I took the shopping list I’d been working on for a week and braved Winco after dark. (Mind you, sunset was only 4:46 P.M. today.) I bought a few items from the bulk bins, as well as a number of ingredients to restock my pantry. Winco is so cheap, I wish everyone had access to one. I bought:
• Sour cream
• Cottage cheese
• Lemon juice
• Bulk medjool dates for snacking
• Spinach
• Bulk nutmeg
• 3.28 pounds of white Northern beans
• Ginger root
• 2-pound bag of carrots
• Avocado salsa
• 2 boxes of grits.
• 4.02 pounds of bulk corn meal
• 3-pound bag of onions
• 3 apples
• 2 boxes of Tetley tea
• 2 tubs of Fage Greek yogurts
• 2.85 pounds of bulk oatmeal
• Biggest bag of Juantonio’s tortilla chipsTotal was $54.02
I found a ten-dollar bill under my minivan and then a nickel and two pennies at Winco. The $10 was confusing, as there’s a 1.2% chance that it came out of my own purse. I wasn’t missing any money and I wasn’t parked at home, so I’m going to going to add it to my 2025 Found Change Challenge.
I picked up an armload of shampoos and conditioners from Dollar Tree, which should last us six months or so.
• I stopped by my father’s house and trimmed the back of my step mother’s hair, as she’d cut it herself but was unable to reach the back.
• I didn’t buy eggs at Winco, as they’re a couple dollars less per dozen at Trader Joe’s. -
I didn’t buy a vulgar gold-plated apartment in the sky.
Five Tiny Frugal Things
Previous post: Frugal Snapshots From Skamania Lodge
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{ 58 comments… read them below or add one }
Always delighted to see another post from you! It makes my day!
Have never heard of avocado salsa – will keep an eye out for it and give it a try.
I baked the last of my Christmas cookie dough yesterday (I had frozen it) as my contribution to a lunch meeting. I also made a green salad (using the abundance of lettuce I am growing in a small raised garden) and threw in chopped up apple, dried mango, leftover feta cheese and pistachios- with a homemade citrus dressing. Using up dribs and drabs.
Working through leftovers before we cook something new.
Started to work on tax stuff. Welcome to the new year.
Aww, thank you!
Avocado salsa is the best and a definitely elevates tacos, burritos, etc.
Okay, that salad sounds amazing!
I found that salsa on a super sale a couple of years ago. Somewhere south of 50 cents each, so I bought a dozen jars. I’m down to about three jars now, and they’re still fine, despite any expiration dates that may be embossed on their pretty green bottles.
I’m a Winco fan from way back. My cousin lives in Eureka, CA and introduced me to them in the early ’90’s. Unfortunately, rents are too high in my area, so no nearby Winco. However, there’s one near my sister’s (2 hours), another near my brother’s (1.3 hours), and another near our out-of-area rentals (8 hours). We’re planning a trip to our rentals in a couple of weeks and I’m working on my Winco list. I am out of so many bulk items, including cornmeal, I can hardly stand the wait! Fortunately, we make the trip by car, so I can stock up on anything and everything I need.
1. I braved the crowds and stopped at Sam’s Club on my way home from yoga. I bought salad and carrots and a few other items. They had a lot of holiday baskets (meat and cheese, snacks, hot chocolate, etc.) greatly reduced but I can’t stand how much packaging is used in those baskets.
2. I thought of this group when I saw this article (it is preaching to the choir):
3. I walked despite the cold, wind, and recent snow. It is good for my mood and dodging questionable pavement results in even more steps.
4. I will walk to a friend’s house this afternoon. She lives about a mile away. There is no need to go out to socialize.
5. I am off to my charity knit/crochet group. Yarn for making hats, scarves, etc. is donated.
I love that donated yarn becomes hats and scarves for those in need.
Good morning. Your trip sounded amazing and very relaxing. Welcome back.
1. I took advantage of the free notary service at my credit union.
2. I had to overnight the above paperwork. The postal employee saved me $10 by suggesting I use their express envelope vs. my own.
3. I donated four boxes/bags of clothing to the St. Vincent’s thrift store. I prefer to donate to them because they give vouchers for clothing to people in need.
