Remember my 50¢ art deco frame from last week? Here's the rest of my collection, which had been sitting in a drawer. I want to fill them with old black and white photos of my family, and then hang them all together. They're all from thrift shops, and none cost more than a couple dollars.

Here is a close-up of one of the reverse painted 1930's Art Deco frames. The bride is my 21-year-old mother. I've read that these frames originally sold with photos of movie stars.

This photo is of my father in 1937. Isn't he cute? I can *totally* picture my grandmother creating that sausage curl for the photo.

And here I am in 1969. I love the Art Deco black and silver pattern. So old Hollywood glamour. Too bad I don''t have a picture of myself holding an old-timey cigarette.

Here is my experiment on extending the shelf life of scallions and cilantro. If you look closely, the scallions are sending up new shoots. And the cilantro was bought a week ago, yet is showing no signs of slime-o-rama drama. Hooray for diminishing food waste!

Looky, my soap dispenser now has a friend who I like to call "Dishwasher Detergent!" But what makes her so special is . . .
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”
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{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }
Brilliant on the pour spout! Frugality really keeps you thinking doesn’t it?
You should plant your own cilantro….nothing like going out and snipping just the few sprigs you need…Seed packets are WAAAAY cheaper than the store bought bunch. Cilantro is pretty cold hardy too!
I am keeping a tight eye on the cilantro to see if it grows roots. Because my plan is to plant some this year.
Cilantro won’t grow roots from cuttings. But it goes to seed really easily. So once you buy seeds, you won’t have to buy them again, just let a few plants go to seed and dry them and replant. Repeat.
If you like lemongrass, I’ve heard that will grow roots from stalks bought at the grocery store.
What a great idea! I love the old blue canning jars. I have some that are chipped and I can’t use them for canning but I use them to store things like popcorn kernels, dried fruit, nuts, etc. They are so pretty.
The jar spout is so clever!
I think your mom looks like she could be a movie star, in the neat Deco movie star frame.
I have no luck with cilantro. Tried growing it. Died (2 different x). Buy it, goes slimey. Will try this method. I just wish they sold it in smaller batches as I only tend to use a little at a time for soup – like to put in in my jasmine rice as well.
Very nice. I usually do that with green onions purchased at the grocery stores. In my southern-facing window, they pretty consistently will send up new shoots for a month and then die off. Makes that 0.99 bunch of green onions cost about .20/bunch! Once they send roots out, I’ve also had luck planting them (also indoors) and they’ll last all summer. This doesn’t work for me in the winter, though. I know some people who put it in the fridge and somehow it still grows.
I just started that with scallions, too! Even though I neglected to put them near a window (no windows near a counter) we still got shoots!
And those photos are all gorgeous!
Your mother is beautiful. She could be a movie star! I loved the spout on the jar and ran to see my salt spout to see if I could do that. Good idea.
She’s 69 years old and still beautiful.
You look very much like your mother. Lucky you!!!
The pour spout from a salt container…genius!
I a soooo stealing the spout thingy idea!
I sent you some books….did you get them?
That was you? It’s been a big mystery.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Didn’t I put a note in them? Thought I did but think that was the day there was some pet stuff going on so I may have not put the note in the package. I can’t wait to hear about your Japan trip!!
What a nice collection of pictures. Your mom is beautiful, and you look a lot like her. Can you grow cilantro from seeds? I love, love your piano. Tell us about it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that color. Ann
Wow, your mother reminds me those incredibly beautiful and graceful actresses in classic movies.
Fun stuff! How did you get the spout in the jar lid? Did I miss a post?
I heart your pour spout
Will you be posting directions?
Love your picture frames and the photo of your mom.