Goodwill, Badwill, Questionable-will

by Katy on January 23, 2025 · 52 comments

I had a few extra minutes to my day, so I snuck into the Broadway Goodwill to see if I could find anything to justify a Goodwill, Badwill, Questionable-will blog post. The thrift goddesses were good to me.

I was tempted to pick up this Mama Ro brand ceramic and wood kitchen canister, as it would feel quite at home in my father’s house. Unfortunately it was priced at $9.99, which was too rich for my blood.

See? Would’ve slotted right into my dad’s kitchen without anyone blinking an eye.

I was also tempted to pick up this vintage refrigerator leftovers container, as it had an intact lid, which can be rare. Priced at $7.99, it was actually a decent price, but I’m not looking for properly priced items, I want bargains!

I have four of this style of glass containers, mostly the smaller square ones that I use throughout the house to corral small items. I like their ribbed sides and their chunky aesthetic. I sourced two of them from free boxes over the years, which is why $7.99 gave me sticker shock. What am I, a Rockefeller?!

This colorful purse jumped out at me as A) it looks to be made of pop art eyeballs; but also because B) the color scheme seemed oddly familiar.

Is it normal to match your handbag to your shower curtain? (You may remember this photo from when stupidly I cut my own hair.) Of course, the shower curtain is also thrifted, maybe 12-15 years ago.

This antique chair caught my eye as it had an oddly flat and square seat. Of course, there’s a reason for that design choice . . .

Hello, hidden potty seat!

The chair section did provide one gem, which was this vintage walnut dining chair priced at just $4.99! Half the price of a used kitchen canister! Yes, I bought it.

“But wait,” You may be saying to yourself, “what about the ‘Badwill’?”

I cannot specify what this chef appears to be doing in this PG-13 blog post, but I gotta hand it to you Goodwill, good job!

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 52 comments… read them below or add one }

Li January 23, 2025 at 4:51 pm

I’ve pretty much given up on badwill since the prices have gotten out of hand. Target and IKEA items sometimes cost more than new ones at Target or IKEA! I’m also unhappy about the price of books at Portland’s bins.

Thanks for reminding me that the occasional chair (or whatever) gets past the delusional people setting the prices.


Fru-gal Lisa January 23, 2025 at 5:21 pm

This didn’t happen at a Goodwill, but at another local thrift store: some college sorority girls recently had been volunteering at the store and they set the prices sky high. Apparently, the rich girls (who attended a private college known for its snobbery and outrageous tuition costs) had never bought second-hand before. So I took an item up to the clerk, politely questioned the price, and she explained what had happened, apologized — and marked down the item on the spot. You might try that next time you go thrifting; although I doubt Goodwill would be willing to adjust prices, other charities may be more cooperative.


Katy January 23, 2025 at 5:53 pm

Too funny!


Li January 23, 2025 at 6:37 pm


None of the thrifts around here will negotiate, but I did manage to negotiate at an estate sale this morning!


Fru-gal Lisa January 24, 2025 at 7:38 am

Yes, you guessed right, they were from Baylor. And it was the Caritas store on Bellmead Drive (now closed) where the clerk lowered the price.


Li January 24, 2025 at 8:16 am

A lucky guess! I figured you were a Texan when I saw your comments about off-brand electricity providers. I grew up in Texas, and my old friends are always sharing electricity woes on Facebook.

Ecoteri January 23, 2025 at 7:11 pm

I commented that the price of a bunch of single-no-lids round glass food storage containers were well overpriced as a new set with lids would cost about the same. … And the plastic replacement lids ain’t cheap
I was snootily informed that these were PYREX not Anchor Hawking and therefore the price would stay the same.
Oh, well. I will be back this Monday – I am curious to see if they sold (I have a good buddy who works there and I drop in to see her after my volunteer stint at Hospice). I might be proven wrong, but the Anchor Hawking ones are often on sale for an even better deal


Cheryl January 24, 2025 at 12:52 pm

Those glass “pyrex/anchor hocking” glass containers are at ALL the thrift stores, never with lids – and ridiculously overpriced!


Heidi Louise January 24, 2025 at 7:43 am

Although I see the humor in the story, quite believably, how do you know they were snobs? Ignorant about prices, but snobs?


Rose January 24, 2025 at 10:52 am

Just because they go to an expensive college doesn’t make them automatically snobs. I got a lot of that in college.


