Five Frugal Things

by Katy on October 23, 2023 · 44 comments

  1. My husband is spending a week in Las Vegas for a baseball tournament, and here’s how he’s staying on top of the finances:

    • He paid for the trip by working overtime shifts.
    • He’s sharing an AirBnb with two of his teammates.
    • Their rental is outside the city limits.
    • He’s sharing a rental car with one of those teammates.
    • His first stop after settling into the AirBnb was to grocery shop so the three of them can prepare their own meals.
    • He has no interest in gambling, so there’s zero chance of him losing our life savings.

    He did invite me to join him, but I went to Vegas once at the end of nursing school and let’s just say we didn’t bond. Hard pass. Ick.

  2. My mother turned 81 and we celebrated by shopping at the Goodwill pay-by-the-pound outlet, (her choice) followed by dinner at my house. We didn’t exchange gifts as she already has everything she wants and needs.

    I haven’t been thrifting much lately, but I did pick up a midcentury teak and enamel wall clock, a Reed and Barton silver plate bowl, a terrycloth hand towel, a Catan Jr. game, two pairs of cribbage pegs, a Coach brand leather belt and a sealed bag of Legos. My mother bought a mug, a scarf, a baby blanket and maybe something else. The grand total was $11.17. I paid for both of us, which can hardly be categaroized under “generosity” as everything at the bins is so crazy cheap!

    Dinner back at the house with the family was Asian-style marinated chicken thighs/drumsticks (the ones I picked up for 87¢/pound) rice and roasted cauliflower. Dessert was a certain box cake per my mother’s request. I chose the menu based on how much could be prepared ahead of time, which is a very specific goal. The entire meal set me back around $15!

    Happy birthday, mom!

  3. I got together with my next door neighbor for an hour or so of tea and cozy chatting. We both simply drink tea from our own homes, which can hardly be simpler or more frugal. We schedule these laughably cheap dates every month or so and they always hit the spot.

    I love getting together with friends and do so pretty frequently. Unlike fictional characters who indulge in pricey brunches and retail therapy, (I’m looking at you, Carrie Bradshaw!) we center our socializing on frugal activities such as going for walks, visiting in one another’s homes, thrifting or even just running dull errands together.

    Get yourself a friend who’s happy to grocery shop with you. It’s the best!

  4. • My son and I stopped at IKEA after dropping my husband at the airport and dropped batteries/lightbulbs for recycling and then filled our travel mugs with free coffee.
    • I listened to Jennifer Weiner’s The Breakaway audiobook through the library’s Libby app.
    • My husband and I went to dinner at a local British-style pub and shared an entree.
    • We watched a couple Paramount Plus episodes of the original Twilight Zone after my mother’s birthday dinner. I was halfway through cancelling this streaming service recently and was automatically offered three free months. Umm . . . yes, please!
    • I sold a $2 Ozzy Osbourne thrifted Halloween costume for $75 on eBay!

  5. I didn’t buy a Lear Jet, not even at the Goodwill Outlet.

Katy Wolk-Stanley

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

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{ 44 comments… read them below or add one }

Kathy October 23, 2023 at 5:13 am

1. Sold another 2 items online.
2. Used $$ from sales to buy much needed hand towels and face cloths. Three adults we use several a week
3. Sent a birthday gift from items in my gift box and free birthday card I had
4. Attended a free class on making greeting cards
5. Participating in a focus group that will pay $150 in a visa gift card


Katy October 23, 2023 at 7:08 am

I switch out our bathroom pretty much every day, so I’m always on the prowl for new (thrifted) white hand towels.

What did you sell?


Kathy October 23, 2023 at 10:37 am

Clothing, Halloween costume, kitchen stuff


auntiali October 24, 2023 at 4:30 pm

I try to change out the kitchen linen every day. That means dish cloth, drying mat and towel. Hubby doesn’t get it.


Ecoteri October 24, 2023 at 10:50 pm

I usually have tonnes of towels on the go in my kitchen – seems that I wet my hands a lot when I am in there, so the towels get wet as I dry them off between sink projects. Every couple of days I collect the 5 or 8 towels etc and shove them into the laundry room. This explains why I have so many towels – because I USE the damn things! every two or three ‘purges’ give me enough for a load of laundry….

