My daughter asked if I’d drive her through Taco Bell for crunchy tacos after yesterday’s driving lesson. Normally I’d say yes, as there’s almost no fast food she can eat due to her gluten-free needs, but I’m trying my best to stick with No Spend March. I knew I had a small container of black beans in the freezer, which when mashed with taco seasoning, sprinkled with cheese, rolled up in corn tortillas and then seared in a cast iron pan would be just as tasty. (Especially when topped with the avocado salsa and sour cream we had on hand!) It took just a couple minutes to assemble a batch, which more than satisfied her Taco Bell craving. I saved around fifteen bucks and used ingredients I’d already paid for, which is always a win.
I had my daughter pull over to inspect an intriguing “free box” and although few people would consider it a score, I brought home a small but sturdy plastic bin, even though there was no lid. It replaces the ancient Trader Joe’s “Cat Cookies” plastic bin we’ve always used to hold lightbulbs and batteries for recycling. It’s less janky looking, which is frankly an upgrade.
My son invited me to to hang out at his apartment last night and I’d originally talked about treating us to Chinese takeout. However . . . blah blah blah “No Spend March,” so I instead I heated up my small pan of recently frozen enchiladas and cooked up the last of some asparagus. We watched part of a terrible movie and then switched over to Seinfeld and it was a relaxing chill evening. I even left him with the leftovers.
• I started reading a “Lucky Day” library copy of The Bright Sword, by Lev Grossman.
• I noticed that my flowerpot of mint wintered over, when it normally doesn’t. In past years I’ve had to ask my neighbor to dig a bit for me from her backyard, where it grows invasively.
• I brought my mending basket downstairs, which everyone knows is step one of eleven of starting to mend. -
No one painted any graffiti on my car, as my vehicle doesn’t enrage my fellow Americans.
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LOVE number 5!!!
Also, the rectangular shape of the new bin is so much more space-efficient! I call it a solid win.
I agree 100%! No one but me would normally recognize the superiority of the new bin. but then there’s you . . .
1. Wearing my newest thrifted work dress to some in person meetings. I feel good at a price I was willing to pay.
2. Drove up to HQ for said meetings. Only got food that will be reimbursed through my per diem.
3. Traveled this weekend and only bought a sweatshirt that I have pined after since seeing it last year. I’m so happy to have it! This aligns with my goal of only buying new clothes that genuinely make me happy.
4. Drinking lots and lots of water
5. Road tripped with my libby audiobook – Dial a for auntie. About 20% in. It’s a silly listen!
Road trips + a good audiobook = perfection!
Have been cooking every night. Last night, chilaquiles which was outstanding. Tonight chicken marsala. mmmm Most of the time I don’t find a good homemade dinner any harder than anything else. Tonight’s dinner involves slicing a shallot finely and pounding some chicken breasts while the pasta water gets up to boil. It’s just not hard as opposed to “hamburger casserole,” whatever the hell that is, and a lot tastier.
1. I picked up a 4″ screw in the street. It could have punctured a tire. I put the screw in the scrap metal bucket.
2. I walked to Walgreens to pick up an Rx. I found a penny. I also happened upon a True Temper snow shovel with a Free sign on it.
3. A neighbor cleaned out their pantry and asked I’d deal the food they didn’t want. I kept the expired Clif bars and gave away bags of microwave popcorn and dried mango.
4. DH has been having trouble with a bunion. He went to a local show store and was fitted with a pair of SAS (made in USA). He really likes them and would like to have a second color for work. He checked eBay. They didn’t have his size in brown but he will wait it out.
It has been sunny and warmish. When I’m home in the afternoon I open the front door and get a bit of solar heating through the glass storm door.
I love that your neighbors offered their unwanted and expired food instead of just throwing it away!
1. I filled in for someone today at my old job at the deli. It’s nice to work part of the day, once or twice a month. Trust me kids, I’ve paid my dues.
2. While there, I found a penny on the floor.
3. My boss told me to make myself a large sandwich to take home. DH and I split it for supper. We had been eating leftover chili from our chili party last Sunday so this was a nice change.
