Today is day eleven of the July Food Stamp Challenge, and I thought I would treat you to a photo essay of the ways in which I am (as always, but especially this month) working to keep food expenses down.

These strawberries were leftover from my mother's 4th of July barbecue. They were starting to go soft, so I sliced and froze them. They can now sit in the freezer until needed.

I am keeping a fresh supply of chilled tap water on hand, both for pouring, and in grab-and-go bottles. Note that the glass bottle is just from some Tazo tea that my husband bought awhile back. I prefer to drink from glass, and these are surprisingly sturdy.

These American cheese slices are from the stash of food my sister brought down from Seattle before moving to Manhattan. They are just as disgusting as you imagine. However, my son has used a couple of them in sandwiches.

This is for all you coupon-haters out there. We buy "Dave's Killer Bread" at the outlet a dozen loaves at a time. There are always coupons to be found, which bring the price down from $4.50 a loaf to around $1.50 a loaf.

I bought this vintage Crisco jar at a garage sale the other day for $1. I love glass storage for dry goods, as it keeps the buggies out and is visually pleasing. I am a huge fan of keeping food visually available, otherwise I tend to forget what I have. I especially like the pebbly glass.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”
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We use glass extensively for food storage and it helps us a lot with bulk purchases that come in less than durable packaging. My favorite are the ~1 liter jars you get minced garlic in from some asian grocery stores. They are wide mouth, sturdy, and free!
Your water picture has made me thirsty.
*goes off to grab water bottle*
I like that vintage Crisco jar. It’s ironic too- keeping healthy grains in an old solid fat container!
Reminds me of my flour cannister on the kitchen counter- an old “Accent MSG” container. I always get some looks when people read the words on the container closely.
I use glass canning jars (left from years ago when I did a lot of canning) for leftover storage. I think food lasts longer and continues to taste fresher in glass than plastic, and like you, Katy, I can readily see what is in there. AND the vertical storage is a plus.
Now that Crisco jar is a new one on me. I am no spring chicken but have never seen a jar like that. It’s great!
I love keeping food in old jars. My canister set is a group of old gallon pickle jars that I bought years ago for .50 each.
But I have to tell you I am Jonesing for that Crisco jar 8-).
I wanted to just stop by and say thank you for doing this project. It helps make others aware we never know what life will bring. My husband was injured at work just months after our marriage and taking in our neice who was just months old we thought it would be a simple strain and went on with life we found out we where pregnanat right before his first back surgery then we had our baby and found out my husband needed a second back surgery. All in all he has been off work four four years he has been on work comp which he recives about 60% of his pay after attorney cost. Then I started back in college to help advance my carrer. Little did we know a car accident was about to turn our life upside down. After what seemed to be a minor accident our baby began to vomit and quit babling he began hitting his head and having seizures. Just to make it short and simple 6 months of searching and fighting with doctors we found out our baby would need brain and back surgery asap he was also diagnosed with epilepsy. His spine for some reason got to tight agrrivated from the car accident and pulled his brain down to his c2 vertebrae we needed help with anythign we could. we turned to food stamps we where told we could get $5.46 per month and he was approved recentley for social security so he gets insurance now and $86.00 per month. We are very thankful for any help we could get but it is a struggle my husbands back still needs another surgery a fusion our baby had brain and back surgery in dec and ear surgery in january. I have continued going to school to better our future but school cost money too. Sorry for the book i just want you to know how thankful Iam for people sharing information of others struggles and that not all people that are on foodstamps just sit on there rears and want goverment assistance. That is the very last thing we ever wanted however that is where we are for now. We pray God continues to provide a way for me to go to school and take care of our familys needs.
Thank you
Tiffany Reed
Thanks for the reminder that I need to bag up the strawberries currently spread out to freeze in my own freezer!
Which I did right after taking this picture.
Thank you for showing a photo of the top of the jar. I was wondering what a Cisco jar was! 😉
The typos, they follow me everywhere. *sigh*
Great jar!
Just found your website, today. I’m enjoying it.
Love, love, love that Crisco jar. *drooling* I like to store my dry goods in jars, too.
Thanks for the inspiration.