY.


Selena May 21, 2024 at 7:01 pm

I’m a bit confused – you have to submit HSA reimbursement with receipts? I find that odd because HSA record keeping is *on* the HSA owner. My employer funds X amount twice a year. I request reimbursement, no receipts or other doco required. FSA yes, paperwork thorn in posterior. HSA should not be.


Michele May 22, 2024 at 4:37 am

I feel the same way. It’s my money! But I’m retiring June 6th and want to get every cent back.


Selena May 22, 2024 at 6:53 pm

Likely one slight difference – I abhor the TPA my company uses – long story but any company who asks a person to photocopy AND USPS MAIL them is on my excrement list post haste. Suffice it to say I provided an associates information in a more secure way. I send money to my HSA myself and deal with it at tax time. But that being said, the POS TPA doesn’t question my reimbursement.
FYI – there is no statute of limitations as to when you can reimburse yourself from an HSA. And be warned, IF you have money in the account, find a place to which you can roll it over. My prior employer’s HSA admin wanted a $25 a month fee (this was over 10 years ago) since I was no longer an employee.


Jeanine May 21, 2024 at 12:49 pm

I understand Zelda. As I age, I’m getting more picky with food too. Could you take the shreds and put them thru a food processor? You’d have to clean it really really well, but what’s the cost of dish soap and a drop or two of bleach?


Christine May 21, 2024 at 1:19 pm

Your deck looks so inviting with the chairs, table and potted flowers.
1. DH wanted to go out to eat this past weekend. I lured him to the table with home made Boston Baked Beans, hotdogs and potato salad. We ate them for leftovers for a couple of days after that too.
2. I switched up a couple of wall hangings to get a slightly new look in the house.
3. We’re binge watching our way through “The Office” on Peacock at $2.99 a month. We somehow missed out on this crazy funny show. It was on during our working years at the Post Office, though, where we routinely worked a gazillion hours a week.
4. A tree in our front yard that had been struggling for years (22 to be exact) finally bloomed outrageously this Spring after some simple pruning we did ourselves. Now that the flowers are gone, I noticed there are lots and lots of tiny green cherries on it. I’m hoping they’re edible and if so, the birds don’t get them all.
5. Made some lime water in my pitcher with some questionable limes. Delicious and refreshing. Made my own iced tea, as usual. Eating up the leftover Birthday cake I made for my granddaughter. I sent her home with most of it but she insisted I keep some for ourselves. Um…okay, Honey. Raspberry bushes and Rhubarb are coming along nicely. Irises a friend gave me years ago are in full bloom and dressing up the yard. Other perennials, many which I got from my mother, look like they’ll soon follow.


Joyce Forbush May 21, 2024 at 1:44 pm

My 22 yr old cat was very picky in her last couple of years. She got to where she wanted gravy on her pate! Oh brother!
Love your garden seat/ end table


Ruby May 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm

Katy, your deck looks just lovely!

I went grocery shopping today and managed to come in under budget, but also did not buy much and almost nothing was on sale. I refused to pay $5 for a jar of salsa and bought a lime for 33 cents to make my own at home. Also bought olives and applesauce at Dollar Tree. The old DT in the Goodwill shopping center has not yet raised its prices.

I made a fourth (in six months) cleaning/dejunking/ organizing run through our garage today, using a pack of Dollar Tree index cards and a Sharpie to make labels for the tubs and bins. It finally looks good out there and more space magically appeared on the shelves once things were arranged by type.

Otherwise, a dog toy got mended twice, the freezer got defrosted, and I took a load of stuff to Goodwill and did not go inside.


Bee May 23, 2024 at 4:01 am

I envy your clean garage. However, I know you have earned it. My garage is an unmitigated disaster. I am overwhelmed just looking at it. I’m afraid that it may be too hot to start a clean out now that summer is around the corner. At least I’m telling myself that.


Roberta May 21, 2024 at 2:36 pm

1. Made bruscetta from some at-date chopped tomatoes I brought home from the food bank, along with a baguette. These things would not last until the next time it was open, and no one else took them home. They were lunch for me and my husband for two days. Last night’s dinner was roasted mixed veg from the food bank, and homemade bread.
2. Making gnocchi from leftover mashed potatoes tonight. I’ll combine them with some pretty old mushrooms and frozen veg for dinner tonight.
3. I have a medical exam next week that requires I miss a day of work, so I’m taking as many sub jobs as I can this week. I have four days booked, and the last day is food bank day.
4. I have lost enough weight that some clothes I had held on to “just in case” now fit. I spent zero dollars for new clothes!
5. I made a list of things that need to be done, and I am actually getting through them. I have scrubbed and spray painted the shower caddy, planted the things I bought, planted seeds, mopped, and generally made the house much more inviting. Just for the cost of labor! (I am great at buying plants, but sometimes them don’t get in the ground, and that is not my favorite.)


