Five Frugal Things

by Katy on March 27, 2018 · 123 comments

  1. My husband, son and I caught an afternoon showing of Early Man, which is the most recent stop motion animation film from Nick Park of Wallace and Gromit fame. The admission price was $4 apiece, although the three of us got in for $8 as I had a 2-for-1 coupon. My families loves Wallace and Gromit, and will see anything from Aardman studios. Of course, we always wait for movies to come to the second run theaters.

  2. My cousins’ grandmother is turning 98 tomorrow, so I popped a birthday card into the mail for her. She’s always been inclusive with her kindness to my sister and I, and there is nothing more frugal than the cost of a first class stamp from Oregon to Nebraska. Especially since I have a stash of greeting cards that I’ve scooped up from the pay-by-the-pound Goodwill Outlet. Although I do have to admit that I was grossed out to have automatically licked the envelope before remembering that it had come from a Goodwill bin. Blegh!

  3. I knew I’d be tempted to take the family out for dinner after our movie excursion, so I marinated some chicken breasts for an easy dinner. I served it over the last of some salad mix I’d picked up at the Grocery Outlet and drizzled it with some of my famous Tea Towel Salad Dressing.©

  4. I put together a couple of new Craigslist postings, I’m wearing a cute pair of hand-me-down jeans from my older sister and I lived yet another day with Formica countertops in my kitchen.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet or a vulgar gold-plated apartment in the sky.

Now your turn. What frugal things have you been up to?

Katy Wolk-Stanley    

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 123 comments… read them below or add one }

K D March 27, 2018 at 10:21 am

Kuddos Katy for living yet another day with Formica countertops in your kitchen.

1. I stopped at ALDI to stock up on produce.

2. I have found $.38 in the past three days. Literally, a penny here, a dime there.

3. Our dishwasher seemed to be having issues dispensing detergent Sunday night. My husband suggested resetting the smarts (it’s actually a basic dishwasher but on;y a couple years old). I flipped the circuit and it worked better last night. If I have to buy a more expensive detergent I will, it would be cheaper than having it repaired or replaced.

4. I continue to work to eat more from the pantry and freezer, reducing the amount of food in the house (sometimes bargains get the better of me).

5. I will crochet my grand-kitty a few toys for “Easter”. A friend gave me some bells to use with one of the patterns (obtained free online). Of course scrap yarn will be used.


Debra Oehlberg March 31, 2018 at 8:02 am

I watched a video on an Aldi haul last night. It renewed my interest to buy all my grocery staples at Aldi.


Jenelle March 27, 2018 at 10:24 am

I can’t think of Five Frugal Things per say, but I can come up with 5 things I’m living with instead of spending money to replace.

1. The downstairs heating unit is original to our home and is from 1972. I keep crossing my fingers that it keeps running!
2. We survive with one garage door opener that does not work. We store the yard supplies behind that door.
3. I drive a 2005 van and my hubby drives a 2006 truck.
4. I have yet to remove the 1972 wallpaper from our guest bathroom. I kinda like it. It’s velvet!
5. We also live with formica counter tops


Cindy in the South I March 28, 2018 at 12:01 pm

Love your five!


Lindsey March 27, 2018 at 10:52 am

1. Made bread, even though I was feeling lazy and was tempted to buy a loaf.
2. We are eating the apples we bought in the fall and have kept in cool conditions so they are still edible. I am tired of apples but they taste fine, were inexpensive and I am just spoiled to think I need the latest arrivals in the grocery produce aisle.
3. Turned a worn sheet-sized bath towel into washcloths and rags.
4. Wanted to drain bacon so used a few sheets of folded up newspaper under one section of paper towels, so that the newspaper will absorb the grease but the paper towel will keep the bacon separate from God knows what germs on the newspaper.
5. collected another box of items for a three family garage sale we are holding this spring. I detest holding garage sales but I always make really good money, usually over $500 every spring. And we three friends use it as a time to socialize—one brings donuts, another hot coffee, and the hosting house makes a crock pot of something or other. The two not hosting get to take home all the leftover donuts and crock pot meal.

Stopped reading on-line news, except for the weekend NY Times. This is frugal because not reading every idiot opinion will keep the top of my head from blowing off.


Christine March 27, 2018 at 11:05 am

Hi Lindsey, Just want to let you know something I learned years ago. In my Lamaze class thirty….(ahem) something years ago, the teacher said newspapers are sterile and would make an excellent baby catcher if you happen to be caught at home in that predicament! I would imagine the outside of them is not sterile though.


Jenny March 27, 2018 at 3:30 pm

Certainly not sterile but reasonably clean and absorbant. Newspaper used to be a different texture which was more absorbent. I wonder just how clean and sanitary paper towels are


Marcia March 28, 2018 at 7:36 pm

I needed to know that about 54 years ago. My second (and last) daughter slipped out in the bed at home…..long story, fast labor–everything was fine.


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:12 am

Oh wow! That was always one of my fears while I was pregnant. Good job Mom, 54 years later!


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 27, 2018 at 6:34 pm

I did a post on putting old stale bread under fried foods to drain them, I showed a picture of how much the bread absorbed. We always have a slice or two around. It works really well. Paper towels aren’t sterile but neither is a clean plate from the cabinet, lol. I quit watching the news also, I just can’t. It affects my well-being.


Lindsey March 28, 2018 at 10:03 am

Never thought of using dried bread! Genius. I will be trying that. thanks.


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 29, 2018 at 4:02 am

I know, right? I wished I could take credit but a lot of restaurants are using this trick to reduce waste. When I had a dog, I used to give him a piece of the bread with oil on it for a snack. Not too much, though, because the greasy poop will shoot out like a torpedo! My vet recommended I give him a little oil on his food to make his coat shiny so this was a good way to do that.


Christine March 27, 2018 at 10:59 am

Another formica countertop survivor here!
1. Happily staying home with DH and cooking our food. From your last FFT Katy…I make snack suppers every once in awhile too. Breaks things up. My favorite is nachos.
2. Bought a quarter tank of gas here in town. It will get me through until tomorrow when I go up to the city to my church for Bible Study. No, it is not your grandmother’s Bible Study! We talk about anything and everything relating to the Bible.
3. Got my haircut at the hairdresser today. She gives an awesome haircut for $12 plus tip. No frills. In and out of there in 15 minutes.
4. Bought highlighting kit at the pharmacy for $8.99. It’s a pain to do myself but such a huge savings.
5. Walking for free exercise.


