Five Frugal Things

by Katy on July 16, 2024 · 55 comments

  1. I recently rediscovered the British TV show Money For Nothing on Amazon Prime, which might’ve been produced specifically for me as their sole audience. The show’s format is to take items being dumped into the “tip” and transform them into “bespoke and valuable pieces” for resale. The host then returns any profit to the original owners.

    So . . . a woman who takes stuff about to be thrown away and upcycles it back into functionality? Yes, please!

  2. Edit: For clarification I took this photo at 6:55 P.M., which I do not consider to be “night.”

    I took public transportation from Newark airport to my sister’s house in The Bronx over the weekend. Normally this is a fairly straightforward (if lengthy) process, but there was confusing signage about a subway line change, which resulted in an extra hour-and-a-half to get to my sister’s doorstep.

    Both these signs were on the same subway platform. This one made me think that the “E” train would only be diverted during “overnight” hours:

    This sign, (again on the same platform) clarified that it was “overnight and all weekend!”

    Please validate my experience and tell me that you would’ve also been confused!

  3. Of course I travel with frugality in mind. Here’s how I’m enjoying my trip so far without breaking the bank.

    • I bought my plane ticket using credit card points, although I did have to pay $200 or so to consolidate “miles” from one account into another.
    • I brought my own food and water on the airplane and made sure to book a direct flight to avoid layover shenanigans.
    • My nephew and I both downloaded the Paris Baguette app to earn free pastry rewards with purchase. I chose the ham and cheese croissant with a medium drip coffee, and it was both fresh and perfectly flaky!
    • I used my sister’s NYC library card to check out a copy of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which was displayed as part of their “Read Banned Books” display. I’m having fun with my Powell’s Summer Reading Challenge bingo card and “read a banned book” is the upper lefthand square. 

  4. I sold a curb picked Ikea lighted mirror for $15 through Facebook Marketplace. So yeah . . . I recently came into some money!

  5. No legal fees to escape prosecution for treason.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 54 comments… read them below or add one }

Donna July 16, 2024 at 4:26 am

Enjoy your stay in my hometown


Katy July 16, 2024 at 4:31 am

Thank you, I always do!


Trish July 16, 2024 at 4:38 am

Please may I never have to ride the NYC subway alone!!!


Katy July 16, 2024 at 4:44 am

I feel comfortable on the subway, but the misinformation was strong. I didn’t write about, but I also got incorrect information from a transit employee, which didn’t help.

P.S. Both my suitcase handles broke!


Fru-gal Lisa July 17, 2024 at 12:50 pm

That happened to my mom years ago, having suitcase handles get broken. She took the suitcase to a shoe repair guy and he put on new handles. Or maybe it was a luggage repair guy. Anyway, the suitcase got repaired and was used many years after that. Not sure how much it would’ve cost, but that was years ago so the price would not be relevant today. Anyway, I expect it’d be cheaper than buying new luggage.


Jill A July 16, 2024 at 4:45 am

I agree those signs are confusing. I hope your foot is feeling better. Congratulations on more $$$ earned from free stuff.
1. I invited a friend over for dinner and to catch up. I made pasta with homemade pesto from the freezer. I also made mojitos and we floated in the pool which was a perfect way to end the day.
2. I made a new batch of pesto with basil I planted in containers. I froze it for future meals.
3. I divided some more ground cover and moved it to bare areas. I also moved some blue mist spirea plants that had popped up into an area that I would like to fill in. I trimmed the spent blossoms on my columbine plants and harvested the seeds to share with my daughter. I would like to have less weeding to do so I’m attempting to fill in with free plants. I’ve let the ornamental grasses around my pool take over and have cut down on a lot of weeding. It’s a work in progress.
4. I shared some of the cucumbers I grew with my mother and middle daughter. My mom gave me some of her cilantro that she wasn’t going to use which eliminates one thing from my grocery list.
5. My mom loaned me her power washer and I cleaned my front porch with it.
The siding was looking pretty grimy since the rain doesn’t wash it off. I spend a lot of time out there and it looks so much better. We don’t both need to own a power washer since it is used so infrequently.


Katy July 16, 2024 at 4:48 am

Thank you for that, I’m normally good at reading directions.