Selena May 21, 2024 at 7:05 pm

Congrats on winning the “just in case” game. There will come a time when despite weighing the same, it isn’t in the same place. So I donated a few items figuring *if* I ended the that same (very) small size, I could afford to replace the donated items. There is a fine line with what I call “skinny” clothes.


A. Marie May 21, 2024 at 4:16 pm

FTFT, More Thrifting and Other Spring Fun (continued from yesterday’s FFT, and reprised from today’s FFT at The Frugal Girl):

(6) This morning at one of our local Thrifty Shopper stores, I used my Tuesday 25% senior discount on a small Gardenline tumbling composter. (Evidently Aldi had these a couple of years ago for $40, and a similar one on Amazon today is $60; I paid $8.) I’ve been looking for a composter since my old trashpicked Earth Machine finally disintegrated last fall; I don’t like to put food scraps into an open compost heap because of critter issues. It’s a bit smaller than I’d like, but then, as a single person, I’m not generating as many kitchen scraps as I used to. We shall see.

(7) Before I hit the Thrifty Shopper, I went to Ollie’s with a 15% off coupon, mainly because I wanted to score two more 1 cu.ft. bags of Hyponex potting soil before they sold out. (As Ollie himself routinely warns us, “When it’s gone, it’s gone!”)

(8) This afternoon, I set out the two tomato plants that my next-door neighbor and I grow each year in large pots behind her 8-foot chain-link fence. I order the plants from a Master Gardener friend of Dr. Bestest Neighbor who grows them as a fundraiser for the Master Gardeners–but the BNs generously underwrote the cost of these this year, in return for my “extra package duty.” (They’ve been out of town a good bit recently and have received several packages earlier than expected; I have retrieved all these ahead of possible porch pirates.)

(9) The rest of this week, I’ll be moving my transplants out into the garden as fast as the weather and my aging physique will permit. Fun, fun, fun, gardening style!

(10) Frugal fail/win: A chipmunk has taken to dining at the bird feeder where I serve black oil sunflower seeds, and isn’t deterred by the crushed red pepper I mix into that seed. Obviously, it likes life muy picante. So I took that feeder down this morning when it was empty (it’s time I started taking the feeders down for the summer anyway), and I’m hoping that one of our local foxes or outdoor cats will take care of the problem in the meantime. Yes, I know, chipmunks are stinkin’ cute–but as a gardener and bird feeder, I take a dim view of Order Rodentia in general.


Roberta May 22, 2024 at 10:50 am

I have seen people on the internet use slinkies to discourage squirrels. Might it also work on chipmunks? It’s good video, at any rate.


A. Marie May 22, 2024 at 11:31 am

Update on (10): A neighbor told me this morning that he found half a chipmunk next to his garage, with one of the local cats not far away. So I’m hoping that my wish has come true. (Now if we only had a couple of saber-toothed tigers to take care of the deer…)


Christine May 24, 2024 at 4:45 am

Hope that was the little seed eating menace. Here in our part of Massachusetts, squirrels take first place as the bane of my existence. We too feed birds with black oil sunflower seeds which also seem to be the squirrels’ favorite food. We had to invest in a metal, wraparound hood for the pole. Don’t bother with plastic…they’ll chew through it. Not a squirrel to be seen on our feeder since it was installed. Of course, Mama Fox is frequently seen hunting these days and I’ve read Squirrel is among their favorite food.


Marie-Josée May 21, 2024 at 4:46 pm

Your deck looks lovely! And your side table is adorable and so chic. Alas, no frugal tales to share. We are kinda of on a spending spree, as my husband has finally decided to retire in less than a year, one year ahead of what we had planned for and we are taking advantage of his last year of employment income to pay for health related expenses and take advantage of his great healthcare benefits. A bridge for me, a partial for him, eye exams and glasses, and physical therapy for my husband who has sustained shoulder injuries as a plumber and is finally taking the time to receive care and an exercise program to keep his shoulders in good shape through retirement. I began my preretirement schedule of working four days a week last Friday and look forward to enjoying Fridays with my husband and a general slower pace. We plan on doing our shopping and housework on Fridays to free up our week-ends. We have two weeks of vacation coming up and we can’t commit to any vacation plans. We either don’t feel very excited about them or are turned off by the prices. Our conversations gravitate towards staying home and taking a few hours each morning to work on projects that we never have the time to handle, with afternoons devoted to rest and relaxation. If this plan pans out it would be a massive frugal win.


Alexandra May 22, 2024 at 2:50 am

As a person considering retirement, really enjoyed reading your post. Keep us posted.