Bethany March 27, 2018 at 2:07 pm

Enjoy your Bible study. I have yet to find one that fits with my schedule. Go to church regularly though. I am always challenged!


A. Marie March 27, 2018 at 11:26 am

I like Katy’s and others’ approaches to living with what we’ve got here. So here’s my FFT, Not Replacing Edition:

(1) Another Formica survivor checking in: We’re still proudly using the Formica countertops DH installed during our major kitchen remodel 30 years ago because we couldn’t afford the Corian we were lusting after. The folks who buy this house from us when the time comes can do whatever they darn please.

(2) Not replacing any of our tried and true furniture and rugs. Martha Stewart would be horrified at the condition of a few of these–but as the sign hanging in my kitchen reminds us daily, she doesn’t live here.

(3) Not replacing my beloved laundry-drying racks, several of which are finds from DH’s rental properties back in the day, and a few of which are genuine antiques by now.

(4) Not replacing either my AARP-endorsed flip phone or DH’s old iPhone. (In fact, we may be turning in the iPhone to Verizon and retiring the number soon, as the phone is increasingly only a source of confusion for him.)

(5) Not replacing any of our friends and neighbors, who have become our family by now. (I’ve considered replacing a few of our crazy relatives, but I’d get arrested.)


Christine March 27, 2018 at 11:31 am

A.Marie, I love how you’re not replacing your friends and neighbors! Just has a sweet ring to it. I’m keeping mine too. And our crazy relatives live far, far away…


A. Marie March 27, 2018 at 12:29 pm

Christine: Thanks for the kudos. And none of my crazy relatives live within 900 miles of here. Otherwise, I’d be doing 30 years to life.


Christine March 27, 2018 at 4:35 pm

Ha ha! Me too. We’d be cellmates maybe!


Mary in VA March 30, 2018 at 5:02 am

Re: #4, I really, really miss my flip phone! It was ergonomic (small and fit in my hand), it was easier to answer (just open it up, no sliding required), it felt more natural up against my ear (unlike the slab that is my iPhone), it fit in my purse. I know they still make flip phones, because I see them at WalMart (and of course the ads for Jitterbug). I even read that flip phones are making somewhat of a comeback (I guess they’re retro, like LPs). One of these days!


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:16 am

My husband has been saying the same thing since we got our Smartphones. He thinks they’re too big and awkward. I don’t notice it as much since mine resides in my purse. I guess they’re not too comfy in dungaree pockets.


Linda in NZ March 27, 2018 at 11:30 am

We replaced our old Formica bench with a new Formica bench 10 years ago, and it’s doing just fine. No crippling expense, no problems keeping it clean and in good condition.
Linda in NZ


Linda Gertig March 28, 2018 at 5:53 am

I agree with Linda in New Zealand. Our,probably 50 year old Formica will probably be replaced with Formica because it is durable and easy to keep clean.


Chris March 28, 2018 at 12:42 pm

We replaced our 1950s Formica (didn’t hate the pattern but it showed its age and use) with more Formica 4 years ago. Both my contractor and the installer told me they had Formica in their home because of its durability and affordability – I’m with them!


Terri March 27, 2018 at 12:36 pm

I’ve been blogging my frugal list over at my blog, but here are my five highlights from today and the past couple days:

1. I got a free jar of marinara sauce from Safeway and a free bottle of kombucha using coupons.
2. So many leftovers!!!! #adulting
3. We’ve been donating stuff to the thrift store like maniacs. Getting rid of unused items helps us to enjoy our home and be happy with the space we have.
4. I’ve been sewing clothes to make them look nicer and more to my liking.
5. I bought a Chinook book. It has two coupons for Goodwill and two coupons for The Grocery Outlet that will save us more money than the purchase price.


Denise March 29, 2018 at 10:18 am


I need to read things more carefully: first glance at “marinara sauce” and I thought you’d typed “marijuana sauce”!! Menopause has made my mind go squiffy…


Jennifer March 27, 2018 at 12:37 pm

Way to go on the movie! the closest discount theater is almost an hour from us. IF we go, which is rarely, we go on a Monday afternoon when tickets are $5 at the theater in town.

1) making homemade hamburger buns for our dinner, made banana muffins for our breakfast this morning.
2) researching cell phone options for 6 people. 2 kids have saved their money and want to buy new phones outright. Figuring out the best deal for this and the whole plan. Hoping to save money, but so far can’t find anything better than what we have.
3) spring cleaning is keeping me fairly occupied over spring break. Which means no money spent so far other than coffee out with dh. Washing our curtains myself and hanging to dry.
4) got a 10-lb bag of potatoes for $2.99 and have so far used it in 2 meals, with at least 2 meals to go.
5) have so far resisted the urge to get another dog after ours passed in January. We will get one, but are hoping to wait until end of June when we have the time to devote to a new dog. But oh how I want one now!


jodi March 27, 2018 at 2:28 pm

We use to buy previously owned iphones ( they sell android too) and have never had a problem. We also choose the “good” rather than the “excellent” condition and have usually been pleasantly surprised at the condition.


nancy from mass March 27, 2018 at 3:09 pm

if you have at&t near you, we got the non-contract plan which is unlimited text, phone and data for $45 a month. $40 if you have it set up on autopay.


Jan March 28, 2018 at 2:05 am

Our beloved pup passed in November and we got a new dog just last week. It’s money, but so well spent. My heart is full.


June March 28, 2018 at 1:56 pm

Hubby and I use Ting and spend less than $40 a month but we aren’t heavy data or text users. It is a “pay for what you use” plan and works better than an unlimited plan for us.


Mary W March 28, 2018 at 8:17 pm

I looked into Ting, but they aren’t in my area. I use Consumer Cellular and 2 phones run about $50 for my daughter and me. The service is as good as with my former carrier, and they automatically adjust our plan upward if needed, instead of charging overage fees. I do have to remember to reset our plan if that happens – they adjust up, but not down.


Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early March 27, 2018 at 12:44 pm

I’ve been on a no-buying work lunches streak since October, but I was almost foiled today by a coworker having a Wendy’s lunch (especially since it’s a 5 minutes walk from the office). I stayed strong and ate my soup at my desk, even if I wasn’t happy about it. Healthier too, and no waste.


