Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on October 9, 2024 · 54 comments

  1. My son and I continue to list the furniture and whatnot that didn’t make the cut for his small studio apartment. Yesterday was a pair of IKEA “Vilmar” dining chairs that I’d thrifted for $1.99 apiece. They’re discontinued and seem to sell for $20 apiece, so that’s what we’re asking.

    I love how thrifting means that your material possessions don’t depreciate in value.

  2. I saw an Instagram reel with homemade baked beans and suddenly had a hankering. Unfortunately I didn’t have any white beans on hand, but I did have a jar of black eyed peas which did the trick. Baked beans are so strongly seasoned that it almost makes no difference which beans you use. I didn’t follow any specific recipe, but I did throw in a clump of my frozen sautéed onions, as well as various bits and bobs from the fridge.

    Super yummy and I didn’t spend any money to assemble the ingredients.

  3. I’ve been pretty tired lately, which may be from receiving my flu and Covid shots on the same day, but is more likely due to everything going on in my life right now. It was just me at the house for dinner last night, so I walked down to my neighborhood taco cart and spent $11 on a massive burrito. I had them slice it in half and texted my son an invitation to stop by on his way home from work. It filled the two of us without me having to cook or clean. Well worth the eleven bucks!

  4. • The black eyed peas were from my friend Lise who panic bought a big ol’ bucket of them at the beginning of the pandemic.
    • I used super glue to piece together one of the spinning brushes from my robot vacuum. I’d tried an online hack to dip them in boiling water to straighten out the bristles, (which worked a dream!) but I suspect that it dissolved the glue. Oops . . . live and learn!
    • I’m listening to Yours Truly, by Abby Jimenez through the library’s free Libby app. I’d started it a few months ago, but it automatically returned before I could finish reading it. Luckily, the characters and plot were still floating around in my brain, so I’m back in the thick of things.
    • I found a quarter in the Costco parking lot.

  5. I didn’t buy a Tesla cyber truck.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 54 comments… read them below or add one }

Kristen | The Frugal Girl October 9, 2024 at 11:49 am

Did I tell you one of my neighbors actually DID buy a cybertruck? So now I see one driving by my house on the regular.

Amazingly, I have resisted the urge to buy one for myself. 😉


ProfesoraH-B October 9, 2024 at 2:27 pm

I cannot get over how much they look like rolling dumpsters. I just….no, I’ll drive my 12-year-old Ford Sedan, thank you.


Selena October 9, 2024 at 7:11 pm

I don’t have time for all the Tesla recalls, the gamble that a malfunction (software or hardware), nor the butt-ugly-not-even-functionable “vehicle”.
Frankly, I’d rather own a Pinto.


Heidi Louise October 10, 2024 at 6:33 am

Perhaps you are dating yourself with the Pinto reference? Heh– my high school friend had an orange one.

Although I have no strong opinions on the Tesla truck, I did see a description that said it looked like something made for the Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby.


Rose October 10, 2024 at 9:20 am

Our family had the Bicentennial Pinto. Sigh.

Jill A October 10, 2024 at 12:15 pm

I had a yellow pinto which was a step up from my previous car which was an AMC Gremlin. It’s a wonder I’m alive with the way I drive.


Marilyn October 10, 2024 at 8:55 pm

My first car was a Ford Pinto. Bought it used (it was 3 years old) and owned it for about 8 years. (About a year after I bought it the news came out that the car could be a death trap and it was finally recalled for a fix to the gas tank).


Kara October 9, 2024 at 11:56 am

I think those trucks are so ugly. I make my own baked beans and I used dry white navy beans that I buy in bulk from vitacost. Homemade baked beans are SO cheap and they don’t contain my allergens.

1. Called our Internet provider since our service has been poor. They’re sending a technician tomorrow and when it’s fixed I can call back for a credit on my bill. I will be calling.
2. Found that Kaiser pharmacy has been sneaky about billing for an ongoing prescription. I filed a grievance and messaged my doctor to get his end corrected.
3. Was going to donate 2 vintage quilt tops (tops only) but decided to give them a whirl on FB marketplace and I have a buyer lined up. For $50!
4. Made soup from homemade broth, dehydrated kale from last year, and various other veggies from fridge.
5. Cleaning my garage… Selling stuff.


Cindy in the South October 9, 2024 at 12:15 pm

“Baked beans are so strongly seasoned that it almost makes no difference which beans you use”…. And the choir says AMEN!!!! Cool chairs!