Kara May 21, 2024 at 7:05 pm

1. Cooked chicken in the solar oven and now have the bones in the instant pot for broth.
2. My husband rode the e-bike to work (24 miles round trip) freeing up the more fuel efficient car for me to drive to work.
3. Sold an item on ebay and walked it to the post office.
4. Went through all the apps on my and my husbands phones, setting most to not use data in the background. Trying to stay within our 1GB of data.
5. Rode my ebike yesterday to pick up books at the library and drop returns for my daughter at the UPS store.


Ecoteri May 21, 2024 at 9:05 pm

1. A beloved young (to me!) friend is going through a crisis (her fiance had an affair, has called off their wedding, and moved out – all of which ‘came out of the blue’). I saw her today at a meeting, and all she could do was cry. Because I spent some of today meal prepping, I was easily able to invite her over for dinner, a walk in the garden, some good conversation, and a loving space to land.
Was my house ‘company ready’? H*LL NO!
Gardening season means that we had to take a lot of seeds in bins off the table. Books strewn everywhere. I served from the counter as there are too many archaeological filing piles on my table to move – however we DID eat on placemats!
Frugal win for both of us, in both time and money. She went away fed in body and soul. And there are still a few meals in the various prep containers.
2. Instant pot on overdrive – made rice and beans yesterday, #2 son and I inhaled all of the beans, so today I made more, then cooked up some loss leader chicken legs and backs, then stripped those and put the bones back in the IP along with the freezer bones (included a costco rotisserie carcass). Cooked those, along with some sad celery, onion and carrot – up into a broth, which has been strained. Picked the carrots out of the strained bone pile, along with about a cup of bits and bites of meat, then scooped the fat off the top of the broth into the jar – that is now in the fridge to treat the old dog. She did cadge a carrot from me while I was bone picking. Chicken tortilla soup on the menu as #2 son is sick and feeling sorry for himself.
3. Speaking of cadging, I convinced a local tree planting supply nursery to donate 100 trees (SCORE!!) to a Climate Solutions Expo that I have somehow become involved with. We will put planting instructions on them and ensure they go only to homes that have the right kind of environment. It does mean a trip for me tomorrow to pick up, but I will include a quick stop at Costco on the way home to get what I didn’t during my last epic time-crunched Costco dash. I have a list and I hit only the most urgent, I gotta get back to complete the shop! Feeding two birds with one crumb, when I can stack errands at the town an hour away.
4. Along with many others who are commenting, I have been playing in my garden as much as my body and timeline allow. We have drought conditions on Vancouver Island, however this last week has included two days of RAIN glorious RAIN! – which reduces how much I have to water, ensures the soil supports sprouting seeds, and recharges our aquifers. My transplants are going in, my round-the-house hostas are in full leaf (glorious!!), my back and knees are discussing me in unflattering and critical terms, my heart is full of joy.
5. I have been avoiding the grocery store to the benefit of my bank account, however needed milk to make yogurt, cream for my coffee, and wanted to get the discount chicken. There were a few other loss leaders and that is what I bought – cheese, cereal, CHOCOLATE (yes, Katy, discounted chocolate bars – GLORY), and pineapple cups (which I have never bought but the price was fabulous, so I am going to enjoy them. Canned pineapple always tastes tinny to me, and fresh hurts my mouth. These plastic cups are the size of a can – and look to be reusable! Extra bonus.) Anyway, although I spent a few bucks, the cheese will last for a while and my Daughter has been asking me to pick some up for her if I see any at a good price, she is finding prices where she lives much higher than I can find up here.
6. Speaking of yogurt, am back making it after a few weeks of ‘too much else happening’. My method requires 12 hours and if I am not on the ball, I would have to be getting up early or staying up late. Today, a bit later than hoped but yogurt made for the win!
7. I still haven’t re-joined my gym and am getting up far too early on weekdays to walk with my buddy. Every day we walk, I end up with over 10,000 steps before the day is through. And time with her is simply priceless (and as rare as hens teeth, if I don’t make the IMMENSE sacrifice of getting up at 6:08 AM. )


A. Marie May 22, 2024 at 1:06 am

Ecoteri, I love your “my back and knees are discussing me in unflattering and critical terms, my heart is full of joy.” Same here. Also, good for you for supporting your young friend in #1 so lovingly.


K D May 22, 2024 at 4:20 am

1. I stopped at Grocery Outlet and bought $.99/carton raspberries. They were very good and a real treat.

2. DH has a work dinner tonight so I will eat something simple early and then attend a yoga class.

3. I am washing all the bedding as a late spring cleaning chore. I will be able to hang a lot of it outside to dry since we are finally having a few dry and warm days.

4. I have the windows open even though it is a bit humid. I will resort to A/C later but maybe I can make it to evening.

5. I am reading A Curious Beginning, digitally borrowed from the library.


Michele May 22, 2024 at 5:07 am

Love all these book suggestions. I just added it to my library account to be picked up.


