This photo of my sister and I at The Met and is so grainy, it almost looks like a Seurat!
- I finally went to Zabars today, but only bought a few well priced food items to give as Christmas gifts.
- My sister, mother and I went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art today, and paid a total of $5 to admit the three of us. In case you think I was crossing the line into miserly, the museum has a $2.7 billion endowment, plus they lease the building from the city for free in exchange for giving free admission to each and every visitor. (They’ve been greatly criticized for making people think that they need to spend $25 on admission.) I used to live in New York City, and no city dweller would be caught dead paying the tourist price. This also is true for The Cloisters, The Museum of Natural History, The Queens Museum, The Brooklyn Art Museum and a few others.
- I didn’t even step into the museum gift shop.
- I almost bought a new winter coat in preparation for this December-in-New-York trip as my Oregon fleece would not have been warm enough for a normal East coast winter. (Well . . . new to me, as it would have been thrifted.) Instead, I decided to simply layer up, which has yet to be necessary as the weather here has been unseasonably warm. I’m so happy I didn’t buy an extra coat!
- I was exhausted by the time we were on our way back to my sister’s house, but I held off from buying a coffee as I knew I could have a cup of tea as soon as we got back. And I did — two cups!
Now your turn. What frugal things have you been up to?
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 48 comments… read them below or add one }
Due to a threat, close to 1000 LAUSD schools were closed today. Couple of companies stepped up and had places like Discovery Zone, USS Iowa, and even the Metro transportation had free admission for kids and accompanying adults. (Except the Metro).
That’s just awful. I’m so sorry that LA residents went through this yesterday.
1. Sold a purse on the local FB boards yesterday for $5. It had been bound for the Salvation Army bag, so I was pretty tickled to get a few bucks for it instead.
2. My company gave us all gifts for Christmas, plus small gifts for the spouses. Very nice of them, but I exchanged my husband’s (unwanted) book at the store for beer, which he appreciated. I felt a little guilty not keeping the gift, but better to have something he would enjoy.
3. Picked up a Wii game from freecycle yesterday and sold it on ebay for $40.
4. A coworker brought me two rolls of bubble wrap she had found while cleaning her basement. I get a steady supply of boxes/bubble wrap/packing peanuts from people at work, so the only thing I ever buy for ebay shipping is packing tape.
5. Someone on a local board posted a beautiful Crate & Barrel dinnerware set with 8 place settings for $45. I was first commenter and picked them up yesterday. One place setting is $32 at C&B. Lucky find for me.
That’s what I call a free five dollars!
1. Forgot to set-up coffee last night to take to work this morning – made a K-cup at work instead of stopping to buy coffee on the way to work.
2. Worked the high school basketball games last night – scarfed down dinner before I started, left my purse in the trunk so no money to buy treats with. 🙂 Popcorn smelled AMAZING! Did drink my free pop to stay awake. 😉
3. Planned my day off from work for next week so I will still get time and a half on my two nights of work this week – cha ching!
4. So far said no to the vending machine at work all week (yeah! Pop has really been calling) and made do with making tea and coffee. Also partaking of the free goodies everyone has been bringing in to work so no need to buy treats from the machine. (As I type I am eating leftover cookies from yesterdays treats for breakfast, I did bring a couple of hard boiled eggs and clementines for a little nutrition 😉 )
5. Took daughter to the library to pick up the rest of the books in the series she has been reading. Very frugal since one we didn’t buy the books and two I ordered them to come all at once since she has been reading about one a day. Explains why her chores have not been getting done though….
6. Just accepted another cat sitting job for over the holidays – money for braces and car repairs 🙂
Hi Katy, Just returned from 3 days in NYC visiting my son. We went to the Museum of Modern Art (less of a walk to get there), and did have to pay admission of $25 pp!! Asked about AAA discount; no go. But we did walk almost everywhere, and only took 1 cab ride.
Also, we took the train down from Buffalo, which although longer, is less expensive then flying and Penn Station is located walking distance to most everything, including our hotel!
Also ate our free breakfast in hotel, grabbed less pricey lunches at those walk in places all over the city, and chose medium priced restaurants for dinner.
Did see a play, but at $99 a ticket, not too awful. But honestly, going to NYC for even a long weekend is never inexpensive.
Sherri- How was the train? My husband and I took that trip about 15 years ago and it was awful and cold!! How long did it take?
