Are You Doing a 2025 “No Spend” or “Low Spend” Challenge?

by Katy on January 29, 2025 · 38 comments

I’m seeing a lot of “No Spend” or “Low Spend” challenges on the internet, which seems to be a natural progression from the “underconsumption” trend from late 2024. I know a thing or two about “no spend” resolutions, as I made a decision in 2006 to only buy secondhand things and have somehow kept it up ever since. Sure, I’ve bought a smattering of new items here and there, but they are the exception not than the rule. You know, because I’m not looking to buy used furnace filters, toothbrushes or underwear.

I decided to look up “No Spend 2025” to research this blog post and I kid you not, this was the very first result:

Umm . . . so the first resource to assist in your “no spend” challenge is to something to buy from Amazon?! The irony is strong. Nice try, Bezos!

What I hope is for people who’ve gone into 2025 with a “No Spend” resolution to be able to stick to their goals, even when life gets in the way. So many of us don’t even have a choice of whether to spend less, as the cost of living is escalating at an unsustainable rate.

Here are a few things I’ve learned over the past 19 years:

• Things will come up when you genuinely buy need to buy something new that you hadn’t planned for. This happens and shouldn’t be considered a failure. Shit happens, move on.

• People will think you’re being weird or miserly. Let them think this, that’s their business. You know the “why” behind your decisions and that’s the only thing that matters.

• You might be okay with used things, but a lot of people think it’s “gross,” which can make it hard to shop for them. Those people can receive consumables or enjoy a regift.

• Be open about your no/low spend resolution, you might be surprised how others will support your resolution.

• It’s better when you can reframe financial limitations as a choice instead of something forced upon you. Think “I’m bringing leftovers to work because I’m here to make money, not spend it” or “I’m declining an expensive invitation because I prioritize my financial well being.” These choices are self care.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re entering into a “No Spend” era due to strapped finances, sustainability or both — the results are the same. Neither is superior to the other. There’s no shame in financial discipline.

Are you doing a no/low spend year? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Katy Wolk-Stanley 

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }

isa January 29, 2025 at 5:17 am

I am doing kind of a ”low buy” 2025 but not to other people extend. I am limiting my personal spending to, let’s say, only thrifted clothes (except socks and undies), going out to eat only if in a social context, not spending on gadgets, using my toiletries and not buying more until I ran out, etc. So, nothing major but enough for me to make a difference in my bank account.

As a family, hubby and I are also being conscious of our purchases. It does not mean that we won’t buy anything ”unnecessary” but we make it count. Example, we will not buy new board games this year, but we did just splurge many $$$ on a 2 weeks summer camp for our daughters. We will not buy each other Valentine gifts, but we will go out to eat and see a show. I prefer to invest in experiences than things.


Jill A January 29, 2025 at 5:55 am

I don’t think I’ll do a no spend challenge, but I will be trying to be more careful with grocery spending and food waste. I already try to buy used when I can. I love to thrift and I will try to limit any impulse purchases by keeping a list of things I want/need. I feel like my life is a no spend challenge. I spend money on the things I care about though such as vacations and treating my foodie daughters to restaurant meals.


Cindy in the South January 29, 2025 at 6:29 am

I loathe Bozo, my name for him, aka Amazon bc of Nomadsland. He took advantage of senior citizens and the book is much more graphic than the movie


Ruby January 29, 2025 at 12:23 pm

Reading Nomadland made me stop purchasing from Amazon, I still have an account due to owning about a dozen Kindle books, but currently am deciding on whether I will ever re-read those. If the answer is no, then the account will be deleted.


A. Marie January 29, 2025 at 12:43 pm

I’ve now gone a year and a half without ordering anything from Amazon, and I don’t find myself suffering from deprivation. (And if I hadn’t done it before, I’d be doing it now.)


Auntiali February 1, 2025 at 6:07 pm

That’s a big fat no to Bozo for me too.


Christina January 29, 2025 at 7:40 am

I’ve done a no-spend months from time to time but a low-spend year is sort of my normal. I’m working towards sustainable minimalism and it all sort of goes hand in hand. I love your tips- especially letting others think what they want. It took me a long time but I often remind myself that what others think of me is none of my business.