Fru-gal Lisa January 24, 2025 at 8:56 pm

We peasants have to deal with them a lot.
Happily, I live on the other end of town and have a community of friends and coworkers who aren’t such elitists.


Ecoteri January 26, 2025 at 6:49 pm

@Heidi Louise, my buddy works there and she was the one who went to get the containers repriced, so the ‘snootily’ comment is actually from her – how she described the manner in which she was informed the containers were Pyrex. So, there was an underlying snobbiness that my buddy and I were kind of laughing about. As others have noted, these are everywhere, without lids, and overpriced. We can buy as set of 12 plus lids for about $20 here, on sale (various sizes, but you do to the math!) if they are Anchor Hocking (got the spelling right this time). And nobody buys the pyrex ones because they are all essentially the same. Rotten lids, great containers.


Jessica Wolk-Stanley January 23, 2025 at 5:07 pm

I used to have a toilet chair!


Cheryl January 24, 2025 at 12:52 pm

Me too! It was called a Potty Seat HAHAHAHA


Fru-gal Lisa January 23, 2025 at 5:13 pm

OMG, you just ruined my appetite for Italian food tonight….
Will be waiting to see how much profit you get in selling the kitchen chair.
My FFTs today:
1. I’ve had problems with the off-brand retail electric utility provider with which I’ve contracted (in my state, you can choose which utility you use and the prices vary wildly; of course, I go with the El Cheapo ones…14 cents per kwh is lots better than 17, 18 or 21, which the more established ones charge…but last contract, I paid only 10 or 11 cents, so sad…) They have a phone line where you can pay your bills instead of sending checks, but lately, it malfunctioned and I can’t punch in my bank acct numbers fast enough…after a half-dozen tries, I have concluded it’s them, not me, that’s at fault. So I mailed my Dec. check over the holidays and it got there late — not my fault! I tried numerous times to phone it in! — and I wrote them a note saying so, and adding don’t charge me that late fee, I won’t pay it. Today, I got my paper bill and (of course!) there was a $3-and-change late fee printed on it. Armed for bear, I telephoned their number and while I waited for a human being to get on the line, the robot system said I owed X amount for the bill. Wait, what? I compared that to what was on the electric bill….and yes, they had deducted the late fee. So I hung up without talking to any employee. But the late fee was on the paper invoice, and the automatic payment system still isn’t working. Hmmm, what to do? I mailed in a check without enclosing the paper invoice, just in case someone would read it and charge me the extra $3 late fee on next month’s bill. And I took it to the main post office so the check WILL arrive well before their deadline.
2. Still depressed over the election and having cabin fever staying in during the cold, I went to a lunch buffet. On the door is a new sign: a discount for AARP members. Fished my old card out of my purse and got the discount! It’s not even my card; my ex-roommate got a multi-year AARP membership where they give the member 2 cards to share with a spouse or relative and she gave it to me. I’ve been using it for over a year, and I didn’t pay a penny in dues!
3. Went to a big box store to shop for flooring. They offer free measurements so I signed up for same. There is no obligation to buy their flooring, so I still may buy from another place if necessary. (The rival store charges $35 for measuring but refunds it IF you buy from them, but I didn’t want to get locked into the deal or lose the $35.)
4. While at the store, I took my old light fixture in and asked the clerk in the lighting dept. if this size was still available. It wasn’t. I already knew that, but I used the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about lighting installation. Sure enough, what my friend told me is true: if I hire a professional electrician, he will require that ALL my electrical wiring, plugs, fixtures, etc. are up to current code. I live in a 60-y-o house, and that would cost an arm and a leg. Good to know! Meanwhile, if anyone has any ideas on how to DIY recessed square lighting or cover up 10-inch holes with other ceiling fixtures, pls. share.
5. Paid my first installment property tax bill to avoid late fees and qualify for the special senior deal. They’ll let you pay 1/4 of it every 2nd month, which is a big help for such a large amount…..but homestead and over 65 exemptions also help a lot.


MB in MN January 23, 2025 at 5:44 pm

Hand job, tee hee. I recall that chef figure… if memory serves, his hands used to be holding a tray.


Katy January 23, 2025 at 5:53 pm

Without the tray, the hands are kind of confusing for sure!


