Non-Consumer Photo Essay — Satisfying Little Projects

by Katy on March 15, 2025 · 18 comments

Call it spring cleaning or doom cleaning, but I’ve been tackling a number of tiny tasks around the house. First off was my mending, which as always was 93% sock darning. My sister jokes that she doesn’t knit socks for me, she gives me “craft projects!”

There, that’s better!



I then had a epiphany that my non-repairable slipper could actually be repaired if I sacrificed the back pull tab to use as a patch. Pardon in advance that my beloved slippers aren’t an aesthetic treat for the senses.



There, that’s better!



My husband brought home a huge padlock that didn’t fit into the spot where we normally store our locks. This instigated “Project Organize All The Built-in Buffet Drawers.”

The Built-in:

Behold the chaos!



There, that’s better!


I also tackled a second drawer, although there’s no “before” photo, so you’ll have to use your imagination.



There, that’s better! By the way, the bins were bought at Dollar Tree when my kids were babies. They’re infinitely useful.

I’ll probably organize the top right drawer this evening while my husband and I watch ER reruns. With the way the daily news cycle currently goes, I might actually micro-organize and clean my entire house!

If you can’t tell, I love repairing and organizing the things we already own.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

Merry March 15, 2025 at 12:35 pm

Katy. The new Dollar Tree next to Target in Tigard (Hall) is the biggest and the best one I’ve ever been in. Not around the corner from you I brlieve but wanted yo share.


Ruby March 15, 2025 at 12:50 pm

That is a very clever mend of your slippers!

I mended a tiny hole in the back neckline of a thrifted shirt and sewed up a little three-corner tear in the front of one of my husband’s fishing shirts. (He worked in tech until he retired last month and wore fishing shirts because they have lots of pockets for tiny tools.) The fishing shirt mend was fancy stuff because I used one strand of burgundy thread and one of cream to match the heathered fabric. The thread came from a little dollar store sewing kit I kept in my mother’s room at the nursing home many years ago.


Kara March 15, 2025 at 1:05 pm

Today I volunteered at a Repair Fair where people can bring items to be repaired for free. Lamps were the items most brought in. Jewelry was next. The local market provided free food for volunteers and repair clients. It was a lovely morning.


Li March 15, 2025 at 2:52 pm

I love that!


Rose March 15, 2025 at 1:10 pm

Katy, the wood on the buffet looks dry. Does it need some wax or Restor-A-Finish?

I have barely done anything besides sleep and read, because I am so exhausted. I did drag my weary bones out of bed at 7AM this morning to make a couple loaves of Irish soda bread for a local baking contest. I always make mine with some sugar, currants, and caraway and I don’t care if they’re not authentic. Guess we’ll see what the judges think. Prize is $100 and my endless bragging.


Cindy Brick March 15, 2025 at 1:13 pm

Attagirl, Katy!
We still go by the time-honored tradition of inviting friends over for supper…we get a lot of cleanup and tidyup jobs done in short order.

Two new puppies have come to live with us. One is very fond of my slippers — I have to keep a constant lookout. One is already looking a bit shredded.


Lindsey March 15, 2025 at 2:53 pm

A bunch of little things for one result:
1. I went through the freezer and pulled out all the little bags of leftover vegetables, added some shredded chicken, and made a hearty soup.
2. We use a fair amount of dried tomatoes in oil. I save the oil, which is always olive, and use it to do things like fry the freezer onions for the soup.
3. I had a quarter cup of barley, not enough to add bulk to the soup, so I also added took a lonely packet of ramen and crushed it into the pot just before serving the first night (soup lasted for three main meals).
4. To go with the soup, I pulled out little frozen packets of cheeses that I save when I have only a nub or two of a cheese left from prior recipes. I grated about a quarter of the bag, sprinkled it on elderly end pieces of bread from the freezer, broiled and served as a side for the soup. They were gobbled up.
5. Desert was fruit smoothies so thick they were eaten like ice cream. The fruits were a collection of raspberries picked from last summer’s garden and were showing signs of freezer burn that were undetectable in a smoothie.


Li March 15, 2025 at 3:02 pm

Today was a great day for staying in and completing house projects. Mine were:

– Spiffing up some clothes I found at the goodwill bins. (Washing and tidying some loose threads/pilling.)

– Cleaning and organizing the pantry. I saw a few ants scouting about, and I’d like them to have nothing to report to their ant buddies. This also gives me the opportunity to assess which items need to be used up or throw out. I tried to make soup with some too-long-in-the-tooth beans last week, and it was painful! I need to start labeling when items entered the house.

