99 More Reasons to be a Non-Consumer
by Katy on August 13, 2024 · 9 comments

In addition to this blog, I also run a companion Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group, which is currently hovering around 79,000 members. Prospective members have to answer a simple question, which helps to weed out the ever present spammers. The answers are always interesting, so I’ve started saving them to share in blog posts.
I read your blog and comment fairly regularly and always enjoy a frugal community.
Because my house is fit to burst with the amount of ‘stuff’ I keep buying and I desperately want to change this.
To be wiser in spending and learn from others.
Be part of a frugal community.
I’ve followed your blog for many years. My background is frugal PA Dutch but I continue to learn many new money saving tips/tricks from the blog.
Join like minded people saving money.
Trying to cut down the amount I consume and spend.
I follow you on IG and I just love your frugal tips!
To find more people who are like me.
I’ve been living frugally for over 40 years, but there’s always room to up my game! A community of likeminded folks is inspiring. Also, have followed your blog for years.
I love your blog and want to be even more inspired with using what I have.
Inspiration to spend less money on things I don’t need. To be less wasteful with what I already have.
I am inspired by the blog posts and am hoping to be part of the group to hear what others are doing to be frugal.
To share frugal and money saving ideas.
Saw your profile on the Frugal Girl’s blog. I’ve had to be frugal my entire adult life….so, always looking for ways to save.
Refill shop owner.
I’m interested in learning more about being more of a minimalist and less of a consumerist.
I’ve been reading your blog for almost a year, and get great ideas/motivation from it. I’d love to see what others are doing/posting.
I saw this group mentioned on the Tightwad Gazette Fan Club and was intrigued. I am a proud frugalista and will do whatever I can to use resources wisely rather than automatically buying new.
I would like to live more self-sufficiently, and more sustainably.
My wife is a podiatrist and reads your blog.
Moving towards less consumerism.
To learn how to save more money in life.
I want to become a non consumer don’t know where to start.
I would like to see more anti-consumption information and inspiration in my feed to combat facebooks ads.
I was actually invited to this group by a friend so I really don’t know much about it. But I am interested in consuming less, reusing things, mending, and repairing things.
I follow the Instagram account and enjoy it, so this seems fun!
Get ideas from other like minded people.
Because I LOVE your IG posts!
I enjoy reading your blog, including the comments. I think the Facebook group might give inspiration as well.
Joining the non consumer movement.
Learned about you from the frugal girl and I love your blog; I have downsized and want to do more without feeling guilty about selling all my kids things as they are done with them-other people keep some or lots of their kids outgrown items
Recently found your blog from a link in frugal girl and am loving it.
Looking to live a more frugal and simple life.
To join a like-minded community.
Joining the non consumer movement.
Your blog is comical and light hearted but very interesting on how you progress through this consumable world.
To learn and meet people who consume less.
I’m trying to be content with what I have.
A friend shared it with me thinking i may like it. read the NYC post and was intrigued. 🙂
You are My People!
I’m always interested in getting more ideas to be frugal and take care of our planet.
I would like to be better at using what I have before purchasing more.
Want to stop buying.
I like and need ideas and inspiration for being a non-consumer.
I like and need ideas and inspiration for being a non-consumer.
As a lifelong frugal guy originally from New England, I’m fascinated with the benefits of a low consumption lifestyle but finding it hard to practice in a large family with so many wants. Looking for daily inspiration!
I’m addicted to shopping and need inspiration for less.
I’d like ideas to spend as much use less
I be under-consuming 🤠
To reduce my carbon footprint.
I despise society as it stands. I want community.
Reduce consumption, be more self conscious of consumerism and save money.
Because I need to reverse course from being an over consumer… this hasn’t been a healthy way to live…. please help!
I’ve been following reduce, reuse and recycle for years.
overconsumption disgusts me.
I think I would fit in.
It seems to align with my values.
Slow spending, waste less.
Currently started my pursuit into becoming a Consumer (“non”-consumer”) Advocate for NJ Citizens! Would like to gather any & all information from every angle possible that would better help me in helping our people!
Long-time blog reader. Not on FB much, but would love extra NCA content and community.
I have been mostly a minimalist for about 15 years and I have just come across “underconsumption core” which is what I already do. I came across your website which I had forgotten about and it led to finding this group.
I am interested in reducing my spending and acquiring on stuff.
Because I’m trying to stop buying stuff I don’t need.
I’m looking for others who are like minded.
To help the environment.
To get advice on pricing used items to sell and purchase.
Interested in ideas and inspiration from like minded folk.
I need to limit my shopping and do better with using what I have and make better choices.
For support to not feel like I need to consume.
Get ideas on how to minimize consumerism.
I’ve long been interested in ways to make our family lifestyle less consumer focused, more minimal and frugal, and have enjoyed the content on your website – would love to be a part of a larger community!
To get some helpful tips.
My sil and I have spent years supporting each other on our frugal journey. She recently mentioned the Non Consumer Advocate blog, I started reading, and now I’m hooked.
I’ve shared a post on my wall that a member of this group thought that would be appropriate here so I am coming here to check it out and learn stuff.
Wanting to become less of a consumer and would appreciate great ideas from other like minded individuals.
I love DIY projects and upcycling or recycling what others would consider garbage.
Learn about reusing.
Looking for ideas to reduce what I send to the landfill.
Interested in thrifting, up cycling and zero waste!
Getting myself out of the mass consumerism mindset.
To use less resources. Saving money is nice too.
I like to try to find useful ways to use items rather than throw them away.
I don’t like being a consumer first and a person second.
To ask creative people for ideas.
Learn to live simply, not consuming.
To learn from others.
I am inspired to find more ways to be frugal when I observe others doing the same.
I found you through the Frugal Girl Blog. I am reading your blog and love what I am learning and have been on quest of my own to consume less, buy from the thrift store and use what we have.
Because…the earth!
To get ideas about the repurposing and recycling of throw away items.
Decrease waste.
To learn new ideas.
Which was your favorite? I rather enjoyed “I despise society as it stands. I want community.”
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.
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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
“My wife is a podiatrist” Bwahahaha!
Best reason ever.
Haha, I was just coming here to say that!
I really liked that one too, Katy! I don’t have one favorite but appreciated the ones by people who said they’ve always lived frugally but are open to new ideas to up their game. I had frugal parents and a frugal grandmother who helped raise us so I was fortunate to learn frugality while growing up (unbeknownst to me). The way I see it, there’s always room for improvement.
I am constantly learning new frugal tricks, which you’d think would be impossible at this point.
Katy, I liked that one, too. Another great one: “I don’t like being a consumer first and a person second.”
Oh yes, definitely tied for first place!
I’d add I don’t want consumerism to be the economic “backbone” of this country. I am not on this earth to make others even wealthier than they currently are. One should shop/spend (frugally) for needs, not wants. Or to keep up with the fictional/phantom “Joneses”.
“Because . . . the earth!” Love this.
Better than “Because . . . Jupiter!” 😉