Enter to Win a Copy of Gretchen Rubin’s “The Four Tendencies!”
by Katy on October 24, 2017 · 274 comments
Please note that this giveaway has ended. Congratulation to Karen C. and Diane Black!

Like many others, I’m a big fan of Gretchen Rubin and her writing. She hooked me with The Happiness Project, and has continued to draw me in with her subsequent books, Happier at Home and Better Than Before. Plus, she and her sister Elizabeth Craft also host a weekly podcast titled Happier with Gretchen Rubin, so it’s damned near impossible to escape her influence. (Plus, as you can see we’ve had the opportunity to meet in person a number of times.)
To say that Gretchen Rubin is a disciplined and prolific writer would be an massive understatement. Then again, she is an “Upholder.”
These four tendencies describe a personality framework based solely on whether someone meets or resists outer and inner expectations.
Here’s a graphic for a visual reference:

So for Gretchen to take on such ambitious projects is a natural fit. She’s able to set and reach personal goals and then meet deadlines set by her publisher.
See that bottom circle, the “Rebel?” The one that reads “Resists outer expectation, resists inner expectation.” That’s me. And although “Rebel” sounds all James Dean and sexy, it’s actually a huge pain in the tuchus to be that person. External expectations make me less likely meet my obligations, which is both illogical and personally frustrating. (I also suspect that I was a challenging child to raise.)
However, I think that being a Rebel is closely tied to a richly creative mindset. Because I have zero interest in going through life like everybody else, I’m compelled to reinvent each and every wheel. I don’t let others’ opinions hold me back from what I want, and I’m almost impossible to embarrass. I have a strong sense of self, but I have a terrible time with deadlines and self discipline.
Luckily, this book doesn’t just focus on identifying your individual tendency, but explores motivation and what it means to meet or resist life’s expectations. (Which Rubin clarifies is only a single aspect of what makes us tick.) Rubin also gives very concrete information about how to interact with and understand others’ tendencies, which is important for anyone who’s not currently a hermit.
There’s an online quiz to determine your tendency, although I do have to confess that I’ve only skimmed it.
I could go on and on about this book, but instead I’m going to cut to the good part.
I’m giving away copies of The Four Tendencies to two lucky readers. Just write your name in the comments section below, and I will randomly choose the winners on Sunday, October 29th at 9 P.M. PST.
Rebelliously yours,
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”
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{ 274 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow, I’m first? Katy, this sounds really interesting- please enter me to win the book! Jenny S. in Illinois
Vicki Brown
Denisse Moreno. Now I want to read all her work!
Also a fan of Gretchen Rubin. I’m an obliger. 🙂
I am an obliger. Love Gretchen Rubin.
Linda J.
Can’t wait to read this book! I’m on the waitlist for it at the library already
I love your blog!
sounds like an interesting read
TY so much for the chance!
Jay. Thank you.
Crossing fingers.
Valerie in Florida!
Kim Nordquist
Thanks for the chance to win!
Maureen. kushmore
Deborah N.
Mary Ann N
Jill A.
Thanks, Katy!
I think you should start a podcast!
Would love to read this!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Deb W. in NH
Thanks for your creative blog.
Diane Black
Karen L.
I gave copies of The Happiness Project as birthday presents when it first came out. Loved that book!
Karen C.
Elizabeth Jakofsky, a questioner.
Shannon- thank you!
Denise (from Indiana!)
Love your work as well as Gretchen’s
Jackie P
Liz Bishop. WooHooooo!! Thanks, Katy!
Michelle. Love Gretchen Rubin!
Laura – also a rebel!
I must be a rebel too since I immediately wondered what her credentials were for such a book and why I should follow someone about psy related stuff when she has no background in such a field lol!
Please don’t enter me–not into woo-woo books. I prefer my self-help books to be well backed by scientific research 😉
Just FYI, you’re a questioner not a rebel.
Actually, Shoshana, I took the little test and am a rebel. You’d have no way to know since you are not me and have no clue how I feel/think so cant answer the questions in regards to if I uphold things for myself. But thanks for trying to tell me who I am
I read Gretchen’s other books, and in introduction to this one. While she may not have an educational background in psych, Gretchen Rubin is an amazing researcher (I know this from my professional background). She is very thorough in using other people’s academic work, and she analyzes it and presents it very well.
I am a questioner, and I have noticed my tendencies a lot since I read the introduction to this book!
Roberta (please enter my name for a chance to win!)
