100 More Reasons to be a Non-Consumer!
by Katy on January 22, 2025 · 7 comments

In addition to this blog, I also run a companion Non-Consumer Advocate Facebook group, which is currently hovering around 79,000 members. New prospective members have to answer a simple question, which helps to weed out the ever present spammers. The answers are always interesting, so I’ve started saving them to share in blog posts.
Love to learn how to save.
A need for new frugal ideas.
I’ve had my job eliminated and at my age I’m working to save save save!
Information on frugality.
Retired. Need to be frugal.
Trying to be more frugal.
I would like to learn some tips from other people on how to be more frugal.
Interested in the environment.
I am doing a no-spend (or very low spend) 2025 and want to learn how to be a non-consumer.
Want to do a ‘Year 2025 of Less.”
Save $
Interested in the environment.
We are on a fixed income. As prices rise, we are looking to be more strategic with our spending.
Planning for retirement and want to become more frugal.
I want to be more of a minimalist and reduce my impulse spending, as well as pick up more DIY ideas/skills.
I am attempting to reduce my consumption and am looking for ideas and support!
Just trying to save resources.wear it out, make it do, or do without!”
To learn more about and stay inspired to reduce consumption.
I am one who doesn’t replace, but repairs as needed. Have lived frugally for a long time in order to enjoy experiences.
We are a nation of mass consumption. It is not good for the planet. I want to lessen my footprint on the Earth.
To find ways to make better use of my resources, wiser spending habits, and more.
Want ideas and inspiration to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. And retirement isn’t far away either.
I’m in the middle of a low spend season and want to encourage myself to continue.
Because I miss the support I got from the writer Amy Dacyczyn and her publication The Tightwad Gazette which was a monthly periodical that came out in three books. I like gleaning ideas from others.
I’m big on recycling and getting most everything 2nd hand whenever possible.
I am participating in the No Buy Movement and want to be in community for this.
I’m interested in simplifying my life by downsizing what I have.
I would like to reduce my waste contribution.
I am a homemaker with a retired husband. I am looking for support in reducing my spending. Ideas and reminders on how to be satisfied with a more minimalist lifestyle.
We are such a wasteful society. I want to be a good steward of the resources God has provided, and l’d love to learn ways to be more responsible.
Yes.. to be more practical with my spending and consumption of non essentials.
I’d like to use what I have. I’m living on SS and recovering from cancer. I’m in a real bind. I’m hoping to educate myself more.
Use it up is my middle name.
Two kids in college, riding out these next four years to avoid debt. In other words, buying next to nothing with the exception of good food.
Trying to avoid spending money as much as I can…I don’t want to support Trump’s economy!
I love to upcycle, recycle and thrift.
I’m always looking for ways to spend less & save more.
I want to be better with money and to the environment.
I happily entered the world of minimalism during the pandemic, and it’s changed my life! I find so many minimalists discussing being non-consumers and so I have started learning more about the topic including ways to be more frugal. I’m looking forward to learning from all of you!
I’m looking for a way to save money.
I want to learn to mend, trade, barter, and make do, and shop local & small, instead of lining corporations pockets with low-quality products made to keep us sick & dependent on them.
I follow you on Instagram and I have adopted such principles of non consumerism to a degree and want to learn from others.
I want to learn better ways of living with less and making do with what I have.
Love 5 frugal things and want to read more.
I’m already into non consumerism. I’m looking for all the ideas I can find.
This has always been my lifestyle.
Trying to save money!
Feel too overwhelmed and stressed by consumer culture and want to learn to spend consciously.
I’m looking for inspiration to consume less. I feel like I am constantly surrounded by messaging that I need more stuff to be happy and have a meaningful life. I don’t believe this to be true. So I want to add more input in my life that inspires me to be a non-consumer.
Trying to consume less.
I agree wholeheartedly that we, as a People, are waaaay too consumer driven. This poor planet has finite resources and we should All look for ways to be better stewards of them.
I have always tried to buy used, recycle, and not compulsively purchase.Trying to do that even more now.
I love to save $!!!
Love the idea of consuming less.
To simplify my life.
It is time to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Setting a better example for my tween.
