100 Reasons to be a Non-Consumer

by Katy on June 22, 2024 · 10 comments

In addition to this blog, I also run a companion Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group, which is currently hovering at 79,000 members. New prospective members have to answer a simple question, which helps to weed out the spammers, (whose answers tend towards “hello mf9we4ry2e.”)  The answers are always interesting, so I recently started saving them to share in a blog post. If I find them interesting, perhaps you do as well.

Here’s how 100 recent group members answered the question of “Please share why you’d like to join a non-consumer group:”

  1. Hello mf 284643737848 🙂 Just kidding! Joining because I enjoy the blog.

  2. Because I am frugal so that I can live the life I want.

  3. I’m a long time reader of the blog and I would enjoy a like minded community.

  4. I enjoy reading the blog posts 🙂

  5. I like Katy’s blog and I’d like to connect with other thrifty people.

  6. To learn new fresh ideas to save money and avoid waste.

  7. I’m cheap and would like additional ideas.

  8. I started following your blog not long ago, enjoy your content and would like to share thoughts and ideas with like minded individuals. Thanks!

  9. Fan of Katy’s blog posts.

  10. I have enjoyed your blog for years. The blog today mentioned your Facebook post. How did I miss it all this time. I see you on Instagram sometimes but I missed the Facebook post. Over the years several blog entries have helped me live a better life lfe. I think your Facebook posts will be great for mme also.

  11. I read your blog and really enjoy all your feedback.

  12. Love the helpful hints, and the encouragement to use what I have or make do!

  13. I follow both your blog and The Frugal Girl. I’m exhausted by all of the waste in our country! I’m happy to buy used whenever possible and more recently I’ve been paying close attention to using up all of my food before it goes bad.

  14. I’m always looking for a bargain and love finding new purposes for old things.

  15. I already receive your emails. Would like to see responses people add in Facebook even though I often do a SMH on what people write on Facebook. My husband and I try to be non-wasteful consumers as we travel half of the year in retirement and focus on experiences.

  16. Looking to develop more frugalness.

  17. Blog reader just saw your post about this group that I was unaware of.

  18. Followed the blog for a long time and just found out about the Facebook group from the recent blog post.

  19. I love your blog and hope to get more tips here.

  20. Love to read the blog and just realized you also have a Facebook group.

  21. I like to live frugally and a non-consumer group gives me good ideas to help out financially, and also gives me tips to re-use & re-purpose things to keep them out of the landfills.


  23. Inspiration.

  24. I have read every post of your blog for over a decade, but did not know this group existed until now!

  25. I enjoy your blog so why not?

  26. I’ve read the blog for years. Love it.

  27. I’m tired of all the crap.

  28. Like minds.

  29. To help keep me on track with frugal living.

  30. I enjoy reading your blog & agree with non-consumptive habits!

  31. Following for years, somehow completely missed the group was even a thing?!

  32. Love the blog and want MORE!

  33. I have been following the blog for a long time and would like to join the group for continued inspiration.

  34. I enjoy reading your blog & agree with non-consumptive habits!

  35. following for years, somehow completely missed the group was even a thing?!

  36. Been following Katy’s blog for about a decade and I also retired early from registered nursing!

  37. Lifelong frugal person! Always looking out for new ideas on how to reduce and reuse.

  38. To avoid becoming a bag lady in my 80s.

  39. Wife wanted to show me something.

  40. Love the blog. Always looking for ways to take the focus off of being a consumer, and instead how to give back.

  41. I am a regular reader of the blog — and would love to share the frugal tips I’ve learned along the way.

  42. I’m not into consuming just for the fun of consuming. I like to get deals and eat on the cheap by cooking at home.

  43. To minimize my shopping habits

  44. To make better use of the things we already own.

  45. Too much garbage in the world.

  46. I’ve been reading your blog for years and just found out about your FB group…thought it might be interesting to join. Can’t wait to see what kinds of things are discussed.

  47. I enjoy finding new ways (or being reminded of old ways” to be frugal and save $.

  48. I find your posts inspiring and help me to try to shed some of my own hang ups on having certain things.

  49. I found your blog again after a long time and I enjoyed reading it. I can relate to your content and want to save more money. Thank you.

  50. Recommended by the Frugal Girl.

  51. I’m very much into re and up cycling, reusing downsizing, and love reading your blog, have for quite a number of years and your Instagram account is a favorite. Being from Finland I can’t take advantage of all tips you give, but they give great incentive for trying to find and do something similar locally.