Ann Yawornitsky – thank you for the chance to win! I am somwhere between and upholder and obliger. Love Gretchen Rubin’s work and your blog !
Alyson, obliger
I don’t want to be entered but I just want to say how eye opening/wonderful/amazing this book and her theory are!
I picked this book up because I had read her books before but I wasn’t expecting it to EXPLAIN EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE. Literally. Just knowing that I’m not alone and not nuts was amazing. It was like finally getting a medical diagnosis after years of searching, knowing something is “wrong” with you, in societies eyes, but not really knowing why or what to do about it, and it’s been so freeing.
Shoshana (fellow rebel)
Erica B. This book is on my request list at the library 🙂
Amy Owen
Daisy – thanks!
Kim Davison
Kelly A.
Stacey W
Robin – a questioner according to the quiz 🙂
Oh how I wish I were an upholder, but alas, obliger here. Susan
Wendy. Thanks.
Sara S! Obliger 🙁
Please enter me to win! Chantel
I’m a rebel
Sally H.
Vanessa Cabezuela, Puyallup, WA 🙂
Terri I
Ananda Kohler
Another Rebel!!
I already took the online quiz! Upholder!
I’d love to read the whole book. Which I promise to read from cover to cover. Of course!
Jeana O’Connor
Sarah Rains This sounds like a super interesting read. Thanks for the chance to win!
Danielle Jones
I listen to her podcasts and have read 2 of her other books and would love to read this one. Kamani V
Jessica R-A
I think I’ve got a rebel streak in me too, would love her book.
Really interested in reading this book! If I don’t win, I’m putting in a request for it at my library.
Tonya (and I’m a rebel, too and yes, it’s a huge pain. That constantly reinventing every wheel, totally me. Also, I don’t embarrass easily either. Or maybe ever.)
Thank you.
Allison 🙂
Is this open to non-US readers? If it is, please enter me!
Alicia Quite Possibly an Obliger Much to My Dismay in the UK
Apparently I am an Obliger……Erin.
Jennifer, questioner (do I really need to add that?)
sherrie clarke
Rachel Griffin
Cheri Reeves
I’m a rebel.
I am definitely a questioner.
April Sanicola
Cindy Freihofer
Jennifer K.
Alexis S hoping to win. I don’t know which I am and weather to read to learn more!
Always late to the party, lol. Oh well…Jennifer, here.
Jessica Isler
Jennifer Eldredge
Lisa Denny
Just took the test. I’m an obliger. I need that book to find out what to do about it, lol..Jennifer
I feel the same way you to about Gretchen’s books! I would love to win. AnnMarie (and yes, you were a challenging child to raise: My daughter is a rebel and I’m an upholder)
Rachael K.
I’ve heard much about her, but haven’t had the chance to read any of her material yet. Keisha Pritchett
Jana Ringle
Margaret Morang! This is a very interesting idea.
Sarah E! I love Gretchen’s work!
Jennifer Z.
Love her writing!
ooooh, thank you for the chance!
Big fan of Gretchen’s work! Yay for a giveaway!
I have really enjoyed Gretchen’s previous books
Alison- rebel too!
Catherine from France
Love Gretchen’s work
bet I’m a questioner…
and I have one of Gretchen’s books on kindle…. the Happiness Project!
Love you both!
Mary in Maryland. Address available upon request! Clearly a questioner.
don’t know which one i am
Brittany B.
Jennifer Sheets
This sounds incredibly helpful! Thanks for sharing.
Julie C …hope to win!!
Beth T.
I popped over to your site to link to your blog for an article I’m writing on thrift stores and saw this post. I LOVE Gretchen Rubin!
I have both her Happiness Project books, Better than Before, and I just started reading The Four Tendencies, so, don’t enter me to win a book. Out of curiosity, as a rebel, what drew you to her works?
I’m an obliger by the way.
Peg L.
Debbie W.
Please don’t enter me to win, but I wanted to let you know that your review of this book prompted me to immediately put it on hold at the library….thx!
Thank you.
Lisa Watson!
Sarah! I’d love to read it as it was just recommendedby a friend as well.
anna chan
Krista Leigh
Karen B.
Paula Lucas
Katie Boyles Roberts
This would be a great slightly-post-birthday present for me, lol. Off to take the quiz. Mary W.
Rebel here.
I took the test. I’d love to read the book. thank you!
Chessie is interested in the book! Thank you.
Mary Ann
Tracy Stone
I always enjoy Gretchen Rubin’s books. I’m a questioner. –Anne
Wow… Love this!
