Five Frugal Things

by Katy on June 8, 2020 · 88 comments

  1. Again, I didn’t sell much. Although I did receive an offer for 50 free eBay listings starting June 1st, which I’d been waiting for, and had already some set stuff aside for the new month’s listings and will start working on them today or tomorrow-ish. You know . . . maybe.

    Here’s what sold:

    • A Pendleton wool blanket that I picked up at Goodwill a few months ago. It wasn’t the prettiest pattern, so it took awhile to sell.

    • A Nightmare Before Christmas plush that I’d had listed since November 2018. A Goodwill bins find, so it couldn’t have set me back more than 20¢ or so.

    • A double set of the Ticket To Ride train pieces that I’m continuing to part out. They’re on their way to Canada and I’ve made $65 from this single game so far.

    • More of my daughter’s Shonen Jump magazines. They only sell for five bucks apiece, but it’s adding up for her.

  2. I saw that one of my favorite Goodwill stores (The S.E. Portland Woodstock location) was opening back up, so I grabbed my mask and gloves to scope it out. I was mostly curious to see how they were handling donations, as I’d read that donors would be asked to presort their items rather than being able to hand over bags full of miscellaneous items.

    Donors were indeed sorting their own stuff into huge bins labeled “Shoes, Books/Media, Textiles/Linens/Accessories and Small electrical wares.” No one seemed to be making a fuss about the extra work and the parking lot had even been rearranged to direct traffic in a logical manner.

    With my N-95 mask firmly in place I entered the store and was relieved to recognize the masked employees that I hadn’t seen since March. (Which concurrently feels like a million years ago and maybe just yesterday?) All cashier stations featured newly installed plexiglass shields, and the cashiers were disinfecting their stations between each transaction. Floor stickers placed six feet apart instructed customers in line to “Please Wait Here,” and I was in and out within ten minutes.

    What did I buy?

    A queen-size Marimekko Unikko Poppy duvet cover. I’ve thrifted products in this pattern at least a dozen times, and I’m always tempted to keep them, but usually succumb to the siren song of eBay. (My son has enrolled in summer classes, so we don’t have the normal six month break from tuition hell.) Not too shabby for $7.99!

    Remember when I took apart a thrifted Marimekko tote bag and used the fabric to cover a lampshade? Still one of my favorite projects.

  3. I watched a YouTube video from the Delish test kitchen manager June Xie titled “I Lived On a $5 A Day Budget for A Week In New York City.” I’ve watched similar videos in the past, but they invariably end up as frustrating clickbait. This one was different. Her ingredients were simple but nutritious, and it inspired me to spend an hour or so prepping simple food that can be used to assemble later meals. (Beans, rice, broccoli, sweet potatoes, lettuce.)

  4. I cancelled our CBS All Access subscription (Picard!) right before it charged us for a new month, I was able to get a $200 refund for the FinCon conference, (even though I was initially refused) I’m almost done listening to the audiobook of How To Build a Girl on the free Libby app, I’ve been checking out the bakery clearance rack in the back of Safeway during my weekly trips and have been rewarded with 99¢ bags of bagels, (which I then pre-slice and stick into the freezer) my husband and I binge watched all three seasons of Broadchurch on Netflix and a neighbor brought me a small stack of books to read.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet or a vulgar gold-plated apartment in the sky.

Now your turn. What frugal things have you been up to?

Katy Wolk-Stanley    

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 88 comments… read them below or add one }

Economically Proud June 8, 2020 at 3:27 pm

1.Celebrated son’s 16th b-day at home. His grandmother came to visit. We had steaks, fries, salad, corn on the cob, salsa and chips. Had cake and ice cream.
2. Celebrated my b-day with a trip to the beach. We paid the fee to get in and the gas to get there. Brought a picnic from home
3. Both b-day cakes baked with what we had at home. Used up some 92% dark chocolate with some butter and powdered sugar to glaze the one cake since we had no frosting
4. husband installed our new floor in our kitchen himself. Saved hundreds in labor costs. It did take a few weeks though
5. keeping windows open to enjoy the beautiful summer weather


Kathy June 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm

Like Katy things have been slow on the resale front.
1. I organized my linen closet and donated 2 bags of lines for the church rummage sale. About 15 years ago my sister gave me all of her king sized linens (pottery barn) as she downsized to a queen bed. I took the linens that needed patching or iron on repair and got them fixed. I am not buying new sheets.
2. I had some unredeemed groupons for personal care services. Who knows when those places will open up? I traded them in for a succulent subscription (3 mo) for my sister sort of a quasi anniversary gift and 48 macaroons for a friends birthday
3. A FB acquaintance sent me a box of Janet Evanovich books.
4. Gave myself a pedicure.
5. The usual brewing ice tea, eating from home


Jill June 8, 2020 at 4:59 pm

1. My husband was beyond excited to start his summer project which was tearing off and rebuilding our back deck. Unfortunately, we found our third spot of wet rot hiding behind the siding (Our house was purchased as a foreclosure -as is – and we have found out the flashing was installed incorrectly) Luckily, his best friend has construction experience. He kindly came to visit for the weekend and helped my husband remove and replace the bad boards. We fed him all weekend and took him to dinner for his help.
2. Finished selling my vintage tablecloths on ebay and now have sold several of my kids’ old toys – I did give them dibs on them first 🙂
3. My library has reopened by appointment only and I have received copies of the first season of Yellowstone, Jumanji and London has Fallen. I also picked up a copy of From Scratch which I am currently reading.
4. We have cancelled our vacations for the year but are using the refunds to take a road trip. We’ll take our own food and are renting two different cabins where we are hoping to visit some state parks and do some socially distant hiking. Gotta use those vacation days!
5. I’ve been traveling through Youtube by watching NickiPositano who lives on the Amalfi Coast and England by watching A German in Britain. A good way to travel while sheltering at home.


Nancy from mass June 12, 2020 at 3:55 am

I love to armchair travel.


Christine June 8, 2020 at 5:04 pm

1. I (finally) sold one item on FB Marketplace, the first in months.
2. Since Covid19 emerged. I have not felt safe picking up cans and bottles I find, even with gloves on. Anybody else feel this way? It’s cutting into my found change stash.
3. I found an old copy of A Girl from the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter tucked into my bookcase. I had wanted to reread it for some time. I had first read it as a teen at my grandmother’s house, using her copy. I loved it then and am delighted to rediscover it. Not having the library at my beck and call has one silver lining and that is once again reading old favorites.
4. The Marigold seeds I harvested from last year’s flowers are up by about two inches. A neighbor gifted me some Morning Glory plants she started.
5.DH hung our braided rug over the deck railing and beat the holy heck out of it and then hosed it down. Soap suds ran out presumably from the last time we had it professionally cleaned 8 years ago. Shakes head here.


