Call it spring cleaning or doom cleaning, but I’ve been tackling a number of tiny tasks around the house. First off was my mending, which as always was 93% sock darning. My sister jokes that she doesn’t knit socks for me, she gives me “craft projects!”
There, that’s better!
I then had a epiphany that my non-repairable slipper could actually be repaired if I sacrificed the back pull tab to use as a patch. Pardon in advance that my beloved slippers aren’t an aesthetic treat for the senses.
There, that’s better!
My husband brought home a huge padlock that didn’t fit into the spot where we normally store our locks. This instigated “Project Organize All The Built-in Buffet Drawers.”
The Built-in:
Behold the chaos!
There, that’s better!
I also tackled a second drawer, although there’s no “before” photo, so you’ll have to use your imagination.
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That is a very clever mend of your slippers!
I mended a tiny hole in the back neckline of a thrifted shirt and sewed up a little three-corner tear in the front of one of my husband’s fishing shirts. (He worked in tech until he retired last month and wore fishing shirts because they have lots of pockets for tiny tools.) The fishing shirt mend was fancy stuff because I used one strand of burgundy thread and one of cream to match the heathered fabric. The thread came from a little dollar store sewing kit I kept in my mother’s room at the nursing home many years ago.
Today I volunteered at a Repair Fair where people can bring items to be repaired for free. Lamps were the items most brought in. Jewelry was next. The local market provided free food for volunteers and repair clients. It was a lovely morning.
I love that!
Katy, the wood on the buffet looks dry. Does it need some wax or Restor-A-Finish?
I have barely done anything besides sleep and read, because I am so exhausted. I did drag my weary bones out of bed at 7AM this morning to make a couple loaves of Irish soda bread for a local baking contest. I always make mine with some sugar, currants, and caraway and I don’t care if they’re not authentic. Guess we’ll see what the judges think. Prize is $100 and my endless bragging.
Attagirl, Katy!
We still go by the time-honored tradition of inviting friends over for supper…we get a lot of cleanup and tidyup jobs done in short order.
Two new puppies have come to live with us. One is very fond of my slippers — I have to keep a constant lookout. One is already looking a bit shredded.
A bunch of little things for one result:
1. I went through the freezer and pulled out all the little bags of leftover vegetables, added some shredded chicken, and made a hearty soup.
2. We use a fair amount of dried tomatoes in oil. I save the oil, which is always olive, and use it to do things like fry the freezer onions for the soup.
3. I had a quarter cup of barley, not enough to add bulk to the soup, so I also added took a lonely packet of ramen and crushed it into the pot just before serving the first night (soup lasted for three main meals).
4. To go with the soup, I pulled out little frozen packets of cheeses that I save when I have only a nub or two of a cheese left from prior recipes. I grated about a quarter of the bag, sprinkled it on elderly end pieces of bread from the freezer, broiled and served as a side for the soup. They were gobbled up.
5. Desert was fruit smoothies so thick they were eaten like ice cream. The fruits were a collection of raspberries picked from last summer’s garden and were showing signs of freezer burn that were undetectable in a smoothie.
Today was a great day for staying in and completing house projects. Mine were:
– Spiffing up some clothes I found at the goodwill bins. (Washing and tidying some loose threads/pilling.)
– Cleaning and organizing the pantry. I saw a few ants scouting about, and I’d like them to have nothing to report to their ant buddies. This also gives me the opportunity to assess which items need to be used up or throw out. I tried to make soup with some too-long-in-the-tooth beans last week, and it was painful! I need to start labeling when items entered the house.
– Attempting to match my collection of things that would look good framed with my collection of empty frames from thrifts and free piles. I found a match! It’s always nice when that happens.
I did head out briefly for a walk, and now I’m damp.
My coupons from New Seasons arrived and I set a reminder to go get my free item. I usually forget!
Partner is away, and so I get a glorious weekend with just my two cats.
1. Picked up a lunch mystery shop for Monday, so it will be a date lunch, I’ll be reimbursed for the cost so I’m still sticking to no-buy month AND we won’t have to eat any of our food that we have at home, saving it for another day.
2. I’m eating leftovers that I had put in the freezer, and at which my partner would sneer.
3. Submitted my sabbatical application. If I am approved, I’ll save $1000 in gas and tolls not having to drive to work for 1 semester.
4. Took a nap. Frugal leisure time?
5. Turning old bread into croutons.