4. I offered up a bag of hangers on my Buy Nothing group. Someone should be picking them up today.
5. I just finished a library book on my kindle. The God Of The Woods by Liz Moore. It was so good. If you like a mystery this is a good one.
Thanks for the book recommendation!
Gotta love a credit union with their free services.
I read that book and liked it.
thanks for the book recommendation. apparently a lot of people are wanting to read it, as there are “213 holds on first copy returned of 33 copies”. I jumped on the list and am happy to wait as my TBR pile is enormous.
I often find coins when out walking, but a $10 bill!
1. Tried overnight oats with The Frugal Girl’s homemade yogurt. Yummy and fiber-full! Will probably continue this.
2. Husband cashed in $38 from credit card rewards.
3. Took the cat to the vet. I paid cash to avoid the fee they charge if you use a card.
4. The aluminin foil I had used to cover cornbread was still in great shape, so I rinsed it off and saved it. I think it’s already been used twice.
5. Went to a ladies meal out, I ordered water.
My best money find was when I found a twenty dollar bill on the ground outside the Whitney Museum in NYC!
Hooray for infinite aluminum foil!
My best money find was when my husband and I were kayaking on a very clear local lake. I spotted a $20 on the bottom, in a tangle of fallen branches, and insisted we turn around and get it. My husband didn’t believe me, just laughed and said I must be imagining things, but said if it was there, he’d dive down and get it. It was, and he did!
Linda in New Zealand
The two best money finds by people who were not me:
(1) Almost 30 years ago, the then 6-year-old son of neighbors found a $100 bill down at the end of our cul-de-sac. (Probably dropped in the course of a drug deal; we used to have problems with those down there.) His parents let him keep a third for discretionary spending, but had him tithe a third to their church and put a third in his savings account.
(2) Also almost 30 years ago, my SIL (DH’s sister) found a $50 bill at the bottom of the snorkeling trail on Trunk Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands. (A timid swimmer up to then, she instantaneously mastered free-diving.) She, her then husband, DH, and I invested it locally in Caribbean lobsters for dinner that night.
And, Katy, when are you going to put up the Found Change Challenge 2024 post? You’re sporting with my impatience!
My DD found a bundle of bills on our street, 15 years or so ago. We put a note up at the post boxes but there wasn’t a bite, so I let her keep it. I can’t remember how much it was but at least $50 (two $20s and a $10). She became an instant money magnet and, for the next year, managed to fine more than a few loonies and twonies ($1 and $2 coins) in the strangest places. I must remind her, it might wind up her manifestation abilities again!
I found a $100 bill in a Las Vegas casino in the wee hours of the morning. It was sticking out of the pay machine. There wasn’t anybody around so I kept it.
My five are going to look familiar to those who read The Frugal Girl blog.
1. Enjoying the jigsaw puzzles and Scrabble game that are provided at our vacation rental.
2. Brought our own to-go cups (from Buy Nothing) to the coffee shop. (Didn’t receive any money off, but still a good move for the planet.)
3. Finished the monthly financial spreadsheet for December and reviewed our full year’s expenses to identify any opportunities for adjusting our expenses.
4. Not counting the amount we’re spending on the remodel and vacating the premises for 5 weeks, our spending is down in most every other category.
5. Earned $840 in cash back from our credit card last year. I took this amount as statement credit at different intervals during the year.
Wow, you must be good about putting daily expenses onto that credit card!
Quite a grocery haul you got there Katy.
1. DH found 17 cents on a hiking trail. Into the 2025 found change jar.
2. We’re wearing sweatshirts and longjohns around the house to keep warm with the cold air gripping much of the country. I’m looking forward to better weather.
3. I’m doing a jigsaw puzzle I bought secondhand. 16 year old grandson likes to help me with it when he visits.
4. I’m reading a library book: Slow Noodles.
5. DH found gas for 2.95 a gallon and filled the tank.
I wish other people in my family liked to do puzzles. Sadly I’m the only one so I rarely do them.
Here too! Have a small house so the dining table is used, which I hear complaints about
I use the dining room table too since it’s the biggest table in the house. I do try to leave one end of the table open.
I invested in one of those portfolio looking thingies so an in-progress puzzle can be safely folded up so the table can be functional when needed.
It definitely makes it more fun to put a puzzle together with another person or people.