Anne June 9, 2020 at 2:44 pm

I’m really embarrassed to say this but I’m still picking up pennies off the ground, and I’m usually ungloved when I do it. As I’m reaching down, I say to myself, “This is not a healthy thing to do.” But the very strong, well developed cheap side of my brain says, “Don’t be a fool, get that penny.”


A. Marie June 10, 2020 at 4:58 am

I have always worn gloves (either garden gloves or, on grocery runs nowadays, disposables) to pick up bottles/cans/coins, so I haven’t altered my usual MO. I do rinse the containers in a bleach solution after I get home and wash my hands in post-COVID style afterward.


Lisa M. June 8, 2020 at 6:01 pm

Double 5FF: Early (?) Summer

1. Followed-up on unclaimed property letter. Due to DH’s most excellent filing system (& not from Customer Service Rep. with whom we were on hold for 30” & she was unable to give any info), we discovered that it was a health insurance credit (under the life insurance umbrella) from a claim for DD literally 6 years ago. Promptly completed claim form & mailed that puppy back pronto. Always nice when unexpected surplus pops up.

2. Took advantage of an opportunity to facilitate the return of a loaned book of DD’s from neighbor’s DD. Neighbor mentioned a damaged library book fee payment required to obtain her DD’s diploma, so a good segue to politely remind her of borrowed book for school required summer reading 1 year ago. Borrowed book returned.

3. Home creations made recently: Giant batch of German Potato Salad (so giant sent 1/3 home with DD), Zucchini Lasagna (possibly my last oven effort d/t onset of summer temps) , Crested Butte Grilled Chicken Thighs, Bacon & Brown Sugar Brussels Sprouts, & Taco Salad. Used multiple Taco Bell taco sauce packets from DD’s stash (during her Taco Bell obsession era).

4. Held off turning the AC on until 6-8. The unseasonably hot weather suggests an early summer. Generally close windows ~ 10 AM & keep fans running until opening windows in the evening if it cools down over night. Having only 1 side externally exposed is one of the many advantages to living in a townhome. Also changed furnace filter prior to cooling season.

5. D/t different health insurance, called to verify coverage for 2nd shingles vaccinations prior to appointments for DH & I with re-start of clinic services. Also made multiple calls & did online research regarding in-network provider status determinations in advance.

6. Not frugal in the short run but frugal in the long run – took DD’s car in for an oil change & it needed some high mileage maintenance. Lessened pain a little with coupon for oil change & also requested service coupon – I neglected to take but they pleasantly provided. Hoping to maintain vehicle for length of DD’s college years & received assurance from personnel that car is mechanically sound. I am the original owner, so the car has received all required maintenance over the years.

7. Finally got organized & tallied up CEU credits for both disciplines & will be able to stop where I have met my credits & refocus on where I have a few credits still needed. Utilized a free resource to sign up for a couple additional webinars with hopes that I have completed or @ least have a plan to complete without excessive accumulation & without further OOP expense. Organization = efficiency of time & prudent use of resources.

8. Received notification that upscale restaurant had refunded balance of gift card to purchaser – my employer. Hoping for reimbursement.

9. Several scores from big box clearance rack per usual: Brownies & hamburger buns (each 37% off) & angel food cake bar for strawberries (43% off). Able to get free item – mega size hot cereal free with manufacturer’s coupon with remaining balance of coupon applied to bill. Also got free card @ card store during Free Card Friday for cost of tax – 21 cents.

10. Managed to put up Independence Day door decoration weeks in advance versus my typical days ahead. Added patriotic lights purchased @ 50% post-holiday last summer @ big box.


Midwest Beth June 8, 2020 at 6:35 pm

1. Scored three free raspberry bushes for from a local Facebook post. Thank you generous person!
2. Picked up from a free pile a nice super large vase. I’m going to put a candle inside and sea shells found in Florida to display on my front porch.
3. Had the central air off for a few days – down to the low 50s this morning. Sadly tomorrow it’s going back to low 90s, air will be back on.
4. Dinner tonight was chicken sandwiches and sweet potato planks all free from work.
5. Made sun tea instead of buying my daughter the large Arizona tea at the dollar store.
6. Put out by the road Iris’s I had dug up to make way for the raspberry bushes-they were gone by morning.


Em June 8, 2020 at 6:42 pm

1. Slowly , slowly growing some veggies from seed. I was gifted a much larger tomato plant from our dog sitter, but our other plants are quite small! May turn out to be more of learning experience, but hoping Its a start to lifelong Skill!

2. In the process of making a sourdough starter, we have been making a ton of grilled pizza lately and I’m excited to use this as dough!

3. Fought Rakuten tooth and nail for a rebate that wasn’t dispersed. They had a huge cash back rebate for contacts a while ago, so was almost 45 dollars that was missing. After many emails, I finally was able to get my cash out.

4. I have yet to use even 1/4 tank of gas since March 1st. I will be working from home basically until there is a vaccine, so my car is catching up on miles after years of home health driving and a cross country move!

5. Saving for a wedding and a house so we are attempting to live on one salary and save the other, all very hard to do in Denver! Open to advice on saving for a 6 figure down payment!


Maris June 8, 2020 at 7:07 pm

Cleaning out the freezer before my berry bushes start producing for the year. I had 6 1 gallon bags from last year, and gave them to a very happy women that has 4 children.
Our local food bank has had an overabundance of reasonably fresh produce. They were begging people to come take it. So we got onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples, which I made pies with. In another 2 weeks, it happens again.
A while back, I had gotten some faux leather fabric to redo my bar stools.
The material was free, and now they have a whole new look.
Filled the car with gas. First time in a month. It was $22. Yeah.
Planted my entire huge vegetable garden from seeds I started I’m kind of a seed hoarder. I find something interesting,buy the seeds, and now I’ve had time to go crazy. I started cactus seeds, delphiniums, lupine, and butterfly weed. These are perennials, and hope to sell for a little amount of money in the fall.