  52. I need accountability and friends who like to save more spend less!

  53. Inspiration for simple living.

  54. To remind myself I don’t need to spend money to be happy.

  55. Would like to learn more frugal tips.

  56. To save money!

  57. I grew up with a hippy mom. She taught me all about reduce, reuse, recycle. I’m trying to learn how to teach it to my family now.

  58. Improve my lifestyle

  59. I want to be able to interact with more like-minded people who are more than just consumer cogs in this big machine.

  60. For inspiration.

  61. To get some ideas on how to reduce consumerism and raise awareness about it.

  62. I enjoy reading the Non-Consumer Advocate blog posts, and suspect the Facebook group will be full of the same common-sense tips.

  63. Always interested in hearing new ideas to save money and make the most out of what you have.

  64. I need to save money … desperately.

  65. I am a non-consumer. interested in reading about others.

  66. Being frugal is at the core of my life and it is fun.

  67. Please share why you’d like to join a non-consumer group.

  68. trying to be less consumer oriented..looking for ideas.

  69. Fine the best cheap men’s shoes.

  70. To be a part of ongoing information and support as seek to learn more about being a better consumer. Just beginning first written budget and this is a perfect addition to my efforts. Than you!!

  71. I want to use less of our natural resources and believe in the adage -fix it, reuse, recycle.

  72. The Frugal Girl mentioned this site and I would like to get more tips In reuse of items and frugal living.

  73. Working on decreasing my consumerism.

  74. Like to save money.

  75. I’m a very conscientious consumer and want to find a like-minded group.

  76. Participate in like minded people.

  77. I read a story about reasonably priced shoes for plantar fasciitis sufferers being shared on the site.

  78. I’m trying very hard to not buy things I do not need and need inspiration.

  79. To learn more about the topic and move toward non consumerism.

  80. To see and learn about frugal finds.

  81. To find inspiration and rid my feed of consumerist images encouraging waste.

  82. Positivity.

  83. To save money and not create waste. Seeking financial and materialistic freedom.

  84. Lower consumerism and involvement in throw away society.

  85. Want to reduce consumerism and materialism in my life.

  86. I’m interested in a low waste life.

  87. For the year 2024 I am only shopping in consignment shops. I want to reduce my carbon footprint. I feel very strongly about doing this!

  88. I would like to stop living a consumer based lifestyle.

  89. I’m looking for ways to increase my reduce, reuse, repair, recycle lifestyle.

  90. To cut down on spending.

  91. Suggested by another; curious to add it to my conscious consumption reading repertoire.

  92. My daughter is a member and has shared ideas she’s read here. I like what I’ve heard from her, since I’ve always tried to conserve resources and the physical things of life. I’d like to see your posts – sounds like a good fit. 😊

  93. Need ideas for minimalist living.

  94. To learn more ideas for decreasing consumption.

  95. to learn how to reuse and recycle.

  96. I chair our Town’s Environmental Action Committee and one of the things we are working on is informing residents about consumer choices and reducing waste.

  97. To find more sustainable ways to live.

  98. To repurpose items around my house for my use.

  99. I am trying to consume less and appreciate new ideas.

  100. To lead a more environmentally friendly life.

So there you have it, 100 reason to be a non-consumer!

And I suppose I should end this blog post asking you to share why you’re interesting in reading a non-consumer blog. Please share your answer in the comments section below.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.


Five Teeny Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on June 21, 2024 · 21 comments

  1. I gathered up all my “empty” Blistex lip balms and scooped out the inaccessible goo to create a single Franken-Blistex. I did this using my trusty Starbucks “splash stick” that I keep on hand for this specific purpose. (Yes, that’s really what they’re called!) I get annoyed with throwing away the last bits of beauty products, so this is how I make sure to get my money’s worth.

    I jokingly told my husband that I was “saving ‘ones’ of dollars!”

  2. I convinced my son to drive the extra five or so minutes to shop at Winco instead of Albertson’s last night. (It helped that I was visiting with him and did the actual driving.) It saved him money, plus I was able to pick up the couple items (curry powder, tostadas) that I normally buy at Winco.

    As an added bonus, there was an abandoned McMenamin’s Gearhart Hotel canvas tote bag in the parking lot and I brought it home as there were no cars nearby.

  3. I earned enough points using the Fetch* app to cash out for a $25 Safeway gift card.

  4. I drove across town and dropped off yet another probate legal form for my late father-in-law’s estate. The more efficient my husband and I are with this process, the sooner we can settle the estate and stop paying all his expenses and get reimbursed for the multiple expensive things we’ve paid out of pocket for.

