I have been working hard to declutter my big ol’ house over the last few years, and lately have been putting in an extra va-va-voom into the effort. Here’s a short gallery of a few of the items that have left my life through Criagslist and consignment shops over the past few weeks. I think I may need to apologize in advance for some bad Star Wars puns.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”

My cute Goodwill Dansko Mary Janes. I wanted you to fit, yet you never really did. You are now for sale at an expensive consignment store for $45.00.

Hello 50 cent Hanna Andersson thrift store jammies. I sold you on Craigslist for between $10 and $12 apiece.

So long painted game table. You were a free coffee table that my sister and I painted up cute for my older son. I was sad to see you go, but the $50 I got from a Craigslist buyer soothed my wounds.

Farewell dear Darth Vader cardboard standup. You were the centerpiece of three different birthday parties. My husband will miss you the most, but the $15 we received in exchange brought us over to the dark side.

Be gone Darth Vader cookie jar. You collected greasy dust on top of the refrigerator. The $10 you brought us will be better than any Wookie Cookie.

Sayonara Darth Vader voice changer masks. You took up way too much room in my sons' closet, and he was happy to make room for the $30 you brought into his life.
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Go you, Katy! I stink at selling stuff, so I need to learn from you.
Kristen, I’m with you. I don’t even try to sell stuff anymore. It’s easier and less painful for me to just donate it. Good going, Katy!
It’s utterly addictive, as it makes me look around the house and wonder what other useless stuff holds any value.
I just do it so infrequently, I have a hard time getting motivated. And the few times I’ve tried to sell something, no one has wanted it and that makes me feel like it’s a waste of time. Sigh.
Maybe you have cooler stuff than I do! lol
Of course, I didn’t show that stuff that didn’t sell. I often have to list things a few times before they sell. It just takes one person who wants what you have.
Check out what this artist did with one of those Darth Vader masks. Depending on when you sold yours maybe this is what happened to them! I think she got them off E-Bay a month or 2 ago
That is SOOOO cool!
Great post! The painted table is a brilliant idea as well…hmmmm
We’ve got one of those Darth Vader masks in the garage…no one has played with it in 4 years…must find it and sell it!! Thanks for the inspiration.