Rachel June 9, 2020 at 3:54 am

Copied from my comment on The Frugal Girl:
1) I realized that my anxiety had been doing most of my grocery shopping for me. This past week I was able to do a small, quick shop and use up some of the stuff from our pantry and freezer.

2) I’ve been making cold brewed coffee at home for an afternoon pick-me-up for my husband and I. Yum!

3) No take out at all this week. Restaurants are reopening in our state for dine-in, but we’ll be sticking to carry out for the time being. I’m enjoying being able to visit with my folks (who are at an increased risk) more than I miss sitting at a table while someone else cooks me food (though I do miss that, too).

4) Instead of buying a new set of every day dishes (I’m tired of our wedding Fiesta Ware), I pulled my grandmother’s China out of storage. It is such a joy to use her beautiful things every day. (I’m sure she’d have palpitations over them being out all the time, but I’d rather use them and remember her than have them sit in the basement).

5) Just as my anxiety was doing the shopping, it has also been doing my eating. 🙁 So, I’ve restarted following the No S Diet: No seconds, no snacks, no sweets, except (sometimes) on days that start with S (Saturdays, Sundays and “special” days). It’s a lovely, not obsessive way to keep things in check without having to count calories or carbs. for those interested in more information (though the one sentence summary is really quite complete).


Lisa M. June 9, 2020 at 11:42 am

Rachel – Your #4. I ran across a free set of china being offered on Nextdoor after DD took my indestructible Corelle to her apartment. I actually suggested to the owner that she start using the china for everyday use but she preferred to pass it on to someone who would appreciate it. I have a few pieces in the cabinet & pull them out to use for special days, so we enjoy it frequently. DD loves the yellow rose pattern, so plan to pass on to her to use when she is a bit older & has a home of her own. I feel confident that your Grandma is very pleased to see her china being put to good use.


Ruby June 9, 2020 at 4:08 am

1. There were two recent yard sales in our little neighborhood that I felt would be safe to attend with a mask on (hot, sunny days with few or no other people shopping). For $18 total, I scored yards of great fabrics, a vintage Homer Laughlin platter, two vintage children’s books for the little ones in my life, two new photo frames, two unopened packages of thank you cards, a pile of craft felt, three music CDs from college-era favorite bands, four soda can cozies for a friend who loves the things, and a new Ralph Lauren handbag, just as I was in need of a summer handbag.
2. With some of the fabric from the yard sale, I have made valances for our bedroom (only took me eight years to get around to that). Framed a card from a friend in one of the photo frames for instant art. Also used a scrap of Contac paper to make a dot design on a glass door in our house so I can tell when it’s closed: a bit of genius inspired by bouncing off it, bending my glasses and spotting a black eye for a few days. Ouch!
3. Bought a couple of blouses and a pair of sandals off eBay. One of the blouses turned out to have some semi-sweet sections not listed in the ad, so I am sewing a lining using some gauze fabric bought a few years ago for a dollar at the Salvation Army.
4. My husband finally got tired of the redneck engineering marvel of a plank and a brick I have been using to keep the matching trash and recycling cans from being pushed together so that the lids don’t open when the pedals are pushed down. He built a very clever base for them out of scrap lumber.
5. Our middle dog suffers from many allergies (we kind of suspect that’s why she wound up dumped at the pound) and recently had a bad flare up requiring a vet visit. The vet approved the homemade hypoallergenic diet we give her for these times, saving us the cost of a prescription food.


Kathy June 9, 2020 at 5:16 am

Ruby-Try adding a tbsp of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to water to help with your dog’s allergies


Ruby June 9, 2020 at 5:23 am

I will give it a try. She does pretty well on a very strict diet, but anything else that would help would be great.

Autocorrect struck again in my original post: the blouse had sheer sections and I sported a black eye. Damn you, autocorrect!


Mary in VA June 14, 2020 at 8:20 am

Aha, sheer sections makes more sense. I was trying to figure out what semi-sweet sections were, lol.


Bee June 9, 2020 at 5:36 am

I am sorry to hear about the black eye. However, I am quite impressed that your glass door is that clean. I don’t think we have ever had that problem at our house. 🙂


Ruby June 9, 2020 at 7:54 am

They’re only clean above shin level. Below that is heavily decorated with doggie nose art. 😀


Christine June 9, 2020 at 3:58 pm

Homer Laughlin platters are one of my favorite antiques next to family heirlooms. My mother gave me a Homer Laughlin platter “The Simplon” at least thirty five years ago as a gift and its still a holiday favorite. Its not a family heirloom as she found it at an antique shop but I treasure it.


Ruby June 9, 2020 at 4:36 pm

This one is a piece of restaurant ware made in 1985. The design on it was probably commissioned by whatever restaurant used it, but it happens to coordinate great with our vintage Buffalo china.


A. Marie June 10, 2020 at 12:17 pm

OK, I can’t resist sharing this Buffalo China story: We have a friend here in Upstate NY who (1) is nuts about having breakfast at diners (or at least was before COVID), and (2) habitually turns over the diner china to read the labels, since both Buffalo and Syracuse were major suppliers of such china back in the day. He once encountered a waitress who, when he pointed out the “Buffalo China” label on the bottom of the plate, puckered her brows and said, “They have buffalo in China??”


Christine June 10, 2020 at 1:30 pm

LOL! I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face! Maybe the poor waitress didn’t know china was glassware too…? I have a habit of turning over glassware and china at yard sales…usually looking for Homer Laughlin.

Ruby June 10, 2020 at 9:38 pm

Oh, that is so funny!

Bee June 9, 2020 at 5:33 am

I love Marimekko fabrics. They are so cheerful. I love that midcentury vibe. Since I live on frugal auto pilot, I have continued my thrifty ways even when the world paused. Here are this week’s 5:
1. Things have slowed considerably for me on eBay since the first of June. However, I did sell an odd assortment of things: 8lbs of legos, sterling coasters, a comic book and a cast iron door stop. I also transferred $40 for items sold through thredUP (February Box) and $15 for books sold to Ziffit. On a side note, I would not attempt to sell anything through ThredUP at this time. I cleaned out my closet this spring and sent a box in mid-March and the items have not yet been processed.
2. Thrift stores have been open here for about a month. I made a few trips to the Goodwill and my favorite local store. Like Katy, I wear a mask, keep hand sanitizer with me, and only touch what I must. I bought 6 items yesterday – I bought a pair of pants, a top, and a large basket for myself. I bought a set of stoneware Otagiri mugs, an Ed Hardy Belt, and an Armani silk scarf for resale.
3. I saved a beautiful, large succulent that my neighbor had put out with her yard trash. It is actually blooming with pretty red flowers. I have saved several plants that she has put out over the years including a large topiary and some orchids.
4. My hydrangeas are in full bloom. I have been cutting them and putting them in bouquets around the house.
5. I have been doing all the usual things – cooking from scratch, drinking primarily filtered water, brewing my own coffee, getting plenty of outdoor exercise, following my budget, reading library books, supporting my community garden, and watching British Mysteries on Britbox. BTW, Broadchurch was great!
Wishing you all good health and peace.