  5. I didn’t buy a teeny tiny Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.

*This is a referral link.



Non-Consumer Photo Essay

by Katy on June 20, 2024 · 23 comments

It’s time for another Non-Consumer Advocate photo essay, because a picture is worth 51¢!

These coins were in the Safeway parking lot this afternoon and now they’re in my found change jar.


My snake plant was having a hard time holding some of her leaves in the full and upright position, so I did a web search on “how to propagate snake plants.” This led me to pull out the longest pair and cut them into two-inch pieces and then wait a couple days for them to form a “callus.”


They’re now tucked into their cozy crib and it’ll be interesting to see if I can grow baby snakes.


And since my hydrangeas are in the background of the last photo, here’s a close up. These were also propagated, albeit by my father in 1998. They’ll turn a pretty blue color within the next month.


It was wholly undocumented, but I hosted a couple neighbors in the newly refreshed backyard last night and served sun tea made in this fancy aesthetic carafe. Made using three random bags of tea and the power of the sun god Ra.

Behold his almighty power!



Happy Solstice!

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.



Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on June 19, 2024 · 44 comments

  1. I finally got my shipment of free wood chips that I signed up for through ChipDrop.com. It’s hard to tell in this photo, but this pile is as tall as my garage door, so I’ll be offering it up on Buy Nothing once I’m done spreading it out over my front and back yards.

  2. Our oven pooped out on Father’s Day, which our son noticed after he mixed up a batch of brownies. I texted my next door neighbors asking if I could use their oven. (They’re out of town so I’m already bringing in their mail.) Their “FREE peanut butter” coupon caught my eye, so I snapped a photo of it and jokingly texted that I was “stealing your peanut butter coupon.” Of course I didn’t, but it gave the two of us a laugh. My husband ordered a new $30 part from Schmeff Schezos and then got the oven back to functionality in under ten minutes.

  3. I’ve been inspired to reread my copy of The Complete Tightwad Gazette after seeing The Frugal Girl do the same. A lot of the tightwad tips are outdated, but the overall message that you can reach your goals by living below your means ages like fine wine. Or whatever the tightwad version of wine would be. Ages like fine tap water?

  4. I pinched a bit of dill from a neighbor’s plant to propagate for my own garden. It was the perfect opportunity to use the adorable sake glass that I garbage picked a few weeks ago.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.


Five Frugal Things

by Katy on June 17, 2024 · 78 comments

  1. I invited a childhood friend over to the house who’s going through some tough times. I’d made an inexpensive pot of chicken soup with dumplings, which she remembers eating at my house when we were little kids. I also threw together a loaf of no-knead artisan bread because everything’s better with warm buttery bread.

    Had we met for coffee or lunch (her suggestion) not only would we have spent money, but our time together would’ve been limited by how long is an appropriate amount of time to monopolize a restaurant table. Instead we got to sit on comfortable furniture without external stressors — no one listened in on our conversation and we both saved money. Plus I enjoyed a couple days of leftover soup.

  2. I’ve been enjoying walks lately, (mostly evenings) sometimes with my husband or a friend, but mostly on my own. I’ll either listen to a Libby audiobook or a podcast or — shocker — think my own thoughts. Sometimes I come across great “free boxes,” but I’m just as happy to walk without gamification. I’m not marching to reach a specific number of steps, but am simply enjoying the longer days and the luxury of feeling safe after 8 P.M.

    Just today I walked a mile or so to a real estate open house I’d seen on Zillow. I’ve admired this house in the past and welcomed the opportunity to explore the interior. (I was honest with the real estate agent about simply being a curious neighbor and she assured me that many others were doing the same thing.) I then meandered to the library to pick up my holds and nipped over to Fred Meyer to grab ingredients for scampi, (my husband’s sole Father’s Day request.) I was probably out for around two hours, yet my only expense was the $21.25 for dinner ingredients.

    Extreme frugality is often viewed through a lens of deprivation, yet I got to indulge my interests without spending money. Free exercise, free open house, free books (more Roz Chast!) and $21.25 for a special occasion meal that’ll serve meal four people — likely with leftovers!

  3. My husband invited a friend to dinner, as they were headed to a punk rock concert that evening. (Very much not my thing!) The friend had initially suggested a restaurant, but my husband instead offered to barbecue some chicken kebabs.

    There have been times when the prospect of spontaneous guests was stressful, as the state of our house veered more towards messy than clean and tidy. I’ve put a metric crap ton of work into decluttering and organizing the house through the years and I no longer live in fear of the spontaneous stop by. It’s just so relaxing to exist in an orderly home that can welcome guests without those inevitable feelings of panic.