Selena October 9, 2024 at 7:12 pm

I was disappointed to see no bacon was added.


Mary Ann October 9, 2024 at 1:58 pm

I am slowly selling down the last of my high ticket, bought at full priced items. It continues to humble me and reaffirm my new policy of keeping only that which continues to provide joy. New purchases will be rigorously researched to find second hand choices.

1. I had bought beautiful, ethically sourced Magnolia Pearl harem pants. Loved them 3 years ago. But I am now retired and they just don’t fit my mojo anymore. I let them go today, priced at $175 and they sold in 20 mins at 165 on Poshmark. I thanked the pants for their joy and mailed them off.

2. I realized I don’t usually finish my second cup of coffee. I put the leftover in the fridge ( no matter how little) in a mason jar for iced coffee.

3, I have been on a healthy food/ use what I have roll lately. Just made an instapot batch of our last dried chickpeas ( We farm.) 50 min – no soak, high pressure. Delish. They are going in a salad with romaine, tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and a summer pear balsamic/Meyer lemon olive oil dressing . ( The dressing was a gift.)

4. Lunch was gifted bread I froze and the last of the delish butternut squash soup. These dried soups are a great frugal compromise. I don’t have to buy seasoning and I don’t have to know how to cook. They are all whole food ingredients. I get them on sale in December. They are a dump recipe into the instapot and press a button. So even though I may have saved some pennies buying in bulk, I won’t cook them. Best to take the deal i will use rather than the better deal.

5.I was going to patronize a small business lighting store in hopes that excellent service will outweigh the larger price tag. I have had two consults with them now and have really gained nothing. No follow up and the suggested ceiling fans were discontinued. I feel guilty but I am going to let it go and research elsewhere. Our Riverhouse Renovation is on a massive scale ( 5,000 square feet.) If I am going to have to become an expert I am going to pay myself in savings.


Sandra October 9, 2024 at 2:02 pm

1. I am going out of town for a few days so am carefully monitoring my produce. I had about 4 cups of a cabbage/kale salad mix to use up. I had a large salad for dinner last night and another for lunch today. Now there is just a cup of so to use up.
2. Another use it up is a large container of baby spinach. I am steaming it in my 6 quart pot and will divide into 2 portions for the freezer.

3. I had found many marked down vegetables at the dented vegetable store last weekend. I realized I can’t use them all up before I leave so I will roast off a bag of cauliflower, broccoli, and baby carrots. Those I can carry with me for snacking.

4. I also found Honey Crisp apples on sale for 39 cents a pound. They won’t spoil, but I will take some along for snacking. Almost forgot, I bought grapes, too. They will also be tucked in for snacking on the trip.

5. Oh, yes, I definitely resisted the “urge” to buy a new Tesla truck. That’s willpower for you!


Terri October 9, 2024 at 2:24 pm

I haven’t commented on your blog in ages, I just wanted to say that it’s so sweet that you and your adult son are so close.


Jill A October 9, 2024 at 2:35 pm

1. I returned a garbage bag full of cans and bottles for the 10 cent deposit refund.
2. I’m eating leftovers for dinner. I made pad thai and tacos so no cooking until the leftovers are gone.
3. My daughter brought home some free produce from work which I’ll put to good use. I see stir fry in my future. She also brought enough flowers home for a small arrangement. We had our first frost last night so I’m guessing they’re harvesting whatevers left.
4. I accepted a small face lotion sample from my dermatologist. It will go in my travel bag.
5. I mailed a check for my car registration to avoid a credit card service fee.

And no cyber truck for me either. So much willpower.


BettafromdaVille October 9, 2024 at 3:04 pm

1. I’ve been asked to bring a tarte au citron to a dinner later in the month. I found lemons on the dented vegetable shelf, juiced, zested them, and froze them.
2. I did 2 more mystery shops for a grocery store, buying loss leaders and toilet paper.
3. I found 4 duck breasts on FlashFoods. There will only be 4 of us for Thanksgiving, so I’m making these. I don’t care for turkey, and this will feel like a real splurge (certainly more than turkey per pound, but I’m fine with that). They are in the freezer.