Kristen | The Frugal Girl January 23, 2025 at 6:02 pm

What a classy bedside commode!


Katy January 23, 2025 at 7:21 pm

I’m a classy broad, with classy bathroom needs!


Fru-gal Lisa January 24, 2025 at 7:43 am

Fun fact from history: in the deep South after the Civil War and during Reconstruction, ladies living in the city would take the contents of their bedside commodes to the upstairs window, wait for a Yankee soldier to walk by, then dump it on his head. Even back then, we Southern women were fearless and feisty!


Rose January 24, 2025 at 9:14 am

You still lost. /descendant of a Yankee Civil War soldier


Fru-gal Lisa January 24, 2025 at 8:59 pm

Actually, my grandpa and his family did not arrive until 1888. I would like to think that they would never, ever have owned slaves, even if they’d come prior to the war.

They weren’t snobs.

Rose January 25, 2025 at 10:37 am

I’m not a snob either.

Selena January 25, 2025 at 12:05 pm

So correct Rose. My direct descendant was from south of the Mason-Dixon and was smart enough to fight for the Union.

Rose January 25, 2025 at 3:15 pm

My ancestors came from the Five Points in NYC, yes where Gangs of New York* was set, and so I am fairly sure that great-great grandpa participated in the Draft Riots, the biggest civil disturbance in US history, but he was still sent to fight at Bull Run, etc. Womp womp, Gramps. He is picture along with his troop in the New-York Historical Society.

*As my sister said, if there’s someone with a dead rabbit on a pike, it’s probably our great great great grandfather.

Coral Clarke January 23, 2025 at 11:56 pm

Got some much needed GOOD news today, for a change!The reason I needed CPR twice, after the car accident, was vagal , not caused by my heart, so now I’m hoping the trauma team will sign off tomorrow, in time for my grandson to arrive from interstate and take me home!


Ruby January 24, 2025 at 6:44 am

Good heavens, Coral! Does the medical team expect you to make a full recovery?


A. Marie January 24, 2025 at 8:30 am

Coral, I hadn’t heard before about all this, and I wish you a full and speedy recovery.


MB in MN January 24, 2025 at 8:54 am

Holy moly, glad you’re alive!


Katy January 24, 2025 at 10:26 am

I’m so happy to read this news!


Jill A January 25, 2025 at 4:44 am

Coral, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m wishing you a speedy recovery. Be well. Jill


GK January 24, 2025 at 4:42 am

Ohhhh, a goodwill – badwill – questionable will post! Love those!!!

That kitchen chair is very nice – as is the storage container but I would also have left it at that price.


Carol January 24, 2025 at 5:49 am

I don’t know if you guys have already seen this, but I thought it was funny. Apparently I’m not thrifty, I’m into “underconsumption core”.


MB in MN January 24, 2025 at 9:04 am

Carol, thanks for sharing that interesting article. In order to understand it, I had to look up what FYP means. For You Page – I’m glad I don’t have one!


A. Marie January 24, 2025 at 5:57 am

Me, I’d probably have fallen for that kitchen canister if it matched a set that I or someone else owned. But Katy has Good Will (i.e., a will of iron) in a situation like that. I confess that I often have Bad Will (i.e., the will of a feather duster) when thrift store temptation arises, although I’ve gotten it under better control as I get older.


LB January 24, 2025 at 6:45 am

Absolutely snorted out loud at “will of a feather duster.” Well done!


A. Marie January 24, 2025 at 8:45 am

LB, I can’t claim credit for the line, although I wish I could. As I recall, I lifted it from a letter by the writer Flannery O’Connor, describing herself vs. her redoubtable “Cousin Katie” (who paid for a trip to Lourdes in the hope of curing Flannery’s lupus, over Flannery’s misgivings). And come to think of it, it’s funny that Cousin Katie was another Katie/Katy with a will of iron!


Ashley Bananas January 24, 2025 at 6:39 am

I haven’t done much Goodwill shopping lately because the prices here seem so out of control. I can buy new items on sale or clearance at the same price points. The only way to get a good deal there is to go to an outlet and pay by the pound, but I dont enjoy that setting and dont go, even though there is one close by.

