Five Frugal Things

by Katy on April 1, 2024 · 104 comments

  1. I was gifted an oak wine barrel through my Buy Nothing Group, which my husband was able to cut in half to create a nifty pair of garden planters. I’m very excited about them as I have multiple small/medium size planters, but precisely zero big ones. I’m not sure what to plant in them, but I’ll have fun figuring it out. Maybe tomatoes for one in the front yard and basil for the one in the backyard? Maybe a small tree?

  2. I then looked around for something to offer up on Buy Nothing, (I like to balance my giving and receiving) and gave away a sturdy outdoor Rubbermaid tote that a neighbor gave us a couple years ago. Super handy, but I’d yet to put it to use, so off it went to someone who wanted it for “camping.”

    I didn’t need it, she did. Perfect!

  3. I took down my backyard canvas tarp to wash and mend. Back up it went and I once again have a modicum of privacy from the neighbors. Not that there’s anything specifically wrong with the neighbors, but the house is an AirBnb run by a slumlord and I’d rather not be on full display for a parade of random strangers.

    Why a canvas tarp? A full wood fence would set us back at least a couple thousand dollars and the tarp was around $22. Plus I think it looks artsy and cute. Team tarp.

  4. • The tenth season of Alone finally became available on the Roku History channel, so I binged it over a three day period. For someone who considers herself “indoorsy,” I sure do love this show about people who go alone into the harsh wilderness to show off their survival and bushcraft skills! They forage for berries, I forage for gardening supplies.
    • I lent my covered casserole dish and insulated carrying case to a neighbor who filled it with lasagna and took it to Southern Oregon and back. Happy to share.
    • I pulled five matching black picture frames with white mats from a different neighbor’s garbage. They were in perfect condition and three have already been claimed by my son for his apartment. This family is going through tough times and I don’t fault that she didn’t have the energy to find a better way to get rid of them.
    • My husband had our son come over to help him change the oil and replace a couple bulbs on the Prius, (which we handed down to him.) He then washed the car inside and out and polished the headlight covers. Like a new car!
    • My recent baking of a chocolate wacky cake reawakened the knowledge of how easy these cakes are, so I cobbled together a gluten-free carrot cake version and brought slabs to both my daughter and son.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Non-Consumer Mish-Mash

by Katy on March 28, 2024 · 70 comments

It’s been awhile, but it’s time for another Non-Consumer Mish-Mash blog post, where I shine a light on a couple items of random nonconsumerism.

My friend Lise is a sustainability genius. You might think that I’m good when it comes to figuring out creative solutions to sustainability issues, but she regularly puts me to shame. Just today the two of us brought our laptops to IKEA to drink free coffee and work on individual projects, when she casually whips out this iPad stand. What?!

Of course I had to document. She did admit that she found the idea online, but still . . .

Then I came across this display explaining how to get a free Frakta bag. Of course I was there to drink the coffee not buy the things, so it didn’t pertain to me. Normally, I don’t mind jumping through a few hoops to get something for free. Especially a Frakta bag, which are indestructible and endlessly useful. I cannot even count the number of dorm rooms and college apartments my kids moved into and then out of with the assistance of these bags.

Plus it’s fun to say “Frakta” out loud. Like swearing.

P.S. I did get a 65¢ IKEA veggie dog.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on March 27, 2024 · 67 comments

    1. My friend Lise texted asking if I wanted to walk with with her to the schwanky pet store. It looked like it might rain, but that’s a normal occurrence here in Portland, so I grabbed my rain jacket and headed towards her house. I buy my cat’s dry food at Costco and the canned stuff from Safeway, but it’s always interesting to widen my horizons. I didn’t purchase anything, but the cashier gave each of us a sample envelope of “lobster and cheese” cat treats, which my cat Zelda absolutely inhaled.

      I’m starting to suspect that my cat harbors a high end palate. Secretly schwanky cat?

    2. I took my next door neighbor out for lunch to thank her for taking care of Zelda while we were in Nebraska a couple weeks ago. Not looking to be a mooch in the name of frugality. Plus supporting a local business while strengthening a friendship is big picture important.

    3. I stopped at Safeway for bananas (last day of 39¢/pound!) and picked up two abandoned receipts in the parking lot and then scanned them into the Fetch app*. My receipts normally scan for just 25 points apiece as I’m not one for corporate food brands, but one of the receipt scanned for a full 1615 points! This put me over to top to cash out on a $25 Safeway gift card. Thanks, random littering Safeway customer!