Li January 29, 2025 at 8:32 am

This year won’t be any different than previous years. I’ve become more and more frugal over the years as I’ve picked up more tricks and habits. I’ve learned to be careful about sharing my little victories since there are a lot of people who don’t get it. If someone compliments my outfit, I know there’s a time and place to crow that it’s all thrifted. Many times, a simple “thank you” is the best response. I’ve had people literally recoil in horror when I tell them that I wear used clothing or cook with used cookware or eat marked down vegetables or have incorporated curb finds into my household.

I appreciate this blog because I read it and know that there are other people like me out there!


Li January 29, 2025 at 9:03 am

I’ll add that I’ve also had people react strangely, like I’m trying to trying to outdo them or I think I’m holier than they art or something. It’s hard to explain. In Portland, especially, if I say I buy used things for sustainability purposes, then there are people who seem threatened by it. Again, I need to be aware of my audience.


Selena January 29, 2025 at 4:02 pm

Nothing wrong with saying “thank you” or “it’s been around for years”. Can’t speak for all but I bet most of us have household items from family, maybe even from great-great relatives or family friends.


K D January 29, 2025 at 10:28 am

I so appreciate the like minded people that comment on this blog. People that think that way are few and far between in my real life. Of course I appreciate Katy for all that she does to create and maintain this blog.


Li January 29, 2025 at 11:38 am

Yes! Thank you, Katy, for giving us a safe space to brag about our frugal wins!


Katy January 29, 2025 at 12:17 pm

Brag away, bay-bee!


t January 29, 2025 at 8:42 am

I decided to spend whatever amount on whatever I want whenever. I really don’t want much or often so I’m done. Fiddle-de-dee I’ll think about that tomorrow, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die, maybe I’ll buy a fiddle so I can play while Rome burns. And tap dance. I think playing a fiddle while tap dancing would make me happy right now. Yesterday I saw a woman sitting by the road playing a guitar and singing. Then her dog started howling along to her tune. I was a few lanes over and couldn’t throw money at her but I wanted to. Lots of people near her were dropping money in her guitar case. Happiness fairies should be rewarded. Oh well. Tomorrow’s another day. *sticking fingers in ears LALALALA*
An that’s all I have to say about that


Blue Gate Farmgirl January 29, 2025 at 9:56 am

I received a letter from my credit card co missing me, ha!
I will stay the course and spend when I must. Purging and organizing the farmhouse of 50 yrs of accumulated shtuff. I am minimalizing our wardrobes, shoes and outerwear gear. Next will be the barns & shops.


K D January 29, 2025 at 10:23 am

I’m in for the sustainability aspect but I do also respect saving money.

I am not surprised you “need” to buy something to participate in a No Spend Challenge. You also need to buy things to celebrate Earth Day (new matching reusable bags, bamboo sheets, towels, etc.

The WSJ talked about this:


Kathy January 29, 2025 at 10:39 am

Yes I am attempting a low buy year. We’re soon to be 72, 76 SS doesn’t always cover everything. We are not DIY so anything house wise that needs to be done we have to hire someone.
It’s also about having an over abundance. How many blouses do I really need? Our lifestyle is pretty simple. I work a very PT job that requires a “uniform”. I have enough clothes for social occasions and the few times I dress up to show or judge dogs (my hobby).


Katy @ Practical Walk January 29, 2025 at 11:45 am

In a sense I’m always trying to spend low. Right now we’re getting settled back in the US from West Africa. Daily costs are much highr here, so we’re doing multiple things:
– Keeping the heater lower to reduce gas bill
– Switched to free electricity at night (am going to try to do laundry at night).
– Trying a different internet provider
– Buying mostly used items
– Cooking mostly from scratch and avoiding eating out


Stephanie January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am

I’m keeping a list of all the non-consumable items I’m purchasing this year, so I can track what I actually bring into my house (I’m not counting food, because that gets eaten up, and I’m not counting stuff like shampoo, because that gets used. I don’t go overboard with any of this stuff, anyway). So far: three books, all of them used. Two of them are for school, one was a cookbook. And that’s it! Feeling pretty good about this so far. 🙂


Selena January 29, 2025 at 4:08 pm

The bigger purchases we made happen BOP – before orange pox. A couple of items on the radar (one because we aren’t getting any younger but what it replaces will likely be sold to cover over half the cost of the replacement item).
I’m concentrating on re-homing items.


