Looking Towards 2013

by Katy on December 23, 2012 · 9 comments

I know that December 23rd is supposed to be all about tying up all those hundreds of Christmas loose ends, but today my thoughts are gravitating towards 2013. The year will begin with my 45th birthday, which seems unimaginably bizarre, as that number sounds so unimaginably middle-aged. 

I want to start thinking of a cool new year’s resolution. 2012’s resolution was to save all found money and then count it up at the end of the year. My goal had been to find $65, enough to pay for a night at the Oregon coast. (I think the amount will be closer to $25, so I’ll let you know next week.) 2011 had been to mail out 52 letters, which was fun, although I kind of lost momentum mid year.

I know my resolutions trend more towards fun projects than self improvement, but that’s okay.

One thing I know for sure is that 2013 brings new opportunities and new challenges. My older son will start his senior year of high school in 2013, and I know fresh writing and blogging opportunities will come my way. Hopefully, those writing gigs will pay, (I’m looking at you, Huffington Post and Katie Couric!) as I want to start monetizing the blog better.

My nephew will have his Bar Mitzvah in the fall, which will necessitate a trip to New York City. I plan on setting up some writing related meetings in conjunction with the visit.

But for today, I need to walk down to the nearby shopping boulevard and finish up my shopping. And because it’s Oregon, I’ll be wearing a raincoat and winter boots.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Paula in the UP December 23, 2012 at 12:36 pm

I am making some small mini goals or challenges for myself through out 2013 rather than one life changing resolution.

First up is a goal to have our emergency fully funded by February. I follow Dave Ramsey’s financial plan, so 3-6 months of expenses is needed. I’ve already started saving, but to have it fully funded by February will still be a challenge.

From there I will come up with some other mini goal or challenge to keep me motivated throughout the year!!


Phyllis December 23, 2012 at 1:26 pm

Katie, I just recently found your blog and I want to thank you for the encouragement you give to all of us! From the time I was little, I remember my mother’s mantra “Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”. I always thought it was because she was a child of very wonderful down-to-earth and practical parents – her mother having a Quaker background, so, in my “infinite wisdom”, instead of ‘rebelling’ as many teenagers do, I became a puchaser and a ‘collector’, which led to a hoarder. Now, it has finally clicked with me – the money I have wasted on things, the room it takes in our home, the maintenance, worry, and finally the panic when someone wants to visit. I realize that my biggest problem is ‘deferred decision making’ – what should I do with “_fill in the blank__” – oh, I don’t know, I’ll think about it later. Now, I am starting to say the other mantra of my mother’s when I am at the store – ‘Is the item I want to buy necessary?’ ‘Am I willing to trade x amount of time that it took to earn that much money for the item?’ What will I do if I don’t have it?. Keep up the good work! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a wonderful, stressfree Christmas


Karen December 24, 2012 at 4:56 am

I have two small interior home projects: clear the floor in the guest room, and do a written and pictoral home inventory. These projects are in the order written; I don’t want to inventory that room in its current state.

And Katy, be glad you have the moisture. West Texas, where I live, has had two dust storms in the past five days. First one, last Wednesday, caused a 22-car pile-up on Interstate 27 near here. Visibility was near zero. One person was killed when their car went under an 18-wheeler truck.


Diane December 24, 2012 at 5:06 am

I am thinking ahead as well….my job of the past 6 years will end in early 2o13 which means I will enter my creative retirement years, trying to figure out ways to bring in income while working at home. A move will be in my future as well. And since I don’t adjust well to change, all this will be both exciting and unnerving.

Happy days of celebrating!


Simply Superkim December 24, 2012 at 7:05 am

Happy Birthday!

I am also getting my plan together for 2013. But, as usual, it’s a continuation of what’s happening now. I always seem to start more projects in the Fall and they tend to carry me through the following year.
As for 45, I think we are redefining what it means to be a woman in her 40’s all the time. I’ll be 45 this summer and I’ve stopped attaching any significance to my age. Whatever age you are, it’s the youngest you’ll ever be. Enjoy!


Katy December 24, 2012 at 11:10 am

I also truly feel that having the privilege to age in good health is a gift.

I just don’t feel 45 . . .



marie December 24, 2012 at 6:49 pm

I agree Katy, I’ll be 53 in the spring, but don’t feel like it. The wrinkles that I see in the mirror surprise me sometimes


Bethany@OurSoCalledLife December 24, 2012 at 7:26 am

Have a wonderful Christmas! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog–so glad we’ve crossed paths!


tna December 25, 2012 at 12:59 pm

It’s 20 degrees outside and I still haven’t turned on the heat. I’m eager to see how far into the new year I can go. I am looking forward to Russell Stover candy marked down to 2 bucks a box the day after Christmas…will I go see Le Mis or blow my 10 bucks on candy for the year???
Other than that, I am planning more meatless meals in 2013…cheaper and lower on the food chain. The book “Full Planet, Empty plates” keeps reminding me it takes 7 lbs of grain for each pound of beef and the extra water to grow it.


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