Non-Consumer Mish-Mash — Free Money & Side Hustles

by Katy on May 17, 2024 · 19 comments

Please enjoy today’s Non-Consumer Mish-mash blog post, where I write about a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Missing Money

I’m so happy that I blogged about the website, as multiple readers responded with how they found money for themselves and family members. Here’s a sample:

“Thank you for this, Katy! I found two family members on there. I cross-referenced the info on with our state’s Commerce Department database (a more official looking site) and they each have between $100-$250 coming to them!”

“Thanks so much we found over $9K. Turned in the paperwork today.”

And my favorite:

“This site helped convince me that I am a good person–one of our step-mothers, a wretched, wreck of a woman, was on there for quite a bit of money from an old pension account, and I contacted her to let her know. I have to admit my first instinct was to keep my mouth shut, but I thought I might as well put a deposit into my karma account.”

To clarify — this is not a referral link. I get zilch from this website. consolidates the states’ departments of revenue. If you haven’t already checked, I highly encourage you to do so!

I sold some tables

Remember that tray table set that I curb picked a couple days ago? I just now sold it to a woman for $20, which was a bargain for her and free money for me! She’s a quilter and apparently these tables are useful as mini ironing boards to use while quilting. She keeping two for herself and giving two to a friend, which I love!

I’ll put the money in our high yield savings account, which earns 5.25% interest.


Happy Birthday

My husband’s birthday was yesterday and we celebrated all day long. Our first stop was Excellent Cuisine for dim sum and it was, well . . . excellent! Seriously, their dim sum is so tasty, generous and fresh. If you’re from Portland, this restaurant is a must!

We then placed a order for an enormous and complicated Starbucks coffee to share, as we’re never going to forget to use that free birthday reward!

Last stop was Costco for dinner supplies. My husband had requested steak, so he picked out a five pack of enormous steaks, as well as mushrooms and brussel sprouts. Hardly a bargain at $60 for the beef, but exponentially cheaper than going to a steakhouse! The biggest bargain with this meal is that I still had a 99¢ bag of Winco potatoes and a freezer full of sale priced butter. I baked the birthday cake using a gluten-free mix I pulled from Winco’s clearance shelf.

The kids (plus one) joined us for dinner and it was a lovely relaxed evening. My son’s birthday is in a couple of days and we’ll do a bigger celebration for him. My husband and I don’t exchange gifts, as we want for nothing.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 19 comments… read them below or add one }

Heidi Louise May 17, 2024 at 1:26 pm

To want for nothing is a most wonderful gift!
Happy birthdays to your family.


Marybeth from NY May 17, 2024 at 2:59 pm

My sister got a $20 check today. It was a doctor’s copay. She thanked me. I told her I would pass it on. My friend put in for $50. Nothing huge but the were both happy.


Katy May 18, 2024 at 7:44 pm

Seventy bucks is nothing to sneeze at.


Mary Ann May 17, 2024 at 6:39 pm

This morning I experience a breakdown. It was most likely due to many factors including 3 more weeks until I retire, the end of a school year, writing to the father whose son had committed suicide but whose daughter is still in my class, and the 7 pounds I have gained in a month. I focused as usual on the least successful problem I have approached – the weight. Weight is so triggering for me because I was over 200 pounds in the 70s when no one girls were over 200 pounds plus I lived in Malibu. It was the land of Malibu Barbie.

I began screaming at myself at the top of my lungs and swearing like a lunatic in an empty house. There was no way I could step out of the house looking like this. I was filled with rage and self hatred..

I have a procedure for these episodes that is long established with my mental health team . Yes I have a real life mental health team since I suffer from serious mood swings and black out rage. I took all the steps which include calling hubby. I asked him to find a private place to talk without son listening. He did and was great. This is a miracle and so gratifying because we have worked so hard to give him language that will comfort me.

I went to school with full intentions of calling in sick if necessary. I made it through first period very well, giving myself permission to laugh and giggle with the kids and getting about half of what we could have gotten finished. Then in through the door comes my husband and Son, both in matching Ben Davis farm shirts and carrying a huge, gorgeous professionally designed bouquet with a card that said “Everything will be just fine.”