Yes, MOMA is not a “pay what you will” museum. A friend gave us passes when we visited last year, which was such a treat.
From my Upstate NY city (which is closer to NYC than Buffalo is), I’ve found that taking a bus is both cheaper and more reliable than Amtrak. The only disadvantage is having to navigate out of the confusing Port Authority terminal at the NYC end–and, once again, I’m very lucky to have my BFF (either she or her husband usually meets me and guides me out).
It sound like an absolutely delightful day!!!
I haven’t been particularly wasteful this week, but I have not been particularly frugal either. I may be hard pressed to come up with 5, but I will try.
1) I sat down and paid the rest of my December bills using my bank’s Bill Pay. Thus, nothing will be forgotten during the busy days that lay ahead. Using Bill Pay saved money (stamps, printed checks) and time (a trip to the post office).
2) Dissolved the end of a bar of soap in water to make hand soap.
3) I am reading an old Agatha Christie paperback that I acquired at our library book sale this fall. A grocery bag of books was $5. I will donate it when I am done back to the library for next year’s sale.
4) I am using recycled gift bags and ribbons to wrap many of my Christmas presents.
5) I attended a household auction last night. I had looked at photos online and thought that they were selling planters that I wanted for my backyard. They weren’t right however. So I left without buying anything.
* My daughter’s birthday and mine are the same day, and she’s off school on that day, so I am already planning a “‘free day” of activities for us. So far I registered us for free smoothies, we can get into the movies for free, we can eat lunch at a nearby buffet for free, and at night I am entitled to a free yoga class. I love free activities!
* Decided to skip the 12$ gluten-free tourtiere for this Christmas. (don’t eat gluten). Because I never tasted it and it could be aweful, because I can eat “”free” turkey, mashed potatoes and vegetables on Christmas instead (we are not eating at home), and because I’m trying to lower my grains (especially fake gluten-free ones!) intake. So, will be saving 12$.
* Bought a 25$ gift certificate at the movies and received – as a bonus – a free popcorn, a free entrance and a 2 for 1 (worth 17$). Worth it.
* Travelling with my mom this year to visit the family, so instead of having to rent a car (200$), I will just chip in for gas.
Have a great frugal day!
Caption D’s will give a free meal to anyone who will sign up on their website for birthdays. Applebee’s also gives a free dessert when you sign up online.There are others of course but these are my family favorites.This may not be within your diet restrictions but I thought I’d mention. Have a Happy Birthday!
Thanks Jennifer, but we live in Canada, so no Apple Bees or Caption D here!
Oh boo, must be a southern thing. There are lots of others in different parts of the US. Like Bucca de Beppo or Peppo or something like that, lol. Just google restaurants with free birthday meals. I know there is a whole list. Good luck!
Maybe Canada too!
I lived in NYC on an off during the summers when I was in college, staying with one of my sisters. I never knew those museums were free to the public!! Man, if only I were more informed ten years ago on free and frugal things – I would have done more!
Layering up is smart, whether hiking, hunting, fishing or shopping. Sometimes you still need the sweater in the restaurant or theater but not the heavy winter coat. Also at 8:00 it can be near freezing and later as you shop it hits upper 50’s and you don’t want to have to return home or to the hotel to change.
1. I’m currently trying to heal a bladder infection without going to the doctor. I may fail but I am trying.I’m pushing the water and cranberry juice. I’m also using OTC Azo standard. Hopefully, this will be enough. I’m gonna start doing more to boost my immunity as I have been sick a lot lately. Being sick is not frugal so taking care of myself is a must. My recent over indulgence of Dt. Mountain Dew is also not frugal, practically toxic, and hard on my kidneys/bladder.
2. I made hobo dinner last night. I was happy to have a one dish meal so clean up easy. My carrots were getting old.They were a little limp but they turned out perfect after baking.
3. I set my “expired” milk in the fridge to thaw a couple days ago. We used it this morning for my kids cereal. It’s perfect, tastes exactly the same. I’m a gonna buy milk every time I see it marked down. I took several of the hints posted in the comments from others and they worked great! You all are so smart!
4.I have decided I am done Christmas shopping. Whether I am done or not I am just not doing anymore.