For clothing I haven’t bought anything brand new for myself in over two years. I lost a lot of weight and friends and neighbors generously gave me clothes they were letting go of. In the shoe department I have only bought second hand for myself, or new from a resale store, think Clothes Mentor, Plato’s Closet. I did once score a pair of like new Brooks sneakers for 3.99 at Goodwill in the last year, they were filthy but thankfully washed up well. I often think of my friend who buys Brooks full price for about $200, and I never point it out to her, but I feel like I’m saving the difference.

Some frugals…
1. I’ve redeemed $15 on Shopkick.
2. I’ve redeemed $3 on Fetch.
3. I redeemed $31 on ibotta.
4. I bought butter at $3.99 a lb at WinnDixie, used a $1.00 receipt coupon bringing the price to $2.99, then used store points to receive the butter for free.
5. My friend gave me a new bra – it’s Amaaaaazing!


Kathleen January 24, 2025 at 10:28 am

Oh, please share the brand of the amazing bra? Enquiring bosoms need to know! And thank you!


A. Marie January 24, 2025 at 11:41 am

Honestly, I think that someone should do an entire YouTube channel dedicated to bra reviews for us well-endowed ladies and call it the “Boob Tube.” 😀


Heidi Louise January 24, 2025 at 12:14 pm

And even then, I wouldn’t believe it was true and that those products really work for real women (such as those of us who do not match their underpants to their bras).


Cheryl January 24, 2025 at 12:58 pm

OMG, A Marie – GENIUS and HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAH


Fru-gal Lisa January 24, 2025 at 9:02 pm

A. Marie,
(Groan) LMAO!!!


Jill A January 25, 2025 at 4:51 am

I would like to add this bra to your YouTube reviews. I am tired of underwire and these are very comfortable and come in larger sizes.|MP-PLA|GOOG|PMAX|MULTI|SITEWIDE||||18648662634||&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAtNK8BhBBEiwA8wVt9_3OmzO4ifr_VIQL9kRFF4bgjruCWHs2MLDvToN2Ht3VRBfHjmHmsRoC3MYQAvD_BwE


Ashley Bananas January 24, 2025 at 1:38 pm

It’s Victoria’s Secret, which I 100% never would have bought when I was heavier. But, I will say, it’s quite nice >.< lol

Totally love the idea of a bra fit youtube channel, might steal the idea 😉


Bettypants January 24, 2025 at 6:54 am

Goodwill pricing varies SO much based on the location. The one nearest me is pretty cheap, in my opinion. All men’s and women’s tops/sweaters/sweatshirts are $5, all dresses are $8, all pants are $7. Shoes, jackets, purses, toys, household, and furniture are individually priced, but seem low to me.

The Goodwill one town over is a little dumpier and has slightly lower prices.

I went to a Goodwill 30 minutes away, in a college town, and was astounded at how high the prices were. Everything was individually priced, based on perceived desirability, and it was a complete waste of time for me.


Ruby January 24, 2025 at 6:55 am

I generally find Goodwill to be ridiculous lately. I noticed this week that our local one is now up-pricing plus size clothes. Retailers do it because the clothing requires more material to produce, but there’s no reason except greed for Goodwill to do it. $6.95 for a grease-spotted old 2XL Hanes t-shirt ought to be a crime.

That said, I spend money there when I can find something priced decently. The extreme cold fractured the stoneware water bowl inside our bird bath, so I found a steel one at GW for 74 cents after the senior discount. The birds are happy again.


Terry January 24, 2025 at 7:38 am

Instead of “BadWill”, how about “IllWill”. I have seen torn, stained t-shirts and blouses selling for $6.99!


Heidi Louise January 24, 2025 at 12:15 pm

And that is even more infuriating when we are told that the Will gets too many clothes and can’t put them all out. At least put out the good stuff!


Sewfast January 24, 2025 at 7:39 am

During our travels we stopped at the Goodwill in Warrenton last year and scored on 3 blouses in my size for less than $4.99 each, used but in new condition. Our local Goodwill in South Lake Tahoe is akin to shopping at Target as pricing is much higher and almost all new products. We love Oregon Goodwill.


Cindy in the South January 24, 2025 at 10:28 am

Love the turquoise walnut chair!


Christine January 26, 2025 at 10:36 am

I have the same refrigerator container in the square shape. I picked it up years ago in a consignment shop. I have no memory of what I paid for it but I have always used it for leftovers. I like how you gave yours different uses. They look pretty out on the counter and the tray.


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