Mary in Maryland March 27, 2018 at 1:36 pm

Five odd things I’m living with:
1) the world’s ugliest carpet in the pantry. We leave unreliable dogs here when we’re out, because it can’t get worse.
2) A kitchen sink wherein the highest point is the drain. Once hired some guys to fix it. They spent the afternoon jumping in the sink without results.
3) A dirt-floored part of the basement.
4) Numerous pieces of furniture pulled from the trash.
5) A family antique brass bed that hubby started stripping in 1987. Half done. Oh, well.
6) Old knotty pine paneling in my study nook and Hub’s study. Also 70 yr old wood blinds in his.


Christine March 28, 2018 at 3:46 pm

I love knotty pine and silently freak out when I see it being torn out 0n those fixer upper programs. We had it on our breezeway in the house I grew up in and I miss it sometimes.


Denise March 29, 2018 at 10:28 am

Christine – quick question from England

What’s a “breezeway”, please?


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:21 am

It’s an enclosed but unheated room that connected our garage to our kitchen. Since we live in New England, we only used it for three seasons during the year. My mother always said my birthday in April signaled the beginning of it’s use and my sister’s birthday at the end of September signaled the end of it. In the non air conditioning era we grew up in, it was nice to eat supper out there every night. Cooler than the house!


Marybeth March 27, 2018 at 2:00 pm

1. Got free spinach seeds in the mail
2. Got free bagel from Panera for 2 weeks. I tell them no plastic knife and I cut the bag up to soak up fried food.
3. Used dog food bag as garbage bag.
4. Took the old ink cartridges from work and dropped them off at the church. They have a recycling program and get credit for them.
5. My husband and I set up our April budget. Then looked over my son’s that he had planned out. Daughters are still working on theirs.


Debra Oehlberg March 27, 2018 at 8:20 pm

I found out by happy accident that those old dog food/cat food bags do well, especially if I am worried about something more liquid that I am throwing away as trash.


Marybeth March 28, 2018 at 4:48 am

They work really well and they hold a lot in them. Saves me from wasting a kitchen bag.


Christine March 28, 2018 at 3:49 pm

I started using my empty cat food bags after reading on this blog that some of you do it. I find they work great too and I save on the tall kitchen trash bags. Less plastic usage.


Bethany March 27, 2018 at 2:03 pm

Having a no drive/no spend day. Took a nice long walk with refilled water bottles. (only refilled once before putting them in the recycling.)

Listed some things on Varagesale today. Love these things, but I’m not using them, so I might as well get some $ back on them. Have interest already.

Experimenting with having the household wash hair every other day. Saving some shampoo and conditioner. Daughter’s hair is doing much better since it tends to be dry.

Friend gave me some homeschooling books for next year. Making an appointment with a friend to go to the garage filled with homeschool materials. Some lady near us keeps an exchange going. It’s been a huge savings!

Giving my neighbor a haircut today. She reciprocates with neighborhood watch and friendship.


Ruby March 27, 2018 at 2:04 pm

We have ancient painted metal blinds in our den. They are probably as old as the house — 66 this year — but they are in good shape and so we are keeping them.

Frugal stuff: packing my lunch, breakfast and drinks to work from home. Drying clothes on the rack in the laundry room. Wearing thrifted stuff every day. Found a stray earring back in an empty desk at work. I will sanitize it and use it with some of my earrings missing the back. Using an old beach towel to wipe down the shower tiles at night so we don’t have to use shower cleaner all the time.


Katy in Africa March 27, 2018 at 2:07 pm

1. I’m rereading Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. Its free to read a book you already own, and its one of my favorites! $0 spent
2. I’m wanting to increase my upper body strength, I’m rather weak, so I started some exercises no equipment needed. $0 spent
3. I got an email from shutterfly about a free gift, but then remembered last time I thought about getting one of their freebies, I decided it wasn’t worth the shipping cost. $0 spent
4. Sometimes we don’t get leftovers eaten fast enough, so I froze our leftover beans and rice for another day. $0 spent, food not wasted
5. Good job sending a bday card…I was planning to do that for my family this year and started off on a good note, but tomorrow’s my big bros bday and I haven’t sent one. Guess I’ll save myself on the international postage and just send him a kind note on fb and maybe video the kids wishing him a happy bday. $ spent, just cost of internet use.


Bethany March 27, 2018 at 2:15 pm

I love reading missionary biographies. We have the Torchlighter Heroes of the Faith DVD set. We pick one out that we’d like to watch, and then find a biography to read first, and then it’s our treat to watch the DVD of it. My kids are really developing a concern for the lost. Sometimes it puts me to shame.


MommaL March 27, 2018 at 2:16 pm

1. Made slow cooked bbq with a pork roast (1/2 price) already in my freezer, used bbq sauce found on clearance, and cabbage slaw, cabbage was 29cents a pound..that’s dirt cheap here. Side dish: green beans found on the re-wrap shelf.
2. Enough left over for dinner tomorrow. Always happy to eat leftovers instead of cooking!
3. I love love love Martin’s potato rolls, but found a brand I like almost as much, bought those instead for much cheaper.
4. Rearranged my office, brought in some artwork from home. I made a really efficient workspace there, and brought home a small table I no longer use. Will put it out in a yard sale coming up.
5. Sending my mom a get well card bought at the dollar store, she has a bad cold and is elderly. She lives several hours away, and I was tempted to send her flowers, but I know a handwritten card will make her smile too.


Denise March 29, 2018 at 12:50 pm

I looked at the Martin’s Potato Rolls site before asking this and it didn’t answer my questions: are there potatoes in potato rolls, and if not, why are they called “potato rolls”?


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:25 am

Not sure about this, but I always assumed they are made with potato flour. I’m going to read the ingredients next time I’m in the grocery store. One thing I know for sure…they are so delicious!


Lisa M. March 30, 2018 at 11:48 am

Made from scratch potato rolls were on our holiday menus for years in my family of origin. As I recall, instant potatoes were an ingredient. Not 100% sure since I am not willing to spend the hours required to make them but I asked the same question and was told the shortcut was instant potatoes.