Ashley Bananas October 23, 2023 at 6:39 am

This weekend was slow and deliberate and not financially overwhelming. I feel kind of boring, but I also know my bills are paid on time. I’ll take that as a win.

1. My son and I made soap together for the first time. The glycerin base I used was free from a friend who gave up soap making.
2. I was gifted items by two neighbors to use toward the craft club I run.
3. We ate home all week and weekend. We brought drinks to soccer practice and avoided the concession stand.
4. I was going to go big on Halloween this year, but decided to keep it small. I have spent about $80 on candy so far this year. Other years I have spent $200 plus on candy. I’m going to call this a year in candy minimalism.


Katy October 23, 2023 at 7:07 am

Wow, you must get a lot of trick-or-treaters!


Ashley Bananas October 23, 2023 at 9:03 am

We get a ton…it’s ridiculous!!!


Marybeth from NY October 23, 2023 at 7:24 am

1. Hubby and I made an apple pie with the cheap apples he picked 2 weeks ago. Made a small apple crumble for our GF daughter.
2. Hubby was given a free dinner certificate from work for 15 years of service. We went and had a wonderful time. All we had to do was tip. Leftovers will be lunch one day this week. We had apple pie for dessert when we got home.
3.Worked extra hours at work because we were crazy busy. Got free pizza and a cupcake from a party. Saved lunch for another day.
4. Picked figs. There are so many still on the plant. Hoping we don’t get a frost for a few more weeks.
5. Put the flannel sheets and heavy comforter on the bed. Still have the heat off.


Blue Gate Farmgirl October 23, 2023 at 7:30 am

I’m right there with you on Vegas. No, please.
We have been going to “the bins” for decades to celebrate birthdays, etc.
We meet up with cousins and it is a fun day. Your teak clock is intriguing. It would go well with my $20 teak china hutch.
I only have one frugal thing. I found 25 gallons of bar & chain oil in the barn from dad’s logging company. I sold 4 of them to the big logging company down the road from our farm for $100 each. I saved one 5 gallon bucket for myself as I am still cutting on 4 oak trees and 1 maple that fell last year during storms.
The Ozzy costume is hilarious. Does it come with a bat? eew.


Danielle October 23, 2023 at 7:33 am

My husband had a work conference in a popular tour at destination about an hour and a half from our home. I was able to join him for the trip and here is how we kept it frugal:

1. It was a two day conference but his employer only paid for a single night at the hotel. We debated about adding a night at the beginning for our own convenience, but decided to save the $125 and drive early on the first day instead.

2. We had breakfast and coffee at home before we left. Lunch on the first day was splitting a small pizza for $20. Free water. We walked to a cute brewery for happy hour and dinner, $6 pints and two filling meals. We were back in our hotel room in time to watch the last half of Monday Night Football.

3. The second day we drank hotel room coffee and I had brought instant oatmeal for breakfast. I took a work Zoom call in the hotel room before we had to checkout. For lunch we ate at the casino food court where his conference was. Instead of each getting a $15.99 rice bowl, we got one bowl and one $8 side of chow mein and split them. It was perfect and more than enough food. Dinner was Chipotle picked up on the way home. Lots of eating out, but every meal was a treat as we usually eat at home.

4. For my part, while my husband was in session at the conference, I fulfilled my remote work assignments. I tried to go shopping as the town does have a TJMaxx, Goodwill, and Ross (in addition ridiculously priced boutiques) but I mostly struck out. I spent some time on the phone with my friends catching up while enjoying the scenery and I went to the local library and browsed their travel and recipe books.

5. His office will reimburse the fuel expenses.


Coral Clarke October 23, 2023 at 4:34 pm

I’m an a Aussie, so things are, of course, very different here, but does your husband not get a per diem allowance for the two days of the conference?This would normally cover costs of restaurant meals, parking etc.


Danielle October 25, 2023 at 7:51 am

He does!!! It’s a flat rate but of course it doesn’t cover my meals so we were being frugal to stretch it, just for fun. 🙂 This year they were being unusually tightfisted and only covering lunch, dinner, breakfast, and the next lunch.

