I drove the minivan to the closest cheap (ha!) gas station and spent $22 in cash to save 30¢/gallon, even though it only filled my tank to the halfway mark. I need to be mindful to keep enough cash on hand to actually fill the 21-gallon gas tank, as 30¢ X 21 = $6.30, which makes this frugal hack worth the trouble.
I called to follow up on two things that could’ve saved me money. The answer was “no” in both cases, but you never know unless you put in the effort.
1) My daughter returned our grocery cart to the cart corral in the Winco parking lot without noticing that her paper towels and toilet paper were on the bottom shelf. I called to see if someone had turned them in, but of course they hadn’t.
2) I left my nice (thrifted) Hydroflask reusuable water bottle in an urgent care exam room a couple months ago. I was with my father who was having a health issue, so it wasn’t that day’s priority. I finally called their lost and found, only to be told that they don’t save any food related items, which totally makes sense. I figured it was a bygone lost cause, but at least it’s not because I didn’t follow up.
My 26 year old and I stopped by Fred Meyer to pick up needed supplies for their weekly meal-prep-palooza. They were about to buy a loaf of bread, but instead accepted my offer of a loaf from my freezer.
You may remember that I bought ten loaves of $1 bread at the Franz Bakery Outlet store a few weeks back and I’m more than happy to share. Seriously, I’m so pleased whenever I can help my kids save their hard earned dollars!
I pulled a mostly eaten Costco rotisserie chicken from the freezer and cooked it in my countertop pressure cooker to make a big pot of chicken soup. Portland’s been extra frosty this past week and we’re even expecting snow on Thursday, which calls for comforting warm meals. I’ll probably bake up a loaf of overnight artisan bread to dip into the broth.
I didn’t enrich the Fox television network by watching even a minute of the Superb Owl.
Five Tiny Frugal Things
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We had .70 off/gallon of gas (earned in December from buying gift cards and groceries at Kroger) so we took both vehicles and got gas for 1.88/gallon.
Paid husband’s cost for his upcoming surgery in full, which got us a 20% discount. We used up our entire FSA on part of it, and the rest went on a credit card which will be paid in full next month but at least earns us a few points and gives us time to be able to pay it without having to dip into savings.
Got my first shingles vaccine this week. My mom and husband have both had very mild cases of shingles which were miserable and I absolutely do not want to think about getting a more severe case.
It was time to order our Vitamin D, which used to come from Amazon. I would have bought directly from the company but their website directed me to go to…Amazon. So I found a different company, and it’s actually cheaper than the A word, free shipping, and I’m getting 10% back from Rakuten.
Yesterday when we traveled for husband’s pre-surgery lab work, I took several books and a few DVDs to a used bookstore. We received $75 in trade, then promptly used $24 of that for 6 books for him and one for me.
Bonus mil frugal: My mil’s internet/cable/phone bill has been steadily increasing, and was up to $260/month. That’s nearly 20% of her monthly income so it had to stop. Husband called, canceled traditional cable, added streaming, and got a slower internet and brought the price down to $100.
I’m also trying to avoid the A word at all cost, the only thing I still order there is the filter for our filter jug, unfortunately it can only be gotten on Amazon.
Will you please give the name of the website for the Vitamin D?
I’ve avoided the A word for over a year and a half now. It can be done.
And I join Susan in recommending the Shingrix shots for everyone who’s had chickenpox and is old enough to qualify. Back in 2010, DH had a case of shingles that almost took out his left eye.
Good idea to get the Shingrix vaccine. I have a friend, age 60, who is just recovering from a bout with shingles. Not only the painful rash on her scalp and face but severe flu-like symptoms that kept her down for the count and out of work for a week and it persisted even after taking an anti-viral med. No fun at all.
Juju, I used Iherb. They shipped quickly and I am very pleased. They had a code for 20% off listed on the top of the page and I bought enough for free shipping, which will last us a few months.
1. The kids have a spirit week at school with a different dress-up theme each day. Rather than buy something to meet each theme, we are trying to be creative with what we have. Yesterday was sports day, my son had a shirt for a local sports team but my daughter didn’t have anything. We found a shirt she had with a penguin skiing and I said skiing is a sport so that works. Today was musical decades day, again we didn’t have anything, my daughter had some pants with small butterflies on them though and declared the butterflies looked like musical notes. Tomorrow is pj day at least so that’s easy!