Kathy October 9, 2024 at 3:08 pm

1. Had $4 CVS coupon and combined it with a $5 Visa card (received for taking a survey). Viola! for under $2 I have a gift for upcoming Bingo on Sunday afternoon. The “price” or paying is to bring a gift of at least $10 value
2. $20 FB sale which was a porch pick up! Yeah no mailing involved
3. Found some items in the storage shed which I’ll list.
4. Made stuffed peppers last night. Used up an onion, pepper tops, tomato and left over rice. Always have enough for another meal
5. Not only did I not buy a “dumpster” look truck, I didn’t buy during Prime days


Kym October 9, 2024 at 3:33 pm

1. Have been working many long hours prepping our former home for sale. With that and taking care of our six beehives, I’ve felt a bit pressed in the food preparation arena. Quite proud that we’ve mostly managed to find dinners in our freeezer and that I’ve made egg or tuna salad for lunch breaks on several days.
2. We’ve been haunting Marketplace and local auctions for some fishing gear for the lake at our new place, but serendipity intervened! On the way home from working all day at the old place, someone right around the corner had put out three poles and two reels with a “free” sign. 🙂 We made a quick U-turn and went back and got them!
3. Due to moving and house selling, I was not going to make my annual batches of hot pepper jelly, but our new neighbor asked if I’d like some hot peppers. I said, sure I’d take a few if he had extra and chop them for the freezer. He came back and handed me a large bag bursting with a variety of hot peppers of all sorts. Guess I’ll be making time to make jelly — three batches! –plus have a ton to chop for the freezer.
4. Dinner tonight will be some frozen pierogis that have been in the freezer for longer than I care to admit. With lots of sauteed onions, they’ll be delicious.
5. Going to a friend’s fish fry on Saturday, which gives me an excellent chance to use up some of the extra veggies from our CSA in a vegetable and dip tray.
No Tesla truck. No Prime Day.


Christine October 9, 2024 at 4:20 pm

1. Made a batch of mint iced tea using the last of the dried mint I got free at the library from the Spice of the Month club.
2. DH and I attended a terrific talk at the library about the local railroad and trolley systems starting in the 1840s. The speaker had a great sense of humor and deep knowledge of the subject matter. The fact he is a retired teacher didn’t hurt.
3. Today DH and I went to a birthday party for my bestie since childhood at her mother’s house. We all contributed something to the meal (I was asked to bring soda and ice cream…both on sale, of course). Her mom made the birthday cake. We worked up our appetites walking a nearby trail which meandered through the woods and along a boardwalk before we ate.
4. I’m going to a Johnny Cash tribute concert tomorrow night, again at the library. Love the name: Counterfeit Cash! It’s not DH’s thing so I’ll meet up with friends there.
5. DH went to the dentist for a cleaning and check up…”Look Ma, no cavities!” which translates to no money spent on fillings.


MB in MN October 9, 2024 at 4:22 pm

1. Received a $126 check as part of a class action settlement. Cost me minimal time to fill out the paperwork so pretty much free money.

2. Gave away an antique baker’s table via Buy Nothing (after getting no interest from a consignment shop or Craigslist) and sold an antique armoire to a friend. Hard to part with these pieces but they deserve a better home than in our garage for possible use “someday” in a different home. Plus, there are now two fewer things for our heirs to eventually deal with. Recent stories on this blog have me looking harder at our stuff.

3. Sold an outdoor sofa on Craigslist. Unfortunately, it was not worth the time and trouble of getting the buyer to actually come and pick it up. Then, she brought her cat with her and it escaped from her truck while we were loading up. While searching for the cat, we were trespassing all over the woods in the neighbors’ backyards. One came out to see what the heck was going on; luckily, they don’t own a gun. Happily, the cat made it back to the truck on her own after about an hour.

4. Received a few things from my Buy Nothing group, including a dog harness, like-new socks, blush, lotion and a landscape steppingstone to match others that we have. Gave away loads of fieldstone that we wouldn’t be using. Buy Nothing is amazing.

5. Received $30 in Visa rewards from my health plan for having my annual physical and signing up for text messages from my pharmacy.

To offset all this frugalness, I have to admit that I spent $13 on a 3-way lightbulb at Target. One bulb, not the two that I thought were in the box, and even then it was expensive. Holy wow. Supposedly will last 9 years. I might be dead by then.


Marie October 9, 2024 at 5:27 pm

Yes, I spent $9 for a 3- way lightbulb. It was for a $10 lamp I bought on market place. Lol


Ruby October 9, 2024 at 5:28 pm

I had the flu, Covid and “welcome to your 65th year” pneumonia shot at the same time. Felt flatter than Wiley Coyote under an anvil the next day.