A. Marie January 29, 2025 at 12:17 pm

At present, I regard my whole life as a low-spend challenge, so I suppose I’m in. But as far as what other people think is concerned…I not only am not ashamed of my frugality, I discuss it proudly. And I’m glad to say I’ve brought some friends around to the cause. Dr. Bestest Neighbor, for example, always says, “My neighbor bought this for me at the Salvation Army!” when someone compliments him on a shirt or sweater I found for him.


Katy January 29, 2025 at 12:19 pm

I love your neighbor! My life is also an ongoing “low spend challenge,” but that’s no surprise to anyone.


Kristen | The Frugal Girl January 30, 2025 at 4:51 am

That’s my usual too; just every day, steadily trying to save money.

My brain rebels against challenges that involve temporary deprivation (whether it’s food, money, or anything else!) so the steady plodding method works best for me.

And that’s why I know I’m never gonna do a Whole 30 or a 75 Hard!


Ruby January 29, 2025 at 12:19 pm

This year I am aiming to buy only food, medicine, and whatever is needed to repair essential stuff that breaks. My only discretionary spending is a small allowance for books, as reading is my main hobby.


Nicola January 29, 2025 at 12:25 pm

We are not doing a challenge, but we are certainly spending very little as we try to use things up before an international house move.
We wont be taking any big stuff with us. This means that our things will mainly go to my son and give him a boost in the quality of some of his home stuff, as well as supporting his partners extended family. Many tools will be making their way to his place!
Sadly, this also means a mega spending spree (by our standards) once we move. We have already signed up to the local buy sell groups and I have been following local charity shops and resale places. We will take a couple of weeks to gather the basics before we move into our new place.
I am hopeful we can continue to source the things we need slowly, and used. The new place needs updating, so we will go slowly and thoughtfully as we bring it to the standard we want.


Maureen January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm

I am aiming for a very low spend year because I want to retire next year. I have told my husband and promised myself that our emergency fund bank account will be at a certain dollar amount. This is in addition to our retirement accounts. So I want to save, save, save so that next year I can retire and really enjoy myself. One way we are doing this is planning small camping weekends this summer rather than spending thousands on a huge trip. And our fall vacation will be state-side so we can drive and not fly saving us more money.


Michelle H January 29, 2025 at 2:39 pm

What a great plan! Congrats on next year’s retirement. I did a similar thing the last 18 months I was working – it’s amazing how fast you hit that goal when you’ve got this kind of motivation.


JC January 29, 2025 at 12:58 pm

I loathe Amazon and Bezos. Family uses it and even when I am looking for something in particular and they offer to order it amazon, the answer is no thanks.
I live my life low spend for the most part and have for years. My plan for this year is buying nothing new and I have set myself a limit on plants. The buying nothing new should be a breeze but the limiting of plant purchases will be difficult.
I use my gardens for solace and gratitude, I think they are going to be well used for the next 4 years.


Michelle H January 29, 2025 at 2:38 pm

I try for a no/low spend every January. It’s a nice reset after the holiday chaos.
I try to declutter some, finish off open toiletries (or anything else that’s already open like condiments), and go through my gift cards and make plans to use them in the next few months.

After the Thanksgiving/Christmas loss leaders my pantry and deep freezer are usually packed. I meal plan from the freezer and pantry to rotate my stock, and limit grocery shopping to the just the bare necessities.

I certainly don’t need a special calendar for it – I have a free one my mom got hanging on the wall in my office, and I just write “no spend” on the particular day. I’ve got 9 out of 29 for January, not as many as I had hoped, but I’ll take it.


Selena January 29, 2025 at 3:51 pm

Consuming leftovers, regardless of location, prevents food waste. Waste of anything is money lost.
The US being *the* world power/best economy post WWII has its downside – the rise of consumerism. Which was not as bad when we bought made in USA products which gave fellow citizens a living wage. But now it slave labor lining the pockets of those that will never have enough money.


liz g January 29, 2025 at 4:02 pm

I”m not even going to try to do a No Spend year. Sometimes stuff breaks and has to be repaired or replaced, (looking at you, dishwasher).

I don’t shop as recreation, so my purchases are pretty intentional to begin with.

Right now, I’m focusing on selling more in my eBay store so I can add to my savings.


