Bits of Frugality?
by Katy on September 23, 2024 · 34 comments

I continue to spend my days at the hospital with my mother as she slowly recovers from her cardiac surgery. I bring a library book, water bottle, travel mug, Tetley tea bags and a peanut butter and (homemade) blackberry jam sandwich with me each day. Dinner is whatever my step father and I figure out for that day. Tonight he sprang for teriyaki bowls from a nearby restaurant, yesterday I bought slices of cheese pizza and a chicken Caesar salad from the Costco food court.
I did sell a curb picked Kitchenaid bowl for $40 on eBay this afternoon and then packaged it up when I got home from the hospital around 10 P.M. . . . so my weirdo uber-Frugal life continues on? Needless to say, I used scavenged packaging supplies.
I’ll continue to spend my days at the hospital, as my mother does better with me and my step father at her bedside. Sorry that I haven’t been responding to comments, but my mind is elsewhere.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 34 comments… read them below or add one }
You are exactly where you need to be. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.
Perfectly said.
I’ve had two surgeries this year and my daughter has been my biggest booster. We will always be Mother and Daughter, but she is also my dearest and best friend. I am sure you are a healing comfort to your mother and having you near makes her recovery less stressful. Rest and try not to worry.
Sending good vibes for your family!
And speedy healing!
No need to apologize Katy. You are doing what most needs to be done. I hope your mother’s recovery goes well.
Katy, don’t worry about us. Keep doing what you need to do for Su Mama and your stepfather. My best wishes to you all.
Family first. Continued ts and ps for your mom.
Echoing what the others have said: family first! And taking care of you in the midst of it all. Middle age (and caring for older and younger generations) is no joke! Glad you’re still reading books and (passively) selling things while keeping your priorities in order. Brighter days ahead!
Make sure your mother knows how many of us are thinking of her and sending love to all three of you. We will be here when you get back; concentrate on giving her all of the love in the world right now…
big hugs,
Praying for a speedy recovery for your mom. Family is so important.
I’ve been steadily selling things on Marketplace.
I’ve done several mystery restaurant shops which were both fun and yummy.
Got some great markdown pork loins at the local grocery store. Bought 3 froze 2
Kid needed a new mattress and even though pricy it was on sale and I also had 15% off. Kid has scoliosis so a good mattress is importation
I’m tackling one “extra” project a day at home. Yesterday I potted several houseplant cuttings I rooted. Today I am removing all extra items from my upstairs hallway.
You do what you need to do, Katy. Hope your mama feels better and can go home soon.
Thinking of you and your family. I’m a recently retired RN with 2 parents and a MIL all over 80. This is my future and I’m happy to do it!
You’re a frugal inspiration even when caring for family <3
Sending your mom lots of good recovery thoughts.
Hey, your mind is where it needs to be! Take care of each other and remember you guys need a break too. Going mum is up and about as soon as she can be. Us frugal guys know how to be patient and will be here ready for more when you’re ready.
Just mended husband’s tatty work jeans and t-shirt, so he now has less draughts!!! Also a top of mine that got a really random hole.
Still knitting for daughters Xmas pressies,need to finish to get on with everyone else’s!!
Love to all your family Katy xx
Wishing your Mom a steady and uneventful recovery. Loving family at the bedside is powerful indeed. She’s fournate to have you and your step father present.
Your devotion to your mom is heartening to hear. Your continued frugality in the midst of it is amazing. I pretty much use the slightest excuse to indulge non-frugal impulses when things get hard.
On another note: to the person who recommended the Tinkle razor comb for hair cutting, thanks so much! I used it for the first time when I cut husband’s hair the other day and it made the job 10 times easier. He used it on me and said the same. Second, to the person whose husband works with Sumos (the oranges, not the wrestlers) can you tell me when the season starts? Our produce manager seemed flummoxed when I asked him. Thanks.
I’m the Tinkle lady! Oh, wait, that sounds a bit weird… 😀 It is an amazing little device, despite the silly name.
Thanks again, Ruby, for making my haircutting adventures easier. And it is so inexpensive!
Sending best wishes to your mom for a speedy and complete recovery.
I’m glad you can continue to be with and support your mom and her recovery while she’s in the hospital, and that you and your stepdad can support each other and be there together to support someone you both care about and love. I’m praying for all of you tonight.
Katy, no apologies needed. Your mind and body are where they need to be. We’ll be here whenever you are. Sending extra positive vibes to your mom and everyone involved in her care.
Your mom is your priority right now. You’re doing exactly what you should be doing. I’m glad you have your stepfather there for support. Your mom is doubly blessed.
Sending lots of healing thoughts to your mom. It’s not an easy time and I am glad you have your stepfather to go through this with.
Sending healing thoughts from So. CA for your mom.
Your mother can rest & recover with her mind at ease. You are at her bedside keeping a watchful eye out. Plus you are providing companionship as well as giving the elderly step-father some rest. Well done you.
Wishing for a speedy recovery. Take care of your Mom and yourself.
You are where you need to be. Sending positive thoughts to your family. It’s always stressful when there’s health issues going on.
Patient sitting is very hard work. Thanks for making time to check in with your readers. Sending healing and caring thoughts your way.
Hope your mom continues to recover. Virtual hugs.
As Christina said, you are were you need to be right now.
Taking care of mom.
Sending well wishes to your Mom.
Katy, long-time reader but rare commenter here. Sending hugs and prayers for you and your mom. You are good to take care of her, and please take care of yourself.
Take good care of your mama! (and you)