2. Since I gave up dairy, I found extra creamy or barista blend type oatmilks are the only substitute that taste creamy enough in my coffee. I discovered today that Costco sells a cafe blend oatmilk so am trying that out as that would be the cheapest way to get it (and the variety they sell is shelf stable until opened so should last awhile)
3. I remembered to cancel our produce delivery for next week when we will be out of town.
4. My husband and I never go out for Valentine’s Day which saves some money and hassle! I do like to cook a special dinner at home though for all of us. I’d bought some shrimp on sale awhile ago that’s in the freezer so I’ll make shrimp scampi with that, which is my husband and daughters favorite and then found some heart shaped ravioli at Trader Joe’s which my pasta loving son will enjoy. We also had some raspberry mousse cakes at a baby shower last weekend and my kids loved them, I discovered they were also from Trader Joe’s so I bought some to have for our dessert.
5. I do this every day but I made coffee at home and brought my lunch into work today.
Katy, I’m with you on helping my kids save money. I know my parents looked out for us when we were younger (of course by the time I was 26 I had 3 kids!).
1. Got free compost from the city compost hub. You have to shovel and bag your own, but it’s free!
2. I took six 6-gallon buckets of our clay top soil to a friend who wanted it. So I’ve had my exercise for today.
3. Picked up library books, half of them for my grandson when I read to him on FaceTime.
4. Mended a pair of my husband’s jeans. They are no longer nice enough to wear to work but ok for around the house/yard, now that the knees aren’t gaping open. And now they’ll last even longer since the ripped knees won’t continue to rip.
5. Got 6-gallon buckets at the salvage yard for half the price of big box store. They previously contained food so are safe to use in the garden.
We get the cash price if we use a debit card.
1.It was my Hubby’s birthday. I offered to take him out or get take out. He wanted homemade pasta with red sauce and fried chicken cutlets. Can you tell he is Italian? I also made him a carrot cake. He was given a tool he wanted that I got on sale and a candy bar. He was very happy. Our 2 local kids were able to come over and celebrate with us. Our oldest sent him a big box of DF snacks. Our son gave him a day out(they go to the range and lunch), and our youngest got him some DF goodies and a gift card. He got lots of calls and texts too.
2. It snowed over the weekend. Hubby used our snowblower that we were given for free since it was having some problems. It needed a tune up. Hubby did it and does it every year since. Most of our neighbors hire someone to do their driveways.
3.Last week I had pizza at the lady I take care of house. Her daughter ordered a pizza Monday night and apparently it was BOGO special so she got a 2nd pie free. They don’t eat leftovers but the lady I help and I do. So free lunches all week.
4. I earned a $5 virtual gift card. I used it the next day when I went food shopping so that I didn’t forget about it.
5.Friday night I went to a friend’s for dinner. We rotate houses each month except December. She ordered Chinese and we watched a movie after. We had a nice time and it cost me nothing. I drove my other friend who lives 2 blocks from me.
1. I used my $10 off plus other discounts at CVS to get a $15.99 bottle of extra strength Tylenol for $2.16.
2. I found large Ghirardelli Raspberry chocolate bars on sale at Market Basket 2/$5.00. Got one each for the two grandkids I will be seeing on Valentines Day. It is also the youngest one’s birthday that day so I am making him a cake. I bought the cake mix and frosting with a coupon.
3. I pulled out my scant Valentines Day decoration which consist of a door hanging, two little teddy bears with hearts and flowers on them and two Valentines themed snow globes a friend gave me. Nothing new bought.
4. Heard a sweet Native American
saying today which we NCs can relate to: Winter is not the time for being outdoors, it is the time for sewing buttons. I guess meaning we should stay in and accomplish our indoor chores.
5. I am not planning on dismantling OSHA.
Being canadian, my gas equals $7.04 a gallon.
I wish it was your price
Oh my. And I was complaining gas went up .10 A gallon
To $3.56 A gallon
Uh.. weren’t gas prices going to be $2.00/gallon day one? Asking for a friend..
Same with egg prices, wasn’t it? Hmmm…
Agreed on helping adult kiddos save money! It makes a mama’s heart happy.
Happy heart twinsies!
I’m helping my kids save too. It’s great that their age group thinks thrifting is cool!
1. I bought a half gallon of milk that had been marked down to 68 cents. It doesn’t expire until next week. I’ll use it to make yogurt.
2. My younger cat has taken to the thrifted, heated cat bed, and now the older, arthritic cat is interested in it. I think it’s a just a matter of time before I find them curled up together in it.
3. I went out for a walk yesterday and, along a non-residential street, I found 18 redeemable cans scattered along the sidewalk. I have no idea what that was all about, but the $1.80 worth of cans is in my garage now, waiting to be redeemed.