Live my life as frugally as I can, will get better at it when I move closer to work & family. Showing family about horticulture, which I am passionate about.
To gain insight into how to save money.
Interested in being a better steward of our resources.
It’s getting harder to give stuff away, and I’m ways to better balance a passion for repurposing with a need to declutter/simplify…
Would like more idea about being frugal. I don’t nobody spend month frequently. I enjoy it and it’s wonderful. To be able to have emergency money. When something comes up so you don’t have to go in debt.
I enjoy frugal tips! I read The Frugal Girl blog and love it!
As I’m nearing retirement I have started to re-evaluate all of the clutter and wasteful spending. Looking for a community that will have ideas on more that I can do.
It is my lifestyle.
Please share why you’d like to join a non-consumer group.
Always looking for ways to reuse and conserve.
I am retired and would like to save money and leave the planet a better place.
To learn more about saving money and the environment.
To learn to live more frugal and learn how to reuse, reduce and recycle.
To stop falling into the ‘buy new’ mentality. It feels good to be frugal.
Being a consumer is a form of self respect and self care. <– Did this person mean “non-consumer?”
Suggested by a friend. Want to be kind to the environment.
Have some thrifty ideas for everyone.
I try to be Frugal.
Making life changes… looking for like minded people for support.
Came across your Five Frugal Things and I am intrigued. I, too, walk my zipper storage bags and love my local library.
As I’m trying to save more so I’m trying to stop buying anything except the bare necessities.
My proudest moment was making salad croutons from a half eaten bagel.
Trying to be mindful of a modified no spend this year!
I’m spending far too much on a UK state pension.
Always looking for frugal ideas.
I am interested in this topic and am looking for ideas.
Not destroy earth.
I’m frugal!!
I enjoy your tips.
Actively trying to do better with consumerism and want support and ideas.
I am tired of being a ” consumer” I need to learn to save money.
Reduce waste and my impact on resources, save money, learn skills, gain inspiration for creativity.
As a recovering shopaholic, I’m finding peace and joy in learning new ways to face the world. I am inspired to be more mindful in how I consume, or choose NOT to consume goods and services. I enjoy the blog and would like to connect here too.
I’d like to learn more about consumer activism and making more thoughtful buying decisions.
I am always finding ways to cut costs and save money.
Saving money.
I’d like to find ways to waste less.
I’m trying to stop consumption to save money, do my part to protect the Earth and for my mental health.
I have always been frugal. I enjoy it!
I want to become a better steward of the planet.
Share ideas with like-minded people…
I try to be frugal but I need support, inspiration, ideas, suggestions, to keep from backsliding (as exhortations to SPEND! are all around us).
Learn how to be a better Steward of my things and money.
Everything is too expensive and simply unnecessary at times. However, I struggle with impulsivity so I wanted to join a group that can assist me.
I enjoy Katy’s blog. I don’t buy new. thrifty to the max!
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
I really like the person who wrote “I want to learn to mend, trade, barter, and make do, and shop local & small, instead of lining corporations pockets with low-quality products made to keep us sick & dependent on them!”
I like when you share the many reasons people are following the NCA. I can relate to so many of them. I also enjoyed what you reprinted in the comments section. As a daughter of a small business owner who was my late father, I appreciate the reminder to support small businesses, among other ideas. My father and his family owned a small milk processing plant from the turn of the century until the 1970s. Sadly, at that point in time, more people began to buy their milk in the large grocery stores and the “dairy” went out of business.
Wow, I bet there are a lot of amazing stories from your family’s business.
There is nothing wrong with buying new when it makes sense. Better half worked a physical job. A new chair was in order, one that felt right to him. Odds of finding a barely used chair that felt good to him AND fit were slim to none. He shopped and saved 50% – meaning it was more than 50% overpriced.
And yes, most new products are crap.
wondering if you have a web site ? Like your ideas. Dont have access to Facebookor Instragram.
This is the website. Enjoy!
Have your viewers read about a swedish company called curculos. For those of you who are into recycling this is what many of our companies should be thinking about in the future. Sadly our country is behind in many aspects of helping the plant. We all needed a good lesson from our ancestors from different countries that valued repurpose and vintage items in their lives.