My own frugal five:
1. Trimmed my own hair up just a bit more.
2. Used the fabric shaver to de-bobble a shirt.
3. Took apart a pillow cover I sewed some years ago from a tablecloth bought at a yard sale and turned the fabric into a window valance. The rod pocket on the back was made from fabric salvaged from old pillowcases. Already had the curtain rod, so this was a zero expense project.
4. Mended a dog toy three times before the puppy finally decapitated the poor stuffed creature. The squeaker was salvaged for use in another toy and the remains given a burial in the trash can.
5. Had a cook fest and made gluten-free flatbread for my husband along with baked apple oatmeal and a chicken-quinoa casserole. All this freezes well, so we’re in good shape for a week.
Bonus: Used the very handy rechargeable clippers to shave a mat out of the cat’s long, super-soft coat. Cat grooming at a salon starts at $90, so I feel very accomplished keeping her groomed at home.

Fun fact: Someone locally bought a cyber truck and painted it pink. Maybe a very metal-head Mary Kay lady? 😀


Christine October 9, 2024 at 7:41 pm

I like the term “de-bobble” for shaving a shirt! I’ve never heard it before but it somehow sounds right.


Liz B. October 10, 2024 at 3:27 am

LOL about the pink cyber truck! 🙂


Marie October 9, 2024 at 5:28 pm

Yes, I spent $9 for a 3- way lightbulb. It was for a $10 lamp I bought on market place. Lol


Blue Gate Farmgirl October 9, 2024 at 5:49 pm

Took lunch to my favorite accountant. She works in my area one day per month and I had a piece of paperwork from my brother’s estate that she helped fill out. She ate homemade chicken noodle soup and bread plus apple pie bars (for her to take home) and I was able to help her with some family medical issues.
I have seen a T Truck (soooo ugly) driving about in my neck of the woods.
I’m almost embarrassed to say, but I sold a froze up chainsaw to an artist for an art installation. Crazy. I had listed it w/o a price because I was giving it away, he offered $50 and I will donate it to Breast Cancer research.


Ecoteri October 12, 2024 at 9:52 pm

I love your chainsaw ‘sale’ story, including where you will send the funds. And I am curious about your apple pie bars. I love your shares!


Edie October 9, 2024 at 6:20 pm

5 small frugal things:
1) I was offered and accepted a new job contract! Boohoo!

2) I completed the bedroom paint project and started to put the bedroom back together. All of the junk has been decluttered and now I have fresh sheets, duvet covers and freshly laundered pillows on the bed, which looks beautiful with the paint color. I also bought a beautiful maple and glass end table to use for $19 from Goodwill. I am using my old vases with my own cut flowers to scent my bedroom and previously purchased lamps that were picked off the sidewalk. My total for my bedroom reno with paint and furnishings was so very affordable, and a much need project between jobs!
3) Also from Goodwill: Spode dip dishes that go perfectly with my Johnson Brothers and Spode dishes. Plus a broiler pan I have needed!
4) I am making ratatouille- confit byaldi actually- from garden squash, tomato and eggplant!
5) all jokes aside, I am continuing to use my e bike and my Honored Citizens Trimet pass! $28 a month will take all over town without worrying about a very ill conceived vehicle!


texasilver October 9, 2024 at 8:13 pm

1. I joined my local Buy Nothing group. I saw a “wanted” posted for large pots for plants. We had 3 on the front porch. I emailed the lady & she came to get them. She said they matched ones she already had. Junk out the door that others can use.
2. I found 3 small boxes of Liberty Creek wine at, you guessed it, Dollar General dumpster. I gave the 2 Pinot Grigio to my friend. I don’t drink wine. I have a Cabernet left. My friend drinks only white wine. Wine in a box is likely crappy but we shall see.
3. I found some new dog items in the dumpster also. I will take these to the
Humane Society.
4. I posted on Buy Nothing that I am searching for spray paint remnants. I will see what appears before I buy any.
5. My assistant dean called a few days ago to see if I wanted to work in Spring ’25.
I’m happy to be offered something. I’d rather teach college classes that the unruly teenagers in summer STEM camp.
Katy, I felt fatigued also after I got influenza & COVID booster on the same day & in the same arm. Whenever I read you have made a dish I am inclined to make it too. Baked beans sound good. I have some molasses on hand as well as white beans.


K D October 10, 2024 at 1:52 am

1. I continue to enjoy BBQ Baked Lentils that I cooked in the Instant Pot. It have been topping them with sale purchased avocado and gifted tomatoes.

2. I helped a friend with a task for her mom and she fed me lunch. We ate leftovers from a dinner she hosted for a large-ish family gathering.