MB in MN June 9, 2020 at 7:14 am

1. To be honest, I haven’t been very frugal lately. I am deeply humbled that my financial resources are derived directly or indirectly from privilege from even before I was born.

2. Fixed the refrigerator on our own. Items were freezing in the fridge so went online to troubleshoot and it appeared it was due to dirty coils. And how! We had to use an air compressor to get all the dust and dog hair out of the bottom and back. Next day, items were still frozen. Hmmm. Finally figured out that the herbs I had covered with a plastic bag in a jar of water were shoved against the airflow thingy in the back of the refrigerator. At least the coils are clean now!

3. Buying bread and eggs from local women. Eggs are cheaper than in the store and bread is a little higher, so the costs even out. Social bonus is that I get to visit with them and their families when I pick up.

4. Sister-in-law gave me a huge bag of craisins and a couple cartons of almond milk that her family couldn’t use.

5. I think I have read here that people have bought and sold parts from used appliances. Any suggestions for what site I could go to to replace the cracked plastic door rim on my front-loading Kenmore washer?


Vickey June 10, 2020 at 3:48 pm

5. Have you tried That’s where we always start.


MB in MN June 12, 2020 at 5:43 am

I’ll try that. Thanks for the tip!


K D June 9, 2020 at 7:29 am

1. Week 13 of basically staying home. There has been no spending on social events but I have two different friends that I walk with (separately), there are a couple of knitting groups that have resumed meeting (outside for now) and I visited with a couple friends (on patios and physically distant) last week.

2. Due to boredom I have started streaming Pilates and yoga videos from YouTube. Free is good.

3. I will be getting a small inheritance (during this time of well publicized White Privileged). I had already planned to donate part of it but I now intend to donate more and to look for charities/causes that I have not supported before but that would benefit.

4. All meals have been at home, except for a cookout that my daughter and SIL invited us over for.

5. Feeling grateful that the library has so many electronic resources available. I’m never without something good to read.


Juhli June 9, 2020 at 8:06 am

I love hearing about everyone’s gardening although we have no place for one.

I have however been focusing on making our stuff last by maintaining it.
1. I’ve rediscovered my ability to mend and fixed small holes in several t-shirts and a rip in the side seam of a fitted sheet.
2. Our dishwasher was not cleaning as well as it should so I took out the filter and cleaned it well. Problem solved.
3. Decided to see if I was maintaining the over the stove microwave/fan. Reading the manual I learned there is a charcoal filter that is supposed to be replaced every 6 to 12 months. We finally got the area w here it is open and it was all grossly greasy and dirty but not now. This microwave came with the house when we bought it 3 years ago. Have ordered replacement filters now that we know.
4. Getting my reading fix from electronic library books or books borrowed from friends.
5. All the usual day to day things!


Tonya parham June 9, 2020 at 8:15 am

1. I’m doing some online grading next week to boost savings. Might need it come the fall since our enrollment is down 48%. I’m trying not to stress but our school’s plan for the fall seems to be, we don’t have a plan– we’re just going to leave it to the faculty and then when they have a plan for their classes we will say, “No, that won’t work.” So, in other words, it’s a Trumpian model of governance even in my school.

2. I’m cooking at home. *Frugal fail– I did order pizza yesterday. I hadn’t done that in about three weeks which is much better than the at least every week I was doing when the shutdown began.

3. Watching frugal YouTubers– Sarah Loves Food is one I just found. I like her. She’s in Washington and I find I generally like folks from the PNW. She’s taught me how to make me homemade roti, homemade tortillas, and paneer from scratch (haven’t done paneer yet but plan on it).

4. Went for bike rides last week at Shiloh National Park. Took a picnic lunch and enjoyed the sunshine beside the TN River. Today is all rain and gloom. I seem to have many many many mood swings during this period.

5. Checked out a book last year _American Prison_ by Shane Bauer and really thought it was fascinating. I wanted to own a copy so I could use it in lectures for my American History II class. It just happened to be on sale for $5 via ebook. It’s a great book if you want to understand how the prison system is corrupted by systemic racism and corporate prisons. (Not recommending you BUY it but do see if your local library has it. I was happy to find the copy as I think it is important to my work.)


LB June 9, 2020 at 8:22 am

1. Continuing to save 1/4 of my paycheck straight into savings. Feeling grateful that I have it, but also painfully aware that it could still go away.

2. As things start to open up, we have made the commitment to continue staying home as much as possible given that we do not -have- to leave for anything essential.

3. Our summer farm share has started and it’s pretty good! Basically a prepaid produce bill from June to October. Time to get creative with some recipes, and learn how to love radishes.

4. Online workouts keeping us sane, and seriously reconsidering gym memberships at the level we had them before this. Additional access to equipment and classes is nice but not necessary 99% of the time.

5. Reading, reading, reading! Escapism is real and the Libby app is my portal. Just finished “Normal People” by Sally Rooney and am about to finally read Marie Kondo’s book.


Roberta June 9, 2020 at 9:43 am

I found that my family tolerated roasted radishes better than raw radishes. Cut into quarters, olive oil and salt, then throw in the oven or on the grill. Still not a favorite, but free veggies must be eaten.


LB June 9, 2020 at 10:01 am

Thanks for the tip! I will have to try that next time–maybe cube them with some better-loved veggies as well. I put the ones from last week in a stir fry and they were…fine. Wouldn’t do it again.


Marilyn June 10, 2020 at 6:09 pm

I’ve been doing lots of reading too using the Libby app. It took the pandemic to make me finally download Libby and now I love it. It also took the pandemic to make me start depositing checks using my phone. Both of these things turned out
to be simple and I don’t know why I resisted learning to do this stuff for so long.