Madeline Kasian March 27, 2018 at 2:28 pm

1. Made a new friend through attendance at a local artists’ meetup group.. and she loves to THIRFT!/CONSIGNMENT shop!! New friend=priceless. Consignmnet buddy: even better!!

2. Passed up chance to go “shopping” to buy more art supplies. I have really really enough in my stash.

3. Went out to lunch with a friend but brought home enough leftovers to give my husband for supper.

4. Scoured refrigerator to see what needs to be cooked up: Green peppers,potatoes and some beets..will be roasted. Roasting saves the veggies that are almost ready to get too crinkly.

5. Scored $3.99 a pound coffee in bag at Trader Joe’s and bought 2 bags. It’s a type they are no longer going to carry. I am only coffee drinker, just 2 cups in morning, so it will last a bit. FULL POUND not 10 oz.!!!!


Laur March 27, 2018 at 2:52 pm

1. I’ve been unwell as of late and whilst it hasn’t been an enjoyable time, I’ve saved a lot on gas and not going out to social outings.
2. I’m working a lunch shift and a dinner shift this week which means 2 free meals. Friday is also a longer shift so extra pay.
3. I found a new recipe for healthy pancakes that I want to try out on the kids tonight. No expensive meat cuts!
4. We needed a couple of chairs for my kids desks they received for their birthdays. I found a listing on Facebook marketplace. 2 wooden chairs in great condition for $5 apiece. They match really well with the desks.
5. I listed my kids bikes that they’ve outgrown on Facebook marketplace at $40 apiece. Facebook marketplace is a great alternative to buy swap sell pages as the listing is searchable and reaches more people.


nancy from mass March 27, 2018 at 3:15 pm

I can’t believe you can live with your formica. what a strong woman you are! 😛

1. went through the cupboards and fridge and put together a stir fry with tofu, veggies and some mung bean noodles I had. not that great, but filling and enough for tomorrows lunch.
2. put the new-to-me wool braided rug in my living room today (bought it at a consignment shop a few weeks ago and shampooed both sides.) it’s large. like 8 1/2 x 11 1/2. it’s a perfect fit/style.
3. had a good laugh with DS yesterday. grabbed his old karate bag that has been in his bedroom for a few years (he stopped going about 2 years ago – a few months shy of going for his 2nd degree belt). anyway, he picked up the boxing gloves, put his nose into one and inhaled – thinking the smell would be gone. he spent the next 2 minutes gagging. it was hilarious!
4. re-arranged my bedroom. put 2 bags in my trunk. one for my sister, one for my mom. i will see both at Easter.
5. I didn’t buy anything gold plated. or a lear jet. and i’m still trying my best to not follow any of the EFMOTD coverage.


Jan March 28, 2018 at 2:22 am

Your #3 cracked me up! 🙂 But I have to ask, what’s EFMOTD?


Robin March 28, 2018 at 6:00 am

I’m pretty sure it means Every F****** Minute of the Day. An acronym that I think started on this blog and most often refers to an overdose of political news 🙂 There’s quite a variety of political opinions among the readers, but I think most of us agree that too much political news at one time can be annoying.


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 6:15 am

The frugal people are trend setters!


Elizabeth March 27, 2018 at 3:59 pm

1. Just finished my free month at a new boot camp that opened up. It was great. I went about four times a week so really took advantage of that offer. And I am finishing up a free week at a new barre studio that opened up also. Tomorrow will be my fourth class there. Really good workouts for five weeks for free! My gym membership is on hold until May so it’s been great to find these free workouts to tide me over!
2. Got an email yesterday that I have two weeks of free bagels at Panera. I went yesterday and today and have had a free bagel for lunch (kind of defeats the workout but I don’t eat bagels often!).
3. Continuing to list things on Facebook and Poshmark. Just mailed four things this afternoon. I was listing on Facebook marketplace too but for some reason I’ve been blocked from it by Facebook. I googled it and a lot of people are apparently having this problem due to a glitch. So far I haven’t been able to fix it which is annoying because I sold a lot of things that way and now I can’t. Anyone else have this happen to them?
4. I don’t shop often but every once in a while I want something new (or new to me more likely!). After my barre class I popped into a store next to the studio famous for its expensive workout gear. A pair of leggings that I liked were on sale for $69 . I left empty handed and went to goodwill. For the same price of one pair of on sale leggings I got: brand new reading glasses, brand new sunglasses that are coming with me on spring break next week, a cute pair of silver hoop earrings, 3 Nike and Reebok workout tanks, a Danskin workout bra, a Tommy Hilfiger chambray button down, a Gap button down, a cool gray sweater, a graphic tank top that says “Nap Team Captain”, a pair of made in Italy leather sandals, a small black leather Anne Klein purse. And some other stuff I’m forgetting. I needed some new workout stuff and some new reading and sunglasses and a small black purse for nights out where I just need my phone and keys. (And I found a quarter in the goodwill cart!)
5. Using what we have food wise for dinners and lunches this week as we’re leaving on Saturday


Marybeth March 28, 2018 at 5:34 pm

I got free bagels too. I’m trying to lose some weight so my kids are happy to eat the bagels.


Liz B. March 30, 2018 at 5:22 pm

How did I miss out on free Panera bagels?


Terri W March 27, 2018 at 4:21 pm

I treated my daughter to the matinee of I Can Only Imagine and a medium popcorn which we shared. The movie was wonderful and I would have paid more to see it! Of course, I only go to the theater once or twice a year!


janine March 27, 2018 at 5:10 pm

Another woman sacrificing and holding on to her outdated formica.
1. Annual birthday celebration for husband at upscale restaurant. Purchased a gift card and saved $10 and received a $10 off certificate for a total of $20 savings.
2. Dog got out today and chased rabbits around the neighborhood for several hours. Lots of free exercise chasing him down.
3. Hosting Easter dinner at home with sale ham purchased months ago and awaiting a special occasion in freezer.
4. Continuing to add to the large case of books for donation to our library’s spring book sale. Clutter out.
5. Purchased a new book -a frugal fail- but helps in keeping book store in business which I support. –


Christine March 28, 2018 at 4:04 pm

A close friend owns an independent bookstore and I purchase the occasional book or gift, mostly for others for birthdays or Christmas. I also pop in once or twice a week for a cup of tea as the bookstore has it’s own café. It helps keep her in business and I get to see her and other regular customers. The conversation in the café is always lively and can run the gamut from books to politics and beyond. I want her to stay in business!