5.I ran out of bread so I almost had to let my daughter buy her school lunch today. I found some hot dog buns in the freezer so I heated one of those up and a hot dog.I also found some ketchup packets from our dreaded trip to Sonic the other night. We try to not eat out much but when we do I am careful not to throw any extra condiments, napkins, forks etc. If it’s a condiment I know we won’t use I simply ask the person at the drive through not to give me any. Some places are careful to just give a couple, some give a whole bagful. If there are any extra napkins or forks I save them for my kids lunch box. One place gave me so much buffalo sauce, one time, that I made a whole chicken meal out of it!
Gosh I second #4! Stick a fork in me . . .;)
Also seconding #4. I need to just wrap the stuff and stick it under the tree so we can call it good.
The Sony Wonder Tech Lab is a really neat place to check out in Midtown that’s free. We went a few years ago on a snowy October 30th! We didn’t have advance tickets but due to the snow we were able to get right in. We went for my son’s benefit but I really enjoyed it. Here’s the link.
That same son is now studying Nuclear Engineering at UT so I guess visits like this and all those year’s of LEGOs did impact him! 🙂
We are members of our local art museum, which participates in a reciprocity network. So when we were in NYC in October, we visited the Cooper-Hewitt design museum, the Met, and the Frick Collection for a total (extra) expenditure of $0!
I never feel bad for contributing $1-$5 for the ‘suggested donation’. Indeed, most of the museums in NYC are privately sponsored and they are doing quite well.
The frugal five:
1) Took advantage of a very nice sale at the fabric store to buy cotton batting and yarn for making gifts for Christmas next year. The clerk gave me 50 percent off on the last 24 inches of batting on the roll. He said not all the clerks will offer the “take this remainder and get it out of here” discount, so I should ask for it next time.
2) Spent some time altering a $2 thrift store blouse so that it fits perfectly.
3) Got a new pair of all-cotton pajamas on a tremendous sale – $10 and some change — that turned out to have one leg more than inch longer than the other, which I fixed with a little hand sewing. Guess that’s why they were on sale? 🙂
4) Made a simply delicious pot roast with small chuck roast and a packet of onion soup mix that needed to be used up. It started out as a bigger roast, but I trimmed some off it to make freezer packets of cubed beef for future pots of soup. I made gravy with the juices, and served up open-faced sandwiches on homemade bread.
5) And a frugal moment of thanks: Every day I am grateful that my mom and dad, who have passed on now, taught me how to cook and sew and be creative with whatever’s around the house.
Much love for #5
1. Went to the library and checked out a couple of books and a couple of magazines. Love me some free reads1
2. Made soup out of bits and pieces from the frig and freezer: turkey broth, bits of turkey, dab of corn, dried veggies and leftover noodles and fried rice. Turned out quite tasty and satisfying on this damp and chilly day.
3. Delivering gifts to people that do things for us all year….but all handmade or grown…..jelly, bath salts, snack mix, etc.
4. Used up gift wrap and bows that had been in the back of the closet at least five years. Still using and reusing gift bags….and will continue to keep recycling as long as they look nice.
5. Hosting 21 people this Sunday for our family Christmas. Have been shopping the sales since early November for bargains of main food. The hosting family…we take turns…provides the main dish. With spreading it out over a few weeks and getting specials, this is very do-able. And everyone in the family is generous with what they provide. We also do a Dirty Santa and my husband made a snowman out of an old dowel that will be part of my contribution. He did the painting and I did the little scarf to adorn it. It is really cute.
1. Shopped at a school rummage sale today, which is raising money for a charity and also allows the kids to buy inexpensive used or new itmes to give as gifts. I spent $5.00 and got a 2 volume DVD set about the Civil War and also a scented candle for my hubby, some wooden beads to make a bracelet for a little girl I promised one to, 2 small tins for fudge gifting, 3 My Little Pony figurines for my granddaughter, a chain bracelet and necklace, a beaded bracelet to take aprt and reuse, and (best of all) a small Longaberger picnic basket!!
2. Am using up bits and pieces of stuff in my baking cupboard to make Xmas goodies. Today’s were Ritz crackers sandwiched with peanut butter and dipped in the rest of the almond bark from last yr.
3. Was assigned a Secret Parent at school, who so far has given me a nice pine-scented candle, a small packet of smoked almonds and $20 in BG Bucks, which can be spent at about 4 dozen downtown stores in town. Also got some vanilla bath gel (which I’ll give my daughter), lemon verbena lotion, candy, cookies, ranch oyster crackers (which I gave my son), a red glitter snowflake (which went on the wreath by our front door) and a quart mason jar of homemade peppermint hot chocolate mix (made for each of us by our principal!) I love Xmas….