I may have to think of one of those fold up puzzle thingies. Thanks for the reminder Jean!
That was quite the haul you made at Winco. Their bulk bins are such a great way to save money and it’s all the time, not a markdown or a once in a while sale.
I had made a lentil soup last week which was so good. I also had a quart of broccoli cheddar soup from the freezer defrosted. I alternated between the two soups for several days. Now they’re gone and I need to make more soup. I find it such a comfort to have on hand for a quick meal. I think my next soups will be a clam chowder and a beef and barley soup.
A trip to the dented vegetable store rewarded me with baby carrots, cauliflower and broccoli medley, romaine salad mix, red cabbage slaw, and feta cheese. All were deeply discounted. I always stop there first before doing my regular grocery shopping. It’s on my way and almost always worth the few minutes it takes to make the extra stop.
I had returned some Christmas pajamas that didn’t work out and was given a store credit. I went back a few days ago to see if I could use it up. I found a couple of wonderfully fragrant candles, one to give as a hostess gift and the other to keep and enjoy. Both were marked down to half price. I also found a package of briefs on clearance and took the rest of my credit in cash.
I looked online for the type of winter pajamas I prefer, cotton flannel, and found some that were on sale and had free shipping. They were just a few dollars more than the pairs I returned. I received them and they are just what I wanted. I know I will wear and enjoy them for many winters, a little more money, a lot more quality.
Now you have me inspired to put together a pot of soup as I ate the last of my chicken soup last night!
What?! I thought for sure THIS was gonna be the week that you would finally give in buy that vulgar gold-plated apartment in the sky . . . 😉
They’re all leased to foreign powers.
I believe 2025 is going to be the year of the $10 bill for you, Katy!
Snowed in here in North Texas. Kids are thrilled for school to be cancelled for 2 days. Easy to be frugal when we’re not going anywhere.
It’s the frugal hack that no one wants to hear about.
Pretty sure your robo vac wants that $10 back.
I mis-spelled my own name on your last post. Of all the stuff auto-correct wants to fix, it can’t do that. However, how awesome is the universe for throwing a $10 bill at you every week so far?
The very cold weather in the Deep South brought to my attention a lack of heavy pajamas in my wardrobe, so I bought a new with tags pair, originally sold at Macy’s, on eBay this morning. Other frugal stuff included altering a winter jacket to fit better, sewing up a number of ripped dog toys for the pup (one of her nicknames is Croc-Pot because she’s crazy and has jaws like a baby crocodile), and made a pizza at home — dough from Aldi for $1.19 — that fed us for two meals.
Nice $10 find!
1. I entertained myself on a slow, rainy evening by finishing my free Kindle book: West With Giraffes. Loved the book and highly recommend. I immediately hit up the Libby app and borrowed another.
2. My bother’s TV blew and I told him to take this one we had here in our home that wasn’t often used. He took it home and mounted it there. No purchases and everyone is happy.
3. I had some leftover steak pieces from a family dinner that no one wanted to eat so I washed it well and cut it small and used it as a meal topper for our dog. He was most happy for three meals!
4. It’s been colder than usual here (FL) so we’ve been enjoying our tea stash and making soup! Family members had left behind some beef stock and an abundance of onions from Christmas so I made French Onion Soup last night. A couple of sourdough bread slices from the freezer and it was an awesome meal that I didn’t even have to pay for.
5. I booked a massage that I received a gift-certificate for at Christmas. I’m SO excited! I will plan the tip in my budget for that week.
Well, it is supposed to say “brother” and not “bother” – although he is both of those things from time to time! Ha!
Christina, funny you should mention this–but one of the errors I’ve just corrected in a JASNA paper was a reference to two of Jane Austen’s male siblings as her “bothers.”
A. Marie- love that! Thanks for sharing.
That’s a lot of groceries for the price!
My most frugal thing lately has been simply not shopping. I’m trying to avoid buying groceries for as long as possible this month while I eat down the overstuffed pantry and freezer.
I have been batch-cooking and freezing food. I baked a cake and put more than half the pieces in the freezer ready for when I’m craving something sweet. I made three loaves of bread at once and put two in the freezer. I pulled some frozen soup out to thaw for dinner to go with some of the bread I made. And yesterday I made a chicken pot pie with a lot of veggies and not much chicken because I only had a little bit of meat left. It was still a delicious and filling meal.