Cathy in Battle Ground.
Angela Brenbarger
I would love to read this book!
Anita Paradis
I would be so happy to win this book. Gretchen’s previous books have taught me a lot about myself!
I would love to win!!!
Kim Binford
Obliged Vic
Carmen K from South Dakota
Nancy T. – I’m a huge Gretchen fan! Love her podcast and books 🙂
I loved The Happiness Project.
EmmaS. I’m a questioner who loves Gretchen Rubin’s work and yours too, Katy!
This book sounds like an awesome read! Count me in! Betsy S.
Rebecca G.
Kat. This book looks interesting but I am in the middle of a 1 year but no books challenge (my vice) so I better win!
“Buy no books” I can barely type it, it’s so hard to do!
Im entering to win z book.
Kristin M.
Barb Scott
JoeAnne 🙂
I have to confess this is new to me (except where you have mentioned it in your blog) but it sounds like an immensely interesting read.
Jackie H.
Jane Olsa
Stephanie V
I love Gretchen, too! Thanks for this opportunity, Katy.
I’ve enjoyed Gretchen’s other books-please add me to the give-away!
Christa Boroskin
fun! I’ve read her other books, but haven’t gotten to this one yet.
Lindsey Goodwin
Susan P.
Leah Bond.
Oh how interesting~! Both the podcast and the book, one can never cultivate enough happiness. Now I’m off to check out the quiz, and the podcast. (I see myself as more of a questioner, but who knows..)
Rhonda Murphy
Vickie Allen
Jenny L. from Texas!
Enter me please! Kate Crosby
Thanks for the opportunity.
Kris Tate
Amy Moore
Stacy Spaulding
Susanne Galligan
Yvette Jenkins
Sign me up! I enjoyed The Happiness Project and would love to read more of her work.
Carolyn S.
I don’t want to be entered in the contest, not because I’m a Rebel, but because I’ve already read the book – thanks to my local library! Because the quiz also identified you as a Rebel, I’d like to ask if you weren’t put off by a few of Ms. Rubin’s characterizations of us – specifically her assertion that we have difficulties remaining in relationships. I met my husband when I was 13, fell in love with him when I was 19, married him when I was 26, and now we’ve been married for 34 years. You’ve been married for a long time, too, so how did you feel about that statement? I like your take that “being a Rebel is closely tied to a richly creative mindset.” But we really didn’t need Ms. Rubin to tell us that, did we? I don’t know – in the end, I didn’t find the book helpful at all because I identified more with the Obliger and Questioner tendencies; in fact, I scored a 3 for Rebel, 2 for Obliger, and 2 for Questioner. Perhaps it’s a waste of time for me to even figure this out when I’m almost 61 years-old and already entrenched in my ways. Or maybe it’s the rebel in me refusing to be labeled…
Lindsay B 🙂
Teresa Young
Tammy Ogletree
Lisette Chenier
Laure. Sounds fascinating! Loved The Happiness Project.
Connie Beatty
Sarah. A
Nancy in MN
Jill Burcham
I met Gretchen Rubin in Denver a few years ago on one of her book tours. I think she is great as well. I don’t have her new book yet and would love to read it. I’m a Questioner and my name is Meredith.
Katelyn C 🙂
I loved The Happiness Project :). Thank you for the Giveaway.
Melissa Yarmey
I’m a Questioner, and I’d love to win a copy of the book to delve further on this. Thanks!
– Elvia Francis
Yayy! I follow Gretchen on Twitter! I enjoy her posts!
Jay here!
I think I’m an upholder which is a bit surprising given my creative nature. Definitely looking forward to reading the book.
Morgan (wants the book :D)
Clemente Diaz
I’m a questioner, but have raised one and am in the process of raising another rebel. The challenge is real! lol. I have 4 other kiddos whise tendencies I haven’t determined yet. I am interested in how this framework could influence my parenting.
Nancy Botwin
Love love love Gretchen! Her podcast is great too. Thanks, Kandace
Carol from CT
My brother is a rebel, I’m an obliger, and it TOTALLY never made sense to me why he wouldn’t do stuff when our parents asked him to… until I listened to her podcast!
Kelly Malone
Sounds interesting – I’m Anissa T….
Jamie A
Heather joy
I’m an obliger. Please enter me in the contest. Laura W.
Kym Hopkins
nalani mcclendon
Sandy Habina
Jenn Haynes. I love her writing too!