I agree about not everyone needing to own infrequently used items. We use our next door neighbor’s power washer every couple of years and we water their plants/bring in their mail when they travel, which is frequently.


Selena July 17, 2024 at 7:15 pm

You can buy cleaners for a specific need. Better half bought cement cleaner and wow did it make a huge difference. We own a power washer and have a place to store jugs of various cleaners. I hesitate to call it “soap”.


Jill A July 16, 2024 at 5:22 am

I forgot to add that I just finished a library book. It was Weyward by Emilia Hart. I think you read it Katy and someone else mentioned it also. It was very good.


Katy July 16, 2024 at 5:26 am

Oh yes, that book stayed in my head. So good!


Bee July 16, 2024 at 9:24 am

This was a great book — very different,


MB in MN July 16, 2024 at 9:58 am

I third that. Weyward was stellar!


Heidi Louise July 16, 2024 at 5:42 am

“Money for Nothing” is great fun! We watch on YouTube. It has had at least three hosts and a range of designers over many years. We try to predict who will get a piece to upcycle and how much it will sell for in its refurbished form. (Some of those buyers be crazy!).
Have a great trip!


Jill A July 16, 2024 at 10:58 am

I’m going to check YouTube. Sounds like an interesting show.


Ava July 16, 2024 at 6:05 am

1. I was able to can 4 pints of bread and butter pickles from cucumbers I grew myself. I expect to be able to make more later in the summer.
2. As usual, I am listening to and reading library books and working on thrift store puzzles.
3. I used my insurance provided debit card to pick up $115.00 worth of shower gel, shampoo, OTC meds and vitamins. Free stuff!
4. I shredded a lot of junk mail to spread over my garden, to help hold in moisture.
I am sorry to hear one of my favorite books, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn , is on a banned list. But I am not surprised. Our library issued new cards imprinted with I READ BANNED BOOKS.


Kathy Sell July 16, 2024 at 6:56 am

I love homemade bread and butter pickles! Mom used to make “end of summer” pickles, which used up odds and ends of any veggies, including cauliflower. I want a bumper stick with “I Read Banned Books.” ha


Heidi Louise July 16, 2024 at 7:42 am

I once saw of an event at a university for MLKing Day where people signed up for a 20 or 30 minute slot to read out loud from King’s writings. I think it was in the student union, or somewhere where there would be a lot of foot traffic. No big fuss for the set up, just getting people to sign up, keep track of the schedule, and provide a chair and the book. Each person would just show up and pick up when the person before finished the time slot. Not sure if there was a microphone.
I thought that would work well for banned books day, such as at a library. Maybe pull in some local dignitaries, clergy, community theatre people, as well as make people who just like to read out loud feel welcome to sign up. Thought provoking for readers and listeners!


Bee July 16, 2024 at 9:44 am

I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn as a rising high school freshman. It was on our summer reading list along with Pearl S Buck’s masterwork, The Good Earth. This characters could’ve not lived lives that were more different from my own. However, it helped me develop a better understanding of and a compassion for others. I also read To Kill a Mockingbird in 7th grade. I still believe this may be the best book ever written. .Apparently I am not scarred in anyway from my exposure to Contraband.


Fru-gal Lisa July 17, 2024 at 12:32 pm

Our church Faith & Fiction book club is currently reading “To Kill A Mockingbird.” It is so outstanding! I think it is outrageous that anyone would want to ban it! Of course, we read it back in school — but rediscovering all the nuances and scenes I’d forgotten about, or didn’t fully understand the first time around, is just so amazing!