I am wearing layers and using an extra quilt on my bed during this cold snap, keeping the heater set fairly low.
I also found a way to use a small-balance prepaid Visa I had been given that was about to expire. I combined an Amazon gift card with the Visa card to get a couple of books for my Kindle. The amount on the prepaid card was enough to pay for the tax after the gift card paid for the rest.
Invited friends over for a soup/homemade bread/apple pie late lunch, we played cards in the den as it has a bay window to enjoy the bright sunshine (rare PNW treat).
Mowed my yards, turned the mulch pile w/the tractor. Horsey neighbor (runs fancy racing horses) offered me horse mulch, he even delivered it and tarped it.
Found 6 cans on my walk on the county road.
Cleaned out fish freezer and gave bait bags to my fishing cousin. He gave me 1 pound of Kerry gold aged cheese. I got the better end of the deal.
Washed quilts and bedding and hung outside in the brisk breeze.
Paid up all of my insurances home/farm/umbrella/cars/trucks for the year for a nice break.
Bought at auction 2 solar powered street lamps and installed them in the shop/barn yard parking lot as I had found a pile of cigarette butts, meaning some body jumped the gates/fences and had been hanging out there. Creepy. We put up new cameras that hook up to the neighbor’s system that goes to his cell phone. Such good neighbors! So far the cameras have only picked up deer, raccoons and the cougar.
These are very tiny ones today, as I’m staying home in the winter weather, but:
1. Cut off the tags to a long-sleeved Christmas t-shirt. Now I can wear it wrong side out and — thanks to the trend of having seams that show — no one will know the difference. The holiday message won’t be visible; can wear it all year now!
2. Candy canes are on clearance so I bought a whole box for 25 cents. Should be good for package decorations next December.
3. Weather forecast to improve next week, so I booked several substitute teaching gigs.
4. Shopping (online) for used/reconditioned cell phones, as I’ve gotten an offer for free mobile phone service for one year. Any suggestions? Advice is welcome!
5. Stored all the gift boxes and bags and bows, to be re-used for future giving.
Nice haul Katy! Winco sure seems a great place.
1. I sold a bunch wooden picture frames on FB marketplace – I have enough woods on the walls of my chalet, I won’t decorate with more wood!
2. I made soup with expired miso, leftover chicken, noodles, mushrooms and spinach. Cheap and satisfying!
3. I got the green light from my boss to go to a work meeting in Tunisia in March. I’ll fly a couple days early for a cheap getaway
4. I ordered renal cat food online with a 5% discount and free delivery, also got free treats for the dogs with my delivery
5. I continued to work on the decor for the village party in 10 days: I’m making. hanging fluo decorations out of recycled cardboard and fluo paint. Also got the black light lamps I ordered yesterday, this will be fun, like 2004 again when fluo was hype
1. I ran to our local fruit and vegetable market since I needed both. I spent $15.26. While I was walking back to my car, I found a lemon so that went home with me.
2. I have 2 sets of turkey wings going in the crockpot all day. I will make my dog’s food tonight. I crush all of our and our kid’s eggshells. It saves me from buying a calcium supplement. Several people gave me their pumpkins which I cook and use in it. My potato peels from mashed potatoes will be added too.
3. Hung out with my friend last night. She lost her husband in November. She didn’t want to go anywhere so we just hung out at her place and played cards.
4. Went to the dermatologist the other day. She froze, burned and cut some stuff. Nothing cancerous. Please everyone get checked.
5. Cooked omelettes for breakfast for Hubby and me. We both had leftovers for lunch. Making pasta with meat sauce and a salad for dinner. There will be enough leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.
Both you and my sister rave about Winco (she’s also a Portlander) — I wish we had one here in Northern California!
1. It’s not Winco, but I did get a good amount of groceries—3 large bags—for $97 at Grocery Outlet. This included some higher-priced ahi tuna that we’ll use to make poke bowls.
2. Speaking of poke bowls, I got other ingredients from both GO and Safeway ($1 each avocado, green onions, a $0.75 cucumber, $2.50 crispy onions, and a bag of frozen edamame, which was around $2.50). These ingredients paired with rice, the marinated ahi, and some sauces I make with pantry and fridge staples come together at about 1/4 of what we’d pay at a poke bowl restaurant.
