A Before and After Post, Now Completely Photo Free!

by Katy on February 22, 2011 · 14 comments

As much as I enjoy the voyeuristic aspects of the reading other people’s blogs, there’s nothing more of a turn off than people who write about their perfect homes, perfect children and perfect lives. Gag, barf and double-gag. I think you know the types. This is why I celebrate the most recent blog post from Kristen over at The Frugal Girl, which includes a number of photos of her messy, crusty, just back from vacation house.

And so I wanted pay homage, and I even took a bunch of photos of my currently slime covered home, but ever since my husband downloaded the newest downgrade upgrade for  iPhoto, I haven’t been able to drag photos onto the desktop, which is how I’ve always done the whole photos for my blog thing!

You’re just going to have to take my word for the nasty state of my home. Tomorrow, my friend Sara from Go Gingham is coming over to help me transform my house into a stylistically sophisticated salón of all things grown up. (She worked for years at Ralph Lauren, so my hopes are unrealistically high.) Until then, I’ve got a to-do list longer than a porn star at a Silly Putty convention. (I’ll let you ponder that one for awhile. 😉 ) So, buy-bye!

I promise I’ll take before and after pictures, I’ll just have to badger my poor husband into figuring out what the heck happened to iPhoto.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Heather February 22, 2011 at 1:44 pm

I hear ya. My house is a home lived in by 5 crazy wild and fun people. It is not immaculate, but it is full of laughter.


Maureen February 22, 2011 at 3:11 pm

I’ve been working so much that I haven’t had time to really clean things. I telecommute from my home so I stare at it every day. So tonight during my dinner break I cleaned the stove top and the microwave. Feel so much better. If I can do 1 small job everyday during the dinner break, my house might be clean by Easter and then I’ll have to start all over! LOL

Good luck tomorrow and I can’t wait to see pictures!


Kristen@TheFrugalGirl February 22, 2011 at 3:40 pm

Ooh, I am looking forward to before and after pictures! You better get Mr. NCA on the iPhoto case promptly.


Tracy February 22, 2011 at 3:59 pm

I loved frugal girls pictures. That is real life. I don’t want to live in a museum…I want to live in a home where company can come in, smell something good cooking on the stove and feel at home.


twyla February 22, 2011 at 4:01 pm

:shakes head: oh those porn stars …..
I know where you’re coming from; I read a few home-blogs and see how they are always perfect and ‘just so’ and I can’t help but think how they do it. They spend an hour making their blog post and maybe following up on comments, maybe another hour taking, editing, cropping, and watermarking their photos just so, working full time, taking care of the kids making lunches, cleaning, laundry dishes … do they have time to sleep afterwards? It just seems like more maintenance than value … unless they are vain and into complements, maybe? Or maybe they don’t sleep or run on caffeine or soemthing … Its not something I can understand.


Practical Parsimony February 22, 2011 at 5:03 pm

G.A.G is right. Did you see my shame, my shelf of shame, on my blog. I was so embarassed to photograph and then post it. But, I did post the after photo–much better. The day anything is perfect around here will be….ummm….never?

I must admit I am in awe of the perfect home pictures. However, I always wonder what was not photographed.

Isn’t cropping a wonderful tool? Twyla, once I could do it all, seriously! And, there was a family here. Now, who cares? Obviously not me.

Katy, I just don’t believe the slime bit…lol. Okay, so it is slime if you say so.


Margie mccarthy February 22, 2011 at 8:19 pm

My house is not immaculate. No one has a perfect house or if they do…there is more to the story!…I love your writing. Keep at it.


Allison February 22, 2011 at 9:12 pm

so give it up on the porn stars and the silly putty….tell all. And tell us how YOU would know about THAT*lol*


Beth D. February 23, 2011 at 5:23 am

I just wanted to add that I too hate the “upgrades” for iPhoto. There have been some updates since the new release that made it so you can at least still name an event after downloading the pictures. Still, a lot of the changes are frustrating and it seems to crash almost daily! What happened to Apple products that just worked?


fairy dust February 23, 2011 at 11:36 am

LOL! I so sympathize. We just came through a major re-flooring and painting project of our entire upstairs, and the results are astoundingly gorgeous, esp compared to the messed up original 30-yr-old carpet and dingy walls that seemed to attract dirt. However, we almost instantly started living in the upstairs again, so now even with all our decluttering and our removing of so many pieces of unnecessary furniture and stuff, it still (and probably always will)looks like a small cyclone has recenty hit. It just seems to be the way we are. I’ve promised my blog readers pictures all along, and I’ve been taking them, but somehow they don’t really seem to be getting a whole lot nicer with each taking – LOL! Oh well, at least it’s sooo much easier to clean up pet puke now, and that’s what’s really important.


Auntie Karen February 23, 2011 at 4:08 pm

Going to have to “out” you, Katie dear. I just spent an evening in your home about a week ago and it was in sooo much better shape than mine was when I returned to Lincoln. Oh, oops. Maybe I just outed MYSELF!


Katy February 23, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Dang, foiled again!



Tonya February 24, 2011 at 7:33 am

Thanks, Katy! A good reminder for all of us that homes look messy a lot of the time. I too enjoyed The Frugal Girl’s post-vacay pics. Can’t wait to see your pics too!


Cordula April 13, 2013 at 10:02 am

I especially love you for the first 1 1/2 sentences in this post!
Currently reading your whole blog backwards, I’m so glad there is so much to go through! Please keep it up, I’m truly enjoying it!

All the best from Vienna, Austria!


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