MB in MN January 29, 2025 at 4:21 pm

I am definitely planning a low-spend year. I just purged my “Acquire” list of several non-essential items and the only things on it right now are: 1) windshield wiper fluid, 2) blackout window shades, 3) more data for my mobile phone contract, and 4) a winter coat to replace mine that is 14 years old.


Dmarie February 5, 2025 at 4:59 am

About the time I needed a blackout shade for the guest bedroom, our DD decided to get rid of a curtain panel that happened to be the same grommet style as one I was already using for our window. So, I just put her lined curtain behind ours on the rod & blackout was achieved. The two curtains line up well enough that only the topmost one is visible. #nobuy


Cathy in CT January 29, 2025 at 4:56 pm

I’m not doing a no/low spend month, but I am extremely intentional about what I purchase. Nothing new, if possible, no fast fashion or fast decor. I love the thrill of the hunt. For me it’s fun and rewarding.


Ecoteri January 29, 2025 at 8:00 pm

AH, I wish I were able to proudly state that I am no-spending all over the place, but sadly that isn’t the case. My current goal is to reduce my food waste by ensuring I cook/prep and eat all the veggies I love to buy. All I need to do is prep/cook them, then my #2 son and I usually enjoy having something ready in the fridge.
As for clothing – well, it is rare that I purchase, I currently have a ‘uniform’ that consists of one of 4 wool dresses from Wool& (all are over 2 years old, one is 4 years old) , and either cotton tights or cotton shorts, depending on the weather. I have a load of legging style jeans that I wear when doing gardening in the cool weather, and just gifted my #1 daughter a big load of colourful teeshirts that are worn but not worn out – I decided that I prefer longer ones, and she likes them cropped (And is short on colour in her closet). I still have a large collection of trade show gifted tees from the last 20(!!) years, some are pretty worn/faded or paint marked, but all are for garden and painting and house repair work. I won’t throw out a teeshirt until it is shockingly holely, and these are all really good quality. Two tees I have I remember wearing when pregnant with that daughter, who is now almost 25. 😉
As for ‘stuff’, I do purchase random kitchen items from the thrift store where my friend works, but usually with purpose to fill in known holes in my kitchen. One can, I have discovered, actually have too many stainless steel bowls (if some of them are odd shapes and stack weirdly). I am going to regift those to either my friend or my kids.
I don’t need more coats or shoes, although I recently did splurge on some Wilding shoes and have no regrets because their ‘barefoot’ style has significantly reduced my foot pain and crunched toes – I usually wear them on my long walks and I just don’t notice my feet any more.
Someone here mentioned plants, and I will be buying those, as well as seeds, this spring. I have some supplies that need sorting, and then more to purchase. The garden soothes me.


Kara January 29, 2025 at 8:58 pm

It’s always low-spend at our house. We’ve had several life experiences that have cemented our frugality. Looking ahead, my husband will retire in 5.5 years and we are trying to help out our son who is currently in grad school (also has a wife and 2 kids).


Susan January 30, 2025 at 11:27 am

We are doing a low-spend year as much as possible when it comes to “stuff.” Last year we spent $12,000 on medical bills after insurance, and $19,000 on a new roof, crawlspace dehumidifier, fridge repairs, etc. Medical costs and all but the roof we were able to pay as we went, and the roof came out of savings. Needless to say, we both feel the urge to be as frugal as we can this year. We already know my husband is having one more surgery in a couple of weeks.

To keep myself accountable, I’m keeping a list of anything I buy that isn’t food, meds, or other necessary items. We also decided to break up with Amazon this year (sorry Jeff, it’s not us, it’s you) and are trying to buy more often from small businesses and directly from manufacturers.


Auntiali February 1, 2025 at 6:31 pm

I want to get back to a spend only if it’s really worth it mode. Hubby retired last year and went a bit nuts with spending. I’ve been frugal ever since my kids were born and I wanted to be a SAHM. My problem is that I know, in my heart, that we have enough money to spend as we saved hard all through his career and were gifted a couple of inheritances. So now we really can let loose a little but really at almost age 64 what do I need?? Well, a new knee is one thing that will be happening this year but hubs and I want to travel.

My only worry is that I hear that the price of a car is going to go up and my car is 15 years old. Hasn’t hit 100K miles yet and the next car we buy will probably be our last. Still, we can afford it – it will just break my heart to spend so much.

I thank God for my library and my local Aldi’s.


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