Cindy in South June 9, 2020 at 8:29 am

My son had two emergency surgeries and two blood transfusions. He was very critical, but he is doing much better. It has been a whirlwind. On the bright side, he is alive and on the mend. Before all of this, I had made curry lentil coconut milk soup, and added garlic, tomato paste, and other spices. I just threw lots of stuff in so it is not an official recipe. Beans, that is what I have again this week as far as frugality because the above sure wasn’t frugal. 2020 just keeps getting better and better (that is sarcasm)……..


Cindy in South June 9, 2020 at 8:34 am

I forgot to say that before all of this, I had ordered my daughter from Walmart, flour, cream of mushroom soup, oil, dehydrated mangoes, etc. I had already sent her a significant amount of beans because I don’t want her out with baby because of the virus still going on. Not frugal for me, but frugal for her.


Roberta June 9, 2020 at 9:44 am

I’m so sorry to hear your son is in such dire straights! I’m glad he is on the mend, but I’m sorry to hear about this stressful time.


Katy June 9, 2020 at 10:47 am

I’m so sorry to hear about your son, that must be very frightening. Virtual hugs from Oregon.


Lisa M. June 9, 2020 at 11:34 am

So fantastic that your son turned the corner. Nothing more traumatic for a Mom than a sick kiddo, can’t even imagine “critical” status. So sorry you had to go through this experience after all your other recent losses.


Cindy in the South June 9, 2020 at 1:24 pm

Thank y’all so much! I really appreciate it! Love this community!


Bee June 9, 2020 at 2:45 pm

Cindy, I’m so sorry to here about your son. Praying for you both and sending love your way. You have had an especially rough year.


A. Marie June 9, 2020 at 2:53 pm

Sending good thoughts your way, Cindy. I hope (without sarcasm) that 2020 starts getting better for you and yours soon.


MB in MN June 10, 2020 at 12:21 pm

Cindy, I’m so sorry to hear about your son. How scary. Wishing all of you brighter days ahead.


Christine June 10, 2020 at 1:36 pm

So sorry to hear about your son’s surgeries and blood transfusions. I’m glad he is now on the mend. Please keep us updated.


Vickey June 10, 2020 at 3:58 pm

Cindy, I’m so sorry! As if the ongoing “omni-crisis” wasn’t enough! Glad to hear he’s doing much better, hope that trend continues.


Jill A June 12, 2020 at 2:31 am

I’m so sorry your son is ill. I hope he is healing now.


A. Marie June 9, 2020 at 9:45 am

FFT, Taking the Big Plunge Edition:

I’ve been and gone and done it: I’ve applied for SS and Medicare, and have given my employers notice that I will be retiring on August 1 from the telecommuting editing job I’ve held for the past 36 years. Needless to say, this is not “frugal” in the strictly financial sense, since I only turn 65 in late August. The conventional wisdom would be to hang on much longer to maximize the SS. However, I’m not in a conventional situation, and I’m hoping that it will pay off in other ways:

(1) More time with DH before he (or at least the man I’ve known and loved these past 42 years, as opposed to his physical shell) vanishes altogether down the Alzheimer’s abyss.

(2) More time to care for myself.

(3) More time for the zillion other household, Literary Society, and writing projects I’d like to pursue before I shuffle off this mortal coil–all depending on how the cookie crumbles with DH, of course.

(4) More ways of accumulating points toward my Frugality Black Belt. I’ll have very little margin for excess now.

(5) And, I hope, more time for hanging out with my online friends on this and other blogs. (See the comment I put up Monday on The Frugal Girl’s “gratitude” post for some reflections on the Big Plunge from that POV.)


Suzanne Hulme June 9, 2020 at 2:39 pm

Marie, congratulations on taking steps towards your next big adventure. It sounds like you have thought it through, and you are ready. I like the way your write.


Patricia Koernig June 10, 2020 at 1:13 am

Cheering you on, A. Marie!
My online friends, have given me an incredible life line through these past years of change and adjustment. Sending you much encouragement.


Kathy June 10, 2020 at 6:27 pm

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement
Enjoy the time you have with hubby


Bee June 10, 2020 at 3:54 am

Wishing you love and peace as you begin your new journey.


MB in MN June 10, 2020 at 12:23 pm

A. Marie, congratulations! Sounds to me like you’ve made the right decision for the right reasons. Enjoy your new-found time and energy.


Christine June 10, 2020 at 1:39 pm

Some time a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do…and you did! Congratulations on your retirement and wishing you many happy moments with your DH.


Jill A June 12, 2020 at 2:34 am

I hope you have a very peaceful retirement and enjoy your time with your husband.


Jo June 12, 2020 at 7:16 pm

Huzzah, A. Marie, especially 2 and 1! Holding you in the Light.


Cindy in South June 16, 2020 at 7:10 am

Congrats!!! I hope by doing retirement early, you are able to spend precious time with your husband.


tracy June 21, 2020 at 5:03 am

A. Marie,

I always so enjoy your posts and am pleased that you will be retiring in August and able to spend time with DH and have a little more time for yourself.

I am retiring in December from a 35 year career and can’t wait!



Beth Ann June 26, 2020 at 1:45 pm

Dear Marie,
What a brave decision. You will not be sorry. Best to you and DH on the next phase of the journey. Change is hard, but it’s a constant.
Beth Ann


Roberta June 9, 2020 at 9:56 am

1. Completed the call to get the money back on our cruise, scheduled for July.
2. My *linen* sheet tore last night. I am super grumpy about that, as linen is supposed to last forever. I am resewing a hem (because it was long) and will be using the other end as the top.
3. Drying loquats for after the season. Not buying fruit at the grocery because we have it on the trees. Freezing orange slices to make water fancy for the rest of the year (it also makes a glass of Trader Joes boxed sangria fancy). Watching the zucchini get big so I can shred them and make them into muffins or pancakes.
4. Made a Swiss roll with my mom and my daughter Sunday. My daughter and I have become fairly obsessed with the Great British Baking Show, and she wanted to make one. Vanilla sponge, cherry jam, vanilla creme pat. We ate the leftovers last night playing Uno. Cheaper than making a boxed mix (my mom’s preference) and more memorable.
5. And the usual: hung laundry out, closing up the house in the morning to avoid turning on the AC (high of 95 today), cooking at home, etc. Also slogging through financial aid info with my son, which is unpleasant but worth it in the end.


Kara June 10, 2020 at 6:03 pm

I grew up in England and we had Home Ec at school, except they called it DA (Domestic Arts)! One of the things we made was a swiss roll. It is forever imprinted in my memory. I have made them since, all from that memory. Whatever we made each week we carried home in a covered basket, which was part of the uniform list for that grade!