    Not gonna lie, it helps that the kids are grown and flown.

  4. • I scored a $1 bag of apples from the Fred Meyer clearance shelf.
    • I’m watching over our neighbor’s house as they’re traveling again for a couple of days.
    • I walked over to the tail end of our block party and enjoyed conversation and a slice of overly sweet bakery cake.
    • I stopped into H Mart for gluten-free soy sauce and curry paste, yet somehow didn’t succumb to any impulse purchases.
    • I combined errands when I needed to drop off probate forms with our estate attorney and then swung through downtown to pick up a repaired pair of earrings.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.


Come Curb Shopping With Me

by Katy on June 13, 2024 · 50 comments

I’m currently in my “let’s scrounge up some extra money” era and I’m not ashamed to go through my neighbors’ discarded things for possible profit. So I roped my friend Lise into going for an evening walk with “for inventory.”

See anything interesting in this free box?



How about this wool blend REI flat cap? I brought it home, cleaned it up and threw it up on eBay for $18.*



Did you notice the pair of Birkenstocks peeking out from under the plastic tote? They were actually in okay-ish condition, so I grabbed those as well. They’re also now available for $39 on eBay.*



This free box offered up a four-cup Mr. Coffee coffee maker that worked perfectly. (I checked) Now available for $10 on Facebook Marketplace. Complete with filters!



Good thing I brought along my reusable bag!



This free pile? Chipped dishware, scratched up non-stick pans and a burnt baking sheet. No profit to be made here!


But I saved the best for last. This curb find was actually a day later and down the block from my daughter’s apartment. Sure it had a couple of surface level stains, but I was able to remove them using soapy water, a washcloth and a half-hour or so of elbow grease.



I easily found the brand information and original price, ($321) which helped me price the set at $75. It sold in under 24 hours and I’m happy with my 0 —> $75 profit. Everything else will take awhile to sell, but that’s okay, I’m a patient(ish) person.

Now if I could just sell a $50 chair for $85,000 like this guy did!

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.

* The eBay links are affiliate links.


I mentioned in a recent blog post how excited I was that my out of town neighbors let me set my yard debris bin out with their weekly pickup. (We share garbage service with our other neighbors and it would be another week before it was our turn.) I needed to hose out the slurry that collects in the bottom, as the smell was not aging with grace! I’d somehow never made the connection of how the broken lid invited Oregon’s ever present rain.

What can I say? My mind was on other things like the price of eggs and garbage picked flowerpots.


Sure I could get the garbage company to give us a shiny new bin, but my goal is always to avoid unnecessary replacement of functional goods. However, plastic is not repairable in the way that wood, fabric or metal is, so this was going to be a good enough endeavor.

Time for duct tape and zip-ties to enter the chat.

Please enjoy the fix for the underside of the lid and no, it ain’t pretty.



And here’s how I created a facsimile of the hinge using a humble pair of zip-ties. Bow down to my elite skills!


However, there’s no reason this repairs to be devoid of beauty — after all, what is function without form?



There, that’s better! Will my repair job last forever? Unlikely, but it saves this huge hunk of plastic from the landfill and dare I say it . . . adds a touch of beauty to an otherwise dull object.

Better. Better is good.



Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.


Five Frugal Things

by Katy on June 10, 2024 · 80 comments

  1. I assembled my bag of tricks and picked up two Popeye’s Chicken meals for a mere $3.49 after my son’s evening soccer game. I paid with points (from his birthday dinner) for one of the meals, plus had done a “back of the receipt” survey to earn the second free (with drink purchase) meal. It was a bit finicky to do the transaction, but well worth it as it fed the three of us.

  2. My neighbors, (whose house I’m caring for while they’re on vacation) let me set our yard debris bin out with their weekly pickup. It’s not so much about a full bin, but rather the smell which is currently seventh level of hell horrific, and I need to spray the demons from its depths. We share garbage service with our other next door neighbors and it would’ve been another week before it was our turn.

  3. My son and I walked over to the local consignment shop, where I picked up a Jumbo Fiestaware “peacock blue” mug for just $2. My sister likes these mugs, so I thought it would be fun to provide one for her upcoming visit. They sell for around twenty bucks on eBay,* so I knew it was a bargain.