4. I’ve been having trouble with my hip, so have been going to the chiropractor. This time, I made an appt. on the day that includes a mini-massage as part of the treatment (which will be paid for by our insurance!) I’m also going to a group training session to learn how to use my new CPAP machine. By going to this and not insisting on a personal appt., I can get my machine Monday and use the rest of our flex plan $$ on it!
5. We’re invited to a church leadership Xmas party Friday (hubby is a deacon) and we’re supposed to bring a favorite beverage, an appetizer and a white elephant gift (which should cost around $15… I don’t think they get the whole idea of white elephant, but whatever…) I’m taking a 2 liter of Coke, which I got for $1 on sale a couple of wks ago, a small crockpot of pizza dip and crackers (which I already have all the ingredients for) and a house and garden decorating coffee table book that looks brand-new that I got at GW for $1. It cost a lot more than $15 originally. It should meet their criteria for nice and mine for cheap. Win-win!!
I’ve been mentioning you and your blog in my last 2 blog posts. I even listed 5 things today but didn’t use your famous line of “5 Frugal Things” at all. And I linked to your blog yesterday and today. When you get back home, maybe you can check out how I featured you on my blog – just a little bit of a mention but a link anyway. So for me, I’ve finally begun to actually think about 5 frugal things as I let go of some of the things I just can’t follow through on over the last few years. Letting go is good. As far as frugal, for me, simplicity is what is most important and frugal. The good news is that I’ve been selling off some things on Ebay that have no real meaning to me anymore and usually at a loss. But better to get them out of my home and to somebody who will love them or use them as much as I did in the past but no longer.
I’m not as scattered as this comment might seem. But I wanted to leave a comment to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and the simplicity of it all. I’ll be getting rid of more things via Craigslist or donations to Goodwill. I want to start the new year with a clean slate.
Glad you are enjoying your trip to NYC. So happy to see your photos.
Merry Christmas,
Marrianna in Flagstaff, AZ
1. The Christmas wreath I’ve hung on my front door was starting to look sort of tired. I found it at Goodwill several years ago, with an original store price tag of $39.99, but of course I think I paid about $5 for it. It’s a nice fake-red-berry wreath, but some of the red lacquer has started flaking off the berries. I used some of my daughter’s red nail polish to freshen up the berries, and it looks good as new. Free, and it took less than five minutes!
2. I’ve been on a vegetable soup kick. I think I’ve posted about it in the past several “Five Frugal Things” comments. Hee hee. But the soup making continues. Tonight I used up the last of my onions, potatoes, leeks, and carrots from last week’s shopping to make a big pot of soup.
3. I also had enough veggie scraps in the freezer from all my soup making to make a new pot of vegetable stock, which I’m about to strain into mason jars. Which is good, because I used two quarts of my homemade stock on today’s soup.
4. Like several previous commenters, I’m done Christmas shopping. I have more ideas for things people would like, but I have enough gifts for people. I started a list on my phone of these gift ideas, so next year when people’s birthdays come, I can refer to it.
5. This year, I’m wrapping all of my Christmas presents in brown grocery bag paper and twine, with a bit of greenery from the backyard tied on for decoration. The gift tags are also cut from grocery bags. This actually looks very attractive, and at a potluck gift exchange party last weekend, my gift got lots of compliments for being cute! Even though I shop with re-useable canvas grocery bags, I still end up with several brown paper bags at home. Instead of recycling or composting them, I’m first reusing them as wrapping paper, and THEN I will recycle or compost them.
I know I say this every single time I post, but I love reading all of your lists. I gain so many valuable ideas and frugal actions. I look forward to these posts. Here are my five:
1. Read a library book called _Walden on Wheels_ by Ken Ilgunas. I recommend it. It’s a memoir about a very frugal young man (early-mid twenties) who freaks out by all the debt he accumulates in college and decides to pay it back by spending nothing (basically). He also goes back to grad school and lives in a van in the parking lot of the school. The author is funny and entertaining and I wish I had been so clever in my twenties!
2. Found some frugal gifts for family including Trader Joes mystery packs of three reusable shopping bags from different states ($3). I hope my siblings will use them when shopping.
