My day yesterday started out with a fizzle, (or whatever the opposite of “bang” is.) I confused the location for a morning appointment, I left my beloved reusable coffee mug behind; and then when I stopped in at the library to cheer myself up, it turned out to be closed.
However, my day took a turn for the better when I noticed that a family up the street was having some tree work done. A sneaky peek into the back of the truck showed a load of rather lovely looking cedar wood chips. And best of all, a quick conversation with the worker was all it took to arrange for them to dump everything into my driveway.
For free!
Now, you may remember when I scored a similar deal in 2009, but the time had come to re-mulch the yard.
Since yesterday was neither cold nor rainy, I knew I had to act quickly to spread the mulch around the yard. So I strapped on my CD Walkman (complete with an Agatha Christie library audio book) and got down to bidness.
Up the stairs with a wheelbarrow, down the stairs with the wheelbarrow, dump out and spread. Over and over, with only Tommy and Tuppence for company. My back was aching, but the result was worth it.
Here is some photo documentation for your viewing pleasure:

Sideyard, before. There’s still a bit of the mulch from 2009, but mostly it’s just slick, hard packed mud.

Sideyard, after. Note that my elusive husband is actually in this photo. Because yes, I was still playing landscaper when he came home from work. And since his name is “Dale,” this photo requires a “Chip and Dale” reference.
{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }
Thank you, I’m really happy with how polished the side of the house looks.
Very nice! You inspire me to ask next time I see a tree trimming truck on the street. I’m usually too shy.
Shyness is not an issue for me. Makes me be a rather embarrassing mother.
I need to take a page from your book here (in many situations). The worst they can say is no, right?
p.s. The side yard looks great!
Are you super sore today? Spreading mulch makes me ache.
Surprisingly I’m sore at all. However, I did take a long hot stretchy shower last night.
Thanks for this because had a very similarly crummy morning…got kids to school late due to a wierd school delay…went in said school with house slippers (wasn’t planning on going in!!) and my pants zipper open……and so on. But then my hubby insisted on taking me out to lunch…although I had turned him down to save $$. But we got to use that 2 meals for $10 at Applebee’s coupon before it expires on Monday!
Blurg is my new favorite word. Or sound.
I love how my yard looks with a fresh coat of mulch, aahh!
You had me at “lay it on thick.” 😀
Good score! There’s a tree- trimming place in my neighborhood that gives away free woodchips all the time, but you have to go pick them up yourself. Getting them “delivered” for free makes it a double score!
I’m impressed – both with the results and your hard work.
Love love love it!!!
My day sure turned around today!
a.m.: Slogging through the typical stuff at work.
p.m.: Surprise promotion and raise!
I guess they like the way I slog! I am already mentally calculating how much more quickly my car replacement fund will build up at my new rate of pay. Maybe I’ll buy a slice of cheesecake to celebrate, too. 🙂
Wow, congratulations!
that looks great! and i chuckled for sure at your chip & dale reference as i also have a dale. 🙂 people on the phone always think i am saying “bill” until i either say “no, like chip & dale” or “no, like dale earnhardt” (i live in the south…everyone knows who he is here haha)
I have a cousin named “Chip,” so there’s always lots of “Chip and Dale” jokes when he’s around.
hehe, you are funny! Glad your day got better!
Nice work………I wish I only had to mulch my yard every couple of years…….but in the land ofno rain, its at least a twice a year endeavour.
Why is that?
I see that your wood chips are not mulching a garden area or incorporated into your soil. Just a reminder to your readers, that while mulching is good practice and wood chips are a great compost amendment, in a garden setting, there is concern that the wood chips should be allowed to break down first. As the wood chips decay, they could cause a nitrogen deficiency in the surrounding soil, so just watch out for yellow plants. Probably not as big of a deal in your area where you get lots of rain, but more so in areas with less rain and slower decomposition.
Interesting, thanks! And yup, we get *lots* of rain!