4. I have everything I need to make soup and bread, just in case the weather gets icy. I’m happy that my grocery store encourages people to buy just one or two ribs of celery, if they like. I rarely waste celery because of this.
5. I haven’t banished any progressive words from my vocabulary.
I’d love to be able to just buy one or two ribs of celery! Although with Guinea pigs no fresh veggies ever go to waste!
Li, you must live somewhere that has a 10-cent container deposit. I’m still dreaming of the day we get that in NY State (and add sports drink, fruit juice, and tea bottles/cans to the ones with deposits).
I do. I wish they’d count the single serve milk bottles and canned cocktails!
This past year we have seen increases in our water bill (25%!!!) electric bill, homeowners and auto insurance,verizon phone bill, and HOa fees.Groceries are. up ,too.Some of these things I can’t “fix” like our water bill..our town has old infrastructure we must pay for upgrades.
Being retired,I worry a bit. My husband still works part time at a position he loves,self employed.That’s a nice safety net.We are healthy 7 year olds.
I do what is in my locus on control:
Groceries and phone bill I can affect.
I eat eggs every other day for high protein breakfast, but now I eat just 1 egg and have a 1/2 cup cottage cheese with that meal for protein. I am baking with flax meal as egg substitute,though I don’t bake much anymore.
Explored my pantry and freezer then made up a MONTHLY menu plan with a frugal grocery bill goal for both February and March.I find this a challenge, not a chore.
More soups and homemade bread for cheapo delish suppers.
NO meals out!!!! Restaurant food is wildly expensive lately. I MAY join my church friends for a Thursday lunch once this month at Panera , the $6.99 special is a good deal.
Go through garage,closets, etc. and post stuff to my BUY NOTHING group on fb..I always feel prosperous when I just give away things I no longer need.
Continue free entertainment: Canasta and pot luck every other week with 3 neighbors— no driving! Thursday morning meetup with ladies at church to make prayer beads together and laugh and relax. Crafts in my own studio at home with supplies I already have, date nights with husband include movies, playing cards and rummicube, walks in Riparian park and library dates.
It’s troubling times,I am volunteering in local hunger prevention activities for school kids, and calling my representatives, like Katy.
I didn’t buy a gold toilet,I didn’t argue with or hate on my republican hairdresser,she is a human too, I pray extra for all my brown friends and non religious friends and LGBTQ friends, as we try to move through this cycle.
1. I picked up 3 unused poop bags. The cost between 3-12 cents each if you buy them.
2. I walked to the bank and the bakery.
3. We saved $15 by getting more than one cat. Getting cats is not frugal but the gain in my husband’s happiness is worth more than we paid. They are rescues .
4. We use refillable litter containers for said cats.
5. We’ll use up all the cat food that are previous cat wouldn’t eat before we buy new .
When I worked for a newspaper, we were required to subscribe (at a huge discount, as the newspaper itself was free, but what we paid went to the carrier aka paperboy). I found that the plastic bags that the newspapers come in are great poop bags. Just put one on your hand and arm like a glove, pick up the nasty, and the fold the bag back over itself and knot the end.
The only thing decent about the local newspaper when it was still tossed on our porch was the bag it was put in on inclement weather days. That type of delivery ended here right before covid in 2020. Luckily I happily scored a lot of unused bags from a person who delivered the newspaper before that ended. I’ve always used them to clean up after our dogs (sadly ours are all gone now, and it’s not the time to add one because of my husband’s poor health), but I still dogsit a granddog occasionally.
I use bread bags in the same way. It won’t take care of all your doggy needs, but it helps.
We own two cats too. I agree…the happiness they bring to us is priceless.
We are healthy 71 year olds ,not seven, lol!!!!!!!!
@Madeline, I just thought you were being honest about the age you FELT you were!
I was guessing you couldn’t POSSIBLY be as precocious as claimed!!
1. Went to see about my church pal’s foster dog. Darling, sweet boy is way too big! If I had to go to a senior living community some day, he would not be able to accompany me, as their rules are that pets cannot weigh more than 30 or 40 pounds (depending on the community), and he easily weighs twice that. Hopefully, he will find another permanent home.
2. Yard man who was supposed to come rake and bag the live oak leaves did not bother to show up, so my leaves did not get picked up by the city’s yard waste recycling truck. I am not happy about this: After promising me he’d get the job done by yard waste pickup day, he didn’t even start on it. (Methinks he partied too much on Super Bowl Sunday and didn’t feel like working that Monday. Can we say “hangover,” boys and girls?) Next yard waste pickup is 2 weeks away. Now he wants to come another day; I cancelled. Will hire high school boys to do the work.