Still a freeeeee vacation for me! 😉


Heidi Louise October 23, 2023 at 7:47 am

1. Looked for a press release announcing an increase, and find that USPS is NOT doing a winter seasonal price increase this year. They have done one for the last three years from Oct-Jan, but due to various improvements in machinery and staff, will not bump up holiday prices. (However, increase in first class stamps is proposed for January).
2. Had some cuties/mandarins that I wasn’t going to be able to eat quickly enough. Found a cake recipe online that was ok, needed a glaze. Most importantly, found that mandarins can be frozen! Peel and freeze– even better than frozen grapes! Wonder if they could be frozen unpeeled as well.
3. Several years ago, I covered my computer table with a laminated map, a dollar at a yard sale, glued on with Elmers. It was looking ratty, so I bought a fifty cent roll of contact paper at Dollar Tree moving sale to replace it. Just big enough, with most of the wood grain “veneer” pointing in the same direction.
4. My laptop is propped up on a stand with two art coffee table books underneath to make it taller. Keeps me from slouching as much and implies culture, though I have read the books on Hopper and Vermeer.
5. Have been waiting to watch one of my favorite show’s second season, “Almost Paradise”, by the people who created “Leverage” and “The Librarians.” As the weather gets cold, will enjoy the heat of the Philippines through Freevee, which is free with commercials on Amazon log-in, don’t have or need Prime.


BettafrmdaVille October 23, 2023 at 7:57 am

1. making a recipe that calls for leeks – had everything needed (free chicken & yogurt from mystery shop and free potatoes and tarragon from garden) but leeks. Market Basket was out of leeks, but our local produce often has Monday “dollar days” I convinced partner NOT to purchase yesterday on the way home, but rather to see if leeks went on sale today (they did).
2. On-sale leeks are walking distance from home, so not gas money spent.
3. Last night was homemade pizza, including tomato sauce and scape pesto (I prefer a non-tomato based sauce on my pizza) that were made from garden harvest. We did buy $.28 worth of pepperoni at the deli counter (6 large-but-thin slices!)
4. Filled up at BJs getting discount gas at $3.25 per gallon (a price I haven’t seen in ages!)
5. Went to see a concert. I offered to bring dinner to a friend’s house (closer to venue) but everyone else wanted to eat out. I had a bowl of soup, side of green beans and the cheapest beer on offer (a ‘Gansett).


A. Marie October 23, 2023 at 8:00 am

FFT, Heading Into First Cataract Surgery Edition:

(1) I’m continuing to run around like a maniac stocking up on groceries/other essentials, working on garden cleanup, and otherwise doing everything I can that involves driving, bending over, and/or lifting heavy weights before my first cataract surgery Wednesday morning. The more I can do now, the less I’ll have to fret about later.

(2) I’m envious of Katy’s and Su Mama’s excellent hauls at the Goodwill bins. Unfortunately, not only are our two local Goodwills both inconveniently far from me, but neither one is an outlet. In any case, I haven’t had time for thrifting since my last FFT, which is probably just as well.

(3) I did make time on Saturday to drive to the next city over for our local JASNA group’s monthly meeting. I led a discussion on “Autumn in Austen,” which I think we all enjoyed. Also, my JASNA friend who works at a Panera brought me four more Panera frozen souffles (which will feed me well during my recuperation), and I brought some things from her back for her mother (who still lives in my city).

(4) On Friday, I made a NYT Cooking recipe for chicken and rice with ginger, which resulted in a massive amount of food. After four meals, I’ve finally eaten most of the chicken, but there’s still a lot of rice and veg left. I will defrost and saute some shrimp this afternoon to go into it.

(5) And a comment re: Vegas: I have no wish whatever to go there (or anywhere else that requires plane travel, for that matter). But the neighbors who live next door to the Bestest Neighbors have a grown son and family in California and a grown daughter and family in Utah–so they settled on Vegas as a site for an extended-family meetup, especially given that flights to Vegas seem to be comparatively cheap. And these neighbors too managed to stay out of the casinos. (I can no more see these particular folks gambling than I can envision them committing an armed robbery!)