3. I dropped off some clothing and household goods donations at Goodwill and DID NOT GO IN to browse/shop. I consider this a frugal win.
4. I went to Target to exchange my SodaStream cO2 canisters and bought nothing else.
5. Working on my side gig during my lunch break from my full-time job. The gig is managing grants for a small arts non-profit. It doesn’t net me much, maybe $1500/yr, but I like the variety it provides and feel happy contributing to the livelihood of a local non-profit.
1. I’m motivated to get my food garden in order since food prices don’t seem to going anywhere good. So far I’ve pruned my six grapevine and removed the dead leaves around them (they can harbor overwintering pests. I have written a magazine article about gardening for free and I practice what I preach. The only cost to me is water and time.
2. Asked for, and received, credit on our Internet bill since our connection has been poor and they have yet to fix it.
3. I realized most of our meals are vegetarian now. It’s a real change for my meat-and-potatoes English husband. I don’t know how anyone gets by without Mexican food in their repertoire!
4. Altered curtains for a friend for free. She likes to drive (I don’t) and has a more fuel efficient car, so if we are go anywhere together, she usually drives. I like that I can sew for her.
5. Washed a vintage wool cardigan that I think I’m going to upcycle, though I may list it on eBay for a bit before I do that.
FTFT, A Break in the Weather Edition:
(1) While it was still snowing nonstop here in Central NY, I found a snapped suspension wire on my platform-style bird feeder. I reattached the wire, and reinforced the other three, with Gorilla Tape. So far, the repair is holding up.
(2) During the nonstop snow, I ate out of the pantry/freezer and kept myself occupied with editing papers for JASNA’s annually published print journal. So far, my other favorite error catch (besides JA’s “bothers,” noted above) was changing the date on the introduction of underground ice storage in Britain from the seventh century to the seventeenth. (JA’s #2 brother, who got adopted by rich folks, had an underground ice house.) I had a pretty strong feeling that the Angles or the Saxons or whoever in the seventh century weren’t doing this, so I looked it up on a website called “History of Refrigeration” and confirmed my feeling.
(3) However, we got a break in the weather today, so I was able to make it to my dentist’s for a crown without worrying about sliding off the road. I got the usual discount for paying by check.
(4) I then stopped into Wegmans on the way home for some overdue grocery shopping, and went mildly whacko (chalk it up to cabin fever). In the meat department, I found a Reduced for Quick Sale boneless leg of lamb for $3.99/lb. Nolo contendere: I yielded to temptation.
(5) And because Lindsey has been raving about Sumo oranges for some time now, I got a 3-lb. bag of these for $7.99, after both a paper and an electronic coupon. (Lindsey, I remember how much you pay for these; please don’t hate me!)
Often notice US readers mentioning “ paid by cheque”, here in Australia that’s very rarely done any more, except perhaps by the more elderly. We use bank transfers, so it’s straight from my account to yours, free, and provable payment.
Is this not popular in the states for some reason? I love that I can pay all my regular bills in minutes, at home, saves time and money, and no risk of payment going missing, so I always wonder about cheque payments, European and British friends do transfers, so I’m guessing cheques are better for you for some specifically American reason! The little differences between countries always fascinate me!
Coral: No, I don’t think the U.S. is that much different. Checks have been on the decline for a good many years, especially among younger people. (I worked with college first year students who didn’t have checking accounts, nor know how to address an envelope for mailing). Older people are more likely to still write checks.
Some of this is due to changes in banking regulations. About ten or more years ago, a change was made in how checks are processed, so the money is taken electronically from the bank account rather than having the paper check sent through various steps. (No, this isn’t my knowledge area!). Other changes, such as direct deposit of wages, have been building over the last few decades.
@CoralClarke, here in Canada many transactions are done by e-transfer – most Facebook Marketplace transactions seem to be done that way, so if you are buying something a bit pricy you don’t have to worry about having the cash on you, and the seller doesn’t have to worry about a cheque clearing. We mostly can do e-transfers on our phones, easy peasy. and paying bills is almost always done with the online bill payment available at our banks – no charge to us, if we research the bank account rules (for example, keeping a minimum amount in an account means fees are waived for chequing accounts… Which are mostly not used for chequing, now that I think of it). I ordered and received cheques for my new credit union account and promptly lost them in a pile of paper that I haven’t re-located, and other than once I really haven’t needed them. Times are changing.