3. Like the above, I, too, have been using what I already have to make cookies and treats.
4. I thrifted some holiday themed bread pans and plan to make some quick breads to place in them and gift.
5. Picked up various species of pine cones on my walks and used them and some greenery as holiday décor this year. I love the simplicity of it! I also am using up all the gift wrap and bags I either saved or had partial rolls of from Christmas pasts. I am done too. 🙂
I agree so much with the first thing you said. I learn something new almost every time I read the comments. And if I don’t learn something I am always humbled and/or reminded of how much better I can be with a little fore thought. Merry Christmas!
It is great! 🙂
Yes, I loved that book. I did an interview with the author here:
Oh, I missed this one! How cool and can’t wait to read it!
Ha! Great interview! I love his response to “any negative feedback”. I loved the “voice” of the book and glad he did not censor himself. I have no idea what rock I was under for this book, but I’m glad I found it!
Sounds like you’re having a great time in NYC. I just returned on Sunday. My partner and I went on a house-hunting trip. I’d like to say it was a frugal trip but it wasn’t. I tried, I really did. We did alot of walking and window shopping which was frugal. We also walked the high line which we do everytime we go to NY. We also went to the John Lennon memorial in Central Park on the anniversary of his death. So many people playing guitars and singing. It was really cool. We have decided to move up there in the spring and rent and then look for a condo, too difficult to do long distance. Have a safe trip home.
1. We have been redoing our kitchen but we have not been eating out. I found out you can “bake” cake in your slow cooker among other things.
2. My husband’s bosses boss send a box of oranges for the holidays. They are delicious and a wonderful consumable gift.
3. My daughter has figured out that it is not worth it to shell out several dollars at Starbucks for hot chocolate. Even when she is with a friend that stops there for a drink, she’ll come home and make Swiss Miss (free for her, I’m sure no more than$.10 for me). I didn’t say anything to cause her change in thinking (but I have set a frugal example since she was young).
4. At age 55+ my blood pressure was 98/60 at the gyn office yesterday. I attribute it to yoga and healthy eating. While it was never high it is now lower than it use to be. Being healthy is frugal in the long run.
5. I ordered my mom gift cards to her favorite restaurant. They were running a promotion where you receive a certificate for a free meal if you buy $25 or more in gift cards. She received a certificate for each gift card I purchased. A nice surprise for both of us (I was hoping for that but not expecting it). She was going to “treat” a couple of friends to dinner last night.
My Five Things
Thank you Katy for introducing me to the work of Gail Vaz-Oxlade and Dave Ramsey! I have followed them voraciously along with yourself! I have no debts
of a financial kind, just live a simple life! I was brought up by people who went through the Depression so in many ways feel at an advantage!
I worked as a nurse for 30 years general and Psychiatric! Was hospital trained! In those days only the rich went to University!
Have watched and enjoyed all the mod cons but take cooking from scratch hanging clothes on the line etc. as normal!
Feel that Equal Wages for male and female nurses changed my life!
Can remember when credit cards came in and think I must have been the first person I knew who cut mine up when I realised that that they made buying things on impulse too easy! I am horrified by the amount of debt that families carry!
I am an Australian lady and I love reading about your lives and find you all gallant!
1. I made too much praline sweet potato casserole for the company potluck as we weren’t sure how many were attending. I made it in three pans, so one pan was eaten, one partially eaten and left in the refrigerator for everyone at work, which is our workplace tradition, and the untouched one came back home with me, where it will definitely get eaten. None will get wasted.
2. I used my frugal skills to shop for the potluck, to get the things the company agreed to provide. I got stuff for 24 people for an amount that astonished our vice-president. If I’d had more time, I could have done even better, I think. I get good training at The NCA site.
3. I am wearing a Lands’ End shirt bought for a dollar at a thrift store.
4. This wouldn’t suit everyone, but instead of bringing my own food to snack on during the day, I’m eating even cheaper by snacking on boiled peanuts generously brought to share by a co-worker who lives on his parents’ farm, which happens to grow peanuts along with other things. Love those boiled peanuts.
5. We all did this yesterday — after our potluck, all of us with spouses or others at home promptly made plates of leftovers to take home with us to feed the ones at home. The single workers are free to take home a plate for himself or herself for later. That’s also a workplace tradition. I didn’t have to cook for my husband last night and most of the food on that plate was free to me. I like working with people who don’t like to waste food.
