2024 Was The Worst!
by Katy on December 28, 2024 · 93 comments

It’s been a couple days since I’ve blogged, which is due to a variety of different factors. Partially because I went full steam ahead to make sure everything was ready for Christmas/Chanukah and am now understandably a bit depleted, but also because 2024 was a real shit show for my family.
I probably shouldn’t go into too much detail, but my sister, mother, father and now my step father have all had serious health issues over the past year, which has been hard on everyone. Add in that my father-in-law died last spring and my husband spent months (and months) managing the frustrating estate, while simultaneously readying his parents’ neglected (and out of town) house for sale. You can see why the two of us are running on empty.
Nothing particularly nonconsumer about it, except that maybe we haven’t responded to the stress by overspending. My in-law’s estate finally settled, which means we received a lump sum for our share of the house, which we stashed in our high yield savings account. We’ve no plans to splash out on anything, as we don’t have any pent up wants or needs that I’m aware of.
We have no debt apart from three last years of mortgage. It makes no sense to pay it off early, as it’s almost all principal at this point with a 2.875% interest rate, while the saving account pays 5%. Math.
My plan for 2025? Continue my 18-year journey of buying nothing new and address family issues as they arise. I do make a deliberate and concerted effort to have enjoyable elements to my life. Meet up with friends, mini-vacations with my husband, thrifting for profit and yes — blogging. So it’s not all doom and gloom.
Sorry to come across as a bummer, but this is just what’s been overshadowing my year. Sorry, but I wanted to be a bit more transparent.
How was your 2024?
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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P.S. I caught my son’s cold.
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Sorry you’re sick. Sorry it’s been a sucky year. Just think……you’ve helped way more people than you’ll ever know. Most people don’t comment but trust me you tickle our brains and help us move forward with our frugal goals. Keep on doing your thing Katy. You are a blessing to so many.
Thank you.
My heartfelt good wishes to you and your family. I appreciate all the blogging that you’ve done, and I appreciate when people share their struggles. We all have them, it just depends whether we share them or not.
I cannot wait to close out 2024. We’ve had a couple of terrible diagnoses (one of which is mine), a family member in hospital for a month which meant I was away from home for 6 weeks, and a premie baby born (doing AWESOMELY, thankfully). I’ve been cleaning and purging my house through the month of December and I wonder if it’s to have some feeling of control somewhere, and also some closure. Since 2024 was fairly crappy, I’d like to leave as much other crap as I can also in 2024. Start the new year with some space, literally and figuratively.
My best wishes to you, Katy, and to all that have had a hard year. May we be kind to ourselves and those around us, and may next year be decidedly better.
2024 has been awful here. I’ve spent hours/days/weeks in the ER and hospital rooms with family members nearly every month this past year. My oldest friend in the world passed away this summer. So much more. And I have cleaned and decluttered and purged SO MUCH. I’ve had the exact same thought as you, that with all the things we have to face that are out of our control, what to keep and what to let go of in our homes is a key thing we can control. Wishing you an easier 2025.
Katy, I sincerely hope that 2025 is a better year for your family. This year was a tough one for us, and we, thankfully, were in good health. I think that the looming cloud of the next 4 years is making this particular year’s end pretty difficult. I have even been reluctant to open my 2025 planner which is *very* unlike my usual “new years energy” type of personality. I appreciate your blog so much and thank you for continuing to inspire us.
We all need to share the rough with the smooth, you give so much positivity through your posts, carrying on when life handed far more lemons than you needed (we share extra things don’t we?) think your allowed a moan once in a while!
Thank fully no real health issues here, but with folks not paying DHbills, and some recent damage to our well things have been far more stressful than they need to be. We continue to try and be more resilient to the outside world, growing and making more and more at home. Still needs pennies, especially as canning stuff is sooooo pricey here on the UK, but has proved to be the tool that saves on freezer space!
Wishing all a fabulous, beautiful, calm and continually frugal 2025!!!