    4. • I also found a penny and a dime in that Safeway parking lot.
      • I walked my returns back to the library, even though they were really heavy. It’s a half mile each way, so I give myself a pat on the back every time I walk this errand. Luckily none of my new holds were too heavy.
      • Someone filled my little free library with quality books right after someone else decimated the inventory.
      • I went through our streaming services and cancelled one, (HBO) while pretending to cancel another, (Paramount+) which prompted a “two free months” offer. I’ll wait to see if HBO sends us an offer to resubscribe.
      • I cut daffodils from the garden and put them in one of the curb picked sake glasses from last week.

    5. I didn’t thrift any tiny Lear Jets.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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* This is a referral link


Five Frugal Things

by Katy on March 25, 2024 · 98 comments

  1. My husband’s friend gave him four last minute tickets to a Trail Blazers basketball game, which at this level start at $105 apiece. (Plus we got free parking!) Although our son was up for the spontaneous adventure, we did let one ticket go to waste as we weren’t able to scrounge up a fourth person.

    We resisted the delicious pricey food options at the stadium and instead hit up a British pub afterwards. My husband and I split a huge plate of fish and chips and our son had a reuben. While my husband enjoyed an IPA, (Nasty bitter drink, blegh!) my son and I drank water. Cheaper by far than the cost of a single NBA ticket!

  2. I put an hour or so of research into whether the recent $488 screen replacement on my 2022 Apple Macbook was covered under our credit card’s extended warranty coverage. I looked through our statements from that month for our airline credit card as well as our credit union one, (which barely gets used) and couldn’t find a record of the transaction. It turns out my husband used his Apple Card, which ironically does not provide extended warranty coverage, even for Apple products.

    How is this frugal? It’s this attention to finicky finances that keeps us financially above water and often yields the best rewards. It didn’t pay off this time, but now I know to make sure all future electronic purchases are made on the airline credit card as they actually double the manufacturer’s warranty!

  3. My mother treated me to a one woman play about Eleanor Roosevelt, which was fascinating. I’d never given a moment’s thought to the woman, so it was all new information to me. However, the 105 minute production was without an intermission and had church pews as seating, so my back is sore as f— today.

    I guess that’s the price of infotainment.

  4. • I spent an hour or so prepping food this afternoon to use up some bits and bobs of random fridge food. I made veggie fried rice, red lentil soup and then peeled and rough cut carrots to ready them for roasting. I love roasted carrots, but my energy level seriously lags by dinner time.
    • I submitted an invoice for some reimbursable expenses.
    • I ran a loop of grocery errands, buying nothing more than what was on my list. Gluten-free soy sauce at H Mart, 39¢/lb bananas at Safeway and a pair of raspberry Hamantaschen from New Seasons.
    • I needed to switch up this summer’s flight to NYC and was able to do so without paying any extra. I’d paid with airline points and was actually refunded 1000 back into my account.
    • I went to Trader Joe’s with my son and saw for myself that their infamous 19¢ bananas indeed increased in price to 23¢. A sad moment for certain. I thought they were like Costco’s $1.50 hotdog deal — a loss leader and a gift to their customers. Perhaps it’s a sign time to take a break from Trader Joe’s and their union busting practices.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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I was craving a sweet treat something awful last night, which only grew stronger as the hours passed. I scoured the cupboards and fridge for something anything to feed this desire and came up empty as stupid me never buys premade snacks or desserts.

Sure, I had a brownie mix in the cupboard, but that seemed like overkill as it’s just us empty nesters in the house these days. (9″ X 13″ pan of brownies for two people? That’s a dangerous game, friend-o!) But then I remembered depression era wacky cake, which makes a small cake requiring neither eggs nor butter. Add in that you mix the ingredients in a single 8″ X 8″ baking dish and a plan began to form.

There are many recipes online that differ a bit, but here’s what I made:

Depression Era Wacky Cake

1-1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup canola oil
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup of water

Mix everything together in the pan (No mixing bowls to clean!) and bake at 350° F for 30 minutes. That’s it!

I didn’t sift a damned thing, I didn’t grease the pan and I didn’t make frosting; instead I chose to serve it warm with a dusting of powdered sugar.

Absolutely hit the spot and scratched that itch for a sweet treat!

P.S. It’s accidentally vegan.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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  1. Curb picking the Lego shelf for our attic space prompted a two day project where I went through absolutely everything in the room. I decluttered, I organized, I reconfigured where everything went and I didn’t buy a single item to support the project.