1. Have so far kept to my budget while Christmas shopping
2. Drank free coffee at work today and for breakfast I ate free, though unhealthy, desserts leftover from our work potluck
3. Am shipping my parents’ presents with a family members’ gifts, so will hopefully save money.
4. Used items from my pantry to make cookies for the work potluck
5. ???
It hasn’t been a very frugal week. I’m getting into my 3rd trimester and am all of a sudden very UN-energized (read: lazy). My house is a mess, dinners are hodgepodge, and I actually made an impulse purchase yesterday! Sigh* I suppose next week is a new week.
1. Property taxes went down a small amount (along with valuations) Husband says this is due to recession re-evaluations now catching up. Nevertheless, a welcome surprise.
2. Putting together raw vegetables for son to snack on along with his favorite chips: healthier and frugal.
3. My family loves Culver Burgers. Purchased holiday gift certs for sons and was gifted with a coupon for a free combo meal which I will add to my husband’s stocking along with a calendar full of coupons for their favorite treats.
3. Plan to use my $10 off $10 JC Penney coupon toward socks and underwear one son has requested for Xmas.
4. I am saving scraps for “leftovers” soup this weekend. Good with frugal grilled cheese sandwiches.
5. Searching for some discounts for our forthcoming trip to Florida – hard to come by at this time of year!
1) Bought an Amazon Fire-Stick for my daughter for Christmas. There’s a free user guide on Kindle for free, downloaded it to my computer.
2) I was off yesterday to take care of my youngest granddaughter, while my daughter had some tests run, so I ate leftover pizza at her house for lunch.
3) Picked up 3 more books at the Library. I’ll be busy reading and working at home for the next two weeks during Winter Break.
4) Going to sell some games for my grandson at Gamestop, so I’ll just have them put it on a gift card and he can get another game with it.
5) I didn’t buy a Lear jet.
1. vended at a local holiday bazaar and a lady was clearing out all her goods from this year to start fresh next year (guess she doesn’t know blankets, bags, and doll clothing store well). She gave me a killer deal on about 30 sets of doll clothes, which is the only thing on my daughter’s list from Santa.
2. Rather than buy food at the bazaars, we packed in our lunches, drinks, and snacks. Kids were rather impressed with my 20 year old thermos full of hot chocolate!
3. I make truffles for Christmas gifts and ran out of chocolate (!!!), I scoured the sale papers before shopping and found some 1/3 the price of my usual store.
4. I had a bunch of reward points at a store I don’t regularly frequent and they were getting ready to expire, so I bought some much needed socks and undies for almost nothing when combined with their BOGO deals.
5. I bought a puppy for the kids for Christmas. well, she’s dual purpose puppy. She’ll be our livestock guard dog, but the kids are enjoying her as a puppy. I got a great deal on her (know the breeder) and I can do all her vaccinations and worming myself, saving me the vet visit costs.
What kind of puppy? 🙂 Would love to see a picture. My daughter would LOVE a puppy but right now we are making do with dog and cat sitting. 😉
Love puppies too although we haven’t had one in many years. We usually buy either dogs breeders are getting rid of or rescue dogs which are great, but there is nothing as amusing and loving as a new pup!
Yes, I love being able to rescue a pet, but for a livestock guard, they have to be raised with the animals. Our house dog is a rescue, but a corgi can’t fight off a coyote, bear, or cougar. 🙂
A great pyrenees. She’s a white fluffy puff ball right now.
1) Last year I bought several partial boxes (usually 10 out of 12 or thereabouts) of really nice holiday cards at my favorite thrift store. Most were $1.99 / box, as opposed to the $12-15 and up they’d cost new. Since I kept a list of who got which last year, I did not duplicate, and sent out all my cards this year without buying any.
2) Stashed away with the cards, I discovered a couple of partial books of holiday “forever” stamps, so I did not need to buy stamps this year either.
3) With one exception, everything I am giving as presents this year is either something I’ve made (jam, incense, etc.,) or “pre-owned” items. (I have a reputation among my friends for finding really good things at estate sales.)
4) I really need a new winter nightgown (the old one has patches on its patches), so rummaged in the fabric stash, and found some red-and-grey tartan flannel, which I have cut out. I might make a second one as well, from some flowered cotton I bought about 20 years ago.
5) We had seven inches of snow on Tuesday, so I wasn’t tempted to do more thrift-shopping.