    We then went to a new/used outdoor supply shop as my son is seeking Army surplus pants. They didn’t have any, so we nipped over to the closest Goodwill thrift shop. They also didn’t have any, but I did find a half-price $7 T-shirt for myself. My summer wardrobe is lacking, so this is a necessary purchase. Decades of working as a nurse means that I put absolute zero effort into my home clothes. Sure, it was amazing to never pay for a work wardrobe, (not even scrubs, as they were hospital provided!) but owning just a couple of decent T-shirts becomes a problem in warmer weather.

  4. • My daughter gave me a handful of gluten-containing food items, which were leftover from her old roommate.
    • I started listening to Jodi Picoult’s Wish You Were Here through the library’s free Libby app.
    • My husband and I have been eating black bean tostadas with sautéed onions and peppers on repeat as they just hit the spot. Needless to say, clearance price onions and peppers, tostadas from Winco and bulk purchased beans cooked in the Instant Pot. Cheap, healthy and yummy!

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.

* Referral link.


Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on June 7, 2024 · 68 comments

  1. I drove past another curbside stack of flowerpots and literally turned the car around to investigate. Most of the pots were of the plastic variety, but I chose a stoneware one which washed up beautifully. I was briefly tempted by the big terra cotta pots, but I don’t really have a spot for them and I’m trying to be particular about what gets to live at my house.

    You probably already guessed that I nabbed the colorful one from the bottom right hand corner. Here it is all scrubbed up and ready for action.

  2. My younger sister was is town and the two of us hit up Winco Foods to grocery shop. (I found out last minute that she was visiting, which is how she got to accompany me on such an exciting adventure.) I’d been jotting things on a shopping list for at least a week, so there was no way I wasn’t going to check this off my to-do list. We had a nice catch up and it turned out she needed to grab a few things from the bulk bins anyway.

    I picked up a couple of abandoned receipts in the parking lot and scanned them into my Fetch app*, which worked out well since one awarded me 4000 points!

    I am THE cheap date!

  3. I did a metric ton of laundry for my daughter, whose apartment complex has terrible laundry facilities. I’m happy to do this favor for her as it saves her money.

  4. • I bought two bags of clearance price spinach at Fred Meyer and then immediately returned them as I hadn’t realized how truly slimy they were. Blegh!
    • My sister and I also hit up the Goodwill that’s a couple blocks up from Winco, which I blogged about HERE. Combining errands is always a money saver!

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.

* This is a referral link. I get referral points if you sign up with my link.


In the mood to see what I found at my local Goodwill yesterday? Good. Bad. Questionable.

Like this tin featuring a bedraggled group of pilgrims. Nobody looks happy, which I’m guessing is historically accurate.

Especially this guy (William Bradford?) who should be avoided at all costs!

Did not buy.

I was momentary tempted by this $4.99 gnome watering can and even put it in my basket, but I surrendered it at the register. Again . . . I don’t need that disturbing face in my life. The mustache originating in the nostrils cannot be unseen!

I was unable to resist this $4.99 “Fit by Katy” T-shirt, which was weirdly long and actually spelled my name correctly. It’s a bit flared at the bottom, which’ll make it the perfect sleep shirt. It’ll also come in handy if I’m struck by a case of spontaneous amnesia.

I did succumb to this practical purchase — a $2.99 file folder case. I’d been wanting one for my late father-in-law’s paper trail. He died without a will and the executor paperwork for my husband is finicky and excessive. I unsuccessfully asked  for one in my Buy Nothing group, so this was a depressingly perfect find!

Yay me?

I balanced the dullness and practicality of the last find with this antique “craft project” clock case. (You can see that someone wrote “craft project” on the glass if you look closely.) Sure, it has no clock face, but the antique brass gears are beautiful in their own way. The beehive and florals are reverse painted on the glass panel below and aged to perfection. $7.99

Do I need it? No, but there was no way this gem wasn’t coming home with me!

I was thisclose to buying this vintage ceramic lamp, but I ended up leaving it behind for someone else. The glaze work and colors were exquisite, but single lamps can be hard to sell. Priced at just $12.99, I left this bargain for some other lucky shopper.

I’ve saved the best (worst?) for last, as I came across this book and had to investigate further. After all, what am I if not a married woman?

Please note the author’s name is “Hugh R. High.”

Get it? The only way to achieve “marital bliss” is be secretly drunk! Ha ha, women are terrible and the only way to handle marriage is to be a closet drinker. So hilarious!

Nope! Sexist bullshit gag gift stays at Goodwill.


Would you have bought any of these bad or questionable items? Keep in mind that it was 10%-off senior discount day, (you only have to be 55) which made my bargains extra bargain-y.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

Click HERE to follow The Non-Consumer Advocate on Instagram.
Click HERE to join The Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group.