Five Frugal Things

by Katy on September 27, 2024 · 9 comments

  1. I was extremely frugal over the ten days that my mother was in the hospital for her cardiac surgery. I made sure to eat a filling breakfast before leaving the house each morning, (bulk purchased bowls of oatmeal, sprinkled with homemade brown sugar!) and I packed boring but serviceable PB&J sandwiches for lunch. Dinners were either $6 Costco food court chicken Caesar salads or I just waited to eat until I got home around 9:30-10:00. I carried my ever present reusable water bottle. Most days I also threw a banana into my purse.

    When I was a hospital nurse, my motto was “I’m here to make money, not spend it!” and I guess that mindset lingers on.

    My mother is now recovering at a skilled nursing facility that’s conveniently located around ten minutes from the house. Perfect for shorter and spontaneous visits.

  2. I mixed up a batch of no-knead artisan bread last night and molded the dough into four small loaves instead of one big one. I wanted to bring fresh bread to my mother without it being an overwhelming amount. It turned out exactly as I’d envisioned and I’ll absolutely repeat this process. Homemade bread always feels like alchemy, as such humble ingredients, (flour, salt, water and yeast) transform into absolute perfection!

  3. • I started listening to Kalaine Bradley’s The Ministry of Time audiobook through the library’s free Libby app.
    • I used my garbage picked GEM canning jar as a vase for flowers.
    • I gave my free-from-the-library Connie Chung tickets to my friend Lise, who then used them with her daughter.  I’m relieved these tickets didn’t go to waste and that she said it was a really fun evening. Apparently Connie Chung is super funny. Who knew?
    • I gave my son a hand broom and dustpan that I garbage picked a couple months ago. I ran it through the dishwasher with a few other grody items first though.

  4. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Megan September 27, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Glad your mom is recovering and that she has you by her side!


Jennifer September 27, 2024 at 5:24 pm

I’m so happy your mom is on the mend at a SNF! Your bread is beautiful.

1. Our school read The Wild Robot (5th grade only) and today is opening day of the movie. All of 5th grade went. It was fantastic and wholesome – and free for me as a para in the school.

2. Packed a lunch of random items around the house – it made no sense but it worked and I was not hungry.

3. Spent time going through the grocery ads, the store coupons and my ibotta app to make a detailed list of the best deals as well as stuff we need. Clearly based on #2 I need to go grocery shopping.

4. We are in the no AC and no heat season and I’m loving it. After a very high electric bill last month (flooded basement and had to rent industrial fans to dry everything for days) I really need a low utility month.

5. We cooked at home all week long. I have been very good about eating at home since being gone so much of the summer and fall and having to eat out a lot. I have no desire for restaurant food.


Val September 27, 2024 at 6:11 pm

I’m glad your mom is recovering well and has moved to a skilled nursing facility that is closer to you and will be easier for visits. I hope she continues to improve every day.
You did really well staying frugal food-wise even with all the stress of your mom’s hospitalization. Kudos! You rock.


Selena September 27, 2024 at 6:13 pm

Despite the supposed absolutely horrid economy, apparently there is a gullible market for $100K watches courtesy of our resident grifter.
Glad to hear your mom is doing well. Bonus that she’s recovering so close to your house.


Merry Schiff September 27, 2024 at 6:28 pm

Glad your mom is recovering well. Its not easy for the parent or child no matter how old
Have you posted a recipe for the bread? My wrists are fused so can’t knead. I’d love a recipe that I can make easily.
Thank you so much for your teachings


kathy September 27, 2024 at 6:34 pm

Glad your mom is on the mend near you
Not especially frugal however this past week we’ve eaten out several times wit poor quality food. So I’ve nicely shared it and have had it taken off our bill


Kara September 27, 2024 at 7:32 pm

I’m on my monthly visit to grandkids, my son is out of town for part of this visit (planned for me to be here so I could help his wife). I bring my own food, so that’s frugal. I usually go to Costco and buy them a few things, which I did today. No plastic toys or dollar store junk for the kids, but I’m happy to pay for some food. I also brought some free printed worksheets and activities which my grandson loves. I got the color ones printed for free at my library.
2. Drove the cheaper-to-run car, though it’s much less comfortable.
3. My husband exists on eggs on toast or Costco pizza while I’m gone, so that’s pretty frugal too.
4. Told my son-in-law about cost plus pharmacy where his meds would be a quarter of the price he pays through Amazon pharmacy.
5. Brought plants for my son and daughter. I’ve raised all of them from cuttings or I’ve dug up volunteer plants. Frugal for me that I no longer have to water all of them. Frugal for them because they just got over $100 worth of plants for free.
I’m glad your mom is onto her next phase of recovery!


Cathy September 27, 2024 at 8:17 pm

How good you were able to spend so much time at he hospital with your mom, and I hope her recovery goes really well so she can be home soon.


Marilyn September 27, 2024 at 11:19 pm

So glad to hear your mother is out of the hospital. Hope she will be home soon. I think a bowl of oatmeal (with raisins in my case) is a really satisfying breakfast. And PB&J sandwiches are true classics. My one frugal success this week: I found the new Richard Osman book (We Solve Murders) on the Lucky Day table at the library. Can’t wait to read it.


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