Mutual Mooch Relationships — A.K.A. Why Buy When You Can Borrow
by Katy on September 12, 2008 · 2 comments

Are you a mooch?
I am. Big time.
But here’s the thing. I’m only a mooch with people who are willing to return the sentiment.
I have mutually moochy relationships with a few of my neighbors. They borrow our tools, lawn mower, mini-van and pretty much anything else not tied down. We borrow from them last minute dinner ingredients, occasional child care and use of a fax machine. The cat feeding when we’re all out of town gets crazy frequent in the summer.
But it works because we know it’s all equal. Nobody’s taking advantage of anyone else, and no one is resentful or feels put upon.
Having people you can borrow stuff from is important. There are so many household items that only get used occasionally. One post-hole digger per block is good, as is a cat carrier. What would be the chances that we would all be digging fence post holes or ferrying cats on the same day?
To live in an area without the what’s mine is yours attitude would be difficult indeed. I probably borrow something from neighbors a couple times a week. And they borrow from us as frequently. The degree that it’s all mutually beneficial is off the charts.
So test out the waters with your friends and neighbors. Ask for that egg, that teaspoon of cinnamon, that extra sleeping bag. And then make sure they know what you have that’s available for the taking.
Go ahead and embrace your inner mooch — It’s frugal, it’s green, it’s fab!
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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The key to me is “it’s all equal” I always thought of myself as a giver and someone who’s always willing to help out or lend a hand…but, boy, do I get put out when I feel I’m being taken advantage of 🙂
I hate cats. But I will speak out for them and their owners at this point.
Each family having enough carriers for their pets will help minimize the misery in mass evacuations such as the one in Texas this week.
One carrier per street isn’t going to work there and there are enough animals abandoned at a time like this without adding to the number due to being ill-prepared to care fully for your furry family members.