Bee October 24, 2023 at 4:22 am

Wishing you a speedy recovery after your surgery. I’ll be sending lots of good thoughts across the miles.


Ashley Bananas October 24, 2023 at 7:18 am

Re (5) I lived in Vegas for a few years and really loved it. I’m not a gambler, so when we did go to the casinos and I wanted to I would sometimes play the penny slots. But most of the time when we went to the strip we saw shows and exhibits. It was really fun and interesting. There desert is also beautiful, we would go to Bonnie Springs, The Seven Sisters in the Valley of Fire, the Hoover Dam. We also vacationed in California when we lived there and traveled up highway 1 and saw The Redwoods and many things along the way.

I think wherever you are is what you make of it. There’s some Facebook groups about visiting Vegas and they have a list of ‘cheap’ eat places in Vegas, as well as fun non gambling things to do in Vegas like Mandalay Bays Shark Reef, or the Tournament of Kings at Excalubur, the rides on the top of the Stratosphere, dinning at the rotating restaurant on the top of the Strat at night. There’s a lot of really cool things you can do in Vegas….


Katy October 24, 2023 at 10:40 am

Thanks, I’ll send this to my husband. Although I think he’s pretty beat after playing a daily baseball game as catcher!


Ava October 23, 2023 at 8:01 am

1. We went to see our insurance broker to see if we need to enroll in a different Medicare supplement for next year. She found a better one for my husband’s needs. The insurance advice is a free service.
2. She loaded us with various free merchandise, some useful like a reusable grocery bag and chip clips. Some were items we really don’t need so I will rehome them. I am sending the 3 chap sticks to the homeless shelter.
3. I got rid of one of my garden containers and dumped the leftover dirt into the big garden box. The soil in it always needs replenishing. We will add as many leaves as possible too.
4. I got free cucumber and kale seeds from the library. I planted the kale seed and put the cucumber seed in the freezer until spring.
5. I am about to get out my fake pumpkins for the front porch, as I do every year. No waste and no money spent. They are all realistic looking and were all thrifted.


Cindy in the South October 23, 2023 at 8:16 am

Las Vegas and I did not bond, so I agree with your opinion.


Jill October 23, 2023 at 8:23 am

1. Our Kroger app gives us “fuel rewards” but the Kroger gas station nearest our house is always much higher than others. We were out running errands so I suggested we fill up and found a station that was .50 less than ours. By my estimation we saved about $10.

2.Made banana bread this morning using up some extremely ripe bananas

3. Had a very calm and slow weekend at home. Played catch up on laundry and cleaning, watched tv, Skyped with our daughter in Australia, had my son and grandson over for dinner, and read my book.

4. Went out to dinner at a local restaurant that has a reward card. Earned a free entree so dinner for under $20. (We did buy one entree and my husband had a beer) Quite the treat.

5. A friend of ours passed away in February. His wife runs marathons and had already signed up for one next weekend. A big group of us decided to go support her on the course. We are flying there – buy one get one free thanks to our companion pass on Southwest – and we will use hotel points for all 3 nights. We, of course, will eat meals out but hopefully just dinners – breakfast at the hotel and an afternoon snack will do just fine. So excited to see some friends that I haven’t seen in a few years.


Lindsey October 23, 2023 at 9:07 am

What a lovely gesture, going to support your widowed friend.


Julie Hamann October 23, 2023 at 8:50 am

1. Friday night was taken out for dinner by my friends Dan and Deb as a thank you for house sitting for them last month. Leftovers were brought home and will be dinner tonight.
2. Saturday morning was treated to brunch by my BFF Cat. We were originally going to an all you can eat pancake breakfast on Sunday but her work schedule was changed at the last moment. Brunch was big enough that I skipped dinner.
3. Sunday morning I went to the free pancake breakfast sponsored by PICOR. I got two large pancakes and sausage. Ate half of the pancakes and brought the rest home for breakfast this week.
4. Weather is finally changing here in the desert southwest of the USA. Friday we hit 100 degrees which was the latest date in October for us to break the 100 degree barrier. This week rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and fall weather for the rest of the week.
5. Based on the weather forecast, swapped out my summer wardrobe for my fall/winter wardrobe. Hopefully I didn’t jinxed it and fall is here to stay.