4. I’ve hung out a total of five loads of laundry on Monday and Tuesday. It’s finally warm and sunny enough. They smell so fresh.
5. I did not anger our friends, the Canadians, by imposing steep tariffs.
1. I filled in for someone today at my old job at the deli. It’s nice to work part of the day, once or twice a month. Trust me kids, I’ve paid my dues.
2. While there, I found a penny on the floor.
3. My boss told me to make myself a large sandwich to take home. DH and I split it for supper. We had been eating leftover chili from our chili party last Sunday so this was a nice change.
4. I’ve hung out a total of five loads of laundry on Monday and Tuesday. It’s finally warm and sunny enough. They smell so fresh.
5. I did not anger our friends, the Canadians by imposing steep tariffs.
Thank you for not angering our Canadian friends! What a nice boss to suggest for you to make a sandwich.
Aside–am I the only one who thinks Trump thinks he can just executive order everything that personally gets on his nerves? Canada not being part of the US. Those darn college students protesting! Pronouns! When Mickey D’s doesn’t make a fresh batch of fries for you!
He is just literally insane.
I see it too Rose and frankly I’m not sure what to think about Trump. Does he have dementia? Is he mentally ill? Is he just a big spoiled brat? He definitely thinks he can say jump and people will (and do). All I know for sure is something is so very wrong in that man’s mind.
Sorry…posted twice by accident!
1. Picked up booties, seeds, and a play table from our BN group today. Drove long enough for little one to fall asleep and give me a break from his screaming. We have 4 teeth coming in, bless his little heart, and my eardrums.
2. My mom headed out of town today after a visit. She generously spoiled child with some summer outfits, toys and love. Some thrifted, some new, but we will take good care of our items to pass on to another baby when finished.
3. Paused/cancelled Netflix. Everything is creeping up in price and I’ve just had it. My husband and I can’t really watch much anyway in this phase of baby we are in so , no point!
4. Moved money around to save money on taxes. We have already hit our deductible this year thanks to little ones egg allergy, multiple ER trips and allergy testing so putting as much as we can into an HSA again, lowering our tax bill a bit.
5. Picked up 2 Easter books from arc , an Easter book from our BN group, and am keeping my eye out for a few more thrifted/second hand items for little ones first Easter basket.
I love that you’re planning on taking good care of your items so they can be passed along. We should all be doing this with all of our belongings.
As to your #5, you are in luck if no one has messed with your car. Living in a red state, I have Democrat/liberal/patriotic stickers on my car — not exactly a safe thing to do.
I’ve kept one Harris sticker; one Colin Allred sticker (he ran against Cancun Ted Cruz); one that says never to forget the Jan. 6, 2020, insurrection. I’ve added one that says “Is it true? Or did you hear it on Fox News?” and some pro-public schools stickers (the Texas governor is trying to gut the public schools in favor of vouchers to private schools; a Republican issue benefitting the wealthy, wouldn’t ya know?) As a direct result, my car has gotten “keyed” and otherwise damaged. I knew it would, but I’m still speaking my mind. [And I’ve ordered some car magnets that say “Fire Elon!” Stay tuned.] Even my retail store manager has chided me for my “incorrect” views against tRump. Some preacher(s) on the radio have said tRump is a good Christian and the boss man 100% believes them. [IMHO: if tRump is ever put on trial for being a Christian (not likely!), no evidence exists that would convict him! Ditto, most of his gang.]
Oh, but it’s not all bad: the other day, I was on a parking lot and a man came up to me and said “I see the back of your car….” I sucked in my breath awaiting an argument. Then he added, “…and I want to thank you. Those bumper stickers are great!” Whew!
Anyway, my 5FT:
1. Instead of any “big box” stores, I bought groceries at a little grocery store that’s operated by a local mission. It is in a “food desert,” an older neighborhood miles from any supermarket. I may have paid a little bit more, but I’m supporting a good cause and not a billionaire or multi-million dollar corporation. And helping to revive the neighborhood.