I am so sorry that much of the year has been crappy to you. To me, family illnesses are the worst because there is unpredictability involved: will they get worse, will they get better, are they in pain? Thank you for continuing to blog in spite of it all. I’ve been ill enough this year that I wondered if I would make it to 2025. I have lived much longer than the prediction of 30, but this last year I have come to feel like a grandfather clock that is slowly winding down. Even the newer meds are not having much impact. It makes me selfish, not caring how high I turn the temperature, turning down most invitations because I would rather sit in my recliner and read or watch something like Call the Midwife. I have to force myself to keep volunteering at the food bank. I think the only reason I am so frugal is that I want my husband to be left as comfortable as possible. I envy your ability to keep motivated to thrift and this blog in the midst of all your family health issues.
Lindsey, please keep on keeping on, for all our sakes–the husband’s, the doggos’, and all of your friends in blogland!
Lindsey, you are a treasure. I hope there might be some treatment that helps.
That doesn’t sound selfish at all. Do what you need to do to take the best care of yourself possible. Sending you the warmest thoughts.
Lindsey, I’m so sorry to think you are at this point. I’m hoping in every fiber of my being 2025 will bring you better health in some way.
@Lindsey – I have often told my co-workers I am hard to kill – have had plenty of hard jobs as well as family “stuff”. I suspect you’re hard to kill too. Remember, medicine is not an exact science despite the egos of some (mostly male) physicians. Might be time to try some alternatives.
Lindsey, please continue to take care of yourself. I enjoy hearing your stories so I’m being selfish. Sending all my best wishes, Jill
I really really hope that 2025 brings fewer challenges for you and yours, Katy! You’ve had so much on your plate.
Katy despite it all you have helped keep many of us afloat during this past year. And that is a generous and wonderful outcome. Thank you. I know that 2024 was full of highs and lows and due to my lugubrious German genes there were plenty of lows.
On the plus side my Long Covid went away spontaneously which was huge.
Still plugging along with what is ahead and what it might mean.
Thank you for all you have done to support us along the way.
Our Thriftmas was lowkey and with family who needed our support to get them through the day. We did just that and it was just what they needed.
May be continue to gain support and ideas as we look ahead.
Happy New Year!
My heart goes out to you and your husband. It’s just incredibly hard being the sandwich generation. (((Hugs))) I hope your family’s health improves and there are lots of your favorite good times ahead.
I diced up the last of the Christmas ham today and froze it for inclusion in future bean soups. Went grocery shopping and caught a really good sale on cat food and a couple of gluten-free items. Cooked up a big pot of kibble topper for my dogs and froze it in small containers. It was enough for 22 days of meals for them. Yesterday I used two digital coupons and a rewards dollar to save $6 on toilet paper. Living the frugal high life here! 😀
I’ve never heard the term “sandwich generation” before. I like it.
We too have had a difficult year, and like Susanna said the pall of the upcoming 4 years is weighing heavy over our heads.
I admire the way you and others keep going in spite of it all.
We have to keep plodding on and I am determined to find joy wherever I can.
My middle mental health challenged son burned my retirement house down and it was a complete loss. He ended up in a mental health facility afterwards to attempt to stabilize him. Happened in October. The rest of the year had been great with the other kids doing really well. I thought he was doing well also until he spiraled out of control 24 hours prior. Sometimes, life really socks. Virtual hugs Katy.
Oh that’s just awful, I’m so sorry! Sending love.
Thank all of y’all. I don’t really have much walking around sense at the moment. Still in shock I guess.
Cindy, the house burning and the reason for it are beyond dreadful. I’m so sorry. Sending hugs and sympathy.
How horrible–for him and for you! Hugs for the both of you.
Cindy, I am so sorry. Hope your son can regain his mental health and nothing that bad ever happens again. (((Hugs)))
Cindy, I am so incredibly sorry for you, your family and your son. What a terrible thing. Sending you peace, love and hope.
