100 Reasons to be a Non-Consumer

by Katy on June 22, 2024 · 10 comments

In addition to this blog, I also run a companion Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group, which is currently hovering at 79,000 members. New prospective members have to answer a simple question, which helps to weed out the spammers, (whose answers tend towards “hello mf9we4ry2e.”)  The answers are always interesting, so I recently started saving them to share in a blog post. If I find them interesting, perhaps you do as well.

Here’s how 100 recent group members answered the question of “Please share why you’d like to join a non-consumer group:”

  1. Hello mf 284643737848 🙂 Just kidding! Joining because I enjoy the blog.

  2. Because I am frugal so that I can live the life I want.

  3. I’m a long time reader of the blog and I would enjoy a like minded community.

  4. I enjoy reading the blog posts 🙂

  5. I like Katy’s blog and I’d like to connect with other thrifty people.

  6. To learn new fresh ideas to save money and avoid waste.

  7. I’m cheap and would like additional ideas.

  8. I started following your blog not long ago, enjoy your content and would like to share thoughts and ideas with like minded individuals. Thanks!

  9. Fan of Katy’s blog posts.

  10. I have enjoyed your blog for years. The blog today mentioned your Facebook post. How did I miss it all this time. I see you on Instagram sometimes but I missed the Facebook post. Over the years several blog entries have helped me live a better life lfe. I think your Facebook posts will be great for mme also.

  11. I read your blog and really enjoy all your feedback.

  12. Love the helpful hints, and the encouragement to use what I have or make do!

  13. I follow both your blog and The Frugal Girl. I’m exhausted by all of the waste in our country! I’m happy to buy used whenever possible and more recently I’ve been paying close attention to using up all of my food before it goes bad.

  14. I’m always looking for a bargain and love finding new purposes for old things.

  15. I already receive your emails. Would like to see responses people add in Facebook even though I often do a SMH on what people write on Facebook. My husband and I try to be non-wasteful consumers as we travel half of the year in retirement and focus on experiences.

  16. Looking to develop more frugalness.

  17. Blog reader just saw your post about this group that I was unaware of.

  18. Followed the blog for a long time and just found out about the Facebook group from the recent blog post.

  19. I love your blog and hope to get more tips here.

  20. Love to read the blog and just realized you also have a Facebook group.

  21. I like to live frugally and a non-consumer group gives me good ideas to help out financially, and also gives me tips to re-use & re-purpose things to keep them out of the landfills.


  23. Inspiration.

  24. I have read every post of your blog for over a decade, but did not know this group existed until now!

  25. I enjoy your blog so why not?

  26. I’ve read the blog for years. Love it.

  27. I’m tired of all the crap.

  28. Like minds.

  29. To help keep me on track with frugal living.

  30. I enjoy reading your blog & agree with non-consumptive habits!

  31. Following for years, somehow completely missed the group was even a thing?!

  32. Love the blog and want MORE!

  33. I have been following the blog for a long time and would like to join the group for continued inspiration.

  34. I enjoy reading your blog & agree with non-consumptive habits!

  35. following for years, somehow completely missed the group was even a thing?!

  36. Been following Katy’s blog for about a decade and I also retired early from registered nursing!

  37. Lifelong frugal person! Always looking out for new ideas on how to reduce and reuse.

  38. To avoid becoming a bag lady in my 80s.

  39. Wife wanted to show me something.

  40. Love the blog. Always looking for ways to take the focus off of being a consumer, and instead how to give back.

  41. I am a regular reader of the blog — and would love to share the frugal tips I’ve learned along the way.

  42. I’m not into consuming just for the fun of consuming. I like to get deals and eat on the cheap by cooking at home.

  43. To minimize my shopping habits

  44. To make better use of the things we already own.

  45. Too much garbage in the world.

  46. I’ve been reading your blog for years and just found out about your FB group…thought it might be interesting to join. Can’t wait to see what kinds of things are discussed.

  47. I enjoy finding new ways (or being reminded of old ways” to be frugal and save $.

  48. I find your posts inspiring and help me to try to shed some of my own hang ups on having certain things.

  49. I found your blog again after a long time and I enjoyed reading it. I can relate to your content and want to save more money. Thank you.

  50. Recommended by the Frugal Girl.

  51. I’m very much into re and up cycling, reusing downsizing, and love reading your blog, have for quite a number of years and your Instagram account is a favorite. Being from Finland I can’t take advantage of all tips you give, but they give great incentive for trying to find and do something similar locally.

  52. I need accountability and friends who like to save more spend less!

  53. Inspiration for simple living.

  54. To remind myself I don’t need to spend money to be happy.

  55. Would like to learn more frugal tips.

  56. To save money!

  57. I grew up with a hippy mom. She taught me all about reduce, reuse, recycle. I’m trying to learn how to teach it to my family now.

