Peaches and Herb may think they own the whole Reunited thang, but I beg to differ. I think the best gifts/ thrift store finds are those that reunite like items. Please glory in all that I received as birthday gifts from my mother and what we then gleaned from local Goodwills today.

My mother gave me the red Pyrex mixing bowl, which was "needed." (Okay, not needed, but really wanted.)

I bought one of these Pier One patio chairs at Goodwill today. I already had one from another thrift store excursion, maybe two years ago. Don't they look cute together?

I had been actively coveting this one of these unused Hall China kitchen canister from my mother's house. (I already had the other one.) Guess what showed up in a gift bag for birthday number 43?
And it feels so good . . . .
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”
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Did you get a “reunited thang” for your birthday today? Happy birthday!!!
I’d say your mother knows you well! What perfect gifts!
I have the same set of vintage mixing bowls – all 4 too…aren’t they awesome?!? Happy Birthday!
that is cool about having matching chairs!
my mom has part of that set, that she has had since the begining… I think some have been lost…
It probably feels so good because you waited for these items…although it would be nice to have complete sets right off the bat, I’m guessing it wouldn’t feel so gratifying if you were able to buy everything together at once.
Happy Birthday!
Like Alison said, it was the waiting and wanting that made it so special. Part of our society’s trouble is we “see it, want it, get it”.
I love your bowls, and the chairs are sweet.
I think the chairs look somewhat Disney-esque, like they’re going to start prancing around the backyard. In which case, they should grab a rake. 😉
Love those bowls! My mom collects Hall china, mostly teapots. I think that’s what gave me the bug for vintage stuff. I just blogged about my love of thrift shopping and posted some pics of my all-time favorite secondhand finds.
Oh, how fun that you have these matching sets now. I have picture frames from Goodwill like that…I bought them on two separate occasions, but they are the exact same frames with the exact same mats. Love it!
I love finding Pyrex at the thrift store and I bet finding a missing piece to a set really made your day! I wish there was more Pyrex in the stores around me 🙂
I had the green bowl from that set – it had been my grandmother’s – and spent a bit of time hunting down the rest of the set. It’s pretty common to see the set for sale with one of the pieces missing, so I just had to wait until I found the set missing the green one – and I finally did! The satisfaction is rather delightful, isn’t it? 🙂
I still want to know how come my goodwill doesn’t have as nice stuff as some people get!
Happy Birthday Katy. My half brother Yves shares your birthday and he is one special guy. I love your vintage Pyrex bowls. What joy!
What great finds! I love seeing photos like these–it’s a good reminder that you don’t have to buy new to find great items. And my grandmother had that same mixing-bowl set, but in pastels. When I was growing up, I just thought they were so beautiful–sort of pearlescent.
I love your bowl collection, we have the large yellow one and have been on the look out for the rest without having to pay a ton of cash for them. We’ve seen a whole set but for too much 🙁
What a great post! I love that! I have the big yellow mixing bowl, too, that a friend generously gave to me. And I use it all the time. I love when thrift/garage sale finds fit with previous finds that way!!
I have the big bowl in red – use it all the time!
The big bowl in RED?! I bow deeply.
Happy Birthday. Sounds like it was a good one.
My mom had those pyrex bowls. Well, the yellow, red, and blue ones. The green one was broken or lost before I was around. Hmmm, I wonder what happened to them? I got most of the dishes, but those weren’t in there. Weird.
I so agree!! I have been thrifting and accepting friends’ cast offs for years and I always get so excited when I find things that go together as if they were made for each other. It adds a whole new dimension!
OK, after my first foray into Goodwill today, I was dismayed at A) the junk, and B) the utter chaos of the shelves. One cooking oil dispenser I picked up had traces of oil and assorted herbs still in it. Is this the norm, and I just have see it as a huge treasure hunt? Or is my Goodwill just not the norm?
The Portland Goodwills are pretty well organized, but I know that is not the case elsewhere. Sometime I find fantastic stuff, and other times nothing at all. It’s all about keeping an eye out for certain things and being patient.
Better luck next time!
i am jealous, jealous, jealous of those mixing bowls!
Delurking to wish you a belated Happy Birthday! I hope your day was all that you wanted 🙂
Happy Birthday,
I can’t help but LOVE this post as I actually have a vintage shop called ReUnited! And yes we named it for the very song of which you speak!
I love what you do here it is inspiring and necessary:)