    It would been so satisfying to have all our storage supplies match, but my goal is to avoid spending money on unnecessary items. Always, for both monetary and environmental reasons!  Plus laziness, as who has the energy and mental space to drive across town and decide what to buy? The perfect example of “make it do.”

    By the way, this room had become so overfilled, as to be dangerous to walk through. Pulling out a suitcase took both strength and fortitude.

    Manga chair — circa 2012

  2. My husband is working to fix the Manga Chair that I made for my daughter back in 2012. The connection between the legs and the seat broke and we set it in the attic until we could “get to it.” And so it sat for at least five years. He had to get creative with the leg connections, but it’ll actually end up sturdier than when it was new.

    After all, this was a thrifted Target chair, not a Stickley piece. People discuss “fast fashion,” but “fast furniture” is also an issue, as the thousands upon thousands (millions?) of low quality items being manufactured are not designed to last and are often unrepairable.

  3. I baked a loaf of artisan bread using the 99¢/5-lb flour that I bought in December. I was hoping that New Seasons would repeat their baking season loss leader for Easter, but so far they haven’t.

  4. I gave away an unearthed portable stereo system through my Buy Nothing group, that I actually got from someone in the group maybe ten years ago.

  5. I didn’t thrift a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Free Storage Solutions!

by Katy on March 20, 2024 · 50 comments

My friend Lise and I took a walk around the neighborhood the other evening and hit free pile gold! (Well, I did as Lise isn’t on the prowl as much as I am.) Because what’s my love language?

Free Storage solutions!

Luckily the shelf was still there when I circled back with the minivan. The owner even help me carry it into the car and I was somehow able to schlep it into the house by myself! I knew the moment I saw this shelving unit that it would be perfect to store the kids’ Lego bins that clutter our attic storage space. We already had the bins, so there was no money out of pocket.

I mean, how perfect is this storage solution?!

And then on the drive home, the curb picking G-ds shone upon me again with this garden planter:

Very cool design with wood rounds over a sturdy plastic pot. A bit filthy, but I never shy away from a project, but the best part was on the bottom of the pot, because . . . hello!

Yeah, that’s a $60 price tag!

The cherry on top of the double hot fudge sundae is that the pot is the right size for my vintage wrought iron plant stand. A plant stand that’s murdered two ceramic flowerpots through the years as the design is top heavy. Using a light weight (and not breakable) pot is the perfect solution. I still had the propagated spider plant from the last broken pot, which slotted perfectly into its new home.

A very productive walk through the neighborhood.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Five Frugal Things

by Katy on March 18, 2024 · 78 comments

  1. I stopped by the Goodwill near my father’s house and splurged on a like new queen size Ikea Kärrdunört duvet cover and pillow case set for just $9.99. I’d admired this pattern in the store as it’s William Morris adjacent without the William Morris price tag. For this bedding set, patience was key.

    The old duvet cover in my son’s old bedroom had a fair number of snags on it and I’d passively been keeping an eye out for a replacement. We currently have three spare bedrooms, but this room is our main one as it has a full-size bed. (The other spares have a twin and a fold-out couch.) I want it to be guest ready at all times.

    I know the duvet pattern looks a bit discordant against the bold stripes from my son’s middle school years, but I don’t have it in my heart to paint over them yet.

  2. I pulled out a saved pair of shoelaces and cut them in half to sew into the corners as Ikea doesn’t put ties inside their duvets. (Why Ikea, why?!) I hate how comforters bunch up in duvets without some form of attachment, so this is my hack.  There may be a better solution, but this method works for me so I don’t overthink it.

  3. My husband pulled out our standing fan last night only to discover that it had fallen over, and the circular plastic piece that connects the front and back cage pieces was broken. I took a closer look this morning and decided to attempt a repair. Often plastic is not worth repairing, but I came up with the idea to brace the plastic with a cut zip tie and super glue it into place. Binder clips worked as clamps, so we now have our functional fan back in action.

    While many people look for opportunities to replace their old belongings, I’m always hoping to make my stuff last forever.

  4. • My husband repaired and re-stained one of my father’s antique dining room chairs.
    • I found a dime, a nickel and a penny while bagging my groceries at Winco.
    • I found someone in my Buy Nothing group to take the old duvet. Unsurprisingly, it’s also thrifted Ikea.
    • I finished reading my library copy of Kate Morton’s Homecoming, which I devoured both to and from Nebraska. 560 pages of delicious writing.
    • I started listening to The Lost Wife through the library’s free Libby app.
    • I cooked a small batch of pinto beans in my Instant Pot for refried beans. It’s a hard transition to cook for just the two of us, but I’m getting there. I know I can freeze extra food, but I’d prefer to just cook the actual amount my husband and I need. Food waste, be gone!
    • I began propagating more fuzzy bunny plant starts, as they do fantastically in outdoor flowerpots. I like the quote “The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time is now.” You know, but for free plants instead of trees. I don’t mind having multiples of the same plants in my garden. Plus the idea of something being a “house plant” rather than an summer “outdoor plant” is a false premise.