Ellen October 23, 2023 at 8:58 am

Vagas is ok, haven’t been in a long time. not a big gambler, like to see things.

Now, the one place I went to and didn’t care for at all, New orleans…. Not my cup of tea!


JC October 23, 2023 at 9:07 am

Katy, I have never been to Vegas and have zero interest in ever going.
Your mom’s birthday dinner sounds awesome, but with pie for me. I am one of the very few people that just does not care for cake. Weird, I know.

1. Making a good sized pot of BBQ sauce. Bits of “older” jams and jelly whizzed with tomato sauce , spices and etc, red wine vinegar . When cooled and done to taste it will be installed in older BBQ sauce containers and frozen.
2. have been making soups for lunches, eat twice and freeze some for “off” days.
3.Cooking the BBQ sauce and soups on the wood stove,
4. List made for store to use up the last of the 5 off 35 coupons, I only buy what we need and only if it is on sale/cheaper than anywhere else.
5. inventoried the stock up pantry, just need a case of small peas . Trying to get everything before winter flies. I hate winter.


Lindsey October 23, 2023 at 9:33 am

1. Made chili with some moose meat that was pretty strong flavored. We ate it but not with joy. I had to remind myself that this cleared out freezer space and not every meal needs to be five stars.
2. I am still pretty much sidelined by the bone I managed to break in my back, so husband volunteered to do four gas shops that gave us money, pop, and gas. We no longer buy pop, so it is a treat to have some and be paid to buy it.
3. My garden helper in the summer, snow shoveler in the winter, came over without being asked and shoveled our driveway and the path the oil delivery guy needs to fill our tank. He asked if instead of being paid with money, could he take some pieces of wood we have in the garage. This is not wood for burning but the remains of fine wood that had been purchased by the husband for various projects. The kid is trying to make a jewelry box for his mom’s birthday. We told him to take whatever he wanted and then he asked if the husband would help him with making the box. My husband was really touched that some teenager wanted his expertise so last Saturday I had the pleasure of listening to them seriously discussing wood grains while sawing and sanding away. The perfect win/win situation for us and the kid.
4. We had a smaller garden this year, since we were going to be gone during prime harvesting time. The neighbor cleared out the edibles for her family, except the leeks. She had never seen them before so just left them in the ground. The ground was too frozen for us to harvest them the usual way but the husband loves his leek soup and leek pies, so he took the pick ax out there and damn if he didn’t come back with an armload of leeks. They were frozen so yesterday we let them thaw in the garage, cleaned them and made a ton of leek soup and enough leek pie filling for three pies. Leeks are very expensive in our grocery stores so it was worth the effort.
5. Sold a book on eBay.


Jennifer October 23, 2023 at 4:43 pm

I don’t love elk, but when my dad gets one I soak the meat in milk before cooking and it gets rid of the gamey flavor. I’m not sure if it would be the same for moose but maybe?


Bee October 24, 2023 at 5:14 am

Your third frugal thing brought tears to my eyes. This is so sweet on so many levels. Everyone is receiving a gift. I Hope you recovered from your big trip and enjoyed hearing about your adventures.


A. Marie October 23, 2023 at 10:08 am

Lindsey, your #3 is heartwarming. And as someone who has harvested leeks from frozen ground in the past, I commend the husband on your #4. (For leeks, it’s totally worth it. They cost almost as much as hamburger in stores around here.)