3. I’m moving a lot of the furniture out of my front room myself, in preparation for the flooring installers. I will have to get some men to move the heavy stuff, but I’m going to save $ by not having a lot in there, so hopefully I’ll only have to pay them for one hour, not more.
4. Took some Keurig-type pods to work so that I could brew myself some free coffee. (Actually, they were from Aldi.)
5. Did not hire some arrogant foreigner from South Africa to dismantle the U.S. government.
1. Found a penny
2. Saved a big Cheese ball container my mom didn’t want. I think I’ll store cat food in it.
3. Made good use of Airbnb my parents rented for us. Used the washer and dryer and hiked the grounds.
1. Returned some weirdly sized clothing before the ‘too late’ buzzer – $50 back onto my credit card. I meandered the store checking out the deals, but didn’t see anything I wanted. This year’s colours are muddy and sad, kind of like the current Tariff threats. No, thank you (to both clothing and tariffs)
2. I was invited to a Donor Appreciation (Fundraising) ‘Free Breakfast’ that started at 7AM. GAH. However, someone I admire is leaving the organization after 17 years and I wanted to go honour her. I was seated with two of the very few people there who I knew (besides the person retiring), and we enjoyed catching up.
We were each given a large ‘salad shaker’ container in a goodie bag. As there were some spare goodie bags up for grabs as I was leaving, I came home with two. They will be useful for packing lunch salads, as there is a cute separate dressing container that snaps in the lid. Each also included a coupon for a free bag of salad greens (to be redeemed later when the gardens start up again).
I also scored 4 of the little primulas that had decorated the tables. The gal who was retiring REALLY encouraged me to take them – I was one of the last people there. When I got home I carefully untied the raffia holding the pink and while tissue paper around the base of each pot, and have tucked that paper away in my gift wrap corner. The flowers will brighten my kitchen table for a while; when the weather warms I will put them as pops of colour on my front steps.
3. Delivered to the local homeless shelter some gently used sox, a bunch of brand new (steep discount but really cute) sox, a couple dozen stretchy gloves bought on clearance last year, as well as donations from my friend’s declutter of a nice pile jacket, some random clothes and shoes, and a backpack. We are still in the middle of an unseasonable below-freezing snow-still-hanging around cold-snap; the eyes of the staff at the shelter lit up with appreciation. I try to keep an eye out for ‘deals’ on sox and gloves for these folk, as I know they are always needed and appreciated.
4. Redeemed $60 in points that had been sitting around in my grocery store account. I had ‘played the points game’ earlier in the spring, and lucked out in the pharmacy line then when someone behind me suggested that I could use my point card when he purchased. (!!) He was getting something that racked up the points, so it was a huge win.
However, I rarely shop at the associated grocery chain, so the money has been sitting there. I needed a big bag of Jasmine rice, and some dish detergent – the points more than paid for those, as well as some treats picked up for our upcoming family trip.
I noticed on the app that I could get a free ‘lunchables’, so I made sure to pick one up, even though we usually don’t go for things like that. Free is always good. The app also had highlighted a couple of other steep discounts on what I like to keep in my pantry so I did a bit of judicious stocking up.
5. No deals on Gas here – $1.89/litre (either $8.55/Imperial Gallon, or $7.12/US Gallon). Filled up anyway, which I do any time the tank drops below half. Never know when a power outage or wild weather will impact access to fuel pumps.
6. I’ve been putting a heating shawl on in my bed an hour before I go to sleep – this extra cold weather makes it harder to warm up my bed, and my house is poorly sealed (I keep the heat low anyway, and upstairs has only one register so it does diddly when it comes to really heating the rooms. I like to sleep cold, but this weather has left me shivering)
7. Walked with extreme care on the icy roads to get my steps up – the four footed dog was sliding and doing the splits. Ensured my footing was good and stayed off the ice patches, sticking to bare road or pristine snow. Continue to make my own coffee, eat most of my meals at home, read/listen to library books, practice mindfulness in response to the hourly changes in the news cycle, and appreciate the community here.
@Ecotiri – wise move to gas up once you dip below half. In the long run, the average per gallon evens out. Plus in the case of an emergency (unlikely in Canada but think drop the ball US 9-11), you’ll not be scrambling.
1. Did a pizza mystery shop for free pizza and $10.
2. Some milk was starting to turn so made a bunch of biscuits to use it.
3. Someone who barely knows me gave me a book about changing one’s personality, saying “You might find this helpful.” I wish I had been drinking something so I could have snorted it out my nose instead of just giving her the laugh I did. Rather than taking the hint, I sold it on eBay for $9.00. It was sort of touching how indignant my husband got on my behalf when I showed him the book.