– Attempting to match my collection of things that would look good framed with my collection of empty frames from thrifts and free piles. I found a match! It’s always nice when that happens.

I did head out briefly for a walk, and now I’m damp.

My coupons from New Seasons arrived and I set a reminder to go get my free item. I usually forget!


BettafromdaVille March 15, 2025 at 3:39 pm

Partner is away, and so I get a glorious weekend with just my two cats.
1. Picked up a lunch mystery shop for Monday, so it will be a date lunch, I’ll be reimbursed for the cost so I’m still sticking to no-buy month AND we won’t have to eat any of our food that we have at home, saving it for another day.
2. I’m eating leftovers that I had put in the freezer, and at which my partner would sneer.
3. Submitted my sabbatical application. If I am approved, I’ll save $1000 in gas and tolls not having to drive to work for 1 semester.
4. Took a nap. Frugal leisure time?
5. Turning old bread into croutons.


Susie's Daughter March 15, 2025 at 4:16 pm

My satisfying little project for the day was organizing the spice cupboard. I asked DW to buy two spices yesterday that I didn’t realize I already had. And this particular cupboard has had a bad habit of flinging things at me when I opened the door. So everything came out, very elderly spices got composted, empty jars got recycled and then the remainder went back in an organized, alphabetized fashion. Current me was pleased. Future me will be grateful to know what’s really there.


Sandra March 15, 2025 at 4:42 pm

1. I had someone say recently that they no longer wash out plastic bags. What a waste. I still do and will continue to do so. I probably don’t buy a box of plastic storage bags even once a year, more like every two or three years. Yes, they do wear out eventually, but you certainly don’t need to replace after every use.

2. I pruned all the roses in my garden beds. I am so glad I got out there yesterday as we had a windstorm come through last night. There is still lavender to cut back and I had planned to do that today, but the wind just kept blowing. I will try again tomorrow.

3. I make all of my own tea, coffee, and use tap water for drinking. We are so fortunate to have good, safe water for drinking and cooking. What a tremendous savings and convenience.

4. I have been going through my clothes looking for new opportunities to wear things I already have in my closet. I am glad to report that I put together some new outfits that I hadn’t thought of before. Using what I already own instead of going shopping.

5. Using up bits and dabs from the refrigerator and the freezer. It feels so good to make good use of everything that I have already bought and paid for before I go grocery shopping and bring more things home.


Cathy in CT March 15, 2025 at 4:42 pm

That slipper repair is fantastic!
Is that why I feel like lately I am constantly rage cleaning and purging like a madwoman. I am by nature an orderly, super organizer. But lately it’s over the top. The news is unbearable so I only watch Law and Order episodes (that I have seen 15 times) or read when not cleaning or organizing or walking. Yesterday I finally had to accept that I wasted 2 chicken packages and ground turkey. Cooking spree never happened, time went on, blah blah. I felt so guilty. Husband brought home pizza from a small local place to console me. This was also the week of a whole new computer set up and $600.00 vet bill. Vet bill included an x-ray and pup’s regular monthly meds. Thankfully, nothing seriously wrong with him. I also need a new car soon and will not be buying a tesla!!


Julia March 15, 2025 at 8:33 pm

I feel this


Mary Beth March 15, 2025 at 4:50 pm

My 6-year-old granddaughter is with us for an overnight. We went to the library where she played with their cool toys and then she picked two movies and two books. Back home we had popcorn with the library copy of Tangled which was fun,

The fav grandkid play at our house is “ingredients.” Fill cupcake tins with cheap random ingredients.. stale cereal, flour, some beans, sprinkles if you have them. Something with which the kid can pour water. A mixing bowl and spoons. She has played this nearly two hours today. At the end we put the concoctions outside as “squirrel muffins.” Occasionally squirrels even eat them.

This activity started years ago as a way to keep my kids occupied while I made dinner. Back then unwanted leftovers were often included. Now my kids tell their kids about this cool thing you can do at grandma’s.

I’m exhausted but not broke.


Fru-gal Lisa March 15, 2025 at 6:30 pm

I’m finding that I’m not the only one depressed about the news — and the “new normal.” Not that anything concerning the Orange Ogre and his band of misfits could ever be considered “normal!” But it is therapy of sorts for me to hear from so many like-minded frugalistas.