2. Air dried my laundry.
3. Put LED lights (found around the house) in more fixtures.
4. Ate at home instead of a restaurant or fast food joint.
5. Got my hair cut at a coed barbershop instead of a pricey salon. They used clippers, got it pretty short, so I probably won’t need to go back until mid-summer.
Fru-gal Lisa, my Honda Element has two bumper stickers: one that says “Got science?” (DH’s, from his membership in the Union of Concerned Scientists) and one that says “Got rights?” (mine, from the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, NY). And the Element too has been keyed a couple of times. I sometimes describe NY State north of Poughkeepsie as a sea of red with blue dots. I live in one of the blue dots, but…
I love your bumper stickers!!!
I don’t do bumper stickers, but in January 2020 bought one of those car window paint markers. In our area they seem mostly to convey SENIORS 25! GO COUGARS or something. I wrote TRUMP LOST on my back windshield, and while I got a number of car honks and thumbs up, I also got people confronting me in parking lots. Blah blah Biden China Hunter Biden (Me: “Oh, is Hunter Biden running for office?”) etc. Luckily I never back down.
We added Alt National Park “Resist” Smokey Bear stickers on all our cars. I am sorry to hear about the keying. Geez. How messed up is that?
You are a brave soul to have liberal/left leaning/Democrat signs on your car in this volatile political climate…many on the Trump train resort to violence or at least unlawful acts (like keying cars). You are to be commended!
1. Worked 2.5 hours at the community garden even though it’s raining.
2. Made and dropped off flapjack for a friend whose cat died yesterday.
3. Sold one item on Fb marketplace, and listed one more
4. Knitting a scarf using free yarn. It will be donated to the clothing corner at the library.
5. Put my tomato seedlings under a light in the living room, where I can benefit from the light as well as the seedlings.
That was really nice thing to do for your friend.
There’s nothing big in my life, my energy is small, my health iffy and we live in one teacher’s salary and my occasional subbing. But I try to show up for people. Friends know I’m not too busy and I’m there if needed. And I’m happy to fill that small role in my community.
Being there if needed is no small role. Kudos to you Kara!
1. Made low cost pan of bean, rice and cheese enchiladas
2. Coffee at home though I really wanted coffee shop
3. Turned heat down very low since it warmed up a bit.
4. Using 99¢ buns for assorted dinners while they are fresh
5. No Tesla bought here either
I really love your low drama “frugal things,” never going to make the news, yet very much add up. Well done!
Hey KATY, Thanks very much for including the 4 books you recently added to your library queue. I copied your list and Strange Sally Diamond became available right away and I am really enjoying it. I got the audio book and am loving the narrators Irish accents. Very interesting story. I can hardly stop myself from listening, dying to know what happens next.
Good to know, that one is waiting for me to pick it up!
May I shamelessly plug my friend’s book? Should be availab;e 3/25. She is an amazing writer (and a good friend). Her book is about not fitting in with the macho boys’ club of NYC haute cuisine.
For a taster, here is an excerpt in The Guardian.
Wonderful writer who is also my friend.
May I self plug my books? Several of them are available on audio right now. The bereaved is historical fiction about the orphan train in the Civil War, Veronika Layne Gets the Scoop (mystery/romance about an 40-something reporter) and Tongues of Angels (catholic priest in a love triangle), are all available on audio right now. Silence (historical fiction about a Puritan widow/witchcraft ) will be available on audio in the next month and so will the second in the Veronika series. Your library should have them in e-book if not paperback as well as audio. I’ve had nine books published so I hope you can find something you like.
NO Spend March is making me aware of how much I spend even without shopping. I have spent $12 on groceries so far this month (and $3 of that was for my dog come to think of it.) But still: gassed up my car–I paid a few cents more per gallon to buy Canadian gas instead of Mobil. $250 for heartworm and flee/tick meds for my dog. Over 1k to refill my propane tank (which should last me at least until October but still…) And so on.
So, this was embarrassing. I stopped into my town library, produced my card, and the volunteer at the desk asked, very kindly, “Has it been a long time since you used this card?” Sometime in the uncertain past the whole card system changed over. What can I say? I told her, “I’m breaking up with Amazon.” She was lovely, and got me squared away.
