The following is a reprint of a previously published post. Enjoy!
My day yesterday started out with a fizzle, (or whatever the opposite of “bang” is.) I confused the location for a morning appointment, I left my beloved reusable coffee mug behind; and then when I stopped in at the library to cheer myself up, it turned out to be closed.
However, my day took a turn for the better when I noticed that a family up the street was having some tree work done. A sneaky peek into the back of the truck showed a load of rather lovely looking cedar wood chips. And best of all, a quick conversation with the worker was all it took to arrange for them to dump everything into my driveway.
For free!
Now, you may remember when I scored a similar deal in 2009, but the time had come to re-mulch the yard.
Since yesterday was neither cold nor rainy, I knew I had to act quickly to spread the mulch around the yard. So I strapped on my CD Walkman (complete with an Agatha Christie library audio book) and got down to bidness.
Up the stairs with a wheelbarrow, down the stairs with the wheelbarrow, dump out and spread. Over and over, with only Tommy and Tuppence for company. My back was aching, but the result was worth it.
Here is some photo documentation for your viewing pleasure:

Sideyard, before. There’s still a bit of the mulch from 2009, but mostly it’s just slick, hard packed mud.

Sideyard, after. Note that my elusive husband is actually in this photo. Because yes, I was still playing landscaper when he came home from work. And since his name is “Dale,” this photo requires a “Chip and Dale” reference.
Because I had such a huge amount of mulch this time around, I was able to lay it on thick, (which oddly, is one of my natural talents. 😉 ) This means that the mulch will last longer, handle any standing water issues better and provides an enjoyable springy experience when stepped upon.
I ended up with enough leftover mulch to spread out under our tree house/play structure, although I didn’t have time to prep the space. (A.K.A. clear out all the piles of bricks and miscellaneous stuff that lives there.) Hence, the mulch is kind of just piled in place until I have another non-rainy/non-working day.
I do like to remind myself that “Every day is a fresh start,” but yesterday was an primo example of how the quote should actually be “Every hour is a fresh start.” If you keep your eyes and ears open, plus employ a willingness to turn on a dime, you’ll be amazed what your day can bring.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
And it is the best mulch to use. No coloring added. My tree trimmer lives up the street. I just email him in the spring and ask him to dump a load when he has one. He is always happy to do this. (We use him for all of our tree trimming!) Some years he will leave decorative twigs for my empty concrete urns for winter display!!
Always so important to remember that every choice we make has a meaningful impact and it’s never too late to do what ever you intended (eat well, exercise, save money) even if you didn’t have success in your last decision!
Too true, Tonya!
Words of wisdom!
We saw a company mulching trees and asked them to bring them to our house, right down the road from where they were working, because they said they had no place to dump them when we talked to them. They said sure, but never showed up. So we were mulch disappointed (a take on Katy’s pun).
Love the “Chip and Dale”. Corny to the max.
We have a large property and we do this. I plan to redo some of the paths in the back forest this year. Free is a very good price. Several years ago the neighbor across the street got termites and tried to blame it on the wood chips. We never found any termites in the chips or in any of our cottages or buildings. We had a pest control company check.
We got dirt to fill a large hole in our yard when the neighbors put in a pool. My husband asked what the pool company did with the dirt, and the guy said they had a yard to dump it in. So my husband asked if we could have it and he said sure. Money was extremely tight so that was a real blessing!
Nice job!!