Roberta October 23, 2023 at 10:10 am

1. We walked out of the first Hot Pot restaurant we went to Friday night, as it was all you can eat for $35 each. We are vegetarian, and we definitely won’t eat that much. Another shop in the same parking lot was only $13 per pound. We all came in just over one pound, and we had enough for lunch the next day. I’m proud of my family for walking out after we saw the price.
2. Other than that, we’ve been eating at home, hanging laundry outside, etc.
3. We have reduced the amount of wasted chicken food. My son was always very generous (ahem) with the kibble, and I’d find a lot left for the birds and squirrels at the end of the day, and veg scraps we got from the food bank would sometimes rot because of the surplus. Now that he’s away at school, I’m feeding them a second time a day, when I collect eggs, and they are eating all the veg. Less waste, fewer vermin!
4. Drove in to our church’s variety hour, and they had enough snacks to consist of dinner. We had a great time watching the performances, and we were really proud of ourselves for not weaseling out of doing new activities just because it happened after sundown. (We tend to get tired and lazy at the end of the day.)
Fail: I hosted the world’s least effective garage sale. No money spent, but I only had four visitors, and not all of them spent money. It was part of the community garage sale, so I had high hopes. On the other hand, the realtor who hosted stopped by and told us about a repair we have to make before we sell (eventually) or we can’t get a lender. So we will work on getting that paid for before we have to fill out the kids’ FAFSAs this year.


Ashley Bananas October 24, 2023 at 7:48 am

My church always has food at events. It’s really nice!!


Christine October 23, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Happy Birthday to your Mom!
1. Tomorrow night there is a free program at our town library which a friend and I will attend together. The speaker is a paranormal investigator. Should be fun with Halloween approaching.
2. I finally got my free strings of skeletons strung across the front of the porch. DS and his wife told me to just take them at their yard sale.
3. I got my free flu shot at CVS. I’m all set for vaccinations this fall, having got the RSV shot and the new Covid shot a few weeks back. I also received the four Covid tests from the government in the mail. Keeping my fingers crossed for a healthy winter season. Winter can be hard enough here in Massachusetts without being sick too.
4. I bought two cards for friends in nursing homes at the Dollar Store. Glad to see they still have them 2/ $1.25 but I’ve noticed they’re putting out more cards for $1.25 each and the cheaper ones are now crowded into a much smaller section. Grrrrr…
5. I planted my potted Chrysanthemum in the garden before a frost (expected tonight) can get to it. Keeping my fingers crossed it will “take” and give more flowers next year.


Ruby October 23, 2023 at 3:53 pm

Happy birthday to your mom!

We adopted a new pup, just over a year old, from the shelter last week. She came spayed, with all her shots, free food and a new collar. She’s enjoying our big basket of toys saved from the puppyhood of previous dogs.

Bought some snacks and nuts at Ollie’s Outlet with a 15% off coupon.

Used a $4 coupon to purchase some protein shakes.

Cleaned out my late brother’s old truck before selling it last week and took a pile of battered but serviceable tools to Goodwill. Went inside and spent 99 cents plus tax to buy a deep soup bowl for feeding the new pup, who is a messy eater.

Used white vinegar to clean built-up minerals off the taps and basin of our 1950s-era bathroom sink. It took most of the day with the taps wrapped in vinegar-soaked paper towels, but they glitter now.


Bee October 24, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Congratulations on the newest pup!!! May you enjoy one another’s company for years to come!!!


Jennifer October 23, 2023 at 4:56 pm

Can we count having a free donut at work today frugal? It was delicious though!

1. Did a very quick and small grocery shop to get us through the week. I love these weeks.

2. Maybe apple muffins tonight while dinner cooked. Breakfast for at least 2 days for 4 people. I did send 4 home with my youngest.

3. Dh worked a lacrosse tournament last weekend. Made over $1000 to help replenish our savings after being hit hard with life over the past few monthes.

4. Spent an evening with my siblings and provided a veggie tray for dinner using stuff I already had on hand. I love having a well stocked fridge and pantry.

5. Switched our dog to a cheaper dog food successfully. Over time this will save us a good bit of money even if it is only a few dollars per bag.


Mary October 23, 2023 at 5:29 pm

1. My student store on Friday was a success. A fellow teacher had two and a half gallons of apple cider leftover from a staff meeting. I ask him if i can have it. He was happy. I sold “combo” meals of chips and cider. I don’t think I’ll buy individual drinks anymore, but larger, heaper drinks at least until I run out of cups.