Beth Ann June 26, 2020 at 1:48 pm

Dear Roberta,
I have 4 loquat trees in my yard, and I had never heard of them until we moved into this house. How big does the fruit have to be in order to dry it/use it. What do you do with it after drying? Someone told me that there is a chutney recipe for loquat fruit. What does it taste like?


Ava June 9, 2020 at 12:34 pm

1. Continuing to trade books, puzzles and movies with friends and relatives. Missing the library but it will open soon for curbside pick up.
2. Picked peas from my garden boxes. They weren’t enough to cook alone, so I added them to a stir fry. Will have green beans soon. This year the entire garden was planted with seeds left from previous years, stored in the freezer.
3. Gave husband a haircut. It was not a work of art but looks better than before. And as he pointed out, we saved $30.
4. Gave an elderly friend a modified pedicure. It also was not a work of art, but she was happy with it. I do not see a future for me in the beauty industry.
5. Gave a friend cucumber plants and received marigolds, basil and mint plants.


Jennifer June 9, 2020 at 2:21 pm

1. Dh finally got around to calling our internet provider to ask about a reduced rate – now saving $15 a month for the next year. Plus 2 of our cell phones dropped their payment plans saving $40 a month.

2. Determined to use up ALL of the items we receive in our weekly CSA and have my first batch of roasted veggies in the oven right now for dinner. I used the last of my potatoes, carrots, broccoli and asparagus along with tomatoes that have been languishing for awhile. I hope it is good because it might become out “go-t0” each week.

3. Kids wanted to go to the “north coast” today with their large friend group, but it’s an hour drive on highways, 1 has had his license for 9 months, but very little highway driving, and the other has her permit. Dh and I decided we were going too. Ds drove there, dd drove home. Dh and I took our bikes and found a trail that not only was a 10 mile bike ride but had a hiking trail to a waterfall off it. then we used a starbucks reward to enjoy a cold beverage while we waited on them to finish. No money spent, all food and drink was packed for lunch.

4. Listed a bunch of essential oils on ebay. Sold 1 set right away. Fees have definitely gone up, I will need to adjust my prices going forward. But it feels good to get stuff listed.

5. Someone in our neighborhood posted they had a bunch of slate they were giving away after pulling up a sidewalk. I snatched it right up and we made a patio around our firepit. We also used up 2 small boxes of slate backsplash I had snagged for free a year ago (that my family royally made fun of me for). We used that for the edging. We had to buy sand and small pebbles to fill in, but what would have been likely $600+ cost us only $100 or so.


Bee June 12, 2020 at 2:21 pm

I love roasted veggies. Tonight I roasted eggplant, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and garlic. I served it over pasta with cheese and a drizzle of olive oil. I’d love to hear what your favorite combos are.


tia June 9, 2020 at 2:46 pm

I hate new phone and service so quitting and selling.
Now cheap phone and cheap service. I used to have Mint Mobile and liked it fine. Very simple. Very frugal.

More and more I really like the covid reclusive life. I still grocery shop on occasion and take walks in lo-pop places “I wandered lonely as a cloud “Wordsworth.

My tomato plants have taken over the deck. They are loaded with green tomatoes but kinda scary.
Frugal scary food.

I sew I write I paint I play. Frugal.

I can’t believe all I see people do and say. I wonder if I need to unplug even my antenna tv. Friends I’ve had since grade school are arguing and leaving chat groups we’ve had for years.
I worry that simple non malicious words could cause people to be crushed or explode.

I wander lonely as a cloud.

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.


A. Marie June 9, 2020 at 2:50 pm

You and Wordsworth rock, Tia.


Patricia Koernig June 10, 2020 at 1:38 am

What A. Marie said!


MB in MN June 10, 2020 at 12:24 pm

Tia, I second and third what A. Marie and Patricia said!


Jill A June 12, 2020 at 2:40 am



Marie June 16, 2020 at 5:10 pm

Wonderful words.


Hawaii Planner June 9, 2020 at 7:58 pm

1) We’re in the middle of a bunch of home projects, so bought Home Depot gift cards at the grocery store. They had a promotion that yielded store gift cards. Free groceries!
2) I’ve been selling a lot at eBay. Particularly books. Maybe because many libraries still aren’t open. None are very expensive, but it’s great to get them out of the house & make a bit of money.
3) I spent A LONG time on a chat with our internet provider, and got an increase in speed, with a $4/month discount. That said, the speed is 1/2 what’s provided, so we have a service tech coming out tomorrow.
4) Drove the electric car for a few medical appointments. We’ve been able to charge for free a few times since the quarantine began. (Just using the parking lot chargers, not going into the office.)
5) Leftovers galore, as we try to pare down the fridge before we head to the Oregon coast this weekend.


Lisa June 10, 2020 at 9:09 am

1) I’ve been slowly working on making masks. I’m using my mither’s Singer sewing machine, really the only machine I’ve sewn on to any degree, and repurposing fabric that all ages old. Since I’m making masks with filters it Ian t too critical what I use. I’m not loving the time spent sewing but do appreciate not spending for life’s latest necessity.
2) Not traveling for work means my herbs are getting lots of attention and it shows. The dish that fit perfectly in my toaster oven got broken, but becane filling in the bottom of huge pots for these herbs. I’m also using a lot more herbs, it’s nice to have that option at my fingertips.
3) My Buy Nothing group has stayed active (with social distanced exchanges and I’ve been the recipient of a bunch of perennials. Hoping to see many years return from the time spent in the garden this year. Lots of food is also being exchanged (mostly because of Instacart errors) which is good to see although I haven’t been the recipient.
4) My tenant is the recipient of free coffee beans and is generous about sharing. It’s not my favorite, but I mix it with my regular brand to make that last longer.
5) Cooking at home means more opportunities to use up stuff that’s been languishing in the pantry. I’ve managed to use up a bunch of stuff. We’ve also started baking bread regularly, using a bread machine we already had. It limits our trips, saving gas and money. The dehydrator is also getting regular use, preserving whatever herbs I can’t use. The pizza oven also gets used regularly. Overall, this time at home really illustrates which appliances have or have not earned their place in the kitchen. I’m looking at you, rotisserie!