In my partial defense, I do use the college library regularly, but my kindle addiction has been real.
I love that you’re “breaking up with Amazon!” Shed no tears over that breakup!
Katy, Sadly, it’s often hard to leave an abusive relationship!
So true 🙁
FTFT, Help Is On the Way Edition:
(1) I spent part of today making sure that all went well with NDN and her latest home care aide. Thanks to frequent pep talks from me (plus the fact that my broken rib demonstrates that even I am not Wonder Woman), I think that NDN is slowly but surely getting on board with the idea of having hired help.
(2) And the cavalry’s coming for me too: My eventual executor’s oldest son is on spring break from college this week and is coming over tomorrow to haul fallen branches out of my back yard and help with other yard cleanup. I’ll be paying him $20/hr., which will be well worth it.
(3) Also, the young man in (2) is a sophomore majoring in forestry at a college in the Adirondacks. I plan to ask him for advice about my dying maple tree in the back yard.
(4) We had a brief spell of unseasonable warmth Monday and Tuesday. I threw open a few windows on Tuesday and succeeded in getting the house warmer than I usually keep it in winter with the furnace on. 🙂
(5) Finally, I’ve just gotten a summons for possible jury duty, starting March 27. But at this point, I could actually use the $40/day for jury duty, so I won’t complain if I do get called!
A.Marie. It seems I never get called for jury duty when I have the time and/or could use the money. But make other plans and suddenly you’re in demand!
Jumping in to share that some places have an option to volunteer for jury service. Might be worth looking into for folks that could use the money and have the time + inclination. It was a surprise to me when I first learned it so maybe it will help someone else to know.
As part of No Spend March, I have stayed home and done yard work. Cleaned out last year’s container garden pots, divided herbs that overwintered and put them in pots obtained from DH, who is down sizing his collection of potted plants.
I also raked, mowed, strewed grass and clover seed, filled holes with last year’s garden dirt, and watered things judiciously. My bad knee hates me right now!
Cooked all our meals at home. Have cut our usual grocery expenses by 33%. Mended some clothing for DH.
My small frugal things:
1. I compared prices online and chose to get eggs from Tom Thumb because they were cheapest there, $6.99 for 18.
2. While I was shopping there, I found a good sale on meat and bought several packages of it. I also got cereal and tortillas on sale.
3. I redeemed $1 in loyalty rewards.
4. I have been taking walks every day the weather is good enough for free exercise and mood boosting.
5. I have found and reclaimed some things that had gotten lost, or just put away in storage, imstead of buying new things for the new house.
Bonus number 6, I meal prepped by making a batch of rice, beans, and tomatoes to use as burrito filling over the next few days.
1. Taking my lunch to work each day (mainly leftovers or P&J sandwich). I also make a coffee and fill a reusable water bottle for the day. No spend March going strong here too. I do not even miss Amazon.
2. I am under the weather this week (cold) and I have been coming home to a hot tea and soup before cold meds and sleep. You can’t spend if you are asleep!
3. Dropped my little car off at a mechanics shop in the ‘hood to change out the winter tires to summer tires this evening. This car is old but gets great gas mileage. I brought the dog with me, and we walked the mile home. As an aside, I am also in the midst of teaching my 17 almost 18 yo son to drive. His generation doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to get their license unlike my Generation (X).
4. Finished the library copy of *Maus* by Art Spiegelman. Wow… I really recommend this graphic novel. I started *The Witch of Hebron* by James Howard Kunstler (bought some time ago in a moment of weakness at a mobile bookstore-so already owned copy).
5. I have been listening to my friends/colleagues voice their concerns and fear and anger and hopeless feelings over our work situation. It is the least I can do. They listen back too. If any silver lining is there, this has made us so much closer and if we survive the next purges coming up soon, we will be a much more cohesive team. We stopped sweating the minor annoyances and appreciate each day we don’t get the woodchipper.
That being said, Next time I report my 5FT, I am really going to try to come up with stuff that does not include the pains of #5.