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Five Tiny Frugal Things

by Katy on March 14, 2024 · 66 comments

My husband and I just got back from my aunt’s memorial service in Nebraska and are completely and utterly knackered. Okay, we actually got back yesterday, but yesterday was a blur and doesn’t count. I’m going to string some sentences together and count it as a blog post.

  1. I found just two single pennies over the five days of this trip. An extremely low amount, but I wasn’t exactly out and about while in Nebraska. I can’t exactly scour through my cousin’s house in the name of seeding the Found Change Challenge.

  2. My husband and I set our alarms every single day to take full advantage of the hotel’s breakfast buffet. Not because the food was in any way amazing, but because we’d paid for it and by gum we were going to get our money’s worth! However, I’m very good at hacking a mediocre hotel breakfast and figured out that you can top the oatmeal packs with the chopped nuts that are set out for yogurt. Filling, high fiber and actually pretty yummy. I also put any snobbery aside and ate the likely powdered scrambled eggs. Lastly, their coffee was halfway decent.

  3. The person sitting next to me on the Denver –> Portland flight was a premier frequent flier and got a free $10 tapas snack box, which he handed over to me. My husband and I packed food for the day, so I tucked it into my backpack. I then gave it to my son as a treat/gag gift as he loved the word “tapas” in high school and took any opportunity to say it.

  4. • Although we ate multiple meals at my cousin’s house we also took everyone out for brunch one day and my mother and step father out for dinner another. Not officially frugal, but worth every penny. However, Nebraska restaurants are so much cheaper than Portland!
    • My husband and I walked the Holmes Lake trail loop one afternoon as it was sunny and barely even windy. We had perfect warm weather every single day of our trip and I kept joking that people should consider tropical Nebraska as a destination to escape the winter blues.
    • We moved our flight up from late afternoon to morning as Denver was forecast for a dramatic snow storm. There are precisely zero direct flights from Portland to Lincoln, Nebraska.
    • I gave the last of our Aldi purchased Mandarin oranges to my cousin.

  5. I didn’t thrift a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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Five Frugal Things

by Katy on March 11, 2024 · 62 comments

My husband and I traveled to Nebraska for a family member’s memorial service. Not all that frugal, but I still keep expenses under control when possible.

  1. I brought a library book to read on the airplane and during down times. Homecoming, by Kate Morton. I’m about a third of the way and fully invested in the story. My husband and I also snacked on low effort bags of mixed pretzels with trail mix on the plane.

  2. The airline left my suitcase in Denver, but issued a $50 PayPal voucher to help with my associated costs. I ended up getting my suitcase that night, but I know my rights and that the airline is liable for any costs incurred had I needed to purchase replacement items. The very nice airline employee did not know this information and only offered the voucher when I asked for one. I didn’t hit “accept” on the $50 until I got my suitcase and confirmed I wasn’t going to need to rebuy all my clothing.

    Click HERE to read your rights.

  3. My husband and I stocked up on healthy hotel room food at Aldi, which’ll transform to flight food in a few days. We don’t have Aldi in Oregon, but it’s the darling of frugality writers, so I had to hit it up.

    I see the appeal, but Winco is frankly better as they have a huge bulk section, plus it’s a standard size grocery store so you can buy everything on your list. Plus, Winco is a bit cheaper and employee owned.

    Employee owned > Billionaire owned.

  4. • I’m filling my water bottle from the filtered water dispenser in the hotel lobby.
    • We went to see my cousin’s band play at a downtown Lincoln venue, which luckily didn’t have a cover charge. We also saved money by not ordering one of their famous revolting bowls of alcohol.
    We made sure to set an alarm to hit the breakfast buffet, even though the advent of daylight savings and the time difference made this a crack of dawn endeavor.
    • Those orange sunglasses that match the Aldi branding? Pulled them from a free pile a month or so ago.
    • I din’t use traveling as a rationalization to buy new stuff. My clothes are good enough, as are my travel supplies. And I don’t mean to brag, (I totally d0) but my Diane Von Furstenberg roll-aboard suitcase was pulled from a Westchester county Goodwill dumpster.

  5. I didn’t charter a Lear Jet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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