Like bumper stickers on the back of a car, one can usually tell a fair amount about a person by the possessions they choose to carry around. High heeled shoes and a tall venti latté, or Birkenstocks and a mason jar of yerba maté? Whether we like to admit it or not, we are at least somewhat defined by our possessions.
I recently had a time capsule of my fifteen-year-old self enter back into my life in the form of a lost wallet. This 26-year-old relic arrived at my father’s house on Christmas Eve and was handed to me as a gift.
The wallet included an anonymous letter, written in a handwriting not usually found with those under the age of seventy, which read:
Dear Mr. Wolk:
I believe this wallet belongs to your daughter Katherine Wolk-Stanley — I found it on the Burnside Bridge many, many years ago. I recently found it in a drawer that I was cleaning — I had always meant to return it but had neglected to send it to you. I apologize to your daughter. Please see that she receives this —
Thank you
I have no memory whatsoever of losing my wallet in 1983, and I certainly don’t remember having one stolen, but the evidence outweighs my shoddy memory.
But one thing is clear, 15-year-old Katy is a lot different than 42-year-old Katy.
Let’s start with the wallet itself, which is made from a traditional Guatemalan huipil. The signature, nee stereotypical wallet of hippies worldwide. This is not a wallet I would carry anymore, and I’m surprised I had one to begin with.
The wallet contained:
One tenth grade student ID
Two house keys, one of which was bent by the psychic Uri Geller, but still continues to function.
A magazine photo of a girl looking off in the distance and superimposed with her grinning wildly at the camera. Was this some kind of inspiration to me in 1983?!
A school picture of my Amanda.
Two fortunes from Chinese fortune cookies. They read:
“You will do to expand your business”
“Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can.”
A slip of paper that reads, “Deposito por Envases, ¢1200 Montelimar.” (I spent the summer of 1983 in Costa Rica on an exchange program.)
A note on 3 X 5 card that reads, “Please excuse Katy Wolk-Stanley for missing school on Friday — she was with her sister who had just graduated from High School — Tony Wolk.”
A calling card from “Elaine Lustig G.”
My mother’s business card from the Oregon Journal as an “Entertainment Writer.”
Two youth membership cards from The Jewish Community Center.
A receipt from the “Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.”
Two receipts for traveler’s checks.
Two bus passes for March and May of 1983. (What, no April?)
A credit union withdrawal voucher for $30.
A Multnomah County Library card with an expiration date of September 7, 1977.
One Canadian 1979 quarter and a 1995 nickel.
A 2003 five dollar bill and a 2006 one dollar bill.
{ 19 comments… read them below or add one }
I loved this post, Katy. What a weird event! You really should spend the $6.05 on something your 15 year old self would have appreciated. A magazine with further ‘inspirational’ images, perhaps? A box of fortune cookies?
I think you should do with it what your 15-year-old self would have done. Mine would have spent it on a new 8-track tape, probably of Wham or The Village People. XD
Genius does what it must. Sigh. Spend $6 on debt reduction. Throw the rest in a wishing well.
I’m not usually a proponent of lottery tickets, but I think I’d use at least one dollar to buy one. I mean, getting your lost/stolen wallet back after 18 years? That’s definitely the universe smiling on you…maybe you’d win millions and could pay off all your debts?
found money…. use it something that you would enjoy…
I agree – spend it on something fun. Maybe something at goodwill so every time you look at it you will be reminded of the wallet time capsule. Cheers!
What a mystery! I agree with Kimberly — buy a lottery ticket (use #s from the serial # of the bill)!
What would your 15 year old self have spent it on? Do you still enjoy any of that? Have fun with it – as much as you can with that small amount!
I agree with Juhli. Find something your 15-your old self would buy and have fun.
I’m a weird stasher of money. Depending on where it came from, it goes toward different things. I would totally put the money back in the wallet and keep it as-is in a drawer somewhere with the letter. Your 70-year-old self may get an even bigger kick out of going through the contents. :o)
Ice cream! and share the lesson with your kids!
Katy! I’m writing a story in which a 50 year old woman wakes up in her 15 year old body. Done to death, I know, but I’m hoping to add some twists. Anyway, I loved this post of yours because, firstly, it’s a cool thing to happen and, secondly, it’s given me some insight into what this “woman” in my story may find in her 15 year old wallet. Quite timely! 🙂
Hmmm, I always assumed Wolk-Stanley was your married name. I clearly remember a $20 bill being stolen from my purse in 1960 by a girlfriend. It made a great impression on me. I think you did lose it. Otherwise, the trauma of a theft would have stayed with you. Maybe the person who found it hit hard times, used the money and replaced it to send to you. If it were son or grandson (how about daughter or granddaughter?) and the person found the wallet, maybe he was sure you knew exactly how much money you lost.
Of course, $20 in 1960 is much more than $6.05 in 1983 and easier to agonize over. Buy something fun.
I agree with all the others who said to spend it on something that 15 year old Katy would have enjoyed. Or spend it on snacks to watch during Mad Men.
That should have read “snacks to eat while watching Mad Men”. Oy.
That is really creepy…
I think you should treat yourself to a latte the next time you’re out and about, running errands!
How fun! Thanks for sharing. If you hadn’t “lost” the wallet – I bet you would not have any of these item still around. Must be neat to see something from your teen years again.
I would keep the money in the wallet and the wallet in a drawer. It’s really quite a story, and the dates on the money are a part of it. Do you think you will ever find out who sent it?