  58. Improve my lifestyle

  59. I want to be able to interact with more like-minded people who are more than just consumer cogs in this big machine.

  60. For inspiration.

  61. To get some ideas on how to reduce consumerism and raise awareness about it.

  62. I enjoy reading the Non-Consumer Advocate blog posts, and suspect the Facebook group will be full of the same common-sense tips.

  63. Always interested in hearing new ideas to save money and make the most out of what you have.

  64. I need to save money … desperately.

  65. I am a non-consumer. interested in reading about others.

  66. Being frugal is at the core of my life and it is fun.

  67. Please share why you’d like to join a non-consumer group.

  68. trying to be less consumer oriented..looking for ideas.

  69. Fine the best cheap men’s shoes.

  70. To be a part of ongoing information and support as seek to learn more about being a better consumer. Just beginning first written budget and this is a perfect addition to my efforts. Than you!!

  71. I want to use less of our natural resources and believe in the adage -fix it, reuse, recycle.

  72. The Frugal Girl mentioned this site and I would like to get more tips In reuse of items and frugal living.

  73. Working on decreasing my consumerism.

  74. Like to save money.

  75. I’m a very conscientious consumer and want to find a like-minded group.

  76. Participate in like minded people.

  77. I read a story about reasonably priced shoes for plantar fasciitis sufferers being shared on the site.

  78. I’m trying very hard to not buy things I do not need and need inspiration.

  79. To learn more about the topic and move toward non consumerism.

  80. To see and learn about frugal finds.

  81. To find inspiration and rid my feed of consumerist images encouraging waste.

  82. Positivity.

  83. To save money and not create waste. Seeking financial and materialistic freedom.

  84. Lower consumerism and involvement in throw away society.

  85. Want to reduce consumerism and materialism in my life.

  86. I’m interested in a low waste life.

  87. For the year 2024 I am only shopping in consignment shops. I want to reduce my carbon footprint. I feel very strongly about doing this!

  88. I would like to stop living a consumer based lifestyle.

  89. I’m looking for ways to increase my reduce, reuse, repair, recycle lifestyle.

  90. To cut down on spending.

  91. Suggested by another; curious to add it to my conscious consumption reading repertoire.

  92. My daughter is a member and has shared ideas she’s read here. I like what I’ve heard from her, since I’ve always tried to conserve resources and the physical things of life. I’d like to see your posts – sounds like a good fit. 😊

  93. Need ideas for minimalist living.

  94. To learn more ideas for decreasing consumption.

  95. to learn how to reuse and recycle.

  96. I chair our Town’s Environmental Action Committee and one of the things we are working on is informing residents about consumer choices and reducing waste.

  97. To find more sustainable ways to live.

  98. To repurpose items around my house for my use.

  99. I am trying to consume less and appreciate new ideas.

  100. To lead a more environmentally friendly life.

So there you have it, 100 reason to be a non-consumer!

And I suppose I should end this blog post asking you to share why you’re interesting in reading a non-consumer blog. Please share your answer in the comments section below.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Vickie June 22, 2024 at 2:50 pm

This blog is enjoyable to read and very informative. Great inspiration!


K D June 22, 2024 at 3:37 pm

Inspiration to lead a non-consumer lifestyle and to “connect” with other frugal people. It’s good for the planet, the wallet, and the soul.


Suzanne June 22, 2024 at 4:55 pm

The people around me IRL are spenders and consumers. I like knowing that there are people who think like I do about consuming less, enjoying life more, and taking care of our planet.


Ruby June 22, 2024 at 5:50 pm

I am surrounded by people who think I’m some kind of a nut for driving a little gas-sipping car, buying secondhand, and not being in debt up to my eyeballs. Katy’s place is my happy place!


Bee June 23, 2024 at 6:13 am

IRL, with the exception of my immediate family, I am surround by people who “live large.” NCA is supportive of my desire to live frugally, simply, and tread gently upon this beautiful earth.


A. Marie June 23, 2024 at 6:17 am

I’m into nonconsumerism for a lot of the 100 reasons on Katy’s list. But I agree with K D, Suzanne, and Ruby that I’m also on this blog and The Frugal Girl for the connections and communities with like-minded folks. These have become especially important to me as I get older and life happens.


Jean C June 23, 2024 at 6:51 am

Totally agree with all the comments. While I can’t say I am a poster child for NonConsumerism all the time, I have learned so much and gotten inspiration from Katy, the Frugal Girl and the beloved “commentariat” who feel like virtual friends I really care about.


MB in MN June 23, 2024 at 9:48 am

It’s truly lovely what a group of community-minded and like-minded people can create together. HUGE thanks to Katy for making it possible! Between this blog and The Frugal Girl, I have delightful, caring, and helpful daily interactions with people I often recognize just by their comments.


VE in MN June 28, 2024 at 2:20 pm

You are inspiring and I aspire to live more like your lifestyle. And all that is shared here by you and the commentors is very valuable – thank you!


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