Bee March 29, 2018 at 3:04 am

I love independent bookstores! There is always something interesting going on.


Ava March 27, 2018 at 5:36 pm

1. Been living dangerously, putting together a Goodwill jigsaw puzzle without knowing if all the pieces were there. It turned out they weren’t, but we certainly got our $1.00’s worth of fun out of it. Now we will donate it to the scrap art group. They can still use it for projects even if all the pieces are not there.
2. Saw another movie through our Movie Pass cards. The more movies we see, the cheaper the cost per movie.
3. Got a $25 gift card from Swagbucks.
4. Enjoying my formica counter tops that are only a couple of years old. When we bought the house, the kitchen counters were covered with ceramic tiles of the type used on 50’s bathroom walls. The grooves between tiles made cleaning a never ending task. I had the tiles covered with formica and it is so much better. I don’t think granite counter tops lead to better tasting meals.


Mand01 March 27, 2018 at 5:36 pm

The usuals. Thrifted outfit, lunch and snacks to work, coffee to work, cooking from scratch.


Sarah D March 27, 2018 at 6:03 pm

I’ve got a really big one….
1. PAID OFF MY HUSBAND’S STUDENT LOAN!!! We are now debt-free except for mortgage (having paid off mine last year). WOOOO-HOOOOOO!
2. Took the amount we were paying in monthly loan payments and upped our auto-investment at Vanguard by that amount. So not only are we saving future interest payments, but we’ll make more overall.
3. This final loan payment was a big chunk, but we were able to do it and still have a decent sum in our savings account as an emergency fund, which we’ll also fill back up over the next few months of frugality.
4. The reason we did this now is that we had saved those several thousand dollars up to pay our taxes — each year we seem to owe thousands in state and federal taxes (our withholding was clearly not right, but at least this year we had saved up so we wouldn’t be shocked). HOWEVER, this year the withholding was right and we not only don’t owe taxes, we’re getting about $300 refund!
5. I’m so happy about not owing taxes and having this student loan paid off (we seriously just clicked the submit payment button) that I’m going to treat myself to some ice cream from my own freezer. No call for going out or other expensive celebration when frugality is what we’re celebrating!!


Bee March 27, 2018 at 6:35 pm

Congratulations! Well done 🙂


Gina in KY March 27, 2018 at 7:11 pm

Wow, big congrats for sure! I am so looking forward to submitting that last loan payment some day. I bet you and your hubby feel wonderful!


janine March 28, 2018 at 6:03 am

Congratulations! WE are all so proud of you for this accomplishment -this helps with peace of mind which is priceless.


Jennifer March 28, 2018 at 9:40 am

Way to go! That has to feel good. I too had saved up about $1200 to pay what I was sure to owe on our taxes. We ended up getting about $500 refund. Which meant we were able to pay our $1100 vet bill. Sigh…


Marybeth March 28, 2018 at 5:39 pm

That is wonderful. So happy for you. Enjoy your ice cream.


Mary W March 28, 2018 at 8:26 pm

Oh, that is HUGE! Congratulations!


Sarah D April 1, 2018 at 12:47 pm

THANK YOU, ALL!!!! It really is an amazing feeling, and I love getting all this great support! The peace of mind is really an incredible feeling that is totally worth it all!


Bee March 27, 2018 at 6:33 pm

1) I had my book club this evening. I was having a great deal of trouble getting through the assigned reading. The book seemed to go on and on and on. My mind was wandering, and I was thinking about all I needed to be doing besides reading. When this happens, I find that I do better with an audiobook. Unfortunately, the one that I needed was not available at the library. So I signed up for a free trial of Audible. –which I will soon cancel. Problem solved.

2) I made a pot of Cuban style black beans. I am the only one home this week, and these are my favorite. I have eaten them for two meals. I will eat them for two more.Then I will freeze the remainder for another time.

3) I have stayed home the last two days with the exception of my book club meeting. I finished cleaning out my closet while listening to the audiobook mentioned above. This has been an ongoing project that is finally reaching its end. Clothing and shoes that I could not use were donated or given to friends.

4) While cleaning out much closet, I found a roll of vintage Colefax & Fowler linen that I forgot I had. (So sad that I allowed myself to get that disorganized.) I will either post it on eBay or sell it at the vintage flea market next month.

I think four frugal things may be all I have. It’s been a quiet week, and I have been concentrating on putting my house in order. Tomorrow’s goals include cleaning out and organizing the pantry and laundry room. This is also long over due.


Gina in KY March 27, 2018 at 7:05 pm

I find the longer I live with something, the easier it is to just accept it or not replace it. I could list so many things!

1. Picked up my Kroger Friday Freebies which included a “Thinkthin” bar that is sadly not vegan so it will go to one of my (thin) boys.

2. I did use the free tortillas to make nachos tonight while watching the return of Roseanne on local free station. I grew up watching the original one and had high hopes, but the verdict is still out on whether I will be a regular viewer (on that note I am still kicking myself for not watching X-files when it returned. I forgot about it.)

3. Traveling tomorrow for work so I made overnight oats to take with me. I also will take the peanut carrot soup. I hope the hotel has a microwave (couldn’t get my usual one).

4. I found two brand new looking pairs of men’s size 13 shoes at Salvation Army for my tall BF (6’4″). One pair is Doc Martins and the other Hush Puppies.

5. Decided not to buy a lottery ticket as my odds of winning are probably somewhere up there with getting stuck twice in one day by lightning or getting hit by a Chinese space station hurtling towards Earth. Although, I did find a quarter today so it would have only cost me $1.75.


Caroline March 28, 2018 at 5:41 pm

I’m hoping, the Xfiles reboot was terrible. I only made it through the first couple of episodes. Remember them as they were ☺️


Caroline March 28, 2018 at 5:43 pm

*IMHO* argh auto correct. I certainly wouldn’t have hoped that!!


Gina in Ky March 29, 2018 at 6:47 am

Lol good to know I didn’t miss anything!


Emily L March 27, 2018 at 7:20 pm

THANK YOU for the salad dressing recipe, which I’ve never come across in the archives.

“Lived yet another day with formica countertops in my kitchen” is a new fave expression.