Marybeth from NY July 16, 2024 at 7:02 am

We rarely go into the city anymore. We used to go all the time but we have grown tired of it. We will go in for a concert or show still. Good luck.
1. Picking lots of garden goodies: swiss chard, lettuce, sugar snap peas, peas, raspberries, basil, parsley, mint, cilantro and sage. I am freezing, dehydrating and eating them all. I did trade with a friend for more zucchini. She threw in a bag of basil since she wouldn’t use it all. She said it was to go towards more figs. Her fig plant does noting.
2. BJ’s has been out of chocolate syrup the last 2 times I went so I made my own. It is delicious. Hubby said we don’t need to buy it anymore. I will need to do a price comparison.
3. I ate the rest of the zucchini pie as breakfast. I didn’t want it to go to waste.
4. My sister came and got her dog. She brought me 2 bags of stuff for my upcoming yard sale. She brought me a bouquet of flowers from her yard. She gave me all of the toiletries from her resort. Her thank you for watching the dog was maple syrup. She knows we like food gifts.
5. Hubby is working on the basement and making progress. We did take a morning off and go out East to go blueberry picking. They are more expensive then the store but they are worth it. First we are supporting a small local farm. Second they are amazing. Third we get to eat while we work. I also picked sunflowers for $1 a stalk which is a great deal. We were talking to the owner when he came to open up and found out that he has another stand and sells trees and bushes. We are planning on planting a few this fall so now we know where we will get them. We brought drinks and snacks with us. We ate lunch (leftovers)when we got home.
6. We hit a few garage sales while we were out East. All we bought was a vacuum sealer brand new for $4.50. The bags it comes with are worth more then that.
7. Good grocery deals this week were ground turkey for $1.99 a pound. I also got beer brats for $1.99 with manager sticker. The sales are very few right now. Glad I have the pantry and extra chest freezer.
8. Doing our usual things, hanging laundry, using my crockpot, keeping AC on only one floor at a time, using veggie washing water to water pots, keeping blinds closed to keep heat out.


mary July 16, 2024 at 7:12 am

You had me there for a minute with the title A Tree Brows in Brooklyn, I thought is was a take on the original. I see that it was just a typo.


Katy July 16, 2024 at 8:50 am



Kara July 16, 2024 at 7:18 am

I took my two girls and my niece and nephew (all ranting in age at the time between 11 and 14) to NYC for the day. We did ok on the subway except for one time when myself and the 3 girls went through the turnstile and then my nephew’s ticked didn’t work and he was left outside the turnstiles. I froze for a second because I knew I had to leave the 3 girls unattended to go get him but one CANNOT lose another person’s kid. Thankfully my older daughter (14) was very responsible. So I crawled back under the turnstile to get my nephew. I have travelled extensively in Europe as a child and teen and I am a mother, those things combined make me have no shame in doing what’s got to be done.

One other funny travel turnstile story- we were in England (our native country) as tourists with our American raised children. My husband, the cheapskate, wouldn’t pay the fee for public toilets. He found one with no attendant and took our son and attempted to crawl under the entrance turnstile. But their travel backpacks were too big and they got stuck. And then the attendant returned. They skulked out backwards and we ended up going into a church that had public toilets-we bought a snack for less than the toilet entrance fee, and then got to use the restrooms. Which had all been my plan in the first place.

Nothing frugal here. Things are not good for my daughter-in-law, they are taking huge measures to get her through one more week of pregnancy.


MB in MN July 16, 2024 at 8:30 am

Kara, I am sending all good thoughts to your family, daughter-in-law, future grandbaby, and their medical team.


Jill A July 16, 2024 at 12:37 pm

Thinking of you and your family and hoping for a good outcome.


A. Marie July 16, 2024 at 10:08 am

Kara, I’m among the many who are crossing all digits and hailing heaven on all frequencies for your DIL, the baby, and all your family.


Christine July 16, 2024 at 10:59 am

I just sent a prayer up for your DIL and baby after reading your post. Hopefully the measures being taken by the hospital will help her to get through at least one more week. Hugs.


Kara July 16, 2024 at 11:11 am

Thank you all. I am just numb. I keep their 3 year old and do laundry and have a hot meal ready whenever my son comes home.


Christine July 16, 2024 at 12:48 pm

You’re doing the best you can. Taking care of a three year old plus other household chores is a wonderful way to show your love and care. Hang in there Kara.


Marilyn July 16, 2024 at 8:01 am

I read “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” when I was about 14 years old (long, long time ago). It was a book a lot of kids were reading at the time. I never knew it was banned, but that would probably have made it even more popular.


Sandra July 16, 2024 at 8:14 am

Katy – I agree about the poor and confusing signage. I hate it when a service person gives incorrect information. We are strangers and are asking for guidance. We put our faith in them and it is sadly (to our peril) misplaced sometimes. Hoping the rest of your trip goes smoothly, although having both handles break on your luggage is another real blow.