3. My optometrist said my distance vision had decreased slightly since she certified me as being able to drive without glasses. I’d rather be safe than sorry so I ordered glasses and sunglasses at Costco. It was $50 off on the second pair and insurance covered quite a bit of the first pair. It was much less than I expected. I should be able to tap our FSA to cover the out of pocket expense.

4, I bought a box of apples at a produce place near Costco. It was $22 for 24.4#s of Autumn Crisps versus $1.99/#. I know they source the apples locally.

5. After Costco I walked a round the corner to Aldi to buy a bag of avocados on sale.


Judi October 10, 2024 at 3:49 am

1. Baked an apple-pear praline pie using apples and pears from our small orchard. The pecans were purchased by my husband at $16 a bag! I would have left them there.. I also made a batch of pear zucchini muffins that had pecans as an optional ingredient. I opted not to and froze the rest for when they are really required.
2. Attended a birthday party for my niece and my gifts were all made at home with fabric I already had.
3. My husband made supper last night using left over chicken and our home grown veggies.
4. Repaired my table pad. It was made from an old mattress pad cut down and satin stitched over the edges.
5. Sewed my button back on my fall coat that my sister originally bought from a thrift store and gave to me.
7. Knitting a new Christmas stocking for my husband. I want to retire the one his mother made him 70 years ago, it gets new holes every year and I’m not sure it can stand being darned anymore. I already had yarn left from a sweater I made my daughter.
8. Cleaned and organized our fridge. We had three jars of tartar sauce! Now that it’s organized less likely to repeat buy because we can’t find something.
9. Defrosted our small freezer and organized it as well. Collected all our baking supplies into two bags so that I can easily find what I need. I buy things on sale to use for baking and keep them in the freezer.


Jean C October 12, 2024 at 3:29 am

The tartar sauce story made me smile. We always make our own from scratch – so no jars. When we first married I bought a jar of cocktail sauce and my husband was quite displeased. He said, correctly, that it is nothing but ketchup and horseradish (you can add lemon juice and a little Worcestershire sauce if you wish). We used to joke that our refrigerator was full of condiments, but light on real food.


Molly October 10, 2024 at 4:45 am

I just wanted to say that I enjoy the book recommendations. When you post what you’re reading/listening to, I immediately go to my library’s website and see if they have it. I especially like that your books are primarily women authors.


Marybeth from NY October 10, 2024 at 5:49 am

1. I started with a new client this week, 2 days a week from 7am to 5pm. I made hard boiled eggs and muffins for grab n go breakfasts. I packed lunch for both days. I made extra chicken on Monday to have leftovers. I pulled out sauce and meatballs for Tuesday for an easy dinner. We had leftovers last night for dinner. Whats the point of working if I need to get takeout every night.
2. Stop & Shop had their store brand of colduts on sale. I bought a pound of honey turkey and a pound of salami. They had a $5 off $15 coupon for coldcuts. I got 2 pounds for $11. It made easy lunches for us this way. I grabbed a loaf of honey wheat bread off of the clearance rack. Hubby was very excited since it has been May since we last got cold cuts. S&S also had chicken cutlets on sale for $1.99 so I grabbed the 2 packs I was allloweed.
3. Shoprite had some good sales, bacon for $2.99 for 120z. Mozzarella for $2.99 a lb. They had $6 off 2 Nature’s Bounty vitamins. I needed Vitamin B so I got 2 bottles for less then $4, A&H body wash for 99¢, Canned soup 4 for $5. I spent $99.87 and saved $108.38. I call that a win. I then did Ibotta, Fetch and Receipt Hog. Watch you receipts. I had an error at both stores and had to go to customer service to get them fixed. I am having a mistake almost every trip lately.
4. My sister came and dropped off her dog. She will be away for the next week+. She brought me a beatiful basket that she was given full of stuff. She won’t use the basket. I will use the basket for a Christmas gift. I will fill it with lots of food. She brought a toy for my dog, treats for both dogs, 1/2 a head of lettuce, 3 eggs, makeup and perfume samples for my daughter and a present for my son’s kitten. She took a bag of stuff for another sister that she will see before I do. She also picked figs and tomatoes. She took some and left the rest on the counter. I didn’t have to do it after work.
5. I made a batch of dog food last night even though I was very tired.


Hawaii Planner October 10, 2024 at 6:35 am

I love the sisterly exchanges, Marybeth!


