My sister Jessica lives in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City with her husband, two kids and their beloved dog, Maggie. Sadly, someone untied her from a post and took her, most likely assuming she was abandoned. (There were reports of of an irate woman going into local businesses demanding to know who left the dog outside.)
This happened Saturday night.
My sister and her family have plastered the neighborhood with flyers, are visiting shelters, are working to spread the word throughout the local dog community and are offering a reward.
They are devastated.
The following is from a Craigslist posting my sister put together:
Please help us find our dog “Maggie”
She was accidentally left tied up in front of Smile Deli on 181st and Fort Washington Ave. on Saturday the 17th at 7:30. She is friendly but sometimes weary of strangers. She has a reddish gold/brown coat ans some white around the muzzle. She is a shepherd/ridge back mix and is about 75lbs. She barks at trucks and buses. She was wearing a pinkish collar and a pinch collar and was tied with a black fabric leash to a parking meter. She is chipped and can be brought to a vet to verify her ID. She is a beloved family member, please help her get back home.
Call with any information (503) 780-9969
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Can you help bring Maggie home? And can you please share this on your Facebook wall, Twitter or anywhere else you can think of?
Thank you.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
Oh no, that’s awful! I’m in Portland too, but I’ll share on my FB page. Good luck!
Thank you so much!
Thank you to everyone who is sharing this. I *really* appreciate it!
Jessica, first off, im devistated at your situation. Kudos for having her chipped-you are already ahead of the game. Keep putting up fliers, contact shelters and vets in a 100 mile radius daily. You never know where or when she may pop up. They may not remember to call you. Talk to local dog walkers and groomers in case she is sighted with a new owner. I would even suggest contacting the police, if you haven’t already. Talk with people at homeless shelters. See if they know of someone who is suddenly walking around with a new dog. Also, visit as many dog parks as possible. Hand out fliers to other owners. They will most likely look for your baby since they have one of their own. Good luck!
Thanks for the tips. My sister will be reading through all the comments when she’s home from work. Her husband is taking work off today and visiting shelters and spreading the word.
Shared… I’m in Albany and know a few folks who know more folks down in the city… hopefully they will share it as well.
Hope she’s home soon.
Poor lil pup. My dog is named Maggie, too 🙁
We’re sending good vibes from Texas to them.
Oh no, how awful. I hope that Maggie will be home soon.
Glad to hear there was a happy ending 🙂
So glad she’s home safe!
Thank God she’s found! I prayed for Maggie! Our Blackjack just returned from an unauthorized “vacation” as well – it is terrifying when they are missing.
Thank goodness for the chip! I’m glad to hear all is well. BTW, I love the pic of Maggie wearing the Christmas tree skirt. How can you not love a dog that puts up with that?
Yay! That’s wonderful! So the shelter scanned her and then contacted your sister’s family?
Shelters and vets carry a scanner and will scan found dogs. Its only between $30-$60 and can be done at the vet. I work with dogs and i cant tell you how many people rely on the tag on the collar. And most people leave the collar loose so the dog can get away if it gets caught on something. It is much more likely that your pup will slip out of the collar and be without any identification. You can see from Jessicas story how invaluable the chip is!
I want to thank everyone here for reposting and spreading the word about Maggie. It really made a difference, and not just for our morale.
I’d like to remind everyone out there that it is so important to have a way for someone who finds your dog to contact you. The chip is what worked for us. I’ve also written her name and our number in sharpie on her collar.
So glad she’s been found.
I’m so glad you had a happy ending and that Maggie is back with her family.
Last year, I “rescued” two small dogs that were in my front yard. They had collars, but no tags. I walked them around the subdivision for a while, but no one recognized them. I took them to the vet to be scanned, and they hadn’t been chipped. So I drove all over the area for 1-1/2 hours looking for someone who was looking for a dog – no success. I took them home and my female went nuts, so I had to call the police to come and get them. The city has a contract with the other vet, but if they’re crowded, he only gives them one week before putting them to sleep. It was really hard for me to turn them in. The responding officer called me and said the owners had just called in the 2 lost dogs, and we would all meet at my house. It turned out to be my neighbor across the street, who came walking over with the dogs’ tags IN HIS HAND. The office and I both told him he needed to put those tags on their collars, and it would be a good idea to get the dogs chipped, too.
I was just relieved that these dogs weren’t going to be put to sleep for no good reason.
It seems as though a dog tied up to a parking meter is a cared-for dog that is going to be retrieved soon. My take is that the woman stole the dog. I would report that as a crime.
What did Jessica mean that the dog was accidentally tied to a parking meter? Surely, she did not mean it just like that.
A long time ago, someone took my dog from my yard, rescuing him from me, I suppose.