1. I rearranged the furniture in my living room. It always gives me a fresh perspective when I try a new layout. I keep extra throw pillows in a closet so that I can switch them out from time to time, too.

2. I look forward to my weekly trips to the library, not only do I exchange books, but I also catch up with neighbors, look at the activities calendar, and always check the free books and magazine shelves. Just like with the regular library books, when I finish reading a free book or magazine I return it for someone else to enjoy.

3. A neighbor brought over a box of sweet onions this morning. He grows them commercially and often shares produce with me. Like you, Katy, I, in turn, mind their house and retrieve their garbage and green barrels when they are out of town.

4. After several attempts, I finally found the right solution for removing a yellow stain from a white linen shirt. I used a mixture of peroxide and baking soda. It took two different treatments, but I put it through the wash again yesterday and the stain is GONE! I really liked that shirt and can now start wearing it again.

5. I am cooking out of my pantry and freezer, plus keeping an eye on fresh produce to make sure everything is used in a timely manner. Kitchen management is one of the best ways to save. A bargain isn’t a bargain if I let something spoil because I forgot it in the bottom of the refrigerator.


Bee July 16, 2024 at 8:28 am

I have watched Money for Nothing in the past. It is a great show. It definitely is the perfect fit for your non consumer philosophy, Katy. And yes, the subway signage is confusing, but I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister.

My AC quit working well on Sunday. A friend of my son’s came over to fix it for me. He recently started his own business after working for a large company. The service call was reasonably priced, and I was relieved to find my system is still in great shape after 18 years. I bought what was considered an expensive system back then, but it had the best ratings by far. I think it was money well spent. New systems are $12,000 -15,000 so I’m hoping for a few more years.

I am trying to eat everything in the refrigerator before we leave for a trip on Saturday. I made a wonderful salad for dinner out of odds and ends that needed to be eaten: a handful of spinach, 1/2 an avocado, corn salsa, a few cucumber slices, fresh fish, the end of bag of tortilla chips and the remaining drops of ranch dressing. Although I’m certain that I could make it myself with just a few ingredients, Trader Joe’s corn salsa is delicious and adds flavor to everything.

Otherwise, I have done all the usual things batched errands. read library books, utilized the Libby app, brewed my own coffee and have been drinking primarily water.

We are in the summer doldrums here. It’s too hot to do much and too hot to give it much thought.

Wishing everyone peace, good health and prosperity.


MB in MN July 16, 2024 at 8:42 am

Subway signage: Confusing indeed!
Banned books: If they’re worth banning, then they’re worth reading because you’re sure to learn something, which is one of the main points of reading.

1. Verified our homeowners’ insurance policy with our insurance agent to make sure we have adequate coverage for issues with our service line, sewer, drain and plumbing. This review was prompted by a scary homeowner’s story in the newspaper and then by a letter we received from our electric company with an offer to buy coverage for $6/month, which would have duplicated what we already have via our homeowners’ insurance.

2. Received several pieces of summer clothing from a friend, so I only needed to buy one pair of shorts, which I found at a clothing consignment store. My friend also brought over a bag of treats for our pup’s birthday. She is generous with a capital “G.”

3. Had a banana bread debacle when the glass loaf pan slipped off the oven rack and dropped three feet to our tile floor. Replaced the pan for $3 at the thrift store. And cut enough off the banana bread to avoid eating glass.

4. Spent enjoyable time in the kitchen meal-prepping. It really makes a difference in getting healthy, delicious meals on the table. I placed chopped up fruits and veggies in mason jars so it’s easy to see what we have – and the fridge looks so colorful. My newest move was to peel the hard-boiled eggs so they’re at the ready in a mason jar.

5. Attended a free community band concert at a local church and enjoyed free refreshments afterward.


Bee July 16, 2024 at 9:57 am

Your #1 is a great reminder and wise indeed. Back up of sewer and drain, sump pump failure and other such issues often require a special endorsement on a homeowners policy. It is always important to fully understand your coverage. Now that we are in hurricane season, it would be very smart for me to get my policy out and look at it again.