2. I had a couple of cups leftover, reduced them and made an awesome apple doughnut cake in the instapot.

3. I went window shopping at a garden art store. I am going to look how to make a few of the larger scale distress metal flowers. I am much craftier than green-thumb-y. I did buy a beautiful rock turtle with piece of pottery on its shell. Color that I can’t kill!!!!

4. I subscribe to I want to hire a coach but have pledged to use all the free help first.

5. I will cook tomorrow like I did last week using up pantry food and left overs. October is a longggg month to budget.


Ecoteri October 24, 2023 at 12:05 am

@Mary, so neat that your store was successful! As for cups, even though cleaning them can be a pain, you might want to dollar-store invest in some small reusable plastic cups. One time investment, and perhaps you can inveigle a keen student or two to be helpers at cleanup time (or is there a dishwasher somewhere in the building?) finding frugal (AKA Cheap) ways always pays off in the long run.
and I love your #5 – it is a longgggg month. Homemade meals for the win!


K D October 24, 2023 at 2:46 am

1. I bought bags of riced cauliflower when it was cheap at Costco. I did not like it cooked as suggested on the package nor added to a stir fry. A friend took a couple of bags but there were still more. The other day I added a bag to a pot of rice I was cooking. We were happy with the results. I’ll use the rest of it that way.

2. I made apple crisp to use up aging ginger gold apples and also granny smith apples that I was gifted. I made two smaller pans and shared one with a neighbor.

3. We went to Williamsburg and stayed at a Hilton property. For enduring a 2-1/2 hour (series of ) sales pitch(es) by Hilton Grand Vacations we earned 100,000 Hilton points and our three night hotel stay was less than $200. We did not buy into their wonderful opportunities. If you wanted to finance their offerings the interest rate was almost 22%. Ouch! I resisted the urge to stand up during the big presentation to point out how environmentally destructive travel can be.

We ate lunch before heading to Williamsburg and packed a light supper. We also packed breakfasts and healthy snacks. I brought a cooler and ice packs. We walked around Colonial Williamsburg but did not feel the need to buy tickets to the ticket only portions. We also visited Yorktown and Jamestown, both at no cost. We spent time visiting my BIL that lives in the area. It was a cheap-ish fall getaway and we enjoyed wonderful weather.

4. We bought a box of apples at a local nursery that sells locally grown produce. The price per pound, of the box, was less than half the price of buying them by the pound. I shared some with a neighbor and will also share some with a friend.

5. I filled the gas tank of my vehicle with gas for $2.979/gallon at Sam’s Club. My hybrid gets good mileage but I do occasionally need to buy gas.


Bee October 24, 2023 at 5:37 am

Happy birthday to your mom! It sounds like she had a perfect birthday celebration.
Many years ago my husband had a conference/workshop In Las Vegas. I went with him and we planned a trip to the Grand Canyon following his commitments. I was bored out of my mind on the Strip. I do not smoke, drink or gamble. I go to bed early and get up early. As one can imagine, it was a bit of a challenge to find something to do with my time. However, I found out that the Bellagio had an art gallery and were featuring Ansel Adams. It was by far one of the best exhibits I have ever been to. It was so well done that it rivaled the National Gallery and MOMA. I still talk about it. You can find surprises everywhere!
I have Been doing all the usual things —brewing my own coffee, cooking from scratch, eating at home, and drinking primarily water.
Wishing everyone good health and prosperity. I am praying for peace.


Deb October 24, 2023 at 10:36 am

The Mob Museum (can’t tell you where!) (in Vegas!) was wonderful…although I’m sure it was good money to get in – it’s been several years since we’ve been!


Katy October 24, 2023 at 10:39 am

I just checked and it’s $29.95 for admission. *gulp*


Selena October 24, 2023 at 3:37 pm

But worth every penny. Honestly, you could spend the entire day there. Plenty of pictures (regardless of gore value) and lots of reading. Especially if you are from an area where “the outfit” was located and might have had a relative or two (or three) that was likely somehow “connected”.


Emily Shorette October 24, 2023 at 2:18 pm

This time, the NBA became the first major sports league with a trans referee. You can read about in my blog, .Thanks very much for taking the time. Emily Shorette


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