Meanwhile, I thought I was doing well in some cleaning and organizing this weekend, but Katy, you’ve got me beat. Come do my junk drawers when you finish yours! LOL!

1. I am slowly but surely getting the newly-floored front room fixed back up. Last night I stuck felt “feet” onto the bottoms of the dining room chairs so they won’t scratch the LVP.

2.Today I cleaned out some closets and bookshelves and took a lot of “how to” repair books to the thrift store that sells tools and handyman stuff. (Not Habitat Re-store but another, quasi-similar charity shop.) I’ve had those books around for 20 years and have yet to do a single project/repair in any of them. While it may not be frugal to hire a handyman, it’s also not frugal to burn down your house bc you messed up on DIY electrical wiring.

3.Our church gives us printed name tags (with our first and last names on them) to stick on our clothes each Sunday. I’ve been saving mine, and sticking them on the corner of a bookshelf where they can be pulled up and used again. In my organizing the bookshelves, I used the name tags inside each encyclopedia volume within my set. (Old classic Britannicas, no less, bought at a thrift store for almost nothing.) Free “book plates,” as they used to be called.

4. Yesterday the rescue lady came to visit along with the darling doggie I want to adopt. This was a meet and greet visit to see if I like him and want him. (Yes and yes. He looks just like my 16 y.o. fur baby who went over the rainbow bridge in Nov., and seems just as sweet. Wonder if they’re distant kin: they both were abandoned in the same country town.) There is a re-homing fee of ~$50 but this is what it covers: vet bills for neutering and all puppy shots, crate training (they even will give me the crate), microchipping (a law in our city, although I really don’t like it, Mark of the Beast and all that), house training, leash training, they will give me his toys, and they will repair the holes in my backyard fence. Not to mention they’ve fed and housed and groomed him for almost a year. If someone gave me a free dog, the vet bill alone would far exceed 50 bucks. So I’m counting this as a frugal win!

5.I’ve been trying for a year to get rid of the remains of a downed tree in my yard. Offered it to folks for free; they hauled off the smaller logs and left me the pieces of the trunk too heavy to lift. They’re too lazy to cut/chop/split/chainsaw the trunk parts into manageable pieces. (I guess they expect me to gift wrap it for them, too!) While the rescue lady was in the backyard with us, I asked she wanted any firewood. She saw it, saw how big it was, and was super happy to get it. Once the burn bans are lifted, she wants to do a “Swedish fire pit”, in which you slice up the big log almost like a pizza and burn it from the inside. It burns a long time, she said, and is really amazing. (I looked it up, very interesting!) She’s happy and I’m happy to get rid of all that wood!
5.a. I also gave her the huge cloth curtain and old king sized mattress cover my painters used as drop cloths and never returned to get, and a torn tablecloth. All of that will become dog bedding for her rescue place. And I’m happy it’s out of my garage!


Susan March 15, 2025 at 6:48 pm

Well, today was not exactly frugal in terms of money spent, but it was frugal in terms of looking for the best price on what I needed.
Went to Lowe’s to return some kitchen knobs that were past the return date. When I asked if a store credit was possible, the employee kindly bent the rules and now I can use the $70 on another needed item without more out of pocket. I am a loyal customer and she thanked me for that as well.

My son is a big reader of digital books and I’m tired of not being able to use my IPAD….so I bit the bullet, but not before researching all options and saving $70 off the model I wanted. Yes, a kindle would have been way cheaper but I dislike Amazon and the Bezobozo too much to start supporting them now. We are an Amazon free home and have been for a couple years as the monopoly grew…

Worked on my rental property, tearing up old gross vinyl floor that was glued down. Blech, but $weat equity galore…
Made all my food and beverages at home, including using up leftover bits and bobs that I received for free from work.
Filled my tank at local station with best price.
Decided to forego a beauty appt that I can DIY at home.

Thank you Katy for maintaining this blog. I look forward to the updates of how others are living frugally with joy.


Susan March 15, 2025 at 6:52 pm

PS-Love the built in cabinet and glass. Old homes are so beautiful, and drafty.
Slipper repair is impressive.


MB in MN March 15, 2025 at 7:03 pm

Organizing and purging is so satisfying.

1. Took items to metal recycling, household hazardous waste, consignment store and Habitat Restore.

2. Helping a friend declutter, organize and stage her home for sale. Brought a couple boxes of useful items home. I will post some items on Buy Nothing and haul the rest to the thrift store.


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