Fru-gal Lisa July 17, 2024 at 1:09 pm

I just had an incident with one of those homeowner’s warranties. They sent out some clown who didn’t know beans about plumbing, and he charged me move than what I was supposed to pay. When I questioned him about it, he said no homeowner’s warranty is worth a plugged nickel in his opinion. This warranty was specifically for plumbing and pipes; so the person was supposed to know about plumbing and pipes. Needless to say, I called the warranty folks, asked for my extra service call money back, and cancelled my subscription! I also had a bad experience several years ago with an overall home warranty, which supposedly covered everything from roof to basement, and they also sent out some doofus. So IMHO if you can get coverage via your homeowner’s insurance instead of a warranty co., you are doing well.


Christine July 16, 2024 at 10:49 am

You are not imagining anything. That signage is beyond confusing!
1. Like Katy, I’m doing a reading challenge: The Massachusetts Reading Challenge. Each month has a specific genre of books or type of author to read. This month it is a book by an author born outside of the United States. I read the library book Nora Webster, by Colm Toibin, an Irish author.
2. DH has agreed to do one meatless meal a week. He actually agreed to more, but I know it won’t stick! So one meal it is, at least to start. This week eggplant was on sale at .99 lb. so the meatless meal will be eggplant parmesan and spaghetti.
3. We went yesterday and did a big grocery shopping at Market Basket. Besides produce, almost everything else was store brand items which I have found to be as good as name brands. I read a long time ago by doing this your grocery bill is reduced by around %20. Old news but thought I’d throw it out there again.
4. Lineup of frugal activities for the week is as follows: Free yoga tonight at the library, free folk concert Wednesday night at a local park by a river but I’m hoping they move it inside to the town hall due to the excessive heat and humidity, swimming at the community beach one street over or in DD’s pool (although she said the water is like bath water) and another free concert next Monday, this one being Motown hits and will be indoors at the library.
5. Frugal fail. A pipe was leaking in the basement, so we hired a local company to come and fix it. This leak was under foam insulation we had on the pipes to keep the water temperature more stable. Bad news will be the bill, but the good news is the plumber advised us to take the insulation off the water pipes because the condensation under them will rust them so DH promptly removed all the foam insulation. Why is this good news? Because in the future it may save us more plumbing issues.
Stay cool as possible everyone!


Mand01 July 16, 2024 at 1:51 pm

1. It’s Winter here and so cold. I can’t stand the cold weather, I much prefer our hot and dry Summers. Australian houses are not designed to cope with the cold weather so I’m rugging up in layers and using heated throw rugs to stay warm. I know you shouldn’t wish your life away but I fervently wish to skip Winter each year.
2. Still managing to pick some produce from the garden: turnips, fresh greens, herbs, onions.
3. We needed a new kettle and found the one we wanted for $20 cheaper on Prime Day.
4. Went thrifting with my husband for our wedding anniversary on the weekend. We spent $10. I found a hand thrown pot from 1972 – it had the artist’s signature and date on the bottom. $5. We also found two new hand thrown pottery mugs for $5. We love things like that.
5. Cancelled Netflix after they informed me they were increasing their monthly fee. It’s just not worth it to me, we don’t watch it enough. We are currently watching the IT Crowd on our free streaming service, and loving it. Free and hilarious.


Kathy July 16, 2024 at 5:29 pm

It’s been 44 years since my 2nd child was born. My mom was a godsend


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:17 pm

$10 anniversary shopping trip? That’s impressive!


Nancy H July 16, 2024 at 6:06 pm

I was able to get some left over exterior paint from a nephew this week to paint our daughter’s tough shed. Free is a very good price for good quality paint.
I was able to find a perfect basket in my home to hold a project I am working on and keep everything together.
I found some very tired and a bit freezer burned zucchini hidden in the freeze but gave it to the chickens on our recent 100 degree day. Helped cool the girls down.
Have begun pulling form items from my sewing stash that I will be trying to sell. No way I can get thru all this fabric in my lifetime.
Put up some raspberries. I love making cobble in winter with our home grown raspberries.


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:16 pm

Free is the very best price!