Tonight I just feel grateful for so many things:
1. I remember I have the skills to lose weight. I have lost weight before and can do it again but it may not happen these next three weeks.
2. My husband who is usually terrified to give me anything that I don’t pick out myself was brave enough to bring me something he knows I love but which he also considers incredibly wasteful. It has taken 23 years of marriage to put away what he thinks and remember only what is important to me. The intermediate step to this for all you marrieds is for ten years he would give me flowers while saying ” I hate giving flowers” which always took off their shine. Not today, buddy. It was all about comforting me.
3. I am going to a surprise 60 bday party tomorrow for a woman I have known for 42 years. She will not care that have gained weight. I will be thrilled I am still important enough to her to make the list created by her daughter in law.
4. I can be a good teacher, a good mom, a good wife at the same time as I tell people I am scared and need help.
5. The sunset is beautiful over the Reno mountains – where the party will be.


Marie May 18, 2024 at 9:24 am

Sounds a bad day that did turn out just fine.
Also good to know that husbands can change


Lindsey May 18, 2024 at 3:22 pm

Kudos to you for making it though what sounds like a horrible day. And to the husband for learning what resonates with you. I hope the coming week is better.


Katy May 18, 2024 at 7:43 pm

Sending a big virtual hug your way.


Mary Ann May 17, 2024 at 6:42 pm

Oh, forgot the catch phase: Bouquet: $150 . Being seen and loved: Priceless.


Liz B. May 18, 2024 at 5:55 am

Yay you for taking the steps necessary to have a solid mental health team teach you (and therefore your hubby as well) the steps you need in situations like this. Yay for recognizing that this is a stressful season for you, with (I can only imagine) so many mixed feelings and emotions. Yay to your hubby for bringing you a gorgeous bouquet with just the right words…..and yes, being seen and heard is priceless! You’re 100% correct, your turning-60 friend will not care or notice a whit that you’ve gained weight….she will be delighted to see you! Congratulations on a well deserved upcoming retirement!


texasilver May 17, 2024 at 9:15 pm

Teaching is stressful. Congratulations on managing your mental health crisis in a positive way. Retirement is on the horizon. Congratulations for that too!


Kristen | The Frugal Girl May 18, 2024 at 4:12 pm

Happy Birthday to Mr. NCA!

And I am terribly curious what your complicated Starbucks order is. 🙂


Katy May 18, 2024 at 7:39 pm

I don’t remember, except that it was a venti something-or-other with an extra shot, but slightly less syrup. Two cups.


BettafromdaVille May 18, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Re: found money – $27 for me, $247 for bff, over $100 for inlaws, so thank you!
1. 3 mystery shops for deli meat plus a few $$
2. my nephew’s girlfriend is moving out-of-state for a great job. Instead of going out to eat for lunch, we made it at home for $9 for 4 people, plus what we already had.
3. got a free Chobani Creations from the store with a store coupon.
4. Signed up for a work event which will mean a free dinner next week.
5. Stopped and got paid $18 to each dinner last night (mystery shop – you know which one, Katy!) for my looong.


Katy May 18, 2024 at 7:41 pm

Hooray for found money!

And hooray for being paid to eat!


Kathryn May 19, 2024 at 4:08 am

Thank you for the link – We found some money, right about $100. I also found some for my parents.


Bee May 19, 2024 at 6:31 am

Happy Birthday, Mr. NCA. I hope your steak dinner was memorable.
So glad so many found missing money. I found quite a bit that should have been part of my father’s estate. It will be a lot of work to claim it, but I will.


Julia May 19, 2024 at 6:26 pm

I organized my “Tupperware” cabinet and got rid of so many un needed items and all the mismatched pieces. Kept only what matched up and what we need. So much less stressful to open the door and to put away leftovers!
I sold a very very large rabbit hutch for $100 today. Huge big thing off my porch and $ in my pocket. I have a few more big items scheduled to be bought this week so yea for facebook marketplace!
Sold some extra eggs as the girls have been really laying lately. Help cover their feed costs.
I did find money owed me on the website I think it’s from copays. I need to print out the forms and send them in. Thanks!,,


Nancy May 20, 2024 at 10:41 am

I had been meaning to post thanks for the missing money reminder! I got a whopping $5.83, but my husband got $258! Easy money. We got the checks so fast too. 3 or 4 days. Thanks for the reminder!!!


Katy May 20, 2024 at 3:46 pm

Hooray for found money, thank you for sharing!


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