Autumn May 22, 2024 at 4:29 am

#1 – Bought a used Casio watch on eBay for less than the cost of a new watch at Walmart, plus free shipping! My Apple Watch officially died, and been removed from my Verizon account, which saves me money on my monthly bill.

#2 – Groceries at Aldi cost me $21 this week. I’m working hard to use up what is in my freezers, and I just needed a few fresh vegetables to supplement what was in there.

#3 – I decided to take the loss and simply donate all of my books & clothes to GW. I ended up donating 3.5 bags of clothes, 1 Panera curbside bag of books, and 1 paper box of random crap. While cleaning out clothes, I found clothes for work in my storage, so I don’t feel like I need to buy any clothes.

#4 – I took enough photos off of my iPhone to be able to cancel my iCloud+ subscription. I officially pay for 0 subscriptions. This feels like a triumph, and gaining some ground against the lifestyle creep from the last few years.

#5 – Didn’t buy a BMW.


GK May 22, 2024 at 5:46 am

Can’t beat chicken soup (and a mother’s love) for a cold!

* Recent favourite library read: The theory of (not quite) everything, Kara Gnodde
* I cut up a batch of old t-shirts to use as cleaning rags.
* My aloe vera plant came to the rescue when I burnt myself on a hot dish straight out of the oven. There is no better burn remedy!
* A friend gave me some clothing for one of my teens (her own teen has lost interest in them/grown out of them).
* We found a silver men’s ring in our car that we bought used – it was in a place where I would never have noticed it had I not been looking under the seats (with a torch!) for something that I dropped. We contacted the seller and he told us to keep it. One of the teens is debating whether to use it, otherwise we will try and sell it.

—Fail: Sold and posted off a stainless steel necklace that my son no longer needed/wanted but the pendant broke in transit (I requested and received pictures as proof). I ended up agreeing on a partial refund with the buyer as he was able to fix it somehow.


Susie's Daughter May 22, 2024 at 6:41 am

1) I’m enjoying swanky, expensive mermaid style logo Green Tea Lemonade – by making green tea and lemonade and mixing them together. Not rocket science! I can make the tea with water right out of our faucet (we heat with wood pellets and the hot water is HOT) and lemonade from concentrate. Delish
2) Cut up a damaged beach towel for rags
3) Finally did a small sewing repair with one more to go
4) Scrounged up enough travel sized toiletries for DS who is on a school trip
5) Planning to drop off a bag to the thrift store when I’m out doing other errands


Mary Ann May 22, 2024 at 6:54 am

A direct thank you to this blog:

I have been working hard in my yard when I come home from school. This helps even out mood swings, burn some calories and create something beautiful. Triple win. Anyway – I suck at gardening. Any plant I pick up at the gardening store I mark with a future death. Usually I replace the pots once a year and put the plants on life support out of their misery. Yesterday, I put all the plants on the curb with a free sign. They were gone in two hours. So Katy, know you have saved a few lives today. 🙂

My son has been home for two weeks. I can not buy enough fruit, hot dog buns, cherry tomatoes or croissants. For all of you with growing boys at home, I have renewed compassion for you having to feed them within a budget. I had forgotten.


Selena May 22, 2024 at 7:06 pm

Old cats are a challenge re: food. While a better variety than there was in the 70s/early 80s, aging and food fatigue happen. An exclusive diet of wet food may lead the dental issues – don’t know how old Zelda is but I’m glad both of my off-the-street cats enjoy dry food. I do vary the flavor however. As I do with the wet food. The feral eats both which is good. Un-homed cats are susceptible to dental issues – spots on their gums is the first clue (and bad breath!).


Jann in Maine May 24, 2024 at 10:53 am

As members of this group with an intention of saving money and living gently-just a reminder to check your online or paper credit card bills. I saw a charge for $169.99 with my debit card…I never use my card…and had bank shut my account and do a fraud report.
I think we get busy and forget to do a line by line item review as I taught my kids when they first started out.
But they are out there consistently scamming our hard earned frugal dollars!
Garden is coming along and we ate some spinach that had overwintered and I chopped and put in my quiche. Surprisingly not bitter.
Same old same old here with drinking water and coffee at home. I did prepare a to go bag for when I was out yard saling this AM with yogurt and my homemade granola. Beats being ravenous and I know what ingredients were used and how it has been handled.
My seedlings continue to grown and will get the perennials down to daughter’s rock garden. This has saved a lot of money with 6-8 clumps of plants for the cost of the package of seeds.


L Bryant May 24, 2024 at 1:26 pm

Katy, your car may be developing dental issues. Pate requires no chewing . To avoid a serious problem a vet visit would be advised.(ive been i. Animal science for over 30 years). Good luck


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