Selena July 16, 2024 at 7:26 pm

No legal fees nor a in-the-pocket-judge likely to get a major slap-down.
I’d have asked about the conflicting signs. And I am all for reading “banned” books. I remember my junior high class mates about defecating a brick when I told them I read The Exorcist (as well as The Godfather as well as Fear of Flying by Erica Jong). Mom was a woman well before her times. As was one of my great-great aunts.


mary in maryland July 17, 2024 at 10:25 am

My folks were very Catholic. We were not allowed to see B movies. However, reading the book the movie was adapted from was never specifically banned. So I read them all. When I read The Cardinal as an eighth grader, it was the first time I read something so badly written that I felt I could have done better myself.


Fru-gal Lisa July 17, 2024 at 1:19 pm

Your folks remind me of a local woman, with a very bad reputation for being a firebrand, who stormed into the high school with a list of forbidden books. Her daughter was a first-year student at the school, and this woman was super obnoxious, threatening the principal, English teachers and librarian with lawsuits should her Darling Daughter check out those books. She didn’t make herself any friends! So the librarian watched with amusement as the DD came in with the list, got a banned book off the shelf, read it during lunch hour or study hall, and then replaced it. Every day, this happened for the entire time DD was a high school student! Sometimes DD’s BFF came in and checked out the book so they could take it to BFF’s house and read. They probably read all 100+ books on the woman’s list of no-no’s, with the faculty’s keeping this confidential from the DD’s firebrand of a mother. But, hey, DD never checked out a single book on the list!


Susie July 17, 2024 at 4:41 am

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is on a banned book list?! I read it the first time when I was about 12. Excellent read.


Ruby July 17, 2024 at 9:37 am

Katy, I hope your sister does fine and your foot is better.

Still putting handfuls of produce from my little container garden into the freezer. There’s now an entire shelf of stuff I grew. I baked a plum-cherry crisp using some store-bought fruit that was not getting used up fast enough. Ordered some spices from Penzey’s and one of the freebies was an item I needed to order anyhow– sweet!

Cooked a big pot of kibble topper for my dogs using ground turkey from Aldi. Mended a thrifted vintage sweater with a spool of thread gifted by a long-ago neighbor. (Shockingly, the 90s are now considered vintage. Wasn’t that like just yesterday?)


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:15 pm

Yum, I love anything plum! And thank you, my sister is doing well and my foot is not too bad.


Janet July 22, 2024 at 1:49 am

I heard on the radio the other day that younger folks are calling the ’90s “the late 1900’s” Ack!


Jann in Maine July 18, 2024 at 2:30 am

Feel better that concrete is hard on the old tootsies.


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:12 pm

So true! Luckily this true is very specific in structure and almost no walking is involved.


Claudia July 18, 2024 at 5:46 am

I’ve lived in New York City for 35 of my 47 years and subway signage never ceases to confuse me and result in delays and, shall we say, “adventures”!

My dog Francie is named after Francie from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

I hope you have a lovely trip!


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:09 pm

Thank you!! I’m normally so good at reading informational signs.


LB July 18, 2024 at 7:32 am

Hope your foot is feeling up to the task of schlepping around the 150 degree subway stations!!!

1. The road trip ends! We stayed with friends when not on work travel to cut down on hotel costs.
2. With that, I have some more travel coming up. I hate asking for favors but have asked my friends if I can stay with them. While I am happy to host people here, I am hesitant to ask folks to return the favor. Getting to see friends and not spend $100+ a night on lodging? Win/win.
3. EV charging isn’t insanely pricey but is still an expense. Grateful my new office offers it for free.
4. Got home from the gym last night with no dinner plan. I’d like to thank past-me for filling the freezer with chili and buying an extra bag of tortilla chips. The leftovers for lunch taste great too!
5. Waited until the pillowcases that match my guest room sheets went on sale to buy two sets. They’re good quality, comfortable and look nice – but are not cheap! I’m glad to not be scrounging for a matching set (or replacing worse quality ones all the time) and instead have all the same type of sheets so folks staying with us have a nice night.


Katy July 18, 2024 at 1:11 pm

Thank you! My foot is feel a lot better than it was even a couple days ago. BTW, “Past you” sounds like a really great person!


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