4. Mailed book out for free with a USPS mystery shop.
5. Still getting iron infusions and still bringing home the free bottle of water for our earthquake preparedness corner. They also offered cookies, gorp, and pop, but I declined those. Husband looked crestfallen at my refusal of snacks. (He goes with me because he is always worried I will fall over or faint or be lonely. I go with him to his appointments because otherwise he will downplay any symptoms.)
Almost forgot!! 6. I wrested $792.12 from one insurance company and $119 from another last week and both checks arrived today. But so did an oil delivery that came to just under $800. In one pocket and other the other.
Your Nr. 3. – goodness me, what was the person thinking!!!
Only someone who needs to change their personality would give someone a book about changing their personality.
Lindsey, I think I’d have given your #3 person a response that started straight from the shoulder. I admire your restraint in merely laughing and selling the book on eBay.
Don’t feel alone: You’re not the only one to be insulted with a book, as in your #3. Years ago, my coworkers ganged up on me. Several of them were in on the “practical joke” (which was, to me, not funny at all). They all ordered a free book about improving your voice and accent and stuff.
I came in to work one day and about 8 to 10 of these books were left around where I could find them. There were copies placed on my computer keyboard, on my desk chair, in my mailbox, in my “in” box, in my unlocked desk drawers, in my file cabinet, and when I went back out to my car, under my windshield. Every time I’d come back from an assignment, another book had been left for me to find.
I went home that night and cried.
Looking back, I wish I had reported all of this to HR because that is nothing short of harassment.
Lisa, my heart breaks for you just reading this. Shame on them.
Fru-gal Lisa,
That was so cruel of them to do that. I’m sorry that happened to you.
MB and Liz B,
Thank you.
Boy, that would have driven me over the edge. My parents had very heavy Russian accents and I remember people who heard them talk yelling, “Go home, D.P!” (They had survived a Nazi camp to pend 2 years in a Displaced Persons camp before being allowed into the U.S. I always feel a kinship to people with accents, knowing how hard my parents worked to succeed and to learn the language. I am sorry those jerks blighted your life.
@Fru-gal Lisa – yes you should have reported it but f-them. Strong women are targets at work. Just remember – every woman should be a bitch:
Control of
I have worked in a male dominated field since 1978. I’m still here and not going anywhere until I want to go. Just had a male a-hole situation this weekend. Not having it, not putting up with it. Shut his sorry arse down. Truth be told – I and another female upper management person took control of the unplanned situation.
That is just so mean to do to a coworker. I’m sorry that happened to you, as well as Lindsey’s “gift” of a book. My parents weren’t perfect but the older I get the more I think people who do things like that weren’t raised in a good way.
Your #3…..WOW. I can’t even believe that person thought it was a good idea to offer you that book?!
You get the last laugh, though, selling it on eBay!
I suppose you could ask “Have you read the book? Is it a good read?’
Rudeness knows no bounds.
* Recent favourite library read (thanks to suggestions here!): Nomadland (Jessica Bruder)
* My daughter needed a dress for a special occasion. We bought one on the used clothing platform Depop. Unfortunately the seller never sent the dress. Thankfully we paid by Paypal and are currently waiting for them to work our case and refund us. My daughter really had her heart set on that particular dress and miraculously I found the exact same dress (pre-loved again) on a different platform! This seller was excellent, sent the dress straight away and even offered to split the postage. In the end this dress was 10 Euro cheaper than the one we bought originally.
*Paying it forward – gave some of the free (short dated) chocolate bars that my son brought home from work to a friend.
*Meeting friends for walks instead of coffee – although a recent walk turned into a charity shop outing, my friend bought a cardigan (new with tags) for 7 Euro and I bought two tops off the 1 Euro rail.
*One of the teens decided to walk to school this week as they don’t have much on and their bag is less heavy as a result. This saves me a 5-6 minute drive every morning.
I’m so glad your daughter obtained her pretty dress, after all. Hope she was the “Belle of the Ball” at the event. Send her our love.
Thank you so much! She had a wonderful time <3
Long time reader, first time poster. Will likely pop back in later to add my FFT but I just wanted to say (as a Canadian) how envious I am of your gas prices. Our CAD per litre works out to $4.49 USD per gallon.
Here’s the calculator I used: https://usgas.ca/us
Petrol is even more expensive in Ireland, prices are around 1.8 Euro per litre at the moment, which is 6.80 Euro per gallon I believe (7.10 USD).