Marybeth from NY October 10, 2024 at 10:10 am

We do it all the time. We pass stuff from my parents, sisters(4), nephews and my 3 kids. Its saves a bunch on shipping.


Hawaii Planner October 10, 2024 at 6:40 am

1) We’ve continued eating things from the garden (tomatoes, peppers, basil, pomegranates, etc). I’ve also been working my way through delicious apples that a friend gave me from her tree.
2) I sold some old sunglasses on eBay & made $90. Which, didn’t come close to the cost of my son losing his dorm keys & needing them re-keyed. He’s in a suite, so he actually has two keys (outer suite door + actual room door). We agreed that I would do him the solid of covering the replacement this time, and he will be in charge from here on out. He has ADHD & used to lose A LOT of stuff. It’s a lot better now, but good for him to understand the cost of these expenses.
3) No one else was home for dinner last night, so I had popcorn & a grilled cheese. Lacking in nutrition, but quick, easy & not something that would pass as a regular dinner.
4) Cleaned the house, including steam mopping all of the floors. I priced out doing a deep clean before we have guests coming to stay with us, but that’s absolutely a no. I’ll keep working my way through the chores on my side.
5) Used up a 3 pass yoga class intro offer before it expired.


A. Marie October 10, 2024 at 11:32 am

FTFT, Some Tiny and Some Not-So-Tiny Edition:

(1) I’m late to the party on this FTFT because I spent two hours this morning at the nearest Honda dealership getting the problem with the Element’s latest warning light diagnosed and disentangled. I’ll spare you the full saga. But suffice it to say I’m thankful for the service department and especially the service rep I dealt with at the dealership, who (a) determined that the problem was with a component of the new exhaust system I had installed at my usual garage back in August; (b) got on the phone with said garage and made sure I had an appointment to get the problem fixed at no charge before I leave for Cleveland next Tuesday; and (c) refused to charge me for the service time today. I may be shifting my automotive allegiance henceforth.

(2) Dr. Bestest Neighbor brought over the last few green beans from his backyard veggie garden (well and prohibitively fenced in by DH back in the day), and I incorporated them into a stir-fry with some Reduced for Quick Sale boneless pork, some cauliflower I’m trying to use up, and some greens from the garden (pigweed growing wild, and arugula from my Easy Washer tub). NB: Arugula, added at the very last minute to a stir-fry, is dynamite.

(3) I had a pretty good set of results from my 6-month checkup/Medicare wellness visit to my PCP on Tuesday: I’ve lost 7 pounds since April; my BP is behaving itself; and all but one of my lipid levels kept me out of the PCP-lecture range. It looks as if I’ll live to fight another day.

(4) As I pack for the JASNA Annual General Meeting in Cleveland, I’m taking the opportunity for yet another cull of my wardrobe. A few things that still look respectable but otherwise don’t meet my current specs will be taken to the AGM and discarded there (leaving more room in my luggage for books!); several other things will be donated back to one of the local thrifts before I leave.

(5) And I’ve got the last of a 28-0z. bottle of Dawn (bought off the clearance shelf at Price Chopper for 75 cents; don’t ask me why it was there!) turned upside down in a yogurt tub, to get the last few drops out of it conveniently. FTs don’t get much tinier than that.


Tonya October 10, 2024 at 12:14 pm

Our microwave at work pooped out and I brought in a free one from my local Buy Nothing group!

I’m resisting the lure of coffeeshop iced coffee a little more often. It’s so delicious and so expensive.

I am doing my yardwork little by little instead of hiring someone.

Meal planning from the fridge and freezer when I can.

I also didn’t buy a Tesla truck, it’s easy to resist the lure since Elon and Trump are such cozy friends. Bleh.


texasilver October 11, 2024 at 2:47 pm

Tonya you can make a decent iced coffee with leftover chilled coffee, some flavoring, and some type of plant or dairy milk. I agree it is expensive to buy at a coffee shop. The McDonalds iced coffee is pretty good & it’s often a dollar for a large one on their app. Starbucks stopped carrying any sugar free flavoring except vanilla. I never went there much but now there is no reason to get an overpriced iced coffee there. I just make it or if I’m desperate I get dollar one at Micky Ds.


Jean C October 12, 2024 at 3:38 am

Exactly my thoughts on Tesla products. If ever I thought about purchasing a Tesla ( I have not) I would never consider it now. I wonder about the myriad of ways the brand has been negatively impacted.