Oh Cindy, I am truly sorry to hear this. I hope your son is stabilized and will improve more and more. It’s hard to see these things coming. Wish I could hug you.
Cindy, I’m so, so sorry. Unfortunately I’ve had way too much experience with poor mental health in my own children. Christmas dinner this year involved one child remnding the other about the restraining order they had.
I admire your honesty. I am sorry to say that when I’ve talked about mental health challenges my family has had, it is often thrown in my face years later. I don’t regret anything but sorry to say, don’t be surprised if someone brings it up years later to dis you.
Cindy, I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope your son is doing better and you’re getting the support you need also. Hugs, Jill
Cindy , I once saw a quote along the lines of a mother being as happy as her least happy child, and it stayed with me. I hope and. Pray that 2025 will bring you peace, and some lovely surprises. This has been a dreadful year for me, also, with my daughter’s grade 4 cancer diagnosis.The year has been full of medical interventions as they contain and minimise the onslaught, but of course, chemo and so much medication has terrible side effects, including, but not limited to, hair and hearing loss.This on uni ty has been a distraction and a comfort to me, and I appreciate you all
I’m so sorry Cindy!
Sometimes life really does stink. Grateful that you’re all okay and that your son is getting the help he needs.
Virtual hugs for a better 2025,
Every minute of it was horrendous. My mother died a few months ago and my dog died unexpectedly a couple months ago. Now one of my other dogs is seriously ill.
Mental health, either mine or my kids’, has been nonexistent. My writing career has suffered too although things are picking up. I helped a dear old friend through her brother’s death and my semi on/off boyfriend has leukemia.
I miss my best friend and my mother every single day, then I feel guilty because they wouldn’t want me to be depressed. After all, I’m alive even if they’re not.
I did adopt two darling puppies. That’s it.
I’m glad you have the puppies to bring you some joy. What a hard year for you. I hope things improve in 2025.
Rose, I hope that the next year brings your heart some ease.
Rose, that’s a rough year indeed. I truly hope 2025 brings you better times.
Thanks, folks. My mother used to tell me how proud she was of how strong I am but she’s vanished into the mystic. Sometimes I pray to hear her or for her to hear me, but it doesn’t ever happen. Sometimes I pray for BFF to help me but it doesn’t happen because she is gone. Everything she was is gone.
@Rose – your mother still hears you but you need to have faith that you hear her responses. BFF is there too – you likely know what she would say.If you are honest, you can pretty much know what those not on this side of earth would say. I know I do.
Future conversations with your BFF and mom will not happen in person which sucks the big one.
Virtual hugs for a better 2025, Rose!
Sometimes life really does stink.
Enjoy your new puppies – they’re something to look forward to.
Rose, what a terribly difficult year you’ve had. Not to sound all woo-woo, but your mom and your BFF are still with you, though not physically. Hold those memories close. I fully believe that our loved ones who have departed this earth send us signs, though they are often very subtle. May 2025 bring you more joy.
Thanks, everyone, and my sympathies for everyone else who’s had a hard year.
Today’s depressing tidbit: it’s my younger brother’s birthday today, the one who died as a teenager, and I believe I am the only person on the planet who remembers. Maybe I’ll nag my brother and sister just for the hell of it. His name was Marc.
Rose, as another sister who’s lost a brother around the holidays, I know how hard those “anniversaries” are. Sending strengthening thoughts to you, and I’m sure Marc is glad you remember him and love him so much.
I feel I’m right there with you. Our year started off ok. I’m on monthly chemo therapy but it’s relatively easy ( a subcutaneous shot in the abdomen). I handle it fairly well. But my husband started losing ALOT of wieght in the spring and we knew something was up as this isn’t our first rodeo with cancer. In 2019 he was diagnosed with MDS. Very difficult but he went thru an allo transplant and came out great. fast forward to a different cancer diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma. Not a good diagnosis. So we’ve been in and out of ER, and he’s had a very difficult time with the chemo requiring mulitple transusions of platelets, and blood. Now we WAIT to see if Stanford will do the surgery. So next year year also looks like a shit storm. It will require him staying at Stanford and I will need to stay in a hotel. It’s daunting to say the least and it’s a very grueling surgery. I don’t know what the outcome will be but I feel we will weather it together. We’ve been married 54 years so I can honestly say, we’ll get through this.