1.Kept heat low and wore slippers and extra sweater.
2. Skipped getting a much wanted donut and made due with a leftover rice krispie bar.
3. Ate random bits from fridge for lunch reducing waste risk.
4. Used back of envelopes for scratch paper to figure out some money matters saving some notebook paper.
5. Didn’t attempt to overthrow democracy by making up stories about where funds are spent by the Federal government.
Today’s 5 tiny frugal things…
#1 – Kept the heat on the house low and wore thick socks to bed.
#2 – Refused to use and pay for the big garbage can from my trash service and continue to use the can I already have
#3 – Resisted the urge to buy a used handheld GPS for geocaching off Marketplace when my phone works perfectly
#4 – Turned down a MUA for my wedding because I’m not paying $2000 to have my makeup done. That’s more than 4 months of mortgage payments!!!
#5 – I didn’t buy a position in the federal government to terrorize the American people
Autumn, what is an MUA and who in the world would pay $2k for makeup!!? Kudos to you for being a sane, pragmatic bride-to-be (and congrats!).
MUA =Makeup Artist
I did a double-take when I saw “MUA”, which is also shorthand for a medical procedure if your knee range of motion after a total knee replacement doesn’t improve after getting PT (it stands for “manipulation under anesthesia”). I came *thisclose* to needing one after my total knee replacement last year (shudder).
1. I found a nickle this morning, which brings my found money total for 2025 to $2.07. Better than last year already.
2. We used fuel points to get 35 gallons of gasoline for 97 cents per gallon, thanks to 4X fuel points on gift cards, and doing all our grocery shopping last month on Kroger’s 4X fuel points Fridays. Then we just happened to hear someone say “when was the last time you paid under a dollar a gallon for gasoline?” Both my husband and I yelled “Yesterday!” We love our cheap thrills.
3. Letting my mind drift while doing a weights workout, I realized that my free weights/dumbbells/ankle weights are now 35 years old. Then I wondered what the “cost per use” was after all these years, and came up with “less than one cent per use”. No, I didn’t do the math while working out; I have my limits. Do some of the weights look their age and then some? Yes. But since I’m not putting out workout videos on YouTube for the universe to see, why would I care? The weights still weigh exactly what they did 35 years ago. Or close to it, since I did have to replace the grips on the ten pound set. I frugally used what I already had – pool noodles.
4. Speaking of pool noodles, those were a weird frugal purchase years ago. Like, back when we lived where we could actually walk places. I’d walked to a store about a mile away and they were having an end of season sale on pool noodles – 75% off. I figured one or two might come in handy. The manager saw my purchase, and said if I’d buy all the ones they had left, I could have them for $1, total. I think there were 12, maybe 15. Hmm. I have to walk home, right? So I turned down that offer – JUST KIDDING. We wrapped a plastic bag around the middle of the bunch to keep them together, and I took them home. I guess an added benefit was the entertainment I provided for more than one driver, who did double takes at the strange middle aged woman clutching a bouquet of pool noodles. Let me just say that over the years, we have found a ton of uses for pool noodles. Well worth the walk of shame in my book.
A friend’s dog was required to wear a cone around his neck to prevent chewing at himself due to a skin condition. My friend’s daughter designed a collar using a pool noodle cut in 3 to 4 inch sections and ran a cord through the center. It was quite flexible but the dog couldn’t turn his head around enough to chew. He really looked cute too…like a circus dog.
And most likely made life much easier for the dog – especially sight.
I love saving money for all of my adult kids, which is why I usually pay for their utility bills for Christmas, as their big gift. It doesn’t save me money, but it is definitely something needed and non-consumer.
I made a big pot of cabbage soup and threw in leftover potatoes, leftover chicken, leftover tomatoes. My standard winter cabbage soup or mustard greens soup generally is different each time because of the leftovers I use.
That is a very nice gift, Cindy.
@Rose I concur. Gives me an idea for Xmas/b-day for my kiddos (besides a meal out – both kiddos are the cooks).
I thought briefly about not watching the SB to boycott Fox, but couldn’t do it – we here in South Jersey must root for the Birds!
Love to hear that others share my low opinion of Fox and Rupert Murdoch. BTW, you can purchase bumper stickers online that say “Is it true? Or did you hear it on Fox News?”
Ha!! That’s great. Or “Faux News,” as my husband calls it.
1. Anticipating an upcoming home improvement project I bought $500 worth of gift cards at Kroger to get 4 times fuel points, and 6% cash back on my AmEx card.