Lindsey October 10, 2024 at 3:21 pm

The struggle to not buy the Tesla truck is real: my mother was a terrible driver and before I was 10, I had been in four accidents, two of them very serious. So, I have always hated driving or even riding in a car. I did not get a license until I was 23. And when I bought my first car it was a three-quarter ton pickup outfitted with a roll bar. It took my husband a year to convince me that downgrading to a half ton pickup would still be enough protection. He also found one in butter yellow, which helped convince me I must confess. Eventually he convinced me to downgrade to a minivan, largely because by then we had the first of our Irish wolfhounds and he did not like leaping up into the truck. We still have a pickup that we use during the summer, which the Dane has to be half lifted up into, and when we put it into storage at the first snow (so right now) I hate saying see you in 7 or 8 months. If it fit into our garage, I would use it all winter, but only the van fits in there. I lusted after a Hummer when they came out and I have lusted over the Tesla, more so when I found out it will resist small caliber bullets. (I do not live in a high crime area; we don’t even lock our doors, but if we did our dog door is so large that I have crawled through it. And I own several guns and am a very good shot, so it is not fear of gunfire, I just like the idea of a vehicle that could withstand gunfire.) Luckily, if my will power fails me, I am held back by the fact that electric cars don’t do well at 20, 30 and 40 below zero or colder. Also, my husband and I have to agree on purchases over $50, and he is not as crazy as I am. I love the angles all over it, too. All of which is to say that my first frugal for this week really is that I did not buy a Tesla.
2. They needed an extra shift at the food bank, and I came home with another delicious pre-made meat loaf that no one wanted so would end up in the pig farmer’s slop load. It fed us yesterday and will again today, with leftovers for the dogs.
3. Sold three more jewelry items on eBay but yesterday and today I did post office shops, and will do one tomorrow, so no money spent on sending the items out.
4. When we did ballroom dancing, I acquired a number of floor length beaded
dresses. Long sleeves, low necklines, most in jewel tones more suited to stained glass in a Catholic church. I loved these expensive purchases, even though when I wore them, I mostly looked like a very tall bejeweled 33-gallon garbage can. They all showed off my Soviet era Eastern European body to its worst advantage. But how I loved them. This week I finally got rid of the last one, giving it to the community opera group for their costume closet.
5. Took advantage of the very few places that offer birthday freebies in this small town.


mary in maryland October 10, 2024 at 3:47 pm

I loved the look of Irish fishermen’s sweaters and loved knitting them. Alas, they all made me look like a tufted sofa. Mirrors can be such a bummer.


Selena October 10, 2024 at 7:15 pm

@Lindsey – not so sure I believe any of the hype about Tesla vehicles. But I doubt any dealership would let you take a few shots at said vehicle. You don’t want a Tesla, trust me. While it doesn’t get quite as cold where I live as where you live, those vehicles are not reliable.


Lindsey October 11, 2024 at 8:38 am

I don’t intend to buy one, I just toy with the idea. Plus, giving Elon Musk any of my money is so abhorrent, that it overrides everything else.


A. Marie October 12, 2024 at 1:26 am

Lindsey, I wouldn’t buy a Tesla because of Elon Musk alone!


Bettypants October 10, 2024 at 4:12 pm

1. My office bought lunch for everyone yesterday which was a taco/nacho bar. I ate and then walked 2 miles with a coworker. There was an event after work with free drinks and pizza.

2. Someone posted an Everything Free sale for this morning. I couldn’t make the start time, which was 9 am, so I very nearly didn’t bother. When I got there at 9:30, there wasn’t much left. But I’m really glad I drove out, because I found a handful of great items that had been overlooked including a box of vintage Christmas ornaments, a bird feeder, and some plant pots.

3. I rooted some spider plants and took one in a cute pot (from a garage sale) for a coworker, who loved it.

4. I had an ebay buyer complain that an item I sent wasn’t packed a specific way they expected it to be, even though they had asked if I shipped that way, nor made a special request. Their feedback makes it looks like they routinely fish for partial refunds. They won’t be getting one from me.

5. I bought a stuffed owl from a garage sale and our little rescue dog is having the time of his life playing with it. It’s bigger than the rest of his toys and he just loves wrestling with it. His former family said he didn’t like toys, but he’s super playful here.


kathleen October 12, 2024 at 9:22 pm

#5 evoked a gasp from me, as I was picturing a taxidermy-mounted owl with feathers flying and growling aplenty from little rescue dog. LOL


Jennifer October 10, 2024 at 4:26 pm

1. Sunday we stopped to get our car washed, as it still has lots of dead bugs on it from our last cross country drive. Their CC system was down so we got the wash for free.