So for all of us that have had a tough year, I hope there are brighter days ahead.
When I read your post, the first thing I thought of was how glad I am you have each other. One can get through things better with their “other.” Wishing you both better health in 2025.
Sending you hope for the medical journey ahead and a successful recovery. You have done an amazing job of navigating all of it so far.
Reading down this list of Katy’s and everyone else’s 2024 bummers, I realize that within this calendar year, I’ve been pretty lucky.
Of course, I will never stop missing DH (who died in June 2023).
Also, my next-door neighbor (NDN) is continuing down the long slow dementia slide. I’m in the process of composing a letter to NDN’s PCP, outlining the issues that her other close friend (CF) and I don’t feel comfortable bringing up in her presence during her upcoming PCP appointment on 1/15. Long story short, we don’t feel she should be living alone much longer, even with CF’s and my support. Fortunately, this PCP is a good guy, and we’re hoping he can help us get some necessary referrals to various agencies.
But, compared with what Katy and many others have been going through, these are small potatoes. And my response to what may happen after 1/20 wlll be to keep fighting and keep making fun of the SOBs. Hell, I’m a childless widow, and if anyone wants someone to do the equivalent of standing in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989, I’m just about ready to volunteer.
Your neighbor is so lucky to have you and her other close friend. You are a gift to her.
I was thinking the same thing. A. Marie, you are a Bestest Neighbor.
I am still grappling with the implications of the election results. 75 million for one candidate; 77 million for the other. Almost 90 million people DID NOT VOTE.
That means only roughly a third of the populace voted for the bully, and two-thirds did not.
I mourn for those who did not vote. How much of the world is crying out for the chance at what we have in the U.S.?
Heidi Louise,
I have no statistics or anything, but I wonder if a lot of voters just thought “I don’t like either candidate, so why bother voting?”. I think there are a lot of disenchanted potential voters who simply don’t see the point.
True– Also, these aren’t unusual statistics. Usual voter turn-out is in the mid-sixty-percent for presidential elections.
A. Marie, you are such a good person to help your neighbor after all you went through with your sweet husband’s dementia. Most people would not have the fight left in them. Like Lindsey, you are a treasure, dearie.
2024 was only slightly better than 2023. My husband lost his sister and father towards the end of 2023, so this year has revolved around estate stuff and grieving. We are ending the year with a bang as I’m reading/writing this sitting in the hospital with my son (poor guy got strep and pneumonia).
Here’s to a better 2025 for all!
DH and I were looking back and yes, 2024 had a lot of sucky things in it. One DS had multiple hospital stays and surgeries, another family member had serious issues that affected us all, I had a bout of listeria, and we all got sick from a mystery bacteria at the cat shelter we were volunteering at. (Not anymore. Even our cat got sick!)
But…I try to remind myself that there were glimmers within all that, and in spite of it. There were some good things too. I applied to and am working towards getting into a nursing degree program, as is one of my sons. We went on a fabulous trip to Florida in January, where our youngest got to step in the ocean for the first time in his life. We became stronger in our faith. We adopted a wonderful kitty. DH did great at his job. And our DS’s health crisis made us all pull together and we appreciate each other that much more…and he survived it. That alone is great.
I wish everyone a healthier, better 2025.
Karen A., I’ve been following along with your family both here and at The Frugal Girl–and I wish you all better times ahead, especially DS#1. And, as always, Betty cat and I send our best regards to Commodore Clark.
Best wishes for a better 2025, Katy. I so appreciate your blog, and the community here in the comments section!
I agree so much! May we be strong together.
All I can contribute is that a couple days ago I started a Word document on my laptop titled “2024 Has Sucked From Beginning To End.” I’m on page 3….