Katy March 27, 2018 at 7:22 pm

It’s a sacrifice, and a terrible burden.


Jan March 28, 2018 at 2:39 am

That could be part of your #5, along with “didn’t buy a Lear Jet or a vulgar gold-plated apartment in the sky.”


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 4:55 am

I have been making Katy’s tea towel drawing since I found it in the archives last year. It’s delicious and also make a nice glaze for baked chicken!


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 6:16 am

Ugh, dressing..darn autocorrect!.. I had to reload for this tiny comment, grrrrr.


Katy March 28, 2018 at 8:53 am

Ooh . . . I’ll have to try that!


FrannyandDanny March 28, 2018 at 2:26 am

My lover cut my hair, I used a coupon for some snacks, ate leftovers for lunch and dinner, blogged and used vinegar to clean my tiles.


Jan March 28, 2018 at 2:48 am

1. I’ve been lucky the past week finding money on my daily walk – a quarter here and there, nickels, a dime, and even a $20 bill! I thought the $20 was play money, I was so surprised.
2. Got a new dog at the shelter last week – an expense, but a good one. We bought her new toys and quality dry food, but made do with our past dogs’ bed. Good idea, since she chewed a couple of holes in it.
3. Also, the new dog is my personal trainer, walking me every day, for free.
4. Also, invested in doggy toothpaste and toothbrush, to save future dental bills. I started gently brushing her front teeth last night, and she tolerated it very well. Start good habits early!
5. Found a cute Free Library box while walking in our neighborhood – donated a book and took a new one. I love those things.
6. Am also living with a formica countertop.


Bee March 28, 2018 at 4:00 am

It sounds like you found the perfect personal trainer. Not only is he reliable and free, he will love you always.


Gina in KY March 28, 2018 at 5:20 am

Congrats on the new family member! I love the personal trainer comment so much.


Katy March 28, 2018 at 8:55 am

A twenty dollar bill?! Color me impressed!


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 4:38 am

I’m living with my formica, too. I’ve told about this before, but mine was not serving me well so we did a DIY paint and epoxy coat on top of the Formica. We had to do a lot of repairs to it before we could seal it with epoxy. It was falling apart underneath and we had to build supports to hold up the broken parts.
1. Took kids to the park for free fun before the rain comes back
2. My car needs washed bad! I’m just gonna let the rain rinse the pollen off and call it done for now.
3. My kids allergies are flaring up so I gave them Zyrtec that has been expired for a few months. Should still be fine.
4. Ate leftovers from last night. I made a large pizza casserole on purpose so we could have it again tonight. My kids love it so it’s was a no brained to make extra.
5. I waved at my neighbor today even though her dog ate all my chickens. Taking the high road because it’s good for my soul. Not frugal but good.


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 4:40 am

4. brainer… you get what I mean, lol


Gina in KY March 28, 2018 at 5:19 am

Aww, I know that high road all to well. I had to take it with my neighbor the Raccoon this past fall when she and her babies ate my three hens.


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 9:44 am

Oh my, we just had a raccoon issue also. It couldn’t get to my last living hen and just ate the feed that was spilled on the ground.We affectionally renamed the hen Lucky Lucille.


Mand01 March 28, 2018 at 4:09 pm

Can I ask what kind of paint you used on your bench top?


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 29, 2018 at 4:21 am

Sure, it was plain craft paint. The 99 cent kind in the little bottle. I used 4 different colors although it really just looks like gray, white, and black. Just like you buy at Joann’s. You just dot it on with a sponge after cleaning well and sanding. If you look at my blog post my counters are in a lot of them. The epoxy coat is called Famowood. It is sold at Lowes and Home Depot for around $69 and I had to buy two. Which is still a lot less money than new formica. I may try to do a post on it in the future but I didn’t take a lot of before and after photos so may not be the best idea.


Jennifer March 29, 2018 at 7:25 am

I was just thinking you may not have a JoAnn’s where you are. It’s just acrylic craft paint so whatever craft supply store is in your area should have it. Also, there is another brand of epoxy called Envirotech lite that is supposed to work great, but we don’t have that brand in my area. If you decide to try this, watch tons of videos online first…so worth the time.


Mand01 March 29, 2018 at 12:55 pm

Thank you! We don’t have those brands but I understand what you are saying.

Mrs. Picky Pincher March 28, 2018 at 4:49 am

Ouch, sorry about the envelope-licking fiasco! I hate that!

This week:

1. I’m pulling in a lot of extra freelance work, which means more side income. 🙂

2. I messed up today’s dinner by forgetting to defrost a rump roast yesterday. But never fear! I’ll simply cook one of the frozen pizzas that I stashed for occasions like this. 🙂

3. Yesterday hubby had some exciting things happen. Instead of going out to dinner to celebrate, we enjoyed a badass homemade dinner and our homemade beer/wine/mead.

4. I’m also wearing a secondhand outfit. 🙂 I’m also wearing Rothy’s shoes, which I received as a birthday gift (they’re made from recycled plastic bottles and are super comfy).

5. Instead of buying a crazy Easter basket for our nephew, I made Easter egg-shaped Rice Krispies. We’re reusing the Easter basket he left over a few years ago to carry the treats, too!


tia March 28, 2018 at 9:26 am

I never knew formica was such a stigma.

I got a free magic eraser sponge and was surprised the usual baking soda and white vinegar does a better job.

What happens when women quit buying groceries? Do whole households starve?
And cleaning and other jobs and errands, would society crumble if women just stepped back? I guess I’m really slow noticing that women are doing this whole frugal exhausting marathon just so families can survive and possibly prosper.
I think I watched way too many new TV shows last night.

I was in my closet getting dressed this morning and took notice for some reason that I am drawn to wearing the same few things over and over again. What kind of programmed madness allowed all the other stuff in my closet? Or is the madness my inability to diversify and include the other clothes and shoes into my life. Oh sweet spring your changing ways are messing with me. = )


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 9:49 am

I think it’s became a stigma because all of the Home Improvement shows make everyone think it’s necessary to have quartz or granite or you are nothing….I am officially nothing, lol.


Jennifer@thefrugaldribble March 28, 2018 at 9:53 am

About the clothes thing..I almost always wear the same couple shirts and jeans. My closet is really small I don’t even need that much space for my scant wardrobe. Honestly, I think I may be lazy because I frequently just put back on things straight from the dryer instead of hanging them, lol.