Frugal fail, kind of. I saved up and paid cash for a new dishwasher, and purchase it knowing we would all be spending a lot of time at home. , only to discover it can’t be installed because the floor was installed after the dishwasher. So that means hiring a floor guy and a plumber, neither of whom I want in my house during a pandemic. So my dishwasher sits in the garage and we are still
Hand washing dishes.


Lindsay B June 10, 2020 at 12:39 pm

1. Finished the last chai mix packet that I had been gifted a long time ago- had been using them on occasion as a treat while in lockdown. Too much sugar for regular use, so I’m glad they are gone.
2. Am using some free greeting cards from my MIL to send surprise notes to friends. My MIL receives them free from the charities that routinely send them, and gave me some from her giant stash.
3. Used a free personal care sample I’d received a long time ago but never needed until now.
4. Mended two shirts and another pair of underwear (it’s almost a game to see how long we can make them last around here). Used mismatched thread for underwear to be able to finish up an odd color.
5. We finished our taxes and will receive a small refund. DH was willing to go in to the office to print our returns and mail them, saving us about $35 over filing them electronically.


Kara June 10, 2020 at 6:15 pm

My husband has removed a recessed toilet paper holder in our bathroom, learned how to patch a large hole on youtube and actually carried out said patching using drywall mud already mixed up by our contractor who is working on drywall in the kitchen.
Husband gutted our kitchen himself. Contractor is now here to do the skilled part of the remodel. Husband is cutting up the old kitchen cabinets so they can fit in 50 gallon bags for our free bulky pickup from trash service. We are allowed 12 bags, and there will be 12 of them! We sold sink (enameled cast iron, 1960), stove top and garbage disposal.
I got some free produce from the garden where I volunteer. They all know I will take anything that’s offered.
Walking or riding my bike to the PO a few blocks away to drop off pre-paid packages sold from my Etsy shop. Thankfully my husband also happily walks or bikes to do this errand too. Exercise, no gas used and a little income is a good combination.
Frugal fail–I missed the sale on butter at Safeway.


Vickey June 10, 2020 at 6:26 pm

1. Cut DH’s hair with the clippers. We’ll probably continue this practice post-plague. He looks very tidy now, tho’ I do miss those soft silky silver strands.
2. Several years ago I found a sister model to our modest but perfectly adequate vacuum at a thrift store for $5. I brought it home, and we’ve since scavenged parts from it to keep our 25+ y.o. vac running. This time, DH swapped out the bag holder and electrical chase (all one assembly unit) when the original bag holder developed a leak we couldn’t plug. That $5 purchase 15-20 years ago has saved us hundreds, imho.
3. I got a free $20 gift card with $100 GC purchase at a local grocery chain I frequent. Also had 2 punch cards from said chain good for $5 off each, so paid $90. Put that $90 on my paid-in-full-every-month AMEX for an additional 6% off. So a net of $84.60 for $120 in purchasing power, meaning 30% off everything I buy there (and I price shop vigorously.) The gift cards purchase amount earned me another full punch card for $5 off my next purchase. Haven’t had that much “how can I optimize the savings?” fun in a store in a good long while.
4. Used the plastic wrappers from the t.p. to line wastebaskets
5. We water the gardens almost exclusively with the water from our 7 rain barrels. We throw veggie washing water and dish rinse water into the barrels when there’s room, too.
6. We harvested more purple asparagus, lettuce, and parsley, plus pea shoots, chard, collards, and radish thinnings. Excited to see the first fruits forming on our white mulberry tree, chosen since the birds are allegedly less attracted to those berries. DH planted arugula and more lettuce and peas, and set pest traps. Pest pressures increase every year here. If we grow it, they will come. :roll eyes:
7. Made our new fave dressing for an asparagus salad by adding aquafaba from bulk-purchased, instant pot-cooked garbanzos in lieu of the water. It lent a silky texture and sheen, and made the avocado go further. Aquafaba = avocado (and $!) extender. 😉
8. Cleaned out the overcrowded utility room, and re-arranged some things for better flow. I love the freshened feeling with no $ out.
9. Exercised on the secondhand treadmill and via YouTube stretching vids.
10. DH patched the exhaust pipe on his truck, saving several hundred dollars over having it replaced.
11. Binge-listening to the “You Bet Your Garden” podcast with Mike McGrath, former editor of Organic Gardening. We’ve been gardening for over 30 years, but are still finding some tips to up our game and keep things interesting.
12. We’re going to have to purchase a piece of garden equipment this year, will work with delightful new neighbors who are just starting to garden to see about joint ownership or at least intentional sharing.
13. Cancelled our CBS All-Access pass. Once the rest of The Good Fight drops, we’ll renew to finish that and another series within a month then cancel again. There’s plenty to watch for free meanwhile.
14. Managed to not gain any weight over the winter! That’s a yuuuge personal win for me. Now to rev up for losing the last 35 lbs. I need to shed them to cope with the heat better.
15. Stocked up on half-price bananas to freeze for banana cream.
16. Cut several large blooms off our small-house-sized pink rhododendron to bring inside and brighten up the cave.


Teresa June 10, 2020 at 7:01 pm

1. A friend gave me scads of coupons for free items from Vons Monopoly contest. The expiry date has been pushed out to July so I keep going to the store to pick up items. Lunch today was free hummus on pita bread. I had so many free coupons that I shared both coupons and items with people who could use them.
2. Dinner yesterday was crock pot white beans — delicious! — again free courtesy the Monopoly game.
3. Have eaten homemade hamburgers for dinner 4 days this week. I don’t eat much meat but I felt I had to buy something when I picked up all those free Monopoly items. I ate the burgers on free buns! My hamburgers are much tastier and 1/4 the cost of takeout burgers.
4. Saving money on gas by working at home. We are still on work-at-home status because of COVID-19. However, the weather is heating up here and I don’t have air conditioning at home, so I actually look forward to working in the office again.
5. I turned off Netflix and my temporary subscription to Starz. That will save about $20 a month. How much TV can a person watch, anyway.


Jann in Maine June 11, 2020 at 3:06 am

Love reading Katy’s posts and the comments ! Y’all inspire and reinforce what I am doing.
Ended up fixing my Samsung ice maker by watching utubes and taking a hair dryer to melt the built up ice. This saved a service call and of course having someone in our house.
Am participating in a Maine Women political focus group and each time get $75 for participation.
Marketplace sales as well s ebay have been steady. One item I traded local honey for as the people have 700 hives.
Choosing which garlic to grow and will pre-order the bulbs as I expect them to be sold out.
Making my own coffee,drinking only water, walking and cooking. It’s what we do not only to save $$ but because it’s better!
Have been stocking up each week with a few extra items so I will be ready for anything that rears its ugly head.
Looking forward and being proactive rather than reactive has been very helpful in all of this.
May everyone continue to stay well,those who need heal,and cope during these times….