My mom died. I lost my job. Had to re-apply for my old job. Changed jobs. New job I’m surrounded by very sick, ailing patients. Turned 50. Ended the year getting a (giant) MOHS procedure on my nose for skin cancer.
2024. Ho Ho Holy Shit. What. A. Year!!!!
Ho ho holy shit indeed, Denise! I’m hoping for better times ahead for you, and for all of us.
Thank you so much! The best is yet to come….
I’m sorry that 2024 has been such a terribly rough year for you and your family. We had a similar year awhile back and it can truly create such emotional and physical turmoil and exhaustion. I’m wishing you a much better a d far less stressful year in 2025. My strength has come from my faith, friends, family and blogs such as yours that have helped me feel encouraged. I hope you can feel that reciprocated back to you from those who follow you and your inspirational writing. ❤️
Thank you for sharing your story and for your kind words.
Dear Katy, Thank you so much for continuing to post everyday. It is a job that demands so much of your mental energy, not just when you are composing a blog posting, but all the hours in between. I suspect that one part of your brain is always thinking about it and mentally composing. Your thousands of readers are encouraged and sustained by your words, as well as the sharing Non-Consumer Advocate community. We are strong because we have to be and you help to keep us strong.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
I’m so sorry! Our 2024 was pretty sucky you. My FIL was diagnosed with a glioblastoma in march. My dh moved across the country for the next 5 months to care for both his parents. FIL died in August. I am on my 6th trip to CO this year. So much travel and so expensive. Plus we lost money due to dh not being able to work his second job. And we had to replace his car out of the blue. Not that old lowish miles but the bottom was rusting out. So yeah we are very ready for a new year
Condolences on your FIL. May 2025 bring about better times for your family.
So many people on team “2024 was the effing worst!” So sorry about your year.
How much time is that monthly payment costing you – even if only posting in your checkbook. Electricity (and plenty of it) are being used to schedule the ACH payment (online payment – doubt if you write a check and mail it), post the payment, and STORE the payment history. A pox on those who use a debit card/RTP for piddly amounts. The financial institution has to store your $3.82 transaction for getting close to 24 months. Yeah – think the bank is going to keep providing this service for free?
We lumped sum paid off our house. Received the paid off paperwork and it is duly filed where the kiddos can find it when needed.
Hmmm, my first thought was, “Wow, where did that come from?”. Next thought is, that’s a pretty humbug post on your part, especially in light of the entirety of Katy’s post. Good for you for making the best decision for your SELF. Bad for you for second-guessing Katy’s decision. After all, as Katy said, the math doesn’t lie. She didn’t say this, but I will: This is HER blog. Please be respectful.
Secondly your “Pox” has nothing to do with Katy or her situation. How very unsympathetic your words sound.
Where did it come from – from a person whose job is dealing with transaction history. You do remember when there were no ATM fees, right? Then fees to “maintain and keep the system up to date” – which was a crock of excrement. ATM/debit/credit transaction messages have NOT changed for years. Sorry if my post re: there is not such thing as a free lunch appeared unsympathetic. But reality is reality.
Reality may be reality, but this is Katy’s blog. If I understood correctly, she was referring to not paying off her mortgage, which has nothing to do with “ATM/debit/credit transaction messages” or fees.
Perhaps you’re drawing a line between paying off your house so you don’t have to make payments and Katy’s decision to continue making mortgage payments? At 2.875%, she is actually making money, because she invests the difference at a higher rate.
Everything costs money. People used to make their mortgage payments at an an actual building, assisted by actual humans, who insisted on being paid for their labor, albeit not well. All the paperwork was done manually. Electronic payments are much more efficient.
Transaction storage – doesn’t matter if a pack of gum from the quickie mart purchased via debit or credit OR a mortgage payment via check/ACH. And regardless of method, a company has to store the information – be it paper or electronic. Electronic payments still take manual labor – unload/load of the file when something changes. Backing up the files on a regular basis. Securing said files from hackers (easier when it was paper).