Bee March 28, 2018 at 2:07 pm

Home improvement shows are definitely fueling demand. The life span of home design trends used to be 5-7 years. Now, these trend last approximately 18 months. It is best to choose what you like best.


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:30 am

Sad we’re living in such a throw away and keeping- up -with -the -Joneses society. My father used to always say: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. My frugal hero!


A. Marie March 28, 2018 at 10:55 am

Tia, you raise some interesting points, particularly in the “What happens when women quit…” paragraph. With all respect to WilliamB and our other male regulars, it does seem that the majority of us NCA commenters are women. In my own case, I was the frugal party and DH was the “let’s spend it” party in the beginning–but he gradually came around, and of course now I’m the one making the major financial decisions because of his cognitive problems. Thoughts from others?


tia March 28, 2018 at 12:04 pm

I just used the last of the dishwasher detergent…if I don’t buy more, dishes will pile up like a landfill, if I have it available someone will eventually run a load of dishes. I bought some Jello on sale for the first time in years. Someone actually made it and everyone enjoyed it. If I have canned chicken and dried rice in the house someone will make chicken and rice that everyone enjoys. These are the anomalies I have observed. These are all people of legal age.
I was reading about Utah’s free range parenting law and also watching a whole night of TV. And yesterday I batched errands and grocery shopping to save gas and was tired from it all.
I’ve been playing with these ideas off and on for a while. I’ve cut out lots of expensive bills and nonessentials from my life and I think I now want to frugalize me somehow.


Bee March 28, 2018 at 2:45 pm

As many of you know, I was out of commission for 6 weeks. My family survived, but barely. If I had not been well enough to give direction, things could have gotten completely out of hand. I discovered early in our marriage that my dear hubby was a wonderful person, but domestically challenged. He was not taught by his parents how to most things related to caring for himself or his home. Through the years, we have learned to work together. I cook; he cleans. He vacuums; I dust. I make the shopping list; he goes to the store. However, I have always taken care of the money. He could never get his head around the household finances, but I suspect that he really didn’t want to. If anything happens to me, our children know Dad may need some help.


Mand01 March 28, 2018 at 4:14 pm

My husband does the majority of household cleaning and I do the majority of gardening and grocery shopping. He does most school drop offs and appointments for our autistic daughter. I noticed I was doing all the bill paying and organising and I was not happy with carrying that mental load. So I told him that, and now we have a weekly meeting where we share these tasks. I feel we share equally and when we don’t, I raise it. Honesty is the best policy.


Shevaun March 28, 2018 at 11:52 am

Yes, I agree that the stigma is media-based. (Did you know that folks who use lots of social media are more susceptible to anxiety and depression?). The same is true in parenting decisions: “good” parents sign their kids up for every “enriching” activity. By default, you are a “bad” parent if a particular activity doesn’t fit in your budget/schedule/life-energy-priority.

We are getting ready to move, so every object held in hand is subject to: does this give me joy? As a result, we are down to 2 vans-full of stuff (for a family of 5 humans, 2 animals, with both parents working-from-home). My entire wardrobe fits in a reusable shopping bag, except for my bathrobe and snow boots. I’d like to keep this simplicity after we move. We’ll see…


Gina in Ky March 29, 2018 at 6:45 am

Oh your comment on “good” vs “bad” parenting is so astute!


KJD509 March 30, 2018 at 8:42 am

Tia, a friend of mine once went “on strike.” She put a sign in the yard and everything. Her husband and stepkids were mortified, and then in a few days they were hungry. It took nearly three weeks for them to realize how much work there is in running a household, but boy did they realize it.

The frugal marathon seems similar – with wages stagnant, costs rising, and interest on savings basically nonexistent, being frugal is the only path left for many of us. And as we see in these comments and posts, it’s practically another third shift – and, with some exceptions, one that the women of the household are responsible for. I feel lucky that my hubs thinks finding clever ways to repurpose leftovers or otherwise be frugal is impressive, but, um, it’s still me doing the work and him being impressed. Pretty sure I know what would happen if I stopped, and it would look a lot like Bee’s experience: they survived, but barely.

Much to think about.


Amber March 28, 2018 at 9:56 am

Five Frugal things…
1.) Picked up a pair of shoes and a jacket (for my son who is going on a school trip) from our local Buy Nothing group.
2.) On last trip to Safeway, picked up several free cans of corn (which I’m not sure what to do with) and packets of gravy with coupons.
3.) My birthday was yesterday, I didn’t have to ‘cook’, so picked up 2 pizzas from Papa Murphy’s (I still had to bake) for $18 with a really good sale price pizza and a 50% off coupon.
4.) Pulled out a tote of size 8 clothes that I have been saving for 5 years from my oldest son to replenish my middle son’s wardrobe. I don’t have a lot of storage space, but clothes are so worth keeping.
5.) Living with the clothes and shoes and hair cut I have…we would like to upgrade to a bigger house one day, but even the small savings here may never amount to much with the way the housing prices keep going up in Pacific Northwest 😐


Marybeth March 28, 2018 at 5:51 pm

Happy Birthday.


LB March 29, 2018 at 5:55 am



Tracy March 29, 2018 at 6:52 am

Cheap, tasty, filling side = corn pudding using canned corn and jiffy corn bread mix

We also like corn chowder at our house, using corn in place of clams in clam chowder, cheap and filling!

Also “cowboy caviar” salad with canned corn, black beans, cilantro, onion avocado and chopped tomatoes (or halved cherry tomatoes) plus vinaigrette dressing


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:32 am

I always throw a can of corn in my chili. Gives it a slightly sweet taste.


ouvickie March 28, 2018 at 1:34 pm

LOL! I love your #4 – I still have white Formica counter tops and Hunter green tile backsplash in my kitchen. Our house is a 1995 model, so none of the cabinets or decor are up to date, but it’s functional and looks fine – I don’t seem to lose any sleep over it.
1) Today was our OKWIT Power Luncheon. The food was great and the guest speakers were awesome. The $30 I spent is reimbursable, since it’s work related, and I had fun networking with the ladies.
2) I picked up some caramel rice cakes, at the store Monday morning, to spread PB on for a breakfast snack. The weather is warming up, so I’m not hungry for hot oatmeal right now. One bag of rice cakes cost $1.39-ish, which makes a cheap breakfast since I buy store-brand PB.
3) I’m keeping my granddaughters this weekend and I found an Easter Egg Hunt and Family outing at the local park, this Friday evening – all free!
4) I’m having lunch with a friend and co-worker on Friday. She’s lending me some more DVDs to watch from her collection. Gotta love friends who share!
5) The outfit I wore to work and to the luncheon today was thrifted from Goodwill. A pretty turquoise muslin blouse and a mixed green & blue color hue skirt. The boots I bought at Ross Dress for Less about 3-4 years ago for less than $40. They are so comfortable and since they’re black, they go with everything.