2. I paid off my car. It took only 27 months from the purchase – during the height of car shortages when it was far cheaper to buy new (if you could find it). We will now frantically save for a new to us car for my dh as the under carriage is rusting out on his current car. He is riding his bike as much as possible and who knows how long the car will last.

3. I have hit my max with my health insurance. Everything is free for me right now. I had an ultrasound for a possible hernia today and a mammogram. I have several other big appointments scheduled as well as physical therapy for 2 different issues.

4. We buried our drain pipes from the gutters – dh did the work himself, so free. We needed to redo the drain pipes after our basement flooded in August.

5. I went to Target after an appointment today – I almost never go but was close. I was thirsty but skipped the starbucks at the front of the store. I then got the specific items I was after (a few food items we really like that are Target store brand). I always look at the mens clearance when I go and I hit the jackpot with socks and underwear – I got 6 packs of socks for $6.50 and a 3 packs of Jockey underwear for $9. I got nothing unnecessary


LB October 11, 2024 at 7:44 am

Congratulations on paying off your car!!!!


LB October 11, 2024 at 7:44 am

How has it never occurred to me to make my own baked beans? New favorite side dish incoming this fall!

1. Traveled to my in-laws for a lovely weekend of leaf peeping and family time. My org has an office near there so I’m in person today equipped with coffee brewed at home, snacks, and lunch. Pleased with myself for not falling into the travel takeout trap.

2. Picked up my winter clothes from storage. I forgot how many sweaters and beanies I own! Excited to avoid buying anything new this year as I wear stuff that already fits and I know I like 🙂 shopping/trends are a spending achilles heel for me so I try to keep this attitude as much as I can.

3. We managed to eat all perishables out of the fridge that would not last the weekend before we left, which must be a first!

4. I’m finally almost done with my 4 Libby books. A tip to anyone with an older kindle – if I put mine on airplane mode, it keeps the library books past their return date but the library sees them as returned and is able to reloan them. I have questioned the ethics of this but I don’t think I’m hurting anyone, and I am able to stock up when titles I like become available (and read multiple books at once). It’s been great but I’m ready for a new book or two.

5. Caught the Northern Lights driving north last night – some exceptional free entertainment, courtesy of our sun!


Katie from Buffalo October 11, 2024 at 10:52 am

LB – I also do this with my Libby books on my kindle! I’ve wondered about the ethics as well, but have figured that I wasn’t keeping the book out of the next person in line’s hands. So maybe its ok?


Heidi Louise October 11, 2024 at 8:26 am

1. City utility office had a free open house/lunch for Municipal Power Week. Husband and I went and had White Castle Sliders, (bakery is in town), water, pack of microwave popcorn, and ginormous doughnuts, donated by local merchants. I’ve only ever had White Castle once before, and these were very good mini-burgers.
2. County is collecting for hurricane relief, so the new Frugal Underpants I bought a week ago at a quarter a pair are going to Tennessee. Checked the bottom of our drawers and added a few shirts and pants new-with-tags that have never been worn.
3. While watching TV, working on a pillow case to slowly use some of the miles and miles of embroidery floss I have, from Mom, Grandma, yard sales, etc.
4. Local grocery chain is celebrating 95th anniversary with weekly coupons this month. Got a rotisserie chicken for $4, enough to confirm that we don’t really like the way they spice it, though will eat the meat in soup and I made something with the bones in the crock pot that I call broth. Butter for 99 cents was the best bargain, limit two.
5. Have needed neither heat nor AC for weeks– big savings there.


carol October 11, 2024 at 5:30 pm

And Libby puts you right where you left off!


Alison October 12, 2024 at 8:26 pm

1. The cousin who lives on a nearby island had my DH, our two dogs, and I for a two night stay. He made us lunch twice, and we took him for dinner once. He let me pick a big bag of apples from the orchard on his property, as he is leaving the country, and they would go to waste. Spent a lot of time looking out at the amazing water views.
2. I sold a pair of Saucony running shoes I bought for $7.50, in just a few days, for $50.00. They were almost new.
3. I also sold 20 pieces of Denby stoneware that were in a box of canisters (which I really wanted) that I bid on, on an online auction. I paid about $38 for all of it, and sold the stoneware for $120.00
4. Booked my annual mammogram, free as always.
5. Our addition is going well, the drywall has been primed. We should save on the painting as we are having it all done the same white, and will add colour if and when we feel we need it, down the line.


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