She may make money short term – time will tell given how much time she has to invest in making said monthly payments (and as long as the financial institution doesn’t impose fees). Studs Terkel – there is no such thing as a free lunch.
Resist, survive, thrive is my 2025 (and likely thru January 2029) motto. Like Lindsey, I have always made sure my husband (as well as the kids when they were under age 22) were taken care of if I left this side of dirt.
No guarantees in life and some times the hand you’re dealt just sucks the big one. But this country (and the world) need us to push on.
I like your mantra.
Sometims just talking about it a little ehelpshelps.And, it also validates for the rest of us that life sucks sometimes, and we all go through it. . and we will get to the other side.AND that the EXHAUSTION IS REAL.
I hope you get a respite from the illnesses and stresses very soon! I appreciate your taking time to blog sand encourage us to keep up our non consumer habits..and to remind us that the simple parts of life are truly the best!!
Sometimes it’s about managing the parts of life that are still under your control.
I noticed most of the hard times we’ve all had have to do with family, friends and sometimes ourselves having health challenges. My best to all and I sincerely hope things improve. 2024 certainly had its up and downs. The downs being a family member struggling with addiction plus the physical and mental health challenges that go along with it. Said family member is holding steady at this point. Status quo can be a beautiful thing. The up parts include another family member who, after seven years of dialysis, received a kidney! Said family member thriving. A weight off of our shoulders. Outside of our family, the painful part is the results of the November election. Anxiety provoking at its finest. I sincerely hope 2025 will not be as dire as I’m thinking it will be but there’s some pretty crazy shit already happening in that camp. God help us all.
I’m so sorry that your family has gone through all this.
Reading about everyone’s year. I want good things for everyone.
I was doing aight till a mesocyclone dropped 16 tornadoes early one Sunday morning. Since then I’ve been wandering around looking for my spot and finally found it but one night on I-40 Helene said nope, the way is shut, you shall not pass.
Yesterday walking on a beautiful beach with the waves crashing and the little snowy plovers running about I felt so good. The ocean sounds and sights are supposed to reduce stress and create a meditative state. Could I become a beach bum? I’m not sure how it’s done or if it’s even legal! Chit chatting with fellow beachers it seems everyone is just looking for a little peace, a little reprieve from their life. And as we stand there watching the sun set over the waves in our little groups or all alone we find a piece of what we had thought lost and somehow carry on.
Hey Katie so sorry your year has been so hectic for you… but you need a break…spend the money, go on a holiday, enjoy yourself, you can’t take it with you, and life is short…
Katy wishing you a healthier and happier 2025
I just spent two hours yesterday in the ER to be diagnosed with a UTI post valve replacement surgery that I had on December 23rd. I was deemed a candidate for this procedure in July.
Our younger son age 44 is recovering from cancer surgery November 21.
Our oldest son age47 is finally going to move out after living with us 2.5 yrs
Katy, I’m so sorry to hear of your difficult year. Thank you for continuing to blog in spite of your difficulties. I hope it’s brought you some comfort and distraction. I know for me it gives me the comfort of familiar voices and motivation to keep going. My year has had it’s ups and downs.. my daughter’s wedding to a wonderful man and also the death of my brother. I’m hoping next year is much better for you and your family. Jill
Katy, I’m sorry it’s been a rough year. Slogging through is hard. Here’s to a happier and healthier year for all. For me, I am still managing grief from recent deaths of loved ones. It’s day to day. Sometimes, one breath at a time. My empathy to all who are affected by real life events.
I’m so sorry Katy and everyone else that 2024 has been hellish.
About 2.weeks ago, I was nearly killed when a tractor.i was starting from the ground wasn’t in park and almost.crushed me. Thankfully, I ran out.of the way and the damage to our shop isn’t too bad. My 6 yo was playing near by and saw everything. I’m glad.to still be here. I’m so grateful my son didn’t see me die. I have plenty of life insurance but I want to stick around to see him grow.