Christine March 28, 2018 at 4:25 pm

I don’t even have a backsplash! Lol. Although we are thinking of getting some of that new stick-on type sometime. My Formica counters are holding out just fine too.


LB March 29, 2018 at 5:52 am

1. Ate dinner at home every night this week. We’re down to cereal folks, but it’s doing the trick until payday Friday.
2. Declined drinks at the bar last night in favor of going home to do homework. Who knew grad school would be a force for frugality?
3. Split making a diaper cake with my BF for his sister’s baby shower. Half the price for me, plus an extra set of hands rolling up all those diapers!
4. Brought my coffee with me every day this week (and zero waste win–had my reusable cup with me at a conference yesterday to load up on a free second cup!)
5. Got a coupon for a hershey’s oreo bar in the mail–hey, if i’m gonna fall off the wagon, might as well be on someone else’s dime, eh?


Karen March 29, 2018 at 6:30 am

1. Went to Half Price Books with two big bags of books to sell, and they offered me 31 dollars plus a 10% off coupon for bringing in books to sell. So we were able to put that towards some very nice hardbacks (I scored a hardcover of Spock’s World for 8 bucks, to replace my tattered paperback! woot!), some of which will be great for homeschooling, for nothing spent on my end.

2. Was able to confirm my DH’s suspicion that the bulk maple syrup I saw at Fresh Thyme (first time in there) was not a better buy than the kind we get at Kroger, plus we get extra Kroger points towards free groceries for buying their brands.

3. We used our free access to the fitness center and track on the military base for our phys ed this week. So much fun to go play dodgeball with my kids and run on the very nice new track, for free.

4. Packed extra snacks for after our phys ed, so the kids weren’t starving on the ride home—I’ll keep doing this and we won’t have to stop at the store for snack bars like I did yesterday when rechecking the prices on maple syrup.

5. Planned out my grocery list for Easter and will use my Kroger checks to get free groceries–I like when that happens near a holiday!


Karen March 29, 2018 at 6:35 am

**I forgot to add that I have sold books to 2nd and Charles, a different bookstore, and Half Price Books and I have to say that I think Half Price books is better. For the following reasons:

1. They don’t say, “I’ll give you less cash or more in store credit.” Half Price just offers you X amount, and you can either put it towards a purchase OR cash it out. 2nd and Charles wants you to spend more at their store, so they’ll give you less of a cash payout.

2. The stores are just more bookish. 2nd and Charles sells a lot of toys, junky collectible stuff, video games and movies. Half Price books has always for my money had a better selection of books for kids and adults, and I prefer the atmosphere.

3. They’re faster. I can wait for up to half an hour at 2nd and Charles, but Half Price books does a better job looking up books and getting the offer done.


Tracy March 29, 2018 at 6:58 am

On vacation — not frugal, especially first two days at Disneyland/California Adventure. Need to tighten the belt to catch up. Now staying with family and home tomorrow. Let’s see what frugal things I can come up with…
1. Took snacks and water into Disney with us.
2. Stayed in hotel within walking distance with free breakfast and parking. Walked to/ from Disney.
3. Been mostly eating at home since we got to in-laws and doing free activities (hiking, pool, etc)
4. Hit thrift store yesterday, got 4 books and cute sun dress for $10
And that’s all I can think of! Back on frugal wagon tomorrow!


Cindy in the South I March 29, 2018 at 10:33 am

Actually, I do not have countertops, as the cabinets were stolen out of my house (along with the toilet and kitchen sink) before I bought the house, which is why it was so cheap. I put a large board over the one lower cabinet, which I bought a year ago, and that board functions as a countertop. I will get around to attaching the cabinet to the wall, and purchasing other cabinets later. I also have not decided on a color to paint the one cabinet I do have. Obviously, decorating shows have zero effect on me…lol. I also have very ugly curtains, and ya know, decorating is just not my bag.


Gina in KY March 29, 2018 at 11:18 am

Ha! We have so much in common! My abandoned house also was without cabinets. I have since added one from Habitat Restore and I use a cool vintage stove for storage and counter along with a buffet for a “island”. It all gets the job done. 🙂


Christine March 30, 2018 at 7:39 am

My stepson works for a contractor and is a jack of all trades. He’ll try to install anything and succeeds. The things he has scored for his own house from things that people throw away or want replaced are incredible. A few: New to him siding for his house, a large vanity for his bathroom from a hotel his company remodeled, decking from a customer who wanted a new deck (the decking is perfectly fine and beautiful), you get the idea. He makes good use of what others discard.


KJD509 March 30, 2018 at 8:35 am

Oh, I’d love to do a “what I’m still using” FFT! First up: the original range in our 1953 house. Even though all the realtors who’ve been through have encouraged us to buy new appliances before we list it so everything matches. Ugh.

1) Had a conference for work that was in my town. Stayed at home instead of the hotel, which meant no pet-sitting and saved the company money.
2) Walked downtown each day. Just over a mile, and a glorious way to start the day. My daily car commute isn’t terrible – 16 miles on the freeway against traffic, so it’s quick and easy – but walking is so much better.
3) Ate all meals on the company’s dime. Then didn’t eat dinner at home last night because I was still full (and maybe still a little tipsy) from all the food and booze the previous three nights.
4) No driving for 4 days – still on last week’s tank of gas.
5) Ran out of oil for the furnace while I was with my bereaved friend last week (forgot to turn it down before I left, so it ran full bore for at least 3 days), but knowing I’d only be home to sleep and would likely be plenty warm after the obligatory drinking with the sales team, held off until yesterday afternoon to order more. Then with the help of youtube and a flashlight, restarted it myself to save the service fee.


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