I finally watched the movie Julie and Julia last night, which has been #1 on my to-watch list for awhile now. And disappoint, it did not. Yummy food, successful bloggers and a hot husband. (Julie, not Julia.) What’s not to love?
I especially liked how Julie was inundated with calls from literary agents and publishers after her piece ran in The NY Times. I had a similar experience after my interview in the NY Times, but it was one agent, not dozens and she lost interest in me after finding out that publishing houses are experiencing a glut of green/frugality book pitches.
Oh well . . . easy come, easy go.
I do still want to explore writing my own book some day, but with running a household, work, parenting and high puttering around needs, it would be hard to find the time.
Until then, I’ll just enjoy all the other fabulous books out there, courtesy of my public library. And I’ll just wait for all those Hollywood bigwigs who want to turn my blog into a movie. Might be a long wait.
Katy Wolk-Stanley
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”
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I liked Julia’s husband — supportive, funny, adoring — that’s hot. Liked their post-lunch “nap” too — wonderful habit.
I grew up watching Julia on the French Chef on PBS…even saw her drop the chicken on the floor and return it to the cutting board…she was delightful and the first of the “celebrity” chefs.
I agree about blogs to books to movies…somehow there has to be a catchy angle. Do you follow the Pioneer Woman? Her story is going to be a movie soon. Who knows, you might be next!
Loved this post! My blog doesn’t get much traffic at *all*, let alone lend itself to a movie version. But I love blogging when I have the time, and I love reading other peoples. My blog will be my kids’ “baby book” when they grow up, because I don’t have the discipline to keep a real baby book, but recording some anecdotes is fun. And I like that someday they can “peak in” to how I felt about things we may not get around to talking about much or something.
And the few times I’ve gotten messages from people who have run across a post and liked it, it was *such* a thrill, that I just delighted in that aspect of this movie. I was with my mother, a cousin and a family friend, none of whom blog or read blogs, so I had to wait and share my glee at this aspect of the movie with someone else.
But that’s what is so great about blogs. You find people who have “been there” or are right in the middle of something with you. And the connection you feel when someone writes to tell you they connected to anything about it…well, connections are what its all about, this being human thing. And I think some ‘virtual” connecting can be just as meaningful as the ones in our daily lives.
Thanks for this post. Oh, and for the record I thought Julia’s hubby was hot too.
Eeh we’re all waiting for that movie. Maybe we should form a collective, the blog to movie collective!
I am a huge fan of Julia Child. She was from the era when you didn’t get your own show unless you really were an expert, unlike so many of the celebrity chefs of today, many of whom seem to lack basic info. I loved Julia because she shared her hard won expertise, even when she was being quirky and dropping stuff on the floor. Sadly, today, she would never get her own show–not stunningly gorgeous enough, I guess, and a bit too real. That voice!
I had mixed feelings about both Julie’s blog and the movie, liking the parts with Child a lot more than the sort of manufactured crisis of Julie’s having to cook every recipe from Child’s book. There’s so much of this “year of (fill in the blank)” out there in the blogosphere. Some projects, that’s an appropriate time frame for, and sometimes it’s not, and in this case, Julie’s year of cooking seemed gimmicky. I did like the portrayal of her wonderful husband though, and also the one of Paul Child, who seems to have practically invented the archetype of the supportive husband.
This may be the first time I disagree with you about something, Katy. Stanley Tucci is SO hot! ; ) Julie’s husband’s too blah for my taste.
I guess we’ll have have to agree to disagree.
The question is: who will portray you in the movie of your blog? I vote for Laura Linney.
I watched the movie. Loved the Julia parts, did not like the Julie parts. I also tried to read the book but found Julie whined too much.
I loved Stanley Tucci. I can’t even remember what Julie’s husband looked like! I guess that’s the impression I got of him.