My Mom has been fighting blood in her urine for 2 years. They’ve decided that she has kidney stones and will have them blasted Jan 3. She is a lot to deal with but is the rock of our family. Dad has stage 4 prostate cancer but is doing pretty well. He still.works half a day, just because he’s the type that has to work because it’s who he is.
My brother is drinking too much. He and his gf are dysfunctional. It’s a chicken/egg situation. He was drunk a.f. at Christmas): I’m concerned for him. My other brother is doing well. He’s a banker in San Diego. It will be up to me to help my folks as they age. My fil is 90. My mil, who was my Madea, is in heaven. I miss her dearly.
I’m wishing all of you a better 2025. Here’s hoping the tangerine hemorrhoid doesn’t do lasting damage.to our county. We survived the first chit show, we can do another round (fingers crossed)
Tangerine hemorrhoid is spot on and yes, resist, survive, thrive. I fully intend to ask those who continue to claim for whom they voted. In addition, to those in the store complaining about prices – like the republican tax increase? I fully intend to note inflation still exists, gas is not $2.00 a gallon, and the Russian attempt to invade Ukraine is still ongoing. Hold those feet to the fire.
I’m sorry, Katy.
Thank you, Katy, for such an honest post and providing a safe place for us to share our challenges, feats and celebrations.
It might sound trite, but “this too, shall pass” is often on my day’s journal headline. Life has been challenging for the past 11 years and I see sunshine and a positive perspective poking thru the clouds after a tough 3 years.
As a nurse, dealing with family health concerns is so worrisome because those members allow you to take on the stress/worry management of disease/sickness. Ask me how I know!
Keep well and you will soon notice the Sun on your face and the shadows falling behind you.
The life you’re living today is something that your younger self would have dreamed of.
Take care and can’t wait to see what 2025 brings! My one and only resolution is to go to bed earlier.
If my younger self had dreamt about my life today it would have been her worst nightmare!
Depletion sounds like you’re hurting though handling it well. Sending good thoughts your way and big thanks for the emotional labor you do for us through your blogging. Cheers to the best of what’s to come.
I miss your blogging voice, because it is so amazing. However, I’m so grateful that you are still blogging at all. FFT as often as you want to, my internet friend. It’s a joy watching you live a cool, contrarian lifestyle with such gusto. I also love the support from all of your loyal readers. Thank you a thousand times over for all the joy and affirmation you share with us.
My 2023 sucked, and my 2024 was better. I hope that you experience a much smoother 2025.
Sorry that your 2023 sucked, but thank you for the kind words.
I am sorry to read about your difficult year. Thank you for having pursued blogging despite such trying times.
2024 was hard for us too. My husband injured himself twice at work and his injuries are not really resolving. He is 135 days from retirement and it does not appear that he will be able to enjoy it as expected. I too am struggling with a chronic condition and persistant bilateral peroneal tendonitis which is not responding to PT. It keeps coming back. I hope 2025 will be healthier!
Wishing all here some peace and comfort in 2025.
Thanks Katy, for hanging in with blogging and continuing to inspire us all in our frugal and sustainable ways.
Goodbye 2024… don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!
I am so sorry 2024 was so bad for you. It seems like things always hit all at once. I I try to remember when things are going smoothly that it won’t last forever, but I have to admit I don’t always succeed. Can relate to the getting a house ready to sell, although in this case it was ours — so therefore our own choice — and although it took a lot of work, it sounds like it was in better repair than your in-laws’. And for it to be out of town too … well! let’s just say I hope 2025 is much easier for you.
Personally, I find it hard to be optimistic, given the way the election went. I still can’t wrap my head around it, and the news thus far seems to indicate the next few years will be as bad as I expect.
Maybe the best thing we can do is live frugally, not buy into all the crap people are trying to sell us, and just be kind to each other.
Nearly 64 years old, and I’m still not wise enough to know what else to do.