I’ve been paying by check or even using cash at restaurants more and more because businesses have been starting to add a fee for using a credit card. I used to rarely write checks. My electric company is one of them. I just do a direct debit from my checking account for them. It’s a little disappointing because I like the ease of a credit card and I like the reward points.
Coral, I use checks at local businesses so that they don’t have to incur the credit card fees.
I meant to go to Winco today, but stopped at Fred Meyer on the way, and found some really great woo-hoo bargains. 75% off close out tea and 75% off close out fancy tea biscuits! I rushed home to have a tea party!
I also found 75% off Christmas cider!
Gotta love a “woo hoo” deal!
1) Made a big pot of zuppa toscana soup. Had it for dinner last night, will be dinner tonight when I get home from DS17’s soccer game, and the rest into the freezer. Bonus points that the soup used up: sausage from the freezer ,the rest of a tub of yogurt, & the end of a bag of potatoes that were about to be tossed.
2) Met a friend for a free lunch yesterday (we used to work together, and my former employer provides free lunches, including for guests.)
3) Gifted the last of my United upgrades to one of DH’s coworkers (these are notoriously hard to use, as they rarely clear) & miraculously, this one cleared. He got a business class upgrade from Tokyo to Newark, which is worth an insane amount of money. He gave us a $150 gift card as a thank you for sharing.
4) Made a plan of how to use my free Hyatt night, and requested a booking over ski week, where we will take DS17 & a couple of friends skiing. Skiing = not AT ALL an inexpensive hobby. But, the free night will offset some of the cost. We will use points to cover the cost of the second room (DS17’s + friends), leaving us with just one night out of pocket. My Hyatt status will also cover free breakfast for everyone, which always saves quite a bit.
5) Made a menu plan out of items on my “use it up” pantry & freezer list.
I love how your list is both a bean soup, but also business class flying and a fancy ski trip!
Covering all the bases! 🙂
I asked a young employee at a computer store a few years ago if they took checks. He looked confused, so I said, “You probably don’t even know what a check is!” He said, “No, I saw one once.” (P.S. Needless to say, they did not take checks…)
1. Starting off with the usual – coffee at home and almost only water out of my reusable water bottle.
2. Burning lots of cozy candles to offset the sun setting so early. We have a real backlog from buying candles as souvenirs and supporting small businesses we like. A lovely challenge to burn through them (literally!) and feeling the satisfaction of using them up.
3. All the items I was able to buy on sale fit and I like them! This is a huge win to not have clothes that I don’t like or don’t fit well, and saves me the return hassle as well. Very pleased to have ordered exactly what I wanted and to have paid close enough attention to the size chart to get all things that fit well.
4. Booked a weekend camping trip for May, which is a lovely thing to look forward to. We have all the gear and the camp reservation comes to under $10 per person for the weekend. Compared to AirBnB prices, we are very excited.
5. I did not try to buy TikTok. 😉
1. Making potato soup in crockpot. We’re visiting our kids in WY and helping with a kitchen reno, which is hampering our ability to eat at home. Will also set out a fancy board with cheese, salami, dip, carrots, and nuts to use up fridge clutter.
2. Used a gift card to buy underwear and socks.
3. Walking at mall everyday and have not bought one thing. Neither has anybody else. Mall stores are probably 1/3 full.
4. Recording prices as per usual- even on “vacation”.
5. Had a transmission service on my car, but don’t feel bad, as the car doesn’t owe us a thing. It’s paid for and I had a car repair fund to pay the bill.
Here are my 5 tiny frugal things for today:
1) Ate breakfast out at a local small business. They offered me a free coffee to go which I accepted. Will save in fridge for breakfast tomorrow.
2) With neighbor’s permission, picked some oranges off his tree.
3) Worked out at the Fitness Center in my local senior center. For $20 I buy a card and get 20 punches.
4) Filled up my water bottle for free at Senior Center
5) Got free fresh herbs (parsley, basil and rosemary) from my Buy Nothing group.