2. I have the Kroger credit card that gives me 25 cents extra off per gallon when I redeem points, so we got $1.25 off a fill up. We gassed up both cars and got all 35 gallons. (yes, the sign says 1 vehicle, but we pull up on opposite sides, fill the smaller tanked car first, and I drive off before they even notice I was there.)
3. Husband picked up a project car cheap from a neighbor – it’s only 10 years old and in great shape, but squirrels had chewed the wiring and the price quoted to fix it was thousands more than the neighbor wanted to pay. Husband and 15 year old found the damage within an hour, and had it fixed in two days for less than $100. 15 year old is having a ball working on the car with dad, and gets his license next month.
4. We are regular blood donors, and remembered to cash in our donor rewards before they expire. Between my husband and I we had enough for $100 in gift cards.
5. Still carrying a reusable water bottle, making coffee at home, meal planning from the freezer and pantry, etc.
1. Still making hummingbird food at home instead of paying eight to $12 for a gallon of red sugar water.
2. Got our gutters cleaned between storms and this dude is going to give us a quote to fix the leak. $140.
3. We use our electric car around town and find the lowest gas when we have to fill up the SUV. We’re only using it once a month for a long distance, plus a couple of short trips a week to keep the battery alive. It’s a 2003 Ford Explorer and it eats gas, but we need that four-wheel-drive in the winter. Plus the car was free.
4. I’m filling up my empty gallon milk jugs with water to help fill up the new freezer, which will keep it cold if the power goes off but also help it cool more efficiently. My daughter thought I was a hoarder for “saving garbage.”
5. I bought a sweater shaver so that I could improve the knits that I buy to resell, and I bought it with CVS bucks. I’m waiting to see how much ThredUp offers me for the clothes I just shipped them. They’re having a half off sale on their bags right now.
I wish I had a Winco, Kroger, Market Basket, or Aldi near us. We do have Save Mart and Grocery Outlet (GrossOut), but the prices are always higher elsewhere and I don’t like the quality at Save Mart.
I do the same thing in my freezer, but I use empty juice jugs. They’re thicker than milk jugs and seem to hold up better in the freezer, and I don’t get any tiny leaks when they defrost like the milk jugs have done to me in the past.
The frozen juice jugs are also the right size to put in a cooler as an ice block, and its also my emergency water supply.
I tend to use empty Vinegar bottles as they are really sturdy, and the shape is perfect for a cooler. I use Vinegar in my laundry so I tend to have spare bottles. keeping them in the freezers is such a great way to fill the space, until we need the space when there is a glut of garden produce (or a great deal at the store).
Great idea for the vinegar bottles. I also cut the bottom off and have a sturdy scoop for chicken feed.
1. Trash-picked an exercise tool — at least I think it is — a plastic circle with handles. Squeezing it really works my arms, so if it isn’t really an exercise tool, I don’t care!
2. Going through my mom’s memorabilia I found a beautiful Japanese print — small and narrow. It would make a good bookmark, so I will give it to a bookish friend for her birthday.
3. Used a $4 instant Hallmark coupon to buy two $2 valentines for grandkids. Paid 41¢ tax.
4. I’m not buying egg substitutes, but I am preserving my eggs for special occasions. Like, one egg in pancake batter, one egg in fried rice. When the price comes down again I’ll go back to meals where eggs are the entree.
5. I’m not robbing the poor to give a tax break to the super-rich (who so badly need the help!)
Cooked a large russet potato and added it to the last serving of chuck roast gravy and vegetables. That stretched it to three small freezer meals for me.
A couple of weeks ago I got some excellent very sharp NY cheddar cheese for just $1.20 per 8 oz block. Today I measured and cut it into 16 equal pieces and wrapped the pieces in halved squares of parchment paper as homemade cheese sticks. The pack of parchment came from Dollar Tree at 100 squares for a buck twenty five. The squares are a great size for separating homemade burgers and lining muffin cups.
My Demon Puppy, who is small and has a rather slight appetite, was not interested in her lunch, so I put a lid in the bowl, stuck it in the fridge, and she ate happily when I warmed it up for her three and a half hours later. No waste even for the canine crew.
Did nothing to make Denmark offer to buy my state.
The cushions on our 23-year-old couch had gotten so soft that the couch was miserable to sit on. My son suggested that I order new cushion inserts, which for some reason I have never even thought about. I found a company online with good reviews, and ordered the inserts which arrived a couple of days ago. I got the second firmest and might have been able to go down one level, but I am extremely pleased to have a sofa which is much more comfortable to sit or lie down on. All told it was about $120 and completely worth it. After shopping around I’m very comfortable with the cost even though it’s not an amount of money I’d usually consider frugal.
all the moms, out here helping our kids❤️
1. Got together with a couple friends to play cards (at Panera). Had some rewards at Panera (for ordering food) so I got myself a bowl of soup.