Jill A June 11, 2020 at 4:28 am

I’m going to try five frugal things. I actually feel sick because of all the current expenses that have come up so it would be easier to list all the frugal fails.

1. My 21 year old air conditioner has finally failed and can no longer be repaired. I’m expecting someone to come next week to give me a quote on a new one. Meanwhile I’m saving on electricity. On the bright side it did last longer than expected.
2. My pool has turned into a swamp and my current old pool filter isn’t up to the challenge. I’ve hired a new and much more professional pool service this year and they’ve changed my filter and while they were at it I had them switch me to a chlorinator instead of using bromine which will save money in the long run and the brominator was old and would need to be replaced soon anyway.
3. Also on the subject of my pool. The pool company is going to have me drain my pool and refill with fresh water from my well which will save me $300 in chemicals.
4. Instead of purchasing a headband to keep my hair out of my face while I’m working outside I cut up a holey shirt that I was throwing out and made it into a headband. My daughter thinks it looks “interesting” but I don’t care how it looks while I’m outside working with sweat running into my eyes.
5. My daughter’s birthday is this weekend. She’s asked me to make me a card because she thinks store bought cards are a waste of money and she’s asked for take out instead of going to a restaurant which should be a savings also.


Julia June 13, 2020 at 5:03 am

I don’t think your #1 is a fail! 21 years use of an air conditioner is great. I know having to replace it came at a bad time but still 21 years is a lot of bang for your buck. Hope the new one lasts just as long!


Jill A June 12, 2020 at 2:59 am

I forgot to add the one really frugal thing we did here. My daughters and I cut each others hair. It turned out well and I think we’ll do it again in the future. It saved me over $100.


Momma L June 12, 2020 at 4:27 am

1. I turned a favorite T shirt that had been bleached into a soft bag. (no sew!)
2. I turned that shirt’s short sleeves into headbands.
3. I put our bed foam topper on FB Marketplace for free, someone picked it up and is happy with it. It was in good shape, we’re just too old for something that soft, we discovered, our old bodies couldn’t even turn over on it! Happy to keep it out of a landfill and put to good use.
4. DH wished for some plant stands, so I found 3 for 8 dollars, in great shape, on FB Marketplace.
5. Planning lots of meals with kale and lettuce from our garden.


Dee from MA June 16, 2020 at 5:23 pm

Hello from MA….I have to dig deep this week to offer any “frugal five”…same old thing here….
1. still taking anything I can dig out of the fridge to take for lunch at work…cold pizza, of course! Some cucumber and orange pepper slices…whatever’s in there will work.
2. homebrewed coffee and filtered water to drink….(see, this is the same old, same old)…. 🙂
3. saving on the electricity bill—only 1 light bulb on in the house at a time after dark…used mostly for reading in bed before going to sleep.
4. the weather in MA in the past few days has been lovely. Cool at night & sleep with windows open…so haven’t used the AC.
5. am fortunate to have saved some money in the past 10 months to allow my savings/emergency fund to grow if not slowly. Every little bit helps. I hesitate to look at my 403B for the past quarter….I know it got hit hard…delayed retirement?
I hope everyone stays safe. Please try to look for some beauty out there. Tia, I really enjoyed your “Wordsworth” selection. Quite poignant!


Heidi Louise June 17, 2020 at 9:31 am

Dee: If your 403B is in stocks, it might not be as bad as you expect, as the stock market has been working its way up.
I’ve learned to read the popular press daily news headlines about the stock market in the last few months. If numbers are significantly up or down, that will be the lead. If trades are not out of the ordinary, the articles will be speculative about the future, ranging from hopeful to terrifying. A particular large company might be newsworthy, but not necessarily affect much outside of itself.
The sad part is reading about how stock ownership, like other wealth, is not evenly distributed across all people.


Dee from MA June 18, 2020 at 7:42 am

Thanks Heidi, good info. My 403b allocation seems to be alright. I try to watch the daily market rates but then got disgusted/discouraged so taking advice to hang in there by fin advisor.


janine June 17, 2020 at 5:55 am

1. Son may go back to work tomorrow – he got his schedule mixed up – found out he was supposed to report back last week! Not sure how this will all turn out but hope they find a place for him – otherwise we will have to help him out. this may not frugal for us.
2. Due to looting, our suburban grocery store closed for pick up orders. Gave us two $20 gift certs. to be used on subsequent orders and I am using one this week.
3. Although we are spending more on groceries, we are not spending as much on gas.
4. Our garden is beginning to show signs of growth and our rhubarb is incredible!
5. Another frugal ‘fail’: our stove gasped it’s last and because of our kitchen configuration we must special order new model which costs double a standard version. Hopefully new model will NOT catch on fire!


ouvickie June 17, 2020 at 7:46 am

1) My daughter had surgery last week, so we bought a bucket of chicken to feed everyone when I brought her home from the hospital. I used the leftover chicken to make a chicken salad the next evening and added veggies for healthy sides.
2) Waited for sales to buy new underwear this week.
3) My granddaughter was having an issue with her iPad not downloading things properly. A salesman at Best Buy helped us out by letting us know what we needed to reset. That saved having to spend money on a tech visit at the Apple Store. Yay!!
4) We’ve been spending as much time as possible on daily walks with the dogs and sitting outside, in the shade to keep cool and not have to use the AC as much. Thankfully, it’s supposed to be cooler and rainy the next few days.
5) Even though I haven’t been commuting, I’ve been laying down to rest and listening to my audiobooks on the OverDrive app.


Julia June 18, 2020 at 8:05 am

Enjoying the great weather outside.
1. Sold an extra large outdoor table for $40. No big family gatherings for the near future and we have three smaller outdoor tables that can be grouped together.
2. Haven’t renewed our Costco membership that lapsed in February.
3. Obtained many perennial plants from neighbors in our local no contact plant exchange. I’ll be able to put in a new garden bed with all I’ve gotten!
4. Borrowing a rototiller from a neighbor to dig new garden bed.
5. Was able to buy a Used Very large rabbit cage to replace one of our old worn out cages.


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