2. I had some water jugs that were empty, so I am trying the cold start vegetable trick. Right now I have peas, Swiss chard, marigolds, and strawberries in the snow. Fingers crossed this works.
3. still reading a lot. Almost done the Book and Dagger book (which is actually April‘s theme) and will read Sula afterwards (which is the March theme book.). The book themes are from the Massachusetts reading challenge.
4. Let’s see, the RSV visit, test and diagnosis used half of my deductible, I saw an endocrinologist (who also agrees with me that the reason I can’t lose weight is probably due to high cortisol) and my hand doctor appointment have me very close to hitting my out-of-pocket already for the year. Which is good, because I need my fifth F’ING surgery on my hands.(I have a very large ganglion cyst on my left wrist that has permeated into my palm, but it’s over the radial nerve and main artery in my arm. It needs to be removed, but because I had the surgery in 2000 and it’s in the same spot, There’s a higher risk of issues. But I can’t live with this giant cyst on my wrist.) so, my surgery will most likely be free.
5. I’m not stealing people‘s information, threatening to cut off much needed funding for Americans to survive, and my child telling a supposed president that he’s not the real president and should go home, and, that he needs to be quiet. (Using much stronger words).
Also, I’m hopeful that the LGBTQIA+ community stay safe, and are allowed to live their lives, and live with whatever pronouns they wish to use, without anyone giving them crap about it.
I’m also hopeful that the save act doesn’t pass because that will screw the majority of the women in this country whose last name no longer matches their birth name.
@Katy – you should have watched the half-time show. I am typically not into rap but Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics plus Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam were a true delight. Plus you’re smart enough to know that the Eagles fans didn’t boo Taylor Swift because they are magats (you cannot fix stupid). Her BF played for their opponent, pure and simple. And I also read a tweet thanking her for preparing the perons re: Super Bowl tickets being cheaper than her concert tickets LOL.
The only part of the Super Bowl I did watch, (except for the very end when the birds won!), Was the halftime show. My son and I were texting back-and-forth talking about the symbolism of it. I thought it was a fantastic halftime show and I have a new appreciation for Kendrick Lamar.
1. Sewed up a hole in my seat cover for my car rather than replace it.
2. Husband lost one of my rubber floor mats at the car wash. I sent him back to the car wash. They gave him another black mat. It wasn’t the one he lost but it is better than nothing. It matches the other black one at least.
3. Husband hauled the new freezer home rather than pay a 75$ delivery fee.
4. The old freezer was put on the curb rather than pay a 50$ disposal fee. It was gone in the morning. I wondered if a scrapper took it for recycling the metal. The thing weighed a lot. It was 60 years old. I think we got our money’s worth out of it.
5. Managed to get frozen food into the new freezer before it thawed and ruined.
1.) I waited 30 days for a movie to go on streaming. It ended up being on my flight, and I ended up not liking it enough to watch the whole thing. At least I didn’t spend $20 to see it.
2.) I’ve been getting 50% off subway rides and really got my money’s worth for the month of January. $66 for 92 rides= <$1/ride
3.) I went to the Apple Store to buy a phone charger while I was dog sitting. Ended up just staying at the Apple Store for an hour to charge my phone and not buying anything.
4.) Before starting my new full-time job, I dog sat and dog walked through Wag a lot.
5.) I have lots of Frugal Fails for the month, but at least I didn't rent clothes for this month and just used what I had.
FFT, on the road again!
1. Charging my car at work for free, reducing overall costs and saving time where I would have to charge elsewhere.
2. Did a youtube workout in my hotel room for free
3. Stopped at a local grocery store (cheaper than home) and picked up things that are too heavy to reasonably have shipped or schlep through the city, including laundry detergent and the big pack of gallon bags (we probably use one gallon freezer bag a month, but it’s such a pain when we inevitably run out!)
3a. As an addendum to #3, I normally would make this trip to a Target to avoid Amazon…now that I’m trying to avoid both, it’s better to support a local grocery store chain. I still miss my trips to smell the candles, though.
4. Got coffee and a banana from the hotel breakfast buffet as I blew out of there, allowing me to pocket my breakfast per diem allowance. I have leftovers from takeout from last night as well that will suit me for lunch, saving that per diem as well.
5. I’m crashing with some friends tonight as I’m out of the realm of work travel after today, but am staying in town for some